> everything is now closed in Italy
> all industries will be suspended nationwide
> no more factories
> no more production
> no more non-essential jobs

We can no longer move for job related matters.

The whole economy has been shutdown for the whole country.

Only hospitals and supermarkets will stay open.


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Other urls found in this thread:

post link you LARPing faggot.

viva duce

Don't believe this guy. Fearmonger

so it finally begins

70 percent of the wheat used to make pasta comes from south Dakota.

Relax wops.

You guys are getting rekt sooooo

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link fag

where supermarkets get food from?

They’re going to lock that down too, how will it get distributed to Italy?

only option besides martial law bruh

be safe, it'll be over eventually

>no link

Theres some Amerimutt faggot on a Italian proxy spamming these gay threads all day.

>wait till half the country is infected to shut down

I know Italians are lazy and incompetent but jesus Christ this hits a new low

How will supermarkets get the food? Who will produce the food? How will it be delivered? Who will run the gas stations to fuel cars for us to get to super markets? Go on...

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Crashing this economy...

>> no more non-essential jobs
essential jobs are allowed to continue.

Little late for that

That's what a double negation means

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from a bigger supermarket...duh brianlet.

It’s a nothingburger, 4channel said so


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Damn, did you write that story? It's only been up for 4 minutes

So literally nothing has changed? All non-essential businesses were closed weeks ago no?

Kek, Like Us over in Commiefornia hasn't been like this for 2~3 days.

Italy is kill forever?

Why are they punishing nationalist countries? Fucking globalists need to die.

mama mia! not my pizzeria!

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does everything they say sound like some kind of pasta

Even the third world nation state I live in,California handled shit better than Italy, and our governor is and idiot

With no survivers

I'm totally going to get corona and die while delivering bread.

i think at this stage the most prudent response to the situation is italy is for a multinational consortium of nuclear powers to just nuke the whole fucking peninsular.

prime minister just made a live announcement 5 minutes ago, finngolian

>he doesnt know that pasta names are italian

see you there in one week brothers

This will fuck Italy no doubt.
But will it RECKT the EU?

Non-essential. Food is essential production.

I don't speak spaghetti! Translate quick brother

So people won't be getting things they don't need
What a tragedy

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I don't think you understand. EVERYTHING HAS BEEN CLOSED.

Not just shops, hairdressers, pubs, restaurants, hotels, etc.

They closed all the factories, all the offices, all the building sites, all the government institutions non required.

shut up about this nothingburger you gigantic faggot.

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>hug a chinese day
>feminist protests

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Apply for unemployment dood, They literally have an option for a crisis like this. If you're not a nurse and your making minimum wage to expose yourself than you might as well kys

from China


Neets rise up

What part of non essential did you misunderstand?

I'm so sorry Italy, but to save the World... we're going to have to nuke you.
Please forgive us.


Why is their skin so dark? Obviously race mixing with niggers. Now you wonder why God is killing you? Just fucking die already.


Well your infections keep growing by the 1,000s what would you expect?

Link or I call bullshit.

>it's just a flu
and in a few weeks, you are just going up a flue

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From the ultramarket.

Just think of all that time we wasted on politics. We could have just invested that time on bioweapon labs instead and won by now.


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there's 2 links in thread, faggot

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Everyone in the worldwide world did better than Italy, next step should be to ban Italians from entering other countries until this is over.

The Bank of International Supermarket, the BIS

From hospitals

Good luck, pastabro. I thought you guys were already in lockdown.

As it fucking should be, only essentials should be worked on, rest should be made by people willingly.

Doesn’t sound like much of a change, just more workers not going to work.

It just appears there

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Big recession cuming

Did they close public transport too?


Economy is dead. Italy won't survive this.

Pasta trees

Look at the bright side Jews won't make a nickel

From flu to flue


"Coronavirus, breaking news. Count: "We're closing factories and non-essential services."
The latest live news about Coronavirus in Italy and around the world, with the most important events of Saturday, March 21. In Italy there are 47021 total infections, of which 5129 healed and 4032 dead. There is a new restriction on travel, with a restriction on outdoor activities and sport that can only be done near home. Supermarkets and grocery stores remain open on weekends. During the press conference at 6 p.m., the head of the Civil Protection Borrelli stressed the importance of not reducing the opening hours of supermarkets, in order to avoid crowds. While the unions Cgil Cisl and Uil asked the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte "to assess the possible need for even stricter measures to suspend non-essential activities at this stage for our country". Another 74 coffins taken away from Bergamo by military means this morning. The contagion continues to spread in Europe: more and more cases and more deaths in Spain, while in London the Harrods warehouses are also closing. In the world over 270,000 infected and 11,000 dead. In the U.S. infected a collaborator of Vice President Pence, while 007 would have warned Trump about the danger of the virus."

No more factories? But they are keeping essential jobs open? Nice LARP faggot.

/GBG/ Greek Borders General


>supermarkets will stay open
I was worried for a second

Only in Lombardy where they basically declared the martial law

Pastabros need to get themselves their quaranteen ASAP before the cops start enforcing these controls. You can still get in the car and gas her over to your place if you act quickly!

and? that was to be expected surely?

You clearly still have internet and electricity (For now) so I don't see why this is a serious development. Economy was always going to tank anyway.

Other supermarkets

Export will be dead. No more factories producing goods. Are you fucking kidding me?

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Interdimentional Reptilian Shapshifting baby-rapers
Bank of International Supermarket (they just print food at interest)

>this kills the roman empire

thx friend

Idk man, its like magic isnt it? I never really think about those things you know? Like who cares about how the food shows up there? Its just does so its ok. We need to focus on the real issues, like saving Israel from the virus, respecting women and minorities and so on.

All it took to get the normies to destroy themselves was using the media to terrify them
I cant believe how fucking sad and pathetic our society and this world has become
If you obey their dictates then just take a gun and kill yourself already for fucks sake

this is a social experiment

You forgot the "Auswitch Holomarket"

>Mama Mia!
>That's a spicy meatball.

yes, to bring to the surface all the Catalan retards such as yourself

>The whole economy has been shutdown for the whole country.
Sweet. Time to add Italy to the list of countries rich Americans can visit when we want to ass-bang minors.
Move over Thailand!

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We don't read subhuman, and you and op should kill yourselves.

Half you population is obese. You have a 50% ticket to die from this, mutt.

of course

Don't panic. That is what they should have done long ago. It's a step towards the right direction.

neoliberalism can survive this? it seems like some form of state capitalism might emerge in the west after the war economy (some planned economy)

Let's all sing together for the downfall of out civilization


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>In the U.S. infected a collaborator of Vice President Pence, while 007 would have warned Trump about the danger of the virus.
What did he mean by this?

it respawns you fucking retard

rip pasta bros

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> never leaves house

You're just jealous we don't want to rump rape any of your greasy women.
Italy here we come!

all of that just to save boomers, fuck boomers, people should just be killed by the government at 70

that's us next week then

time to move again from this dumb country

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So is anything actually happening in the rest of the country? It basically all seems to be the north and I never hear anything out of the south.

Maybe this will be the genesis of Italy morphing back into its natural state. Remember the words of Metternich.

Amerilards laughing at the pasta bros: this is going to be us in a a week or two you fucking retards. If anything take notes.

user, i got bad news...

lol please, no stay where you are.

Didn't this happen already?

cant wait

not the goberment but medicine has advanced too much, if you need machines to breath you are fucking dead dammit

Why is Italy barely doing things states in the U.S started doing a week ago? No wonder you retards are getting hit so hard





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This is your brain on german

You won't be able to enforce any kind of quarantine because mah freedom and your companies will force you go to work regardless. Your only advantage is that you barely have any public transport outside NYC.

I leave the house all the time. I've banged my way through Thailand to the Philippines.
Can't wait to feel the grip of some poor spaghetti slut's sphincter once their economy collapses for good.

my butthole

yeah don't worry, i'm not gonna come to your countries

Learn how to read in your own native language, retarded mutt.