Tribe up white people

tribe up white people

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Do theses people not realize that if they keep this up, A LOT OF non-chinese people are gonna turn on them?

Why are they buying only 2 units each time? They need the 2 units receipt for some tax loop hole or something?


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I mean the only people in the world are nonchinese

limit 2 per customer
so they show up with 10 people and keep going back until they clear the shelves

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Why is the name “bugmen” so fitting?

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just an fyi, this has been happening for a while now in aus.
Woolies should be enforcing their two per person rule, but evidently here they're not. When I used to work at woolies 2 yrs ago, we were told not to supply slants with baby formula if they asked for it.

This. Chinese baby formula is full of bullshit like talcum powder. The bugs sell it over there for a profit. I’m surprised whites just stand back and watch this type of shit happen anymore.

I used to work as a Compliance Officer for the Commonwealth Government, pic related is from an unannounced site visit on a Chinese owned business.

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You've gotta be kidding me... every gook deserves painful and quick death.

what the fuck you need baby formula for? did you get horribly mutilated in a car accident and don't have breasts attached to your torso anymore?

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I seriously hope none of you feed your children with formula

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it's kind of losing battle though anyway.
If they get kicked out, or refused service at one store they'd just move on to the next store. The fact that they're doing still, is disgusting. They annoyed me before, but now it's just despicable, cause they're doing the same with toilet paper, except they're jewing the aussies because they sell it to us.
We should just deport all chinese nationals, and passport holders.
The mainlander chinks love it for some reason. The daigous make pretty good profits selling it to the mainlanders. Its incredibly expensive over there too.

it's been common knowledge for years that they travel to other countries, load up on the things that aren't available in their shithole and travel back.

Quick? Oh no no no
-2 pounds of flesh every day for a month

FYM Daigou is fucked now, no shipping to over sea soon.

Based and Daigou Pilled

kill yourself racist
your phone was made in china
be grateful

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For all the Good China is doing we have to let their citizens living our country to spy and steal from us hoard everything. It is the least we can do because the Chinese are humanitarians unlike white people.

If chinks don't want to be beaten and murdered in the streets like they're whining about now they'll denounce this. But they're so fiercely ethnocentric they never will. Truly they are yellow jews

What'd they do to him you think?

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What am I looking at? Cameras?

>Chinks stunting their children's growth

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These types of people literally have tunnel vision and can't think of that possibility

I'd love to take a baseball bat or a sledge hammer to their legs. Just break all their legs and let it send a message to the rest of them.

Fucking chinks subhumans

China can suck a big nuke

They've actually always been doing this which is why formula is limited to customers in some stores its probably worse now honestly

Yeah, I’ve definitely seen threads about them doing this for a year or more. Fuckin chinks.


So simple arbitrage then, right?

Based capitalist chinks

1- Some mother's can't breastfeed, even with fat old tits sometimes a baby won't latch and pumping is a fucking chore (this is why wet nurses exist)
2-Chinks are unhealthy, overworked fucks so a lot of women in China have more faith in a foreign product then their own malformed tits.

I really hope WW3 is the entire world vs chinks.
I will gladly sign up.

while I encourage only only breastfeeding until age 6 months, and preferrably continuing to a year, formula milks are made from cow's milk not onions.

Onions milk and other non-cow's milk (e.g. goats milk) is advised against in infants

Fucking chinks are awful, it's always them pulling this kind of shit too.

Proper hotdog

Healthy white women who want healthy children should be breastfeeding anyway unless they can't. Choosing not to is stupid and irresponsible with the wealth of information available online

Ok, it's time to started killing chinks.
Should just grab their bags and run.

Let it all out whities. Let the rage, anger and frustration flow through your bodies.
You are just showing your true colors which you've been hiding for all these years.
Is China's surging economic, militaristic and global influence making you shiver in your boots?
How does it feel there's nothing you can do once China takes over and makes every last country irrelevant?


Nope. They are legit reptilian-brained dominant. Instead of empathy, they're more survival mode, aka greedy and selfish.

just beat them up

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>acting like a bunch of disingenuous Jew niggers
>you're just mad because you're jealous
Kill yourself.

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the eternal chink

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I dunno why the Chinese are being so aggressive. They haven't won a war in more then 100 years. Their youth are blind from being raised on smart phones and they are 4 feet tall.

You're about to experience a pogrom yellow kike.

Practicing arbitrage thats smart

I really hate chinks

>tribe up white people
Whites are the biggest individualist faggots on the face of the planet. Very few white will ever gang up.

just chink things, rarely for other races breast feeding is problem, and the % is pretty low for whites too.
I personally don't see the problem. Let them feed their baby bugs with it.

"Spanish flu" originated in USA.
Black death originated in the mongolian empire
>Russian flu
>Hong Kong flu
>Japanese smallpox epidemic
>originated in China
... typical CIA spreading fakenews

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I dont get why there hasn't been a backlash against this bullshit

anything Chinese report like this

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based maori

What's a chink doing in Spain? Do some research.

Why they dip fry dogs alive?

I'm educated unlike you MIGA fanatics
Not even surprised that you can't say anything when someone comes with facts.

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lol did anybody else see the video where the niggers killed some random chang earlier today?

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that would be racyss

spanish flu came from china you dumb dago

I think you meant slow.

There's one vid of one chink blowtorching a dog to death while it's hanging from it's neck.

That's the death they deserve