Pennsylvania fags where you at?

pennsylvania fags where you at?
has the happening hit your area? there was almost no traffic on 22 outside of pittsburgh

NJ scum need not apply

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DE here, didn't Wolf issue a lockdown a yesterday? How's that going

he pushed enforcement back to monday morning. total lightweight. 'too many exemption requests' just deny them bro lmao.

philly was getting alot of positives, u guys worried?


>PA cops no longer arresting people but just taking their info down
>NY will be grounds zero again soon
NJ needs to build two walls.

Yeah, we're worried. Proportionately I believe DE now has a higher per capita coronavirus rate now that the test results have started trickling in. I work in healthcare too so I'm fucked.

what do you mean no longer arresting people? for misdemeanors?

i work at a gas station, once i burn through my two weeks im back on the front lines. god speed user the general public is fucking disgusting

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Crime is legal in PA, just like CA

Thinking about driving down to Sheetz but I’m comfy

plenty of beer available and 2 for $1 hot dogs? they're helping me through these tough times

In Montgomery county, what are the odds I have to shoot a nigger in the face defending my supplies?

Beer doesn’t phase me anymore I need bourbon. Better than nothing though

There are a few coronas in my Beaver.

just coof on them they'll run
same, fuck fwgs right now

>philly was getting alot of positives, u guys worried?
Philadelphia is a 3rd world city.

Hope you stocked up before the state store closures.

comfy in lebanon county...only 2 cases so far.

In Montco. Fuck Wolf that pedo like loving faggot is tanking our local economies for a cold.

I grabbed three 1.75L bottles of Beam on Monday but I already killed one

This is one thing I swung and missed on. Had food, beer, and ammo for weeks but by the time I heard the state stores were closing it was too late for me to get there

North Jersey here. I'm going to post because I am in the Pennsylvania spillover. Fuck you annex us when?

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ive never paid much attention to wolf but he has a very beta feel about him

Self quarantined in York . Stores still stocked. Most folks are holed up. Lots of preppers hunters and farmers here so rural folks seem comfiest.
No one I know has been tested but almost everyone I know has mysterious diarrhea.
Also anyone notice HIA flights seem to have picked up in last few days?

lots of open fishing spots in Pittsburgh

NJ here, give back clay.

I live near the Allegheny County Airport and they have been flying military plains in there all day. I think they are bringing supplies to the hospitals. Everything else is basically deserted.

Pittsburgher here. Other than less people being out everything seems pretty chill and normal, especially yesterday when it was really nice. I haven't been through any of the worser neighborhoods in a week or two, so it might be fucked up over there. Hearing lots of sirens everynight, but everything seems ok. Anyone have any insight? My neighborhood is pretty suburban and on the outskirts, but I'm prolly gonna spend some coronabux on a gun.

are gun shops even still open? i dont think the state is issuing new licenses.

Pittsburgher, fuck Peduto, fuck Wolf, and fuck Philadelphia in general. I wish the state would split in 2 so my state wasn't just ruled by Philly.

Had to run an errand in Lebanon county today and it looked completely normal. Everyone just out doing their shit. Beer store completely fucking packed LOL

Philly here.

Anarchy in the streets, minorities rioting and attacking white people and police nowhere to be found.
So just a normal day here nothing special you wouldnt even know there was a virus going around.

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bill peduto is quarantined, what will he dooo

Enforcement delayed until monday because he faced too much backlash.

How exactly will enforcement work? I have what's considered an essential job across the border in DE, but several of my coworkers commute over from PA. They would be allowed to do so, yes? Otherwise I'm fucked

The giant igle near dahntahn rations chicken.

724 here buisness as usual for me I don't leave the house without my gun though at all.


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We're getting legal papers from our legal department stating the company is essential I'm assuming they are foreseeing the gastapo stopping and asking for papers when traveling?

Private sale of long gun face to face, bring the purell.

There are still rumors of the State Police blocking
Coal Truck entrance to at least 1 Power Plant...

This was AFTER the order to close Coal Mines
was rescinded.

It's all a deep state MASTER PLAN Anons.

If you don't know what that is by now...make an hero of yourself.

grabbed 4 last thursday, got one left
im fucked

I'm in Philly, and everything has been pretty relaxed. The last few days have been like Sundays.

Take this opportunity to taper.

PA, as usual is based as fuck. 724 here. I'm deemed essential since I'm a steelworker. If the Q shit is real, I'm proud to do it.

As a New Jersey resident how do I sell myself into slavery to a Amish farmer, so I can get out of this shithole?

Suburbs of Philly checking in... pretty worried desu

I got measuring cups. 583ml, then 80% of that, 60% etc. Done it a few times without anything worse than a little insomnia, and threw away the idea of just one and im fucked, then got fucked.
Hopefully sober for good after this bottle.

Easton/Forks checking in
>Played a round of golf today, shot 89
>Bought a gun in Easton, 30/30
>Based Yas Forumsack immigrant owner was only selling to locals, black guy kicked out because he wasn’t white apparently
>Told me he is technically closed but won’t shut unless national guard forces him
Why are European immigrants always so much more American than people born here?
I truly think not growing up here gives them a true feeling of the weight our constitution has
Now I’m gonna smoke hookah, cook some food to prep and maybe have a martini, cheers m80s

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Gun shops filed an injunction and sued the governor
They aren’t shutting down anytime soon
Owners of those locations take the constitution seriously and the governor doesn’t have the power to do it apparently, enough where they were allowed a court appeal before it is enforced

Checking in from the shores of Lake Erie the only things here that aren't closed are coveniant stores and restaurants that do to go orders. Hospitals aren't closed.

Stay chill, don’t go into the city. In a few days the niggers will run out of liquor and hard drugs and then the burning times will come.

I don't see the liquor stores opening anytime soon. If you're at the point where you might seize or have severe symptoms if you abruptly stop drinking, you've got the reserves on hand to alleviate it. Then you can just go to the grocer and get some beer.

Snagged a couple fifths yesterday but should've grabbed more. At least I'm 3 minutes from Sheetz for gas, brews and Schmuffins. My wife's son's mother said the Walmart was bare but I went to the Martin's and they were pretty well stocked. I'm in healthcare so fuck my life.

Clarks Summit/Scranton area here, 1 confirmed case, mass panic in my area

N Wilmingtonfag checking in. I'm well stocked, but topped off at 6am morning at local Giant and Acme. Normies are starting to come around I think.

Work at the Shell chemical plant in Monaca has been shut down until further notice, so that just lightened the traffic load of the region by about 8,000 people.

I'm pushing it but I'm not there yet. At least the beer distributors are open worst case.

Mass panic? Elaborate.

Haven't left my house for a few days now.
Uncle still has to go to work so he wants me at his place while he's gone incase of nigs or raiders

Martin's didn't have eggs or decent bread last Weds (only store brand shit loaf). I had to buy a carton of egg whites to cut the last dozen real eggs I have.

717 job gave out papers Monday that give us passage to locked down, quarantined, ect areas not that there are any. Went to the park and hiked today, people were out fishing and everything seemed normal. Less traffic than normal all week but everything seems normal more or less.

The generic DHS hall pass? Apparently, they're not issuing ID's just the letters.

Shits fucked here in LV, Can't keep the produce on the fucking shelf and all the apes and spicks are out wearing masks.

Waiting for the party to kick off but Wolfs a cuck.

He's a complete fucking retard, he's not even a convincing little beta puppet. I dont understand how he honestly got elected.

>wife’s son’s mother