So this is the shill's weapon of choice for current year

So this is the shill's weapon of choice for current year

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It's all they have left. The kikes spell is broken an they don't know what to do.

Have sex incel

Nope, the shill's weapon of choice for the year is "10 social credits have been deposited in your bank account"

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>believes in shills
meds. take them

The proper response is
>You're only gaslighting yourself.

You're only gaslighting yourself.

Have you retarded niggers ever considered you are in fact just schizophrenic?


If you fucking faggots don't have a serious mental illness, your collective IQ must be around 70

It’s a total of like 5 autistic people cycling VPNs. Those are the shills that’s exist on Yas Forums

No because you're not good at your jobs. You've just made people hate kikes more.

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fucked up how soi got such a strong pushback to the point that janny trannies had to set up a wordfilter to lessen their triggerage. of course, their excuse was that it was a "dead meme" being spammed to the point of hurting discussion.
think this one will ever get wordfiltered? think again.

user, you’re the one being gaslit. Look up in the right-hand corner of your room. Hello.

glad anons are realizing this. "Schizo" is being deployed against every important thread. All they want you thinking about is mainstream politics and news and since the normie takeover of Yas Forums they've been largely successful in constraining conversation in that way.

That’s one conclusion, but maybe you are a schizo and they’re reaching out to help you, and yet your paranoia is causing you to think they’re just shills deceiving you. 99% of the population would consider you schizophrenic so who is right? How do you know how rational and sane you are


unless its in a Qthred
then it's probably me

take your meds schizo

You're the one who thinks pandemics are naturally occurring events ...while I know the real reason is top secret government agents are conspiring to bring civilization down

Tell me who's the fucking schizo retard.

Fuck off you kike shill

You're absolutely right my fellow goy

>"Chet Hanks is a pedophile look at the illuminati tatoo on his chest. Don't trust me ? check for yourself"
>"Ellen is talking in morse code to signal the cabal look at this grainy picture of her on her couch"
>"The DNC are all pedos a 2016 video of Hillary and Huma is floating around. No I cant give you the video they scrubbed it from the internet"

Literally glowing

Reverse psychology.

this was used heavily in 2019, even late 2018

nothing new


Actually, I'm pretty open with my non-standard opinions and I've been pretty successful at helping my normie friends to widen their conception of what's possible and/or actual. I'm high IQ, employed, have a healthy relationship, and am generally well liked. You on the other hand are likely bitter, emotionally unstable, and unpleasant to be around because of your need to enforce your worldview on others to calm your insecurity.

It's really a cringe phrase as well....

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posting in an angry schizo thread

>get so butthurt by banter that you literally make an entire off topic thread about it

Nobody puts dominos on top of cheese are pasta.

Stop defending pedos.

Stop watching mindless entertainment.

Find a skill, and master it.

Provide food for yourself and family.

Shut the fuck up.

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schizos are misinformation shills and astroturfers designed to make the board look worse than it is

So flip it back on them:

>take your adrenachrome pedo

You need to out Alinsky these cunts. When they troll you, troll back harder.

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best part is knowing when you see it youre on the right path

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Q is an obvious cointelpro psyop.
It has many functions but right now it's being used to make Yas Forums repulsive to the bluepilled newfag who might have stumbled on a /cvg/ link or something and stuck around. Chet Hanks called out the Chans because of it yet you can tell this isn't a Yas Forums thing. Shill discords ran by legit glowniggers are sending all these Qtards here while 4 or 5 glows are making the threads to make it seem like it's popular. Then when Yas Forumsacks tell them to fuck off, they're called shills.

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To be fair, most of you need to stick to your meds and stop skipping them.

>take your meds please goyim!

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Nice get. The meme wars of 2020 have begun.

Maybe you’re right. But I wasn’t saying everything on Yas Forums is schizo, but most of the happenings and conspiracies are


Take your mess schizo

but why is it so important if it's a bio weapon or a naturally mutated virus that was contrated through wet markets. we're fucked either way. and what would our overlords gain by stranding society?

what is this?

>qtards shit up the board
>get told to fuck off

Paid trolls

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No, the shills weapon of choice this year is "Hitler was a jew"

Nope. ID2020 is the main post being labeled "schizo" by shills right now and it's a pretty undeniable, dystopian, and real agenda.

>russians TOTALLY hacked the paper ballots, dude

consider you should be included
just shut the fuck up

Telecom data is usually pretty accurate way of determining patterns. In the case of COVID-19 outbreak, China's subscribers declined in the MILLIONS (over 8.1M+) around Jan/FeB

Telephone DIDs (Direct Inward Dial, aka incoming mobile numbers, business lines, etc) also were completely disconnected in the millions.

DIDs disconnected means several millions of Chinese either cancelled their phone service with their provider within 30-60 days or they were completely cut off and disconnected against their wishes.

It will be interesting to see if Chinese telecom and mobile carriers will provide further data or if the gov will censor further data.

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.05 shekels have been deposited into your account

have sex
based croat

wonder if shareblue will experience layoffs soon. tough economy out there bros.

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I unironically invented the phrase. Ama.

As if they know who the H.O.A.T.F. really is.

my childhood fap

Moar. Wtf is going on

imagine thinking shareblue still rolls here. That was 4 fucking years ago Qtard

wht are we supposed to tell schizos who post stupid shit?

>imagine thinking they don't

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