Yas Forums I can't stop drinking. This is going to be my fourth night in a row getting drunk. Whose else isolation alcoholic here?
Yas Forums I can't stop drinking. This is going to be my fourth night in a row getting drunk...
>fourth night in a row
>i'm an alcoholic!!!!!!!
Dude needs to come back when it is 4 weeks or 4 months of almost daily drinking.
You are weak.
I've been burning through liquor just a little bit faster then normal. Welcome to forced "social distancing". Its what us losers have lived with forever
fuckin' a, you got me. gin and tonics are my downfall right now
I bought ~180 beers for this lockdown and Ive only gotten through one 30
Same here.
They are so refreshing though.
You put lime in yours?
good job fucking up you immune system for the virus you dumb faggot
You lack mental discipline.
I have no alcohol but I have several RCs lol
I did 4-FMA last night probably gonna do it tonight as well then not touch it again for months.
Also have
anndd I think that covers it.
Rookie numbers faggot
I've been getting high AND drinking, it's the best.
I lost count of my drinks. Been getting drunk twice a day since September.
I binged on close to a gallon of Costco vodka over the past week. Currently suffering the aftermath and I’ve now convinced myself that the 2 day withdrawl symptoms are CV. Feeling pretty paranoid man.
when you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, go to AA, OP.
t. 5 years sober
best decision that I ever made
force yourself to drink a few drink of water between drinks
Where to get 4-fma? I heard fapping on it is crazy
I’ve drank daily for years
Down to 2-3 servings a day
Miss the days of 2-3 a week 3 weeks a month
It’s hell to withdraw
dude try 14 years, with my only breaks being hospitalizations and jailtime. im clean now and have surprisingly good health but the insomnia will likely last my entire life
don't detox on your own if you can avoid it. a medical detox is better.
if not, ween yourself off the booze. slowly reduce your consumption over 2 or 3 days until you stop...then go to AA.
Low level alcohol withdrawal is exactly like the Flu
Wait till you keep drinking and then run out and get the heart races and violent shakes
>2 or 3 days
*3 or 4 days
Sounds like a faggot solution. I'll just go cold turkey when the supply runs dry.
Good for you though man seriously.
no, if you are a serious alcoholic, a quick detox can kill you. I am not joking. A fast detox has killed many, many alcoholics.
>got 2 gallons of beam
>2 gallons of cheap vodka
>quarter of high quality weederino
>barely touched any of it, just a nightcap or hit here and there
Max comfy
>no 1p-lsd
hows the etizolam?
>Whose else isolation alcoholic here?
5th night drinking here. I never used to drink many nights in row before and I'm already 32.
My last 4 year binge didn't kill me and i was homeless when i quit. if a few months of slightly heavier drinking kills me i was too gay to livew
Same, but it‘s alright. Day 5 in isolation, but I only drink 2 bottles of beer in the evening
not an alcoholic currently, thinking about becoming one though.
Just use meth. You will literally be fapping with gods dick
Tomorrow is a great day to stop drinking fellas.
Don't be degenerate, accept the bad days along with the good days, and find some kind of sleeping pill that works for you.
Weak faggot.
That being said, if you have alcohol, might as well enjoy it.
>don't drink its degenerate
>but take (((our))) sleeping pills
Etizolam.... Thats how you fall down the staircase.
That’s how you die
>4 nights
Come back to us when it's 10 years. Usually 6-15 beers a night and some weed, though I've been hitting harder lately as I don't have anywhere to be in the mornings for the time being
>on meth
>up for 4 days straight and going insane
>decide to start running around outside because lots of energy
yeah I've been drunk for the past five days basically, caught up to me today no more drinking even thought I have tons left
>fourth night
try fourth year you fucking pussy. holy fuck the west is full of simps
If you're spreading a gallon of vodka over a whole week you don't need to detox.
My last drink was Nov 26, 2016, after being a maintenance drinker for 10+ years.
feels good man.
OP, you can quit. i used to think i could never quit. but i did it, and whatever is telling you you can't is bullshit. don't let the liquid jew destroy you. you need your faculties now more than ever.
Alcohol is the vice of neanderthals.
"Me feels different. Oo Oo."
Just look at this genetic-shit nigger pictured to the left.
I drank a nip the other week for medicinal purposes because I had a headache and was reminded how alcohol is retarded.
come back after 32 years of straight drinking. you little bitch.
I drink 4-6 shots a night for 7 years, used to hit it harder but the hangovers were too much. Every night. Have been sober the past 3 nights from alcohol. Not being stressed out at work all day makes me not even think about it. Maybe my priorities are fucked up. But either way 3 days sober. Most ive gone in the last 7 years is 7 days.
>I drank a nip the other week for medicinal purposes because I had a headache
You take acetaminophen or ibuprofen for headaches, alcohol dehydrates you.
TheRealRC you need an invitation code though you can email them for one
Its pretty good I haven't fapped on it though. Feels pretty nice and euphoric a lot of people think it feels dirty but I have tried far dirtier stims in my day. It lasts for one dose ime around 6 hours and tapers off pretty quick into this uncomfortable residual stimulation. Thats where the etizolam comes.
I had AL-LAD but my wife made me flush it lol
I hid what I could and kept the rest. She's weird about drugs. Loves MDMA hates alcohol and everything else.
The Etizolam I usually just use it for comedowns and stuff. I've had a gram of it since august and probably still have 500mg left. I use it pretty sparingly. Feels nice and calming but you need to make a solution with PG or something like everclear or you'll have a really bad time.
My solution is 75mg per 30ml so 2.5mg/ml
Lol I haven't taken enough since I got it last year to get fucked up that much off it.
>The Etizolam I usually just use it for comedowns and stuff. I've had a gram of it since august and probably still have 500mg left. I use it pretty sparingly. Feels nice and calming but you need to make a solution with PG or something like everclear or you'll have a really bad time.
>My solution is 75mg per 30ml so 2.5mg/ml
Just need something when the 1P takes a wrong turn and for those days I am too hyped to sleep.
I used to put meth in my ass and a cage on my cock and fuck myself with a 18in dildo for 12 hours straight. It all started with just smoking meth and jerking off to porn but progressed over a few years. Don't do meth and jerk off, it takes you to a place you don't want to go.
Try two years. Stop now while it's way easier
If you can't be in the company of your self sober then it looks like you have something to work on. Take this as an opportunity.
Congrats user
t. friend of bill
My friend got the pill version from the darknet from some asian country if I remember correctly but it was a long time ago I have no idea what dosages i took, maybe like 2-3 mgs relying on other benzo dosages that would be normal for me at that time. Klonopin, Xanax etc
*raises hand*
Got a new job, slowly quit drugs and alcohol. Was tough, but did it to keep job. Was happy for a week. Got laid off - back to this utter shit with a vengeance. Haven't smoked cigarettes for ~5 years and started again this is awful.
ever since i been laid off ,bartender, i stopped drinking
been 4 days, feel good, but i did get shit face drunk and go shopping with my hazmat suit on
Bruh that's like a 750ml per day, that's not good
Drinking is the only thing keeping me sane, have a 5 year old kid no longer going to kita and my wife is "working at home" fucking slowly going insane.
Gonna need pics of that, my dude