How it's even possible for a country with 1.4 billion people went from 80k infections to 0?

How it's even possible for a country with 1.4 billion people went from 80k infections to 0?

Attached: Screenshot_20200321-200552.jpg (1080x1403, 186.07K)

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By lying

Fippy bippy

They killed something like 8 milllion. Check the subcounts.

>people legitimately believe this

I wonder if the government took the opportunity to make them disappear.

OP is a faggot.
Actually I've seen at least 10 different threads by Brazilian flags. Probably all the same guy.

I wonder if coronavirus is fake.

the chinks made them into orange chicken.

They took anyone that showed sings of infection and dragged them to camps.

Attached: 24649790-0-image-a-8_1581514423609.jpg (1908x1146, 122.22K)