Why aren't you panicking more?

Your government wants you to panic.
Your mainstream media wants you to panic.
Professionals want you to panic.
Elites want you to panic.
Corporations want you to panic.
Twitter/Google/Facebook want you to panic.

So why aren't you panicking?
You must be a shill.

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I'm literally too based to panic

Preparation isn't panic, it's planning.

>want you to panic.
>Elites want you to panic.
>Corporations want you to panic.
>Twitter/Google/Facebook want you to panic.
>So why aren't you panicking?
>You must be a shill.

Panicking does absolutely fuckall.

A month ago, nobody but Yas Forums wanted you to panic. People watched the Chinese put that hospital up in 10 days either cheering them on or laughing at them.

based on what??

The choice is death, or the future we were heading into. They both have about the same level of appeal.

>Why aren't you panicking more?
I'm 21

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Panic is for virgins. Chads have no fear

god i love armpits

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Because God wins.

I know why they want you to panic. So i am a total shill and enjoy the show.

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It is something out of my control. If this is Gods will then so be it. I will not waste my time and energy in a panic as panicing leads only to further distress.

Sweaty armpits are hot as fuck.

because I saw what was coming 3 months ago and bought food, water, tp, ammo and I got my guns sighted in and a few blinds set up.
Why panic when you are in the know?

>Resist the control of the elites!
>It doesn't matter tens of thousands of lifes are in danger your freedom to go to the McDonalds is more important than that!
Prevention is not panic

Why are you so interested?

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why the fuck should I panic?

Based on what?


pol is so controlled it's unreal


we've all been living in a boring dystopia for a while now in debt and just want to die. this is like sweet relief.

he means his blood ph is so off that corona chan can't come in

You are in the know about a virus that'a killed less than influenza? God damn good thing you're prepped up and ready to go. I mean, no one will lose access to food, water or electricity in the forseeable future but god damn if this isn't the happening you're larping about.

Appear weak when you are strong, appear strong when you are weak.

If your enemy wants you to panic, don't panic.

Contrarians do the opposite of the crowd. When everyone was calm, I was panicking and preparing. Now that every is panicking, I am calm and patient.

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Your average Yas Forumstard has been through so many fake happenings, we're completely immune to panic even if a real happening occurs.

>So why aren't you panicking?
Still good shows on Netflix, so who cares?

Every facet of existence is ephemeral. Death is a doorway, not a wall. Why would I panic? Only enlightenment is real.

I panicked enough to get my prot warrior up to level 60.

>Why aren't you panicking more?
>So why aren't you panicking?
>You must be a shill.

1. I know what is really going on behind the scenes at the sovereign level. I listened to Dr. Ron Paul. I've actually been waiting for this bitch to come down for a few years. I even knew that the 2008 quantitative easing maneuver by the fed and the October repo market shenanigans was simply kicking the can down the road till this ugly bubble finally got lanced by something. Corona-chan is a catalyst, not the cause. You newfags and niggers fell asleep. Meanwhile, I was learning about this bomb and figuring out what to do about it.

2. Already prepped for SHTF. I also live in a based fucking area. That means not just food, water, security, but I also protected my assets. I'm even ready for hyper inflation thanks to Peter Schiff's solid advice on what to do with money that is going to shit fast.

3. I already know what the outcome is going to be. I'm ready for a financial reset/reval and am likely to be fucking rich. I knew what the two solutions to this fucking shit-show had to be eventually and even planned for the good one.

4. I know more than you fucking do about a LOT of shit. Remember, you are just a fucking normie. An NPC, a fucking faggot that at best can't figure out the shills from the based posters and are now all you can do is cry and plead for someone to take pity on your ass.

I am not like you. I am a legit fucking "oldfag" user from 2004, and I am gonna get paid when this is all over.

You were warned. You didn't listen. You ignored Dr. Ron Paul's advice. It's fucking happening. It's over. This is the future you chose.

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I have nothing I live for and no reason to give a fuck.

I’m just waiting to invest and make sone money

That´s crazy, i was born in 2004

>someone is still on team nothingburger
all you had to do was watch china to see what was happening, 5 million bugs fled Wuhan for Europe and NA, what else was going to happen?

This place is the worse for that. It's dead as far as Im concerned. The only posters are masons/spooks/jews wanting you to panic and hate everyone else and not taking no for an answer, the same shills calling for war with China and CCP shills calling for us to over throw our own governments. This place is a mess and i would suggest anyone with a brain get out of here and let these assholes argue with each other until their head explode. There is no point in being here for any kind of real info. It's all pure propaganda

>So why aren't you panicking?
I panicked so much I stopped caring.

Why would I panic? I've prepared for the worst but I'm hoping for the best. Quivering in fear doesn't do anything.

everyone here is straight so youre a faggot

Can i have the salsa my man

>everyone here is straight so youre a faggot

This. The only place I "panicked" was my job, I slowly made them think I was on the verge of breakdown, reality was I was just a week or two ahead of even Italy and planned the easy out. Then did it. Now "on sick leave" being paid to watch the world burn.

Underage b&

Enjoy the 4 year ban

Panicking leads to bad decision making. I made sure to stock up before the panic buying so I didn't have to fight a bunch of coofing retards over TP, rice, and canned foods but I kept a calm attitude about it like all adults should.

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I have nothing to lose so I have nothing to panic over.

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I just got back from fishing. And other stuff. My freezer is full, my garden is planted. I have ammo. And my horses are good to go. So fuck the city faggots.

ya sure, m8?

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yea good shit ty

owl sideboob is best sideboob

>Your government wants you to panic.
> Your mainstream media wants you to panic.
> Professionals want you to panic.
> Elites want you to panic.
> Corporations want you to panic.
> Twitter/Google/Facebook want you to panic.
> So why aren't you panicking?
You just answered your own question.

Pitchads rise up

a cute!

Because Im not a faggot.

Your government wants you to hide in your homes.
Your mainstream media wants you to hide in your homes.
Professionals want you to hide in your home.
Elites want you to hide in your homes.
Corporations want you to hide in your homes.
Twitter/Google/Facebook want you to hide in your homes.

Why aren't you staying home, cooming all day?

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is that nigger smoking crack on the subway?!?

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>1 post by this id

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yiff in hell

Looks like maybe meth. Crack's usually a straight glass pipe, meth has that little bulb on the end

The coofers have won. Why panic when you're already dead?

Fuck this gay pandemic.

You want more?

I have no reason to panic. There is noting to fear. They feast from your fear. Stop being afraid and get comfy.


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Also if you want me to respond to anything else, you need to give me something to fucking follow up with. I was just answering faggot OP.

huh, the more you know
do you also know why there's the differnce?
i always thought both are vaporized instead of actual smoking, woudn't the bowl ease that up for crack?

I dunno man, your based you know? you say redpilled things, your based

what's there to cry about?
the willow bends.
i'm the most zen motherfucker here, but you wouldn't know it because i have Anxiety Brain. yeah, i'm a retard. but, i can use that retard power, that fuel, to, well...rip and tear. metaphoribcally beaking.

Is that the full pic or...