Just keyed a car

Fuck Bernie Sanders kike
And if you’re offended fuck you too

Attached: 8C8301ED-08BA-4BED-89B5-4D482DA81A24.jpg (1346x1346, 276.83K)

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Fuck you jew

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 7 rolls per day. If you have a family of 13, that's over 694 rolls a week. Over 2580 a month. TP will be worth its weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it

LOL! Looks like socialism won’t fix that for them - better get working...

>violating the NAP

You're a nigger, well behaved self respecting man wouldnt do this shit

Literally niggertier shit

fuck commies, but keying a car is literally nigger tier behavior

fuck off really, sanders was played and the guy won't get the money back
fuck off

Sanders' supporters are idiots but that doesn't excuse you to damage their property. I hope war time laws allow you to be executed.