How do I get a wife?

How do I get a wife?

I make 65k a year and have a career. I am in my mid 20s. About to buy a house next year. Am decent looking and tall.

Are mail order bride sites even legit? aka finding wife from third world shitholes like Colombia?

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omg those tits

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 7 rolls per day. If you have a family of 13, that's over 694 rolls a week. Over 2580 a month. TP will be worth its weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

Get a personality. If you have to consider a mail order bride it means yours is probably shit. Go lift, start entering social circles and you'll meet someone sooner or later.

don't be a faggot

Go to some Eastern European/East Asian country. Be a rich white man and get a wife

You will die a virgin like the rest of pol

>Am decent looking and tal

>Are mail order bride sites even legit? aka finding wife from third world shitholes like Colombia?
No, have you ever watched 90 days? They follow the live of people who have bride over spouses and its a total shitshow

>yearly salary
>physical traits

None of that will matter, she will eventually fuck some bum or nigger that doesn't have half the shit you have and justify it in her mind the way only a woman can.

Women are ruined in this day and age, I wouldn't worry about getting one.

Look up "love tour." Far, far better than a mail-order bride. And if you're mid-20's making 65k+ in a stable position, hold off marriage for a couple years and go on vacations in other cultures to get a good idea of which ones you like the most. Shit, you may even find a wife on vacation.

Be a a good provider and a gentleman

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>decent looking and tall
You're posting on Yas Forums no way these are true.

just fucking talk to people you dumb fuck

You're just an ugly loser dude. I'm a fucking NEET and my pawg girlfriend pays for all my stuff, including my car payment. If you're not good looking and/or very wealthy then you'll have to muster up a lot of confidence and charisma. That's your only bet.

When you stop lying maybe then you’ll have a chance at dating.

if you have a good life don't ruin it tying yourself to some woman. It can be fun to have a girlfriend or whatever but don't tie yourself to them legally and financially like that because chances are you will regret it and it will ruin your life later.

I'm sorry to tell you this man, but you're not buying a house next year

I want a family of my own. And it is almost impossible when all the younger women I am attracted to are gold digging slut whores.

Being single forever sounds like torture.
Going on vacation alone gives wrong signals I'd imagine.

If he is making a good living, is healthy, young and has a house, you have no right to make demands on him, bitch. HE'LL make the demands on you.


>I want a family of my own. And it is almost impossible when all the younger women I am attracted to are gold digging slut whores.
what are you talking about. the more attractive a girl is, the less gold digging and slutty she is

I'm interested,i can be your wife. Add me on snapchat : jasminecry

Hey, why not? there's bound to be a lot of them on the market.

In Canada in order to discourage stupid mail order bride weddings you are financially responsible for them for 10 years. Don’t be stupid user. If you want a wife find a woman who is a citizen and raise her up instead

>the more attractive a girl is, the less gold digging and slutty she is

Satire or serious?

>Going on vacation alone gives wrong signals I'd imagine.
what do you mean?

Russian brides are the way to go. Russia has huge male vs female disparity, 40% to 60%. Most of the men are idiotic, alchoholic degenerates. Lots of pretty, strong women dreaming of a traditional life. GL OP.

I'm not used to attracting retards, how do I respond?
That's why we suggest putting yourself out there, but not online. Opens you up to gold digging whores. You need to start meeting people organically. If you pick up hobbies and skills, you can bond with people in the social circles you make from them. You never have to bring up wealth and if they happen to ask before the first date, they're a whore.
A woman at the gym you start hitting it off with isn't going to be able to tell you're loaded unless she sees you drive up in a nice car and wearing a Rolex. You have to hide your power level.

damn so true. so true

Yeah that probably true, but you arent buying a house next year either

65k isnt much in today's world, you wont be able to keep a mail order bride with that income. She will leave you for someone higher income, you have to remember those women have a fantasy about becoming American & if you fail to provide it they will fucking rape you hard in the courts. You will really need to make over 240k to keep a mail order hoe, my best advice is to go to mudbogs & horse arenas and find a proper country girl.

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what makes you say that? and don't say "personal experience" because most guys will tell you what they have observed in their experience that pretty much all women are trashy gold diggers in their own way.

> 65k a year
> career

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personal experience. guessing you guys aren't chads

>all women are trashy gold diggers in their own way.
Of course they are, they're women. They will all want the best nest and the best provider. If they cant get that they will slut out, women are incredibly simple creatures. It's the beta males that populate this board that want mommies more than a wife that cant handle reality.

>find a proper country girl
They are even bigger whores once you introduce them to city life and some money. They will be fucking your friends who make slightly more money.

When you say pawg you just mean fat, right?


First off, don't bother. You'll lose half your shit or more in a divorce. (Even prenups aren't ironclad anymore, they get overturned all the time) If you really want a wife, steer clear of white, western women. Take a trip to Manila and get yourself a nice, respectful, good looking pinay woman.

>How do I get a wife?

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I agree with that in part if you end up with a trailer country girl. Most country girls have family money anyhow, at least the ones worth marrying

>Being single forever sounds like torture.
Tell it to every divorced man.

They're ALL fucking whores and should be treated as such.

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As soon as you get a house and socialize you have plenty of women looking to take that house from you.

Stop being a loser maybe? I am on welfare and live in a section 8 property, and the free young pussy is an unlimited supply. Only nerd retards actually work hard expecting to get poon LOL

What is reality user? The reality is divorce rates are high, and many are opting out because, frankly, divorce is a shitty arrangement where you allow the state access to your personal affairs. Fuck that. You want to SIMP out go for it, but dont try to convince us that most married people are not completely miserable and dead inside.

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Try talking to women that you are attracted to and maybe you will get a gf. If it sticks then give her a ring and get her pregnant.

Getting a wife is easy if you have the money, looks and or status. However getting married in a place where she can not only divorce for no reason but take what you worked for on her way out is stupid. If you marry make sure to do it in a non cucked place unless you like the idea of women having unreasonable power over you courtesy of the government.

>>this new
>>being it

>Lots of pretty, strong women dreaming of a traditional life.
Burger delusions. Our women are fantastic at pretending to be trad, and they can be under certain circumstances. Make no mistake, though: they aren’t magical unicorns. If you fuck up, they will take your soul.

I know a guy who paid a woman from Russia to be his wife, she was beautiful and actually quite smart with a degree in finance and she wanted kids and saw their relationship as a business deal which he liked as well.

Ukrainian women are probably the best women.

What shithole do you live in where 65k/yr before taxes can get you a house. And why the fuck wouldn't you just wait for the housing bubble to burst because people will miss their mortgage payments or cut bait?

The reality is women are whores, they always have been and they will always will be. The failure man to protect their financial interests has little bearing on the women & a symptom of effete men who should have never married in the first place. That said, dont get married if it's not for you, plenty of roastie full of nigger cum for betas.

which state do you live in? I make 85k in California and I can’t afford anything

Anyone else fantasize about being very wealthy, but pretending to be broke to see if you can find a valuable woman who loves you for who you are?

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>65k a year
lol Oh sweetie, I wouldn't even let you talk to me

If marriage meant the man having ownership of the whore and kids like it used to be this wouldn't be as big of a problem as it is now.

Yeah dude 150k and I live in a shithole

Nope. Former high school cheerleader. All I have going for me is that I'm good-looking and have attractive energy. While I'm intelligent enough to make a lot of money, I realize that this entire satanic system is an evil scam, and I refuse to partake in it. I might get into a trade and ultimately work towards an off-grid/self-sustainable homestead outside of the U.S.
t. early 20's user

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>what shithole
America. You can see the little flag thingy.