COVID Kills <1% of People

Check the data from the CDC itself - less than 1% mortality rate. This is why we are sending the global economy into recession and enacting population control?

Attached: Less-than-1%.jpg (692x588, 100.79K)

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Unironically - yes. Just shows how little problems we have.

STFU nigger

it seems to barely kill germans or people with germanic descent - there's a lot in the US, or with some admixture, including myself

Western governments are full of old boomers, and the baby boomer generation also votes actively (for mass immigration and sending young people to die for Israel), naturally they will sacrifice the economy to save themselves. Their whole lives were spent fucking over subsequent generations for their own gain.

why the fuck are so many dying then

recession was coming anyway. it's not the size of the pin, it's the size of the bubble. after an 11-year bull market, any old pin would do.

The economy was in free fall already they are using this as an excuse to prevent a revolution. Do any of you cucks understand this? The banks have been failing for awhile. How come this didn’t cause a panic? Everybody is backslapping each other “ hur duh har they closed their business it’s saving people!” They don’t realize that hundreds of thousands of businesses will go broke and not be able to reopen. Their will be 10s if Millions out of work. There will be millions in New York and California in tent camps with no way to feed their families over this false flag. Pic related, how come this was never an issue?

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>talked to mother who is nurse
>she says it's an infrastructure problem not particularly a death problem
>number of people with severe flu who need hospitalization has doubled or tripled

You're right, actual cases are far higher than the test rates imply, this thing is killing only half a percent or so.

But that's with treatment. Right now, there are maybe 100,000 people infected in the worst hit countries, and their hospitals are a week away from shutdown. Now think about what happens when 2-5% of people need ventilators, your country has a few thousand to spare, and millions are ill.

There is no way to flatten the curve. All the current actions are close to meaningless, this shit is going to sweep the globe and early quarantines might save a million or two when hundreds of millions will die. And when people are dying in their homes, the economy is going to go from bad, to non-existent.

Or Germany is lying like every other government retard

I don’t know about you all... but this is the first time since college since I’ve felt alive. I have lots of silver and been waiting for this to happen for 5 years. The point where 1 silver Roosevelt dime buys me a blowjob from a formerly well to do housewife and her 18 year old daughter at the same time. I’ve been waiting in the shadows laughing at these cuck husbands who buy their wives range rovers instead of buying silver bullion... knowing that I’ll be face fucking their wives mouths for the 1.30$ it cost me to buy that silver dime.

Just yesterday at Whole Foods I seamlessly entered a conversation with a roastie milf with a ring about corona in the water aisle... and I said it’s a cover for trump to bring us on a gold standard. She was looking at me in amazement like she wanted me to paint her lips in cum. At the end of the conversation I’m like take my number l, have plenty of protection and freeze dried food if you ever need it and she took it from me.

Do you want 1.8% of the population (heavily skewed towards older republican whites) to die and be replaced with shitskins?

Paid shills hyped it and Yas Forums bought it.
Hopefully anons learn at least.
I can't believe how many got on board.

Attached: corona shilling.png (667x510, 43.28K)

That's still a potential 78 million dead people

It is a trudge getting through the billion corona shills though.

That was never an issue because this is about 18x deadlier, 0.1% mortality vs 1.8%

>Just shows how little problems we have.
KEK, exactly.



And then she threw your number in the trash and mocked you on snapchat and instagram with her other whore friends because a zionist schizophrenic approached her at fucking Whole Foods of all places.

Attached: Alpha Milktruck Coming In.webm (664x480, 1.27M)

Yas Forums was talking about this months before any msm was, and we had our share of nothingburgers


Keep the panic alive nigger each day this continues there are thousands of small businesses that will not open up again. There will be millions homeless without jobs. All over a false flag. This is a failure of our banking system. This was a great excuse for their failure and the collapse of our economy

We shall see

Because they required constant medical care to survive and it's not possible to support them all. Only oldfucks with multiple chronic conditions die.

Coronavirus is a blessing for wn and everybody knows. It has put a halt in everything.

it kills fewer people because hospitals still have capacity to treat people

>Yas Forums was talking about this months before any msm was
Yes, I followed the entire thing closely. The volume of Corona threads jumped dramatically and at the same time, pic related, shills for other popular topics converged on corona.

Yas Forums bought panic paid shills were pushing.

Attached: state of shilling corona.png (667x510, 45.97K)

Lmao imagine being this fucking stupid

White nationalists?

much less than 1%, more like 0.125%

recommended reading:

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Thread hidden. :^)

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Check out this dipshit in Texas who's convinced there's no pandemic, because he drove past a hospital and it wasn't busy:
>Just drove by the hospital Emergency room at the big hospital here in NE Houston. NO WAIT. There was a low amount of cars in the parking lot. Honestly I would have figured even if the virus is as hoax at least it be sorta more crowded as there would be panicked people thinking they got the virus, but I saw a couple of ambulances, some guys standing around , and very few people at the lobby. It was open. This is a large Herman Memorial Hospital. Still looking for that "evidence" of a pandemic. Wife was with me, now she will shutup about it for sure. She saw real proof NO PANDEMIC exists in Houston.

The exponential growth is in testing. Coronachan became endemic months ago. The quarantine is doing nothing.

AIDS is similar. It kills slowly

If all of those flu cases were expected in the span of a month then yes, 370k hospitalizations in ICU would absolutely destroy the hospital system. The entire point of the closures and the muh flatten the curve is to prevent this, everyone knows the mortality is relatively low under ideal conditions (like those that exist for most of flu season). The point is that once hospitals are at capacity then you literally have to start unplugging people. or refusing additional patients. That, and

No we have seen, 2 an hour die in italy from the flu, 34 die an hour from chinkflu

ok schizo

Then why all the complaining here?

cdc data shows this is just slightly more dangerous than the flu
the media sending the economy into a freefall and costing so many people their livelyhoods is going to kill more

Shut it, kike.
That's not the mortality rate, that's the Case Fatality Rate.
The mortality rate is: deaths ÷ (deaths + recoveries) × 100

It's a lot more than 1.8%.
Outside of China it's a 31.82% mortality rate right now WITH the fake numbers countries are putting out (not all are, but Iran and Germany are for example)
Even if you survive it, it damages your nuts and kidneys plus it leaves your immune system compromised for some time. And if you get pneumonia, have fun with the scar tissue inside your lungs.

>undocumented infections
Ok shlomo

>New disease appears
>Take extreme quarantine measures as fast as possible to contain it
>it STILL kills more than 0.01% of every infected

Gee OP I wonder what the correlation in between PREVENTIVE measures and LOW DEATH RATES might be????

schizos are good at making mountains out of molehills

What numbers are the CDC using? Show me

But even if that's true, given how contageous it is, it needs to be checked or that's still millions of people

>muh European genetics
Lmao fucking mutts

That's interesting
It provided good cover for Kushner's "peace plan"

exactly retards don't understand that 2% of the worlds population dying is millions of people still. 2% of the worlds population will killed in WWII.

Attached: uwilldie.png (617x233, 14.75K)

>2% of the worlds population will killed in WWII
and they were young men that had their whole lives ahead of them, not 70 year old farts

>2% of the worlds population will killed in WWII.
>will killed in WWII.
>will killed

that's the irony that retards a boomers can't hurdle: if it ends up not killing many and being a small thing then that's proof the measures worked and were necessary

Proof that Austrian economists were already predicting the economy would crash into a second Great Depression this year:

Peter Schiff in 2018, predicting for 2020:

Harry Dent predicting for 2020 in 2015: (timestamps 39:02 and 53:42)

Ron Paul in 2018, predicting for 2020: "A 50% correction will spark depression-like conditions that may be ‘worse than 1929’"

Mike Maloney in 2014 (timestamp 10:25, "Before the end of this decade")

Attached: paulbubble.jpg (1920x1080, 130.33K)

Here's the table without the red arrows hiding information that's, you know, actually super fucking relevant.

Of course, since OP hid the info with bigass red arrows, he already knew what he was doing and this is clearly a troll on his behalf.

But for anyone who isn't OP, the massive hospitalization and ICU rates for people in the 20-64 age range is exactly why everything is going into shutdown mode.

Attached: Undoctored Table.png (685x642, 55.18K)

Go out and catch it then OP, see how you go.

Attached: 1581569527551.jpg (628x834, 129.84K)

It kills boomers, who run the world.

So do you guys think jobs will open back up once alot of people died out since jobs will be vacated by them dying?

This is what I've been saying all along. It's nothing but horseshit being used to suppress people.

8 lbs of salt.
Retarded shit.

There are tons of undocumented infections you fucking retard. The curve will is already flatter than it's being projected.

>the mortality rate is less than 1%
Yes because the US hasn't ran out of ventilators yet. If/when they run out of them everyone who'd need one will pretty much automatically die, and you'll start seeing Italy tier numbers.

>that pic
>vegetable oil and grains
>no meat and lard
that guy isn't gonna make it