Why are tradcaths so hecking intolerant??

How can anyone support this movement???

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>t. stinky pagan
Whatever you say

So you fucking support this? Its like you think europe is only for christians

Trad caths are just Catholics.
Non trad caths are satanists.

>you think Europe is only for Christians
No, but our Churches are. Go hump a tree, faggot.

> guys a rogue group threw some pagan idols that had been provocatively put in a church by the Pope into the river
> can we be based now?

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So discriminating against other religions is fine in catholicism then? Go fuck yourself


Its nothing based about it. It just shows how intolerant you are


>throws ridicolous superstition symbols in the river
everyone clapping and praising
>throws ridicolous superstition pagan symbol in the river

Wondering what would have happened if some Europagan faggot went all the way to Amazonia to put some holy Mars (not the planet) statue in their holy places, expecting praising and applauses, and then some local dude threw it in the Amazon River

My sides!!

intolerant? we have tolerated enough fucking shit from pagans, atheists muslims and kikes. the time of change is now. that was just the start

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I cant wait to get my tasty juicy nigger feet in heaven!!! DEUS VULT

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The christkike rears ist ugly head. You will not destroy the white race, rabbi.

why do tradcaths put up with archbishops who teach for doctrine the commandments of men, seminaries that through their traditions make the commandments of God of no effect, repeating prayers as if they would be heard for much speaking, and basically trying to work their way into Heaven as if they'll go to Purgatory if they don't recite enough prayers?

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I fucking hate chinks so much

You're not white.

That was fast rabbi yeshua.

based christian ISIS

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People like Dr. Taylor Marshall is a (((tradcath))) who have skyrocketed in popularity recently. He has been fuelling hatred of non-christians. He even interviewed the cunt who threw the pagan idols into the river.. How do we get him banned on youtube?

Do not worry brother. On the day of the rope all sandniggers and sandnigger enablers (jews,christkikes. mudslimes will hang high for what they did to europe)

>muh rocks

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Change your name to Abdul and move to the middle east if like like LARPing as a bronze age Jew so much.

Your dumbass shitrock in Mekka was worshiped by pagan arabs way before our beloved pedo boy showed up. Explain.

>No such thing as a religion that accepts other religions, that is called heresy

Fuck francisco and fuck argentina. Deus vult.

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>calling others rabbis
kys. europe will be ruled by the hellenic, roman and british empires again. and there is nothing you can do about it

They're just shabbos goyim bro

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Traditional Catholicism has piqued my interested in the past week. Bishop Fulton Sheen is based.

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worried about degeneracy being purged are we, schlomo?

>europe will be ruled by the hellenic, roman and british empires again
You mean the Turks, the Moors and the Pakistanis?

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On nooo not my paganrinos nooooooo theyre heckin goode boyes noooooo

because they are actually hateful people who use Catholicism to shield themselves from accusations.

I hope so. It just scares me how a movement like that can suddenly become so popular. Its strange how easily europeans fell for this jew trick religion throughout history. Why did we leave paganism to begin with??? Even after the fall of rome, EVERY single kingdom that replaced it decided to keep Christianity and become even more hostile towards paganism than christian rome was... How?

You will literally never become based. There is nothing based about proclaiming that judaism was at any time correct.

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There is no lower human than the tradcath

Tolerance is for faggots and jews

Shut the fuck up and get the fuck out.


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today you laugh, tomorrow you beg for the purging to end

Had some good quotes, but was still a massive shabbos goy cuck.

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How do nigger feet taste like???

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Not like there's a major difference between Catholics and Amazon junglies, just different flavours of paganism.

Did they throw in real representations of evil and idolatry like copies of Roe vs. Wade and big screen tvs running CNN or just some larping dungeoons and dragons stuff?

Trad caths are my go to destination if I want to laugh at stupid people. Watched some guys sermon about all the things that can cause demonic possession. These people are afraid of Harry Potter books and scented skin balms.


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Whiny pagan bitch
Still mad over a tree

>dont even post this shabbos goy's best quote
I'm disappointed in you, shabbos goy.

You aren’t white though.

I didn't say i agree with absolutely everything he says.
Sorry, but I'm not some weak-minded fag like you who believes that one comment in support of Jews means that I have to disavow absolutely everything that person says.

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Why don’t you go pray to a rock and hug a tree, you mongoloid?


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You said he's baste bro. But he's just a retarded shabbos goy. Like you.

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>one comment in support of Jews means that I have to disavow absolutely everything that person says.
The problem is that what he says is mostly just retarded shabbos rhetoric user.
Case in point:
See also:

Because we are aware of da joos

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Because it is real and without Christianity germans and other Europeans would still be living in dirt huts and running naked through the woods chasing wild pigs, like they did for millennia before Christianity came around.

To clarify...
>those who believe in dishonesty are passionate, those who believe in honesty are not, and this is a tragedy
>if you aren't prepared to drive the merchants from the temple, you have lost a love of truth (honesty)
>I am not prepared to remove the merchants from the temple, in fact we need to protect them, they are just like us

I mean, fuck dude. Come on now.

You would know better than I, I live in the mountains in a 99% white state. You live in a socialist apartment block filled with Arab conquerors. Go eat some monkey meat or whatever it is that you people do.

Fucking jews. Germanic pagans had philosophers just like greece. But the christian made sure to erase them from history