Imagine getting brain damage and being in a coma just for sharing the same race as the country where the virus came from. Niggers are not human.
Imagine getting brain damage and being in a coma just for sharing the same race as the country where the virus came from. Niggers are not human.
Unironically baste. Say what you want about niggers, but their instincts are intact.
Who gives a shit about chinks? It’s natural to hate other races and drive them out of your territory
At least niggers still have the balls to do it
>He relaxed
Go back to your country, yellaboy.
Implying that's why they do it.
BASED, this is why there's no corona in africa
nigs gonna nig
it's honestly tiresome how awful they are.
I like them a little more now
finally the race war is upon us
Trump and White people will get blamed for this.
>no corona in africa
guess again
This video really really has me heated holy fuck. Fuck NIGGERS. Xi should kill all of africa
>down goes frasier
okay i laughed
Proof niggers are irrational lunatics.
>muh slaves
>muh virus
No point in paying reparations or feeling bad about slavery. They're not actually mad about it, they're just unhinged nutcases looking for any reason to explode.
Checked and correct, it IS why they're doing it.
Superb numbers.
Niggers gonna nig desu
Majority of racial attacks are done by wh*Toids.
So the purge is starting now?
>no police report
checked, beat me to it
No you mong, nigs will nig.
If it wasn't a bugman, it would have been a white dude or a spic or another nigger.
Stop trying to portray them as humans, they aren't.
I wish Hitler would have successfully razed your entire shit hole island. Nothing good has ever come out of Britain.
White people did the same thing to Arabs and Indians during 911. Same ape like shit.
This. Deep down we knows the slant eye is responsible. We knows they spread it all over america. They probably saved there neighborhood from corona from that communist virus spreader
No dumbass. They do it because they have low impulse control, are innately aggressive, have been fed tons of propaganda about how they deserve free shit and they can’t plan anything out so they just react like monkeys.
Niggers doing God's work, punishing Chink bastards.
Good job niggers.
>This video really really has me heated holy fuck. Fuck NIGGERS. Xi should kill all of africa
Asians, with the exception of gooks, don't seem to understand the danger of being around blacks.
I'm all for making Asians feel uncomfortable here in North America. What good have they proven themselves to be anyway?
t.uses ADL as a source
I live in Philadelphia and I just fucking knew that that blacks wouldn't give a shit about the media throwing a hissy fit over Trump calling it the Chinese Virus.
Blacks here, especially the ones who grew up in ghettos, HATE the Chinese. They own all the stores in their neighborhoods and treat the residents with disdain, despite the fact that their culture eats fucking bats and dogs.
Majority per capita are done by negroids.
>implying niggers do ANY work
Nah, chink got chimped, chimp would have chimped on anything, chinaman was just in the wong prace at wong time.
>so they just react like monkeys.
Even silverback gorillas are more calm and peaceful than these savages.
stay mad chang. your people are natural cuckolds and slaves
I'm going to show this video, and a few others like this, to my students this semester.
That’s literally the only reason. Racial struggle is a natural part f life.
Other races are competition to be destroyed or resources to be exploited. Whites have forgotten this instinct which is why we allow other races to oppress us.
Reminder that chinks are the "panic buyers"
When animals attack
They’ve been doing this to whites and Asians randomly for decades you stupid Muslim faggot
Except for the fact that this is typical everyday shit for them.
seethe more chang, chinks will lick the boot too.
I believe the lad is from Uzbekistan not China. In any event once this boogaloo gets going niggers need to hunted down and killed on sight. I'm talking men, women and children. That is all.
Niggers prefer to attack non-niggers
t. Stone thrower who lives in a glass house
These fucking 'people' i swear.. How are they gonna spin this one on whitey i wonder? Did the chinese enslave blacks also? What a crock of shit. This is why people move away from them, and people get called racist for doing so. Crazy shit.
Fuck off chingchong. We’re coming after you once we finish the jews and niggers.
niggers are just like women and normies
>That chang was the one who spams blacked threads on Yas Forums
>t. chang
That's what that chink gets for not downloading VLC player.
I don't get it
>calling NIGGERS „blacks“
Maybe, but if there aren't any around, they'll chimp out on another nigger.
Nigs nig each other all the time.
Niggers kill more niggers than anything
Good. If we are too cowardly to fight back then we deserve it. Only the strongest and most ruthless races can survive.
If that was a Chinese citizen, these niggers need to be killed.
Niggers have balls and fight back. White Americans are all talk no action.
His first mistake was being anywhere near a group of nigs at night on the streets of philly.
Based niggers.
All chinks need to go back.
Must be a saturday.
Are all turkroaches this subhuman or is it just one bug that spams this shit
digits confirm
>seething nig-nog trying to LARP as a white man.
Right, Tyrone. You ain't doing shit.
absolutely poetic
Who cares? You should have killed off the Chinks during the Opium War and the Niggers in the Zulu war. But you didn’t. Because you’re weak. And you stopped the ONE man who could have given us the world.
>once this boogaloo gets going niggers need to hunted down and killed on sight. I'm talking men, women and children.
Blacks are not good at planning, are they? I bet the gooks are good at prepping, as are the Whites and even the Hispanics. So I think Blacks are going to be in big trouble if shit hits the fan.
Niggers are such horrible things.
Can you imagine a world without niggers?
Niggers are proof that god doesn't exist.
is it corona related or, nigs being nigs?
remember all those retarded niggers and chinks on social media the past month saying shit like "now Asians will see how racist whitey is" or "I may be Asian but I know that blacks have suffered like this from white racists for generations in this country" and similar bullshit?
This is the reality. Blacks hate you far more than we do. Stop teaming up with them
$100 that all niggers get a bullet from the white devils before the dust settles
Pathetic. What happened to your racial pride? We once killed millions of non-whites. Now milqetoast cuckservatives like you completely decry kampf of the volk.
Then they kill each other but muh racial struggle and shit.
>Can you imagine a world without niggers?
I don't have to see them or deal with them here, but they hang out in certain parts of Tokyo - Harajuku, Rappongi, Kabukicho and they have a hip hop clothing shop in Shibuy's Center Gai. But they are all of the African variety. Nigerian, mainly. I'm on edge whenever they're around. I instinctively want to get away from them.
>nig-nog googles some rando 1488 terms
Not buying your LARP, spearchucker.
kraut, stfo, niggers do not fight back only when they are in packs, if one on one they are fucking cowards, go play with hammed.
Speaking as a White guy, niggers are 1000x worse than Asians. I don't care about where Coronavirus came from. If anything, this virus gives us an opportunity to cripple the Jewish globohomo system.
But niggers are a plague that need to be largely exterminated. Chinks just need to go home and maybe we can be friends from a distance.
niggers are such beasts. I hope they will all be wiped out
they don't got the capacity to think ahead, quite lit
Probably the latter, but the (((media))) is gonna paint it as the former.
go back
Please try to post this on /r/sino and /r/publicfreakout to those who have leddit sleeper accounts.
this. Same with Gypsies. And once they see blood they run for dear life.
I can't stand them. They love to talk so much shit about their host nation (racist, sexist, etc). And then when you turn it around on them they go WHOA WHOA I'M JUST AS AMERICAN AS YOU ARE BRO
Thats a terrible reply, just realize youre an dumbass move on
Gang of American youth
The media always spins this shit. I remember a few years back there was a concern over the rising trend of hate crimes against Muslims. They referred to the attackers as Americans, blaming literally everyone who is an American, instead of calling the niggers out like they should have done. This is now the usual. There's always an excuse not to cover a hate crime committed by a black person.
There is a difference between black people and niggers.
Cringe, you chinks need to go back to chinkland
cecil rhodes?
China is a manifestation of jewish globohomo. Look up Sidney Blumenthal and his relationship with Mao.
It is carved from the same rotten cloth.
lingling mad?
Yas Forums is supporting niggers just because they are chimping out on chinese but they slaughter whites they cry out.
This pretty much tells about the miserable state this incels live in.
fuck niggers
fuck chinks
Too bad they won’t make themselves useful and start killing latinos. Fucking niggers.
By the way, Roosh is live right now:
Niggers are gonna Nig!!!!!
Deport them all to the Jungles of Africa.
t. wang ping
I hope Americans are better than that.
moar dubbs plz
fuck off even Hitler said that Japanese and Han chinese were honorary aryans.
Do not fault an entire race because you don't like their government.
>praises nigs for nogging.
I bet your wife's boyfriend approves.