Italian doctor says there is no immunity to Covid-19

According to this doctor Covid-19 doesn't give immunity just like the cold. There is simply no possibility to create a vaccine.

Is he based or just a fag?

Here's the video:

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Other urls found in this thread:

but muh herd!

Also says because it mutates way too fast to keep up with research of a cure

He's right and the government is keeping it a secret to keep people from panicking.
If you value your life you'll take this shit seriously.
This is why it's bad enough to fuck the world economy over.

this is it lads, the end

italian doctors are fags.
don't worry we will all get the cure, when bill gets orders the world to be vaxed and unleash the mark of the beast upon the world.

It was repeated here literally for last 2 months

No shit, because it’s SARS-Covid19. You dont create sars immunity either.

I don't speak meatball, someone translate.

No one is immune from the wrath of God.

herd immunity is suicide we have to eradicate this shit

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1. He looks like a scheming A-rab
2. Behold the power of European medicine
>mama-mia, dassa spicy virus-a

> byoblu
a small step above Alex Jones


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>herd immunity is suicide we have to eradicate this shit
I've said that from the start

How come people recover then? The virus gets tired of reproducing?
Of course immunity is possible, otherwise it would have a 100% death rate.

he's antivax since ever
there's his blog
sorry no english

you can activate subtitle translation

You suppress the symptoms for long enough so your body can fight them off. They treat symptoms not disease itself. If your immune system is working far too well, the fever (immuno response) can actually fry you if you don’t take proper medication. And after you recover, pray to god that you don’t catch it again.

Lets say this. 20 healthy, i get covid. I'm sick and all but recover. What happens if i get it again, will i die?

>just like the cold
Why do you think you don't get immunity to cold? Because there's hundreds of different kinds of microorganisms that can give you a cold (a cold is not an actual disease, it's just how you call the symptoms because there's no point in differentiating the underlying issue past maybe viral/bacterial).
That's not the case for COVID-19, it's a specific infection. In the worst case, there may be a few strains that don't trigger the same response. But can you give me a single reliable source for a reinfection happening?

Why doesn’t he hug a chink and get it over with ?

It would be extremely painful

yes your antibodies start acting as corona and you are dead

The cold generates immunity but its short-lived at about 3 months

then it gets really messy

With the current non-conspiracy theory information you will be immune. That could of course change in the future as more is learned about the virus.

No China fucks u potato fag

I see, but HOW do you recover? Your immune system has to have killed off the virus right?
So you are immune to at least one variant of the virus: the one you had.

shut up filthy piddino
they're the only ones not licking some EU stinky butthole 24/7

That's not how antibodies work.

>yfw all humans will become NEETs in order to survive

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I guess "no immunity" means that you can get it again after recovering from it. The common cold is also caused by some type of coronavirus. You can recover from a cold, but you will get it again and again, probably a few times every year. If that will be the case with COVID-19 too, we have a problem.

He is joking ye degenerete

So your body forgets how to deal with it?

Yes the left over corona anti-bodies that are in your body will mobilize again and you will end up with turbo AIDS. This is how vaccines work but the problem with SARS type disease is that our body can’t make good antibodies to fight it and instead makes bad one to crash you with no survivors.

seems gone.
hides in nervous system.
comes back.

already known.

The truth is that the Italian chick is cute as fuck and the Italian "doctor" is talking about pizza sauce. It is a good cool vid tho.

that is not how it works. No immunity would mean your white blood cells don't react to it and you would die like some one with hiv. A uncontrolled virus would reproduced exponentially in your body.

no. but each time. it results in pneumonia fibrosis (lung scar tissue) after the fourth infection, you'll have the lungs of an 80 yearold.. and then you'll die.

For you

Meh. He could be talking about last nights poker game. How do we know what he's even saying?

So in conclusion. Its the jew's fault

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>This is why it's bad enough to fuck the world economy over.
oh yeah, the world economy was just fine before 2020. No problems.

I know what the Virus does to your body. Was just wondering what would happen if i got it twice

you're getting the picture.

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Technically, your body should be capable of fighting it off on your own, problem is it can fuck things up faster than your body can fight it. Or like said earlier, fight it too well and kill you in the process through the fever. Shits pretty bad honestly, people ignoring quarantines are fucking retarded. Anyone who had pneumonia knows how shitty it is. Except this pneumonia on roids.

sounds like dengue, not only you can get it more than once but also the second time is more deadly.

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China: lied

Wops: died

pretty much also fuck jannies

according to this study in monkeys you do develop immunity but who knows. I also have read that you dont develop immunity to SARS

Common cold is caused by rhinoviridae you brainlet. They are not even close relatives to coronaviridae.

Newcomers keep coming around and presenting information to us like its new

It's simple you mongrels.

You're body clears one strain and can get infected with another.

If you manage the symptoms highly efficiently with chloraquine etc, you have massively lower viral loads and no scarring lungs.

Also this virus is not HIV...

So it's doubtful it flares up once your body figures it out

I think I had corona. I feel fine, but some times the coofing starts out of a sudden. And some other times I get dizzy out of nowhere.
Yas Forums, time to get real. Am I kill?

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Uk should've tried with the herd strategy anyway.

The scenario facing the planet has so little money or economic gain that I dou t its the Jews. You could argue that power is the end game.

Nah he's legit, currently we have like 600+ mutations of the virus right now, and those mutations are the ones we've spotted due to reports from people getting tested. In addition to this Coronaviruses are notorious for hiding in the nervous system and exhibit ADE as well, shit's fucked bro. There's even a few research papers saying that our Chinky little girl can infect bacteria in order to reproduce! Even one of these explain why people who have been released as "cured" or clear of any virus titers, end up in the ER/ICU again, in worst shape to boot! Coronachan is "the gift" much like AIDS. Calling it airborne AIDs isn't really that much of an exaggeration.

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Pastabro, if you do research you'll see that they are not trying to produce a vaccine but a cure. This guys said nothing new, we already know that.

Non-human primates did not get the virus again after recovering from COVID-19. You won’t get it again, this thing will be dead with 18 months. Problem is millions will die before it’s over.


which is why i dont even wear my respirator to the store anymore, if i get it i will either be asympotmatic and be able to live in peace with my new virus buddy for my life, or it will kill me to the point of where i will killmyself before i suffocate in my sleep.

You can’t get immunity to SARS type disease you absolute moron.

Oh yeah, and like he says, drink your vitamin D, it's super important.

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You get immune to that particular type of dengue, but if you get another one you develop the more severe symptoms.


>just like the cold
you do get immunity to colds theres just hundreds of different ones

Can it be mostly chinks?

So the Spanish Flu 2.0?

Fuck off with your babylonian, men are gods, masonry fuckery you satanic poo. Fuck your traditions and mysticism, and FUCK YOUR COWS

I didn't say that you cunt.
I said your body CAN clear one strain by lowering the viral load...

Nice knowing you.

>Of course immunity is possible, otherwise it would have a 100% death rate.

user, I...

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spanish flu followed by great depression. i hope we name it depression supreme.

>There will be know cure
I'm delighted
They have nothing to cure the common cold
so why are people pinning hopes for a vaccine of this deadlier coronavirus?
Carpe Diem
We must use this opportunity to crush the jewish mass immigration replacement and globalisation plans for white nations

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Oh shit. I'm dead then? Is that it? Super disease that cannot be cured?
It doesn't attack the immune system itself, so a vaccine should be possible, right? With dead viruses of all known mutations and all.

Why does MSM say US people dying are mostly under 30, while in Italy KungFlu is basically taking only old boomer lives?

You don't see people going...oh shit my SARS is acting up again...DO You asshole??

even when it's not the jews fault it's just that you haven't figured out how it's their fault yet

mr.shareblue you can die from this disease too,


Just wait till the „recovered“ die like flies

What did you say? Sorry I don't speak Italian, could someone please translate this for me?

No man!
Most cases are asymptomatic or very mild to average...
It's way to early to know long term effects

like the global retardation of the population to the point where people can't follow simple instructions like washing your hands, and staying in your house?

this. you guys are idiots

The common cold gets cured naturally by your body. It only mutates yearly into another variant.
Which honestly, would probably be fine.
If you get corona yearly, you have a 3 days fever, you get back to your life and old people die, keeping them from the pains of old age and freeing up space for newer generations.

It does attack the immune system. Both attacks it and uses it against you. And it pours out of your nerves endlessly where the immune system can't reach it at all.

What BS. I got it and I am fine.

-Only a moron would say that! You can't produce a vaccine for a virus that doesn't give immunity. It mutate so fast we can't catchig up with it.
It's like the cold. Cold doesn't give you immunity, you can take it every year because it doesn't give you immunity. Think about a vaccine is a scam. Vaccine is just a business.

its not only rhinoviridae, there are coronavirus that cause the common cold

i stopped the video when he said his family's pasta was being used as a treatment

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recovered dieing will be recorded as natural causes.

We are Done Mario

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please don’t use rational thought on this board. you will scare our schizos, wackos and black pilled nihilist fags

I’m pretty sure I have it. I traveled through Europe last few weeks. I had a sore throat for a couple days, had a fever for a couple days, now am tired and have a cough sometimes. It’s not so bad if it starts getting better now. But it could also be a cold.

The virus mutates fast. When you recover you develop antibodies for the strain that is already in your body, but you can still be reinfected with another mutated strain.

If China is so great, why are its people yellow, have slitty eyes and eat literal garbage and gutter oil? If China is so great, why do its women crave white cock and its faggot men cry online about nobody wanting them? If China is so great why are there so many Chinks living in every shithole on earth running a takeaway instead of staying home in gookland.

>jew media makes people stupid
>jew media says we should be idiot consumers instead of self sufficient
definitely the jews fault

>It doesn't attack the immune system itself,

Go to the Yas Forums archives and look up what ADE means negro, you're in for one hell of a rude awakening. If you're younger than 30s, or a teenager you may have a shot of your immune system outlasting all the strains you may have encountered or developed inside of you. Honestly bro, stay in shape/get in shape, and eat your vitamin D, both in artificial and natural forms. If your breathing becomes too labored, or you get a fever of 40 degrees celsius, you will have to go to the hospital.

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So where are all the nasty AIDS symptoms? How come patients are being overrun with all kinds of other diseases.

I think there is a lot of fear mongering going on in this thread, you guys.

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So, should i just hang myself already or do it during autumn when im starving do death?

No shit. It's a bioweapon! Vit c has had promising results

lmao nigga just take hydrochloroquine

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>So where are all the nasty AIDS symptoms?

In the lungs dumbass.

>cold doesn't give immunity
It depends. Look up what a genetic drift and what a genetic shift are. Cold vaccines are prepared on the basis of the spreaded type in the opposote emisphere, since it's seasonal and seasons are speculare north/south.

>We must use this opportunity to crush the jewish mass immigration replacement and globalisation plans for white nations
the jews planned this, that's not possible

Glad someone else here has a brain. all this NO CURE faggotry is totally out of proportion

there are some portion of the Scandinavian population that are immune to HIV
maybe some will be to covid19, survival of the fittest
World will be populated like in the 6th century

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Never kill yourself while there's hope

Dumb cunt
>what is rhinovirus

Why do they use immunosuppressants to fight Coronachan? Think about that

I'm on roids too so it's even

Here's a secret:

you can't develop a vaccine for ANY RNA VIRUS, because they mutate too fast.