2 weeks from now aliens will land bringing with them tech, some resources and alot of medicine for everyone

2 weeks from now aliens will land bringing with them tech, some resources and alot of medicine for everyone

in 3 years there will be one last human conflict/world war between 3 sides

one side is about minimal use of said tech and rejection of the aliens and their philosophy with the main country leading it being China

China was intentionally hit with the virus first to shave off their military capability.

The 2nd side is about full exploitation of the tech but rejection of the aliens and their philosophy and is lead by the United States

The 3rd side is the more advanced and about fully embracing the philosophy but not really worshiping them as Gods more like a type of neo-buddhism with the life force being the answer to everything and the aliens having transcended it/becoming the next stage of life but it will obviously lack as many people following it for they will be afraid. It's going to have a foothold in Europe but with no specific country being of focus. People from this side will be immortal. They will be hard to put down and if they are they will come back as a clone with their consciousness transferred.

I will be joining the aliens. This war is less about principles and more about evening out the collective consciousness of humanity. The war is happening inside us when it's finished enlightenment will follow and we will have our place.

For once as a species peace, freedom and immortality is not just a promise but something we'll have along with truth from understanding.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I fight for Vanu!

btw i have once seen one of them in a vision

they're beings of pure light/energy if you look at them its like you're staring at yourself and the universe

That was DMT.

Based schzio


the aliens land.
the ship eclipsese even cities
the hanger door slowley opens with a beam of light pouring out from the ship
the silhouettes from the ship start walking out
you glint
you can see them they're tall!
they're black...

It's fine I don't expect most to genuinely believe me but then again even after what they'll give us there will be more people that reject them or their philosophy out of ignorance enabled by fear.

They're even going to admit they released the coronavirus to get our attention and cull people from China. They have no reason to hide anything from us it's about what we hide from ourselves and that's our potential.

Cool larp user, I also enjoy Stellaris but determined assimilators are just worse versions of fanatic purifiers, get with the times.

I have never done drugs before. I don't think I'll need to it's like my future self is echoing back.

Imagine not playing TR, they're literally Yas Forums the faction

fuck off barneys





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They are demonic dumass, they are the fallen ones returning for the finally battle

Please be cute bird aliens.

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DMT is naturally produced in the body and is one of the main reasons for spiritual revelations and such. Sure you can dose a whole load at once but the body microdoses quite often with some of the doses being large enough to induce the DMT acceptance or rejection of everything state. You're a 'one with all' DMT user.

>Sources: dude trust me

The future is bright.

They are literally EZ mode. You have no good weapons compared to the other empires. Sorry but the devs don't like you.

>2 weeks from now aliens will land
Aint happenin

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two weeks from now your ass will land on my balls.

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I will join the aliens of course

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Humanity's demons are going to be brought out and they're not going to go silently they're going to go kicking and screaming bringing anyone and anything down with them.

Think of us not as betrayers of humanity but as healers. Sometimes you have to kill someone so they'll be reincarnated in a cleaner state.

Lambright 2020

ID2020 ----- Noahide Law.

I hope so. The more of us there are the better but the problem is the majority of mankind are not going to like it. They're going to be afraid.

Even hardcore alien believers would be too afraid even if they've dreamed of alien contact or whatever

Nothing will be hidden from you they will just bombard you with the truth and if your heart is pure you will accept it

Niga u gone be suprised when u enter the space ship

I saw a spinning rainbow disk of pure love and connection
no darkness, just light, love, connection, and joy
summin’ like dat?

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There's no such thing as aliens
If they existed they would of murdered every black nigger to save the enviroment.

It would explain why I had that vision of one. It was such an experience that it echoed back to a younger/different version of myself yet I'm still myself.


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The Negroid race proves two things
Evolution is Fake
.and aliens don't exist if they existed they would murder every black nigger without fear of being arrested.

>You have no good weapons compared to the other empires. Sorry but the devs don't like you.

yeah it's immersive. we fight insurmountable odds

Not on my watch faggot

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insurmountable odds against traitors and homos

but we will die gloriously

Wrong. Aliens put niggers here to mess with us. They have a list of really shitty species traits that they added to the human template for luls.

screencap this thread


Corey Goode 2019-08 - Aliens drop-off dead human bodies

Dr. Karla Turner books


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>source: trust me dood i saw it in a dream

Nah I didn't know what vision was about and it was a long time ago I just realized all of this like an hour ago

you will understand

imagine needing no recoil insane accuracy lazer rifles or crazy damage grug club weapons to win.lmfao!

I know how this one ends.

Reminder that Vanu players are all tryhard pussies that camp with 0 bullet drop and infinite invisibility.

vsi4ko shte se naredi kakto e otre4ekno bratle samo bez panica i se nasladi na momenta v koito se namirash

ok but the main question is still if the aliens have pussies and if, if they are usable for BBC

>aliens created niggers to destroy humanity
based and redpilled

NC still cries about their Max

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bluepilled schizoposter

Fuck the aliens I vote for nuclear hellfire

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Niggers aren't good enough to destroy humanity. They exist to make our lives more troublesome because it makes for a great series of Xenovision when clipped together.

One of the most real feeling dreams I've had is their ships arriving. Unfortunately they sent down weaponized drones that hunted everyone from house to house.

Sleep tight

Oh but that kill someone ain't gonna be you amaright?
Fuck you!

What about the white niggers or the black red necks?

Papa Vanu finds your effort... LACKING

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You will understand either in life if you're enlightened or upon death. Both cases you will be afraid. Courage doesn't come from not feeling anything it's about doing something no matter how much you're terrified. Accepting the truth for one.

At least this is how I can describe my future enlightenment. It's available to everyone but not many will accept it out of fear.

OP What you saw was a memory. I'm not sure if everyone has it, and y'all are just hiding what you think is insanity. I have it, I distinctly remember it, and all of you being there. Should instantly tell you what life is.
I can give you a spoiler

Checked, if Yas Forums wasn't so shitty, Anons could dream-map again. It's uncanny how many separate brains share close processes in a time of subconscious control

TR forever tech tard

This "life" is a dream I know it too well the rest of it however is not and it's hard to accept. It's hard to accept "nothing" because we're afraid of becoming nothing and being nothing but it's only nothing because we're asleep and have our eyes closed to the obvious.

They can make sexbots/custom clones?

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I heard NC spawned their bastion and got rolled in 8min in seeing your flag makes sense now.

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yeah, and the aliens eat niggers and piss gasoline
tell your neurologist the meds are not working

Good night to you as well bro.