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Other urls found in this thread:

how? The overton window is too small for 4channers to be effective.

Keep your fuckin mouth shut about gate or I'll leak your files you stupid fuck

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Student instructor and the teacher had me teach for her
Musical prodigy strings
Eagle Scout
Bloody noses terribly as child

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no balls

The House has two windows it needs a door and a garage.


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You had the bloody noses too?

haha poopoo peepee

At least one massive one per week
It was so bad
Also grew up a couple miles north west of skinwalker ranch ut

Are zoolander and blades of fury and holmes and watson the most profound movies of the last 20 years?

You bet your ass they are senpai.

>growing up near skinwalker ranch
I would make a comment about the climate, but I grew up in the deep south and had them all the time as well.

Did you notice any special synchronicities around your posts ~2016?

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Dude I was a pumper in the oilfield out here and saw some helicopter along the green river that were apaches and blackhawks. Also saw repeating numbers in my truck all the time every time I’d stop at a well I’d get tri ps and qua ds and shit. I found fourchan then ha te chan in fifteen and it’s been a wild experience
Kek spoke to me through numbers

non stop as a kid, always at night, also bed wetting until 6 yrs

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Also jade helm 15 saw a fuck load of helicopters out here that summer
Filmed it and everything
Life is a simulation is my best guess
Pee pee pisssssssss

Yas Forums community (Yas Forums,/s4s,Yas Forums,/bus/) are looking to recruit targeted individuals.

In 2012 they invented "the nobody" meme

I was very heavily in on 8 chan during that time. I had more posts than I could count with special significance. I remember once I posted a pic of this weird frog toy I found in a creek as a kid with the caption "Am I chosen" or something like that. Sure enough, epic get.

>Life is a simulation is my best guess
I've thought about this alot. I like the idea that our descendants are simulating our lives to see how we overcome certain "Great filter" type challenges.

kek I'm getting concerned about these nose bleeds

Ok now can you point to a card for me

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Chill out dude it’s not me. I don’t live in LA anymore so you can fuck off golem.

...what is g.a.t.e. program?

take your meds schizo

Dafuq i had nosebleeds too, i would cough up curdled blood

Yeah man at least once a week
Remember how you’d get woken up at night by the nosebleeds?

I woke up with them when i was really young, but then it just started to be in the mornings and afternoons, my nose would literally piss blood and it was always the same nostril

My right nostril has always been the problem. I've hardly ever had one from the other side

GATE was the gateway to Yas Forums
Welcome Home
Remember you are here to stay

Right nostril would and will bleed like a stuck pig at the drop of a pin

Were any of you in HG programs?

Havent had one in a while, cant exactly remember which one but i think it was always the left

that's on glp/tavistock. and more like 2006-8

Absolutely. We are kek. Our mindhive energy fuels Corona. But make no mistake, we will all die at home, alone. Checkem...

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for the short bus anons...

Gifted And Talented Education GATE

& scholastic quiz
& model united nations

user merely used them to escape class

We learned to change the rules of the system to our favor

So the area 51 caller... 9/10/1997 I I I I don't have a whole lot of ummmm time.
the real call back

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Yeah, fourthing on nosebleeds. Was going to put the next bit in the other thread, but it got killed.

A question for the thread, and possible addition to the list of traits: do any of you have lasting physical damage that could be attributed to the GATE experience. It occurred to me that the strange form of tinnitus I've experienced intermittently from about the age of 10 on could be related, as I never experienced it prior to the program. It's a single-ear crackling deafness, like someone crumpling plastic in relation to any sound input that lasts anywhere from 5-60 minutes and cannot be cleared with drugs or physical therapy. Never had it before all this, but it's been with me a long time now and I have yet to encounter another person who experiences the same thing. Ranges from quite annoying to mildly painful.

Or it could just be some kind of benign tumour/25 year infection/who the hell knows.

deaf, dumb and blind lead like sheep to the slaughter.

>Is Yas Forums G.A.T.E. Program?
No. Yas Forums is kill.

>2016 US presidential election

dude people carry playing cards in there wallets because this whole place is a phyop good or bad its all in the effect you have on the outside world.

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what I told you is true that's the real call back.

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Reply from old thread
Reading that sparked the memory
>pic related
Can go either way, bounce side to side, what ever I decide to percieve. But honestly I think anyone can do this of they tried. This shit is all new to me.

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>not carrying a tarot card
>elites love that shit
>you get caught and they find it
>The Tower
>Jewish lawyer breaks his neck running over to save you

Jack and Jill Jack and Jill Went up the hill To fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down And broke his crown And Jill came tumbling after. Up Jack got And home did trot As fast as he could caper Went to bed And plastered his head With vinegar and brown paper.

GATE is for the retarded kids that cant talk or do basic problem solving. you have to be especially retarded to actually believe the teachers when they said to you "aww youre so smart and special unlike the other kiddos".

your still a pawn. not a card.

It was an attempt to recycle the bad goys from G.A.T.E. into good goys, you can call it the G.A.Y.T.O.O. program.

Nice try, Shlomo.

you think if there was some occult conspiracy... they would not want to find the kids who's parents raised them to think for themselves and be accountable for there own actions rather then always crying they need more goverment to rule over them.

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I was in a GATE program from 3rd to 8th grade when I went to high school I refused to continue participating and they ruined my life. My posting on this website is always monitored by agents just like most other regulars here. I have done LSD over 100 times and communicated with aliens several times successfully. I'm probably going to die in the virus outbreak

I always experience ear ringing, only lasts like 7 seconds but it happens often and is annoying as fuck

i did the hearing testing because I had a speech impediment supposedly. also read along with principal one on one. later was tested for gate and freaked out like my siblings did. was put into peer mediation program. thats about all. im not a genius or anything though


imagine being the retard that has to monitor my posts. I hope I've at least made him laugh a few times.

I don't envy them, but then again, it's probably a cozy do nothing government job

we just want to screen you for mental or physical impairments that might be undiagnosed that would hinder your ability to learn. kid behind me see I knew it was mk ultra programing.

I wish they’d at least acknowledge and say hi desu senpai

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There, there, neurotypical. Not everyone can be special or no one would be special. Just sooth yourself through material pursuits like you extrovert NT's tend to do.

they certainly didnt give you psychic powers either. im a neet so nice try

I am Harrison Bergeron

What did you just call me, faggot? I'll have you know I did two tours in Iraq, etc etc.

>always in “special ed”
>was pulled out of social studies
>constantly did testing
>told tests were harder than what the normal kids got (possible BS but I do really well with testing and always found school easy)
>none of the kids had retardation or autism
>always did typing and memory games
>never even had English class for some reason either
>always did a lot of standardized testing
>most of the kids were fit
>teachers to this day remember all of us
>called special and smarter always by them

>white male
>blue eyes
>blonde hair
>121 GT score (military test) 70 asvab)

Never heard it called the gift program but I do recall doing memory tests and such. A lot of computer stuff.

They've definitely mocked me a few times before, I've seen reposts of things I've said years ago, posted on devices from different countries, being posted again in threads I've make, as in verbatim the exact things I've posted years ago taken and reposted in my own threads when the subject matter was relevant

More like keeping the next generation of Hitlers and Stalins away from the sheep. Now a days their all busy writing Mien Jilt, so I’d say it was effective.

>tfw you were in GATE and also rode the short bus

Low functioning autists don't belong within this categorization. You're basically part of the category of people that got the vaccinations that weren't meant for kids, but by that time, they had started doing a "one size fits all" approach stupidly. So you're damaged. But your ego prevents you from assessing this damage so you are powerless to do anything constructive to fix it through changing yourself as a result.

Can I get a quick rundown on GATE? I have a lot of parallel experiences to those in these threads

boy are we in for a treat

I am every where and no where I am but a collective consciousnesses branching out though the infinite universe to define the sate of reality as you precise it. We are but sharp pain in your head insuring you insanity is only one wrong step away. ohh my my my look at the time I have to go.
>>So the area 51 caller... 9/10/1997 I I I I don't have a whole lot of ummmm time.
the real call back [Remove]

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The illusion of the silhouette changing direction is just percieving that you are looking up at the figure, or looking down at it. The same illusion could be generated with a clock hand viewing from a low angle.

GATE or gifted and talented education is what they called it in my school, in my group there were a few creative types, a few really smarmy fucking annoying know it all types, some autists. I guess I was a mix of all three. A few people from those programs went on to be successful in life, mostly the smart alek types. For us they did some basic computer programming stuff, mock trials, we read advanced placement literature. A lot of it was boring filler shit but there were some standardized tests we had to do with things like "complete the drawing". My drawings would usually be fucking weird

I have that too.
but sometimes the pitch and volume will change in just one ear.


I think they were grooming them to become the next generation of leaders and good goyims.

ZOG sent a mulatto psychic after me when I was in the mental hospital. She knew everything about me and kept saying my IQ was around 135-40. She was possessed with a spirit of divination and she was reading my mind. She said "The Department" at NASA sent her to spy on me or something but she wouldn't say anymore. She was also suicidal.

yea I had trouble with annunciation

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kek. It's the thinnest of lines user.

In fact, there may be no line a'tall.

what do you mean like you were destined to find Yas Forums throughout your life to come together at this specific point in time in order to carry out exactly what's happening and facilitate the great awakening among the human populations?
don't worry the ayys come to get us soon

those with the most logged Yas Forums hours win this simulation

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A what

>mulatto psychic

lmao. browns and blacks in general can't be psychics, especially female browns/blacks

You were selected as a kid to be put into a special program that has basically become a life long study on you.

Yas Forums is a containment program. It's a prison that makes you feel that you're freer than the people outside, so here you stay, while nobody outside hears what you have to say.

Nvm I saw the other bread

Same applied to all left brain / right brain tests. I change direction differently but its a choice. Others seem to not be able to make that choice. Just wondering if this was regular. I know people irl who cannot but they might just be tards.

using 22/7 as Pi is retarded, might as well use 3

I mean, it's both. GLP shills and Yas Forums Aquinotards.