Bugaloo Identifiers for when SHTF

Once food shortages come, infections rise, and looting/robbing begins, we need some sort of identifier that will let you know who's *pro-white anti-kike*....

Not a Nazi armband because thats cringe af...maybe an all red armband on your right sleeve?

Attached: swastika-armband-worn-by-an-actor-playing-a-nazi-soldier-BMB8NT.jpg (1300x953, 139.16K)

Attached: Hitler-Trump.png (1200x800, 762.94K)

Like this...


Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-21-19-21-10.png (1440x2880, 1.34M)

>You're a big guy.
>For you.

FDA: only buy enough food for a week, goy


Agreed. Banedentification it is.

Glownigger spotted.

>putting a target on yourself
Fuck off glownigger

just use the colour red in general. plausible deniability, but enough to clearly signal. red cap? one of us. red t shirt.. possibly. red t shirt and red hoodie? definitely. etc

Oh damn you got me....

Fuckin nerd smdh

Thats a better idea because if its too specific, the kikegang will use it against us...

Although a uniformed red armband would look sick

we could all wear the hats we normally wear?

Attached: 1552332509231.jpg (640x1136, 78.38K)

Why not a white Swastika or life rune on a black armband

Swastika is a dead giveaway and takes away plausible deniability.

It can only be a color or clothing alteration. A symbol would put us on front street

And? You're never going to get mass movements NS is too complicated to explain to each and every person who's spent the last decades hearing Hitler to be the definition of evil. And seeing as how there WILL be unified forces who will persue us, it's better to have something that does symbolize National Socialism and not this faggy scramble for something people won't get for plausible deniability. The Jew knows that game, when shtf there won't be
>N-n-no I'm not a Nazi don't call me that!
Alternatively the life rune is okay but Pierce used that so it's not much different. All in all black/white/red is a bad idea but black and white is better

Too late to get anything custom made.....just wear anything that's solid red

Also that implies you can't have areas that are ours, and take em off when entering enemy territory

Ok I'm just brainstorming...then what's your idea?

Id hate to shoot one of you mfs and find out we shared the same ideology and desires

Solid red is communist and are you telling me you can't hand sew? Stitch and needle? Pathetic

Attached: 0be4cbc6451f38c4c71ad3bc46bbfbc1.png (2000x2000, 1.38M)

If you obey me it's a sign you're on my side.
If you don't obey me it's a sign you're with the commies.

Attached: tarrantchan court appearance.png (788x614, 436.92K)

LMFAO did you just try to clown me because I can't sew???

Lmfao sorry grandma ive been busy at the shooting range....you sew one and post it and I'll have my girl do it

Anime faggot get shot on sight...

No amount of shared ideology will make an anime geek my ally in war

>Ok I'm just brainstorming...then what's your idea?
If the Skin is White, then Don't Shoot.. Don't pull a Hitler and try and save the Hwite Race, while also MAssacring it.
Unless the Hwite Skin is coming at ya, with malicous intent.. Hold Back.
As for actual support networks, I think that a simple 14 somewhere on the clothing , hat, or person should suffice?

kek, not even in the face of a complete breakdown of civilization will you actually take on the mantle of your beliefs. You are a wretched coward and will amount to nothing. Is it any wonder the White world is in its current state with abject cowards like you around? Wear the fucking band unapologetically and take what is yours, faggot.

>high visibility red armband

The 3rd reich used red, the us flag uses red, and Republicans use red...

Commies dont own shit. If everything goes right there won't be any left after this. We pick whatever color we want.

That's whats fun about the internet...

You have no idea who you're talking to

Nothing of value was lost by not recruiting you then. You're really are a commie already with priorities that weak.

Brother in sorry but I'll kill a Godless, tranny loving, feminist white person anyday of the week...

Just because we look alike doesn't mean a fuckin thing.

newfag/shill detected

I'm a chink international student, can I join the gang?

Yas Forums's official boogalooo id is the 4 of clubs playing card.

You're only as strong as ypur weakest link...

You really think im going to war next to a manchild that watches Japanese kiddie cartoons?

You'll get me killed son. Grow the fuck up and I might take you somewhere

Yea I know but I think symbols are too blatant

As long as you serve God and hate Kikes...

Are you fucking kidding me??? What in the actual fuck is wrong with white American men?

yup 4 of clubs would be a solid choice

Literally NOONE is talking to you canadian faggots...youre useless in war

I met some leafs in Iraq/afghan and every last one was a complete homo

>Reich learned to use Red because it caught the eye like that of the Bolsheviks because printing press was mostly black and white
>The last 2 worked out so well in the end
Red armbands are a literal Bolsheviks thing. You can't steal that from them, whether you want to or not. Red is a universal color for blood, black and white is simpler and gets the point across. And using the old fashion black, white, and red won't help. A Swastika is already a taboo but to change it's layout will help. You can't steal back red armbands it's historical and older than even the NSDAP

On what though? Draw it or glue a fuckin card to your shirt lol

> why is nazi armband cringe as fuck.

It will certainly get people’s attention.

Yea but the problem is...

Black is for niggers and white means surrender...

So blue or green are the only choices?

>Implying both can't be done
>He'll never know the pride of wearing a band jacket to a concert with patches of music and bands you like sewed on by hand and not done by machine
>It's better to have your races symbol be made in a chink/spic sweatshop than by the very people fighting for it
It's useful for exactly this situation, and I see you're not a metal fan. That's okay

Na bro come on now. I support it but its cringe to try to replicate....

We have to do our own thing. Leaders, not followers.

We already have one, newfag.

White Swastika, lightning bolt (like MM), or life rune on an all black background.

You dedicated an entire thread toward how you can avoid standing for your ideology in the face of the collapse of civilization. I think I have the perfect idea of who (((you))) are.

Seriously, just roll over and fucking die. You didn't stand for us when times were good and you want to hide from standing for us when times are bad. You are weak and undeserving of life or liberty.

Do to the swastika what the did to the Jew stat in the movie the pianist.

Attached: 5EC5D602-9348-4170-9DC1-44942099980C.jpg (899x436, 204.05K)

good point just saying we wouldnt want something that screams out a subliminal message only vague enough that an inside group would be able to identify, with that being said you could easily add something to your weapon of choice comrade...


Brother i like metal just fine. I fuck with Metallica, AIC, Soundgarden, rammstein etc but I just dont sew...

Like I said i can get my girl to do it but we gotta pick something 1st

Green for pep in your step.

Maybe you can use this symbol?

Attached: ironguard.png (1000x600, 4.1K)

Ok kids. Here is how you show your 4 of clubs. Roll up the arm sleeve of your shirt. Insert 4 of clubs. Done

Should do a Pepe armband.

You're confused kid...take a break you afrikaan nigger

>Black is for niggers and white is for surrenders
>Niggers own a color
>Implying were French
I don't see how we can't take back the color black (as if they ever had it let alone a civilization) and white is somehow still surrender but black, white, and red, is okay because red symbolizes blood. Why not black and white symbolize the distinction between the two and seperation, and that in order to maintain both they have to be. That is what this is ultimately, and whites are in a sense surrounded on all sides by darkness

Sign/countersign will be baneposting, answer wrong and i shoot you on the spot


Absolutely correct. A chain is only as strong as its weakest loyalty. That's why you'll never be worth recruiting.

Nice iron cross.

Learn to greentext reddit spacer

We must think something quick like

Not bad but I think we can come up with something better. After shooting/running it will fall out...

It should be a flag of a dying nigger baby.

Attached: C2D0BC41-1DA5-49FE-869D-8562C18C770E.jpg (596x532, 84.02K)

double barreled shot gun is the id guys

Attached: shotgun-pepe-42585779.png (500x574, 55.31K)

Get your cock out and swing it around like a helicopter while making woo noises. I think that’s easily recognisable and not many other people will be doing it randomly in the street. Who’s in?

Only if you promise to pay it back at 10% interest
I mean if you have a woman okay I get it. But it is handy to have and you get way more respect in the pit for it I've had it first hand, and lets you meet others like you which allows you to put in subliminal ones. I'd still say black armband and a white symbol of the Swastika, life rune, or BUF lightning bolt

I know how to green text and i know 98% of people here associate my writing style with a faggot from reddit (never used that a site a day in my life) ...

But here's the thing. I do whatever the fuck i want and I conform to no one. I prefer this to writing a big block paragraph all clumped together.

It's my style and im stickin with it

Just use a phrase and vet from there.
Doesn't /k/ have something like that?
Ave something?
Or wear a k or pol patch.

if you already know. you know. if not. get rekt

>big block paragraph
big black pepe
kek total fagot confirmed

8 of Hearts

8 & H(8) = 88

honestly, if i saw that hat i'd assume they were a pretty cheeky fellow

It's called survival you stupid nigger.

I guess we stick with the 4 of clubs...anything else would be confusing at this point

Maybe draw/sew onto white cloth and wear above the waste or arm etc

Attached: Playing_card_club_4.svg.png (384x480, 15.8K)

If asked "can I steal your stuff?"
answer "yes"

Attached: yes.png (680x709, 243.33K)

COME AND TAKE IT should work just fine.

That plus the four of clubs so shitposters can pick each other out.

We could also call out things like "Obama is a nigger" as a battle cry, or slogan.

Attached: ComeAndTakeIt.png (1200x800, 14.49K)

Why not use Patton Third Armored Division. Has lightning bolt...

Attached: A9DC5A49-98F6-45E6-9F18-F2BC30A9A59B.jpg (1550x1068, 722.31K)