College should be free for everyone

Prove me wrong

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You already did

Who’s going to pay for it?


It already is in every first world country.

Jesus Christ everyone in this photo is looking at the white guy except the roastie.

fucking save us corona-chan

people should pay to go to high school, prove me wrong

pro tip: you cant

Let business sponsor college students with tuition and participation in constructing a practical curriculum so when the student graduates he's guaranteed a job and a career.

But that's like slave trading is it not?

Same people who pay for welfare for untrained people who cant get jobs because they cant afford to learn a skill and businesses dont want to invest in their employees
>id rather pay for niggers to sit on their ass than see an effort to fix it

College should also be non-ubiquitous. Only the intellectual elite (in the ninth decile for IQ or so) should go so having a degree would actually mean something. The whole reason they turned university basically into a prerequisite for normie ass jobs and completely depreciated the value of a batchelor's degree was to generate profit off fees.

Funny how no one ever asks this when rubber stamping a corporate tax cut or the forever war budget

If you can't pay for college, you don't need it.

trades schools should be free with unpaid internships as part of the curriculum

> charge the fuck out of useless degress

>everyone now has a college degree
>collegial self development itself is severely degraded because Colleges see little benefit to improving their programs because they have a captured marketplace and infinite demand
>value signalling benefit of a degree is now rendered worthless
>employers and recruiters now demand Masters degrees and PHDs, or even worse years of experience for 'entry' level positions
>youths must now waste many more additional years of their lives to develop basic entry level skills and value which comes at the opportunity cost of years of last labor wages
>many more youths now suffer burnout or succumb to lifestyle vices they are exposed to in college

Don't even need to get into the taxes or economics of this policy.

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Or the upcoming round of corporate bail outs

>x should be y!

How to spot an armchair politician with no experience of reality at all.

I can play this game too

>everyone should live forever!
>life should be easy!
>everyone should be happy!


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Boy I can't wait to go to McCollege and get a McDegree so I can have the privilege of flipping McBugers to pay off my McDebt.

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What would a huehuemonkey need to go to college for?

"Should be free"
Its a nice utopia.
Its got a lot going for it.

The best thing it has going for it seems to be the obvious access to upward mobility in class.

Education does not automatically lead to a class increase, but does have a hand in it, and freedom to access this tool could and should increase the meritocracy of higher employment, to a degree.

The downsides are the taxation required, because it isn't 'free', its 'paid for by the social contract' and that HAS to be up for negotiation, though we may be able to agree that not all are reasonable in these negotiations, they should still get their voices.

It also devalues itself at least to a degree when it loses exclusivity. What decides which courses remain when all courses are free? What are our quality controls?

To a degree, I agree that education should be a right, and it should be free of religious indoctrination entirely. The higher education barriers should be as small as possible, at least.

It is in our country kek

Maybe only for those that pass rigorous tests and can preserve a certain average of performance through their whole study time like in Japan, else they get the boot and have to pay for shitty education in the private sector like everyone else or go eat a dick. In that case you could count it as an investment in human capital. since public options would be like scholarships really and since those already tested top tier graduates would probably go directly to good positions or to do important research, improving the industries and innovation a whole with fresh talent.

Universal free education for all who ask for it? fuck no, the only thing that achieves is a lower bar in every aspect of education and the career fields and colapse the institutions making them nigger tier. It would also severely cripple wages for profesionals, removing all incentive to even get a diploma in the first place.It also creates the phenomenom of commie slobs enrolling and then spending 10 years only showing up to loiter and participate in school politics, never graduating and never paying a dime and schools going constantly in strikes because they let in a flood of communist shitlords who never cared about studying.

Literally, informal street vendors make more money than university graduates in countries where thats implemented, like mine or other latam countries. Thats why south american engineers are so happy to accept wages in the first world for like one fifth of what a local professional who went into debt for schooling would charge.

>hur dur i got free diploma lol, this is progress, so brave
>wait, how come all the job offers for that position pay shit and there are 99999 applicants?? Chapos told me this would help the working class reeeeeee

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>noooooooooooooooo you can‘t got to college because i already do, nooooooo, nooooooooo, just nooooooooooo
>college is for da elite, me elite, you not elite, niggggaaaaaaa

Do you want colleges to be like public schools? That is exactly what it will be like. They'll have to implement programs just to get some people through while the people that actually should be their will suffer a massive regression of quality as all the attention and effort goes to the troublemakers and idiots that needed to be digging ditches ASAP. Plus 90% of college is practically useless outside of STEM.

>cant refute the argument
>rapefugee flag

I'd rather have just gotten the job I have now and be earning what I am now when I was 18 rather than having to waste time and money to get to this point.

So like the colleges aren't allowed to charge tuition? How do the teachers get paid?

What argument?

Good for you, other would rather not

OP is a faggot
>8 prove me wrong threads

>How do the teachers get paid?
The same way school teachers get paid


>university has an entry exam involving math
>"nigga what, dat racist yo, university is for all who breathe air"
>ok, remove the entry exam because ·#inclusion
>nigger fails every asignature and just wasted more state money
>Nigga yo be tripping, imma sue, failing niggas be racist yo!
If you are moron and can`t prove at least to some degree you deserve the chance you should not go into higher education, real world doesn`t hand out participation trophies. Of course the same goes for burguer morons who don`t deserve a spot but they have enough money to pay, ideally there should be a mix of private and public options depending on peoples intellectual and monetary capacities. Doesn`t have to be as black and white.If you can`t into Stem in a national university you could ask daddy for some cash and get into a private bussiness school or go becaome a tennis coach or a porn entrepeneur , whatever suits you.

College is already worthless due to trying to get people that are unqualified in causing schools to lower standards so that anyone can pass. As soon as it becomes for "everyone" then it isn't really for anyone, meaning it will no longer function to educate, but rather it will serve as a brainwashing institution for people at a very impressionable point in their lives.

jesus read this before starting another thread

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So the idea is just to make public education go until age 22 instead of age 18? Sounds dumb as fuck. Why?

Most people only go to college because they need a degree (at least) to get a non-shit tier job. If only people actually wanted to pursue academic, intellectual or scientific careers went to university and the rest of us could just get straight into work like people used to, that would make far more sense than everyone needing a degree to not work a minimum wage job, and even then it not being guaranteed that you won't because batchelor's degrees are fucking worthless.

We, do, but 99% of the supposed "tax cuts" and "bailouts" that leftist media tries to kick up a fuss about turn out to be deferrals and loans.

>college should be free for everyone.
a thing of value cannot be free.
college, virtually a thing of value, having elements of value inherent in it.
college is a thing of value, therefore, college cannot be free.

college is for doctors. if you're not a doctor, you shouldn't be going to college.

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>See any application that has "University of California" on it
>Immediately throw it in the trash

Thanks for spending a fortune to tell me you are an entitled, indoctrinated troublemaker.

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Make all Marxist professors, instructors, assistants and admin staff go without pay?
Fine by me!

90% of people wouldnt even pass the test to get into stem fields, nothing would change, it would only benefit us more since our field would be even more glorified
regarding other ""degrees"", those are jokes for kids who want to spend their 20s drunk, whoring and slowly turn into npc retards

>Most people only go to college because they need a degree (at least) to get a non-shit tier job.
It's chicken vs egg though.
Degrees only became a requirement for entry level work because degree inflation devalued high school diplomas.
Requiring people to go through an additional 4 years of brainwashing, loans and renting to reach the same starting point is always going to be preferable from the perspective of the elite, so once those floodgates are open, there is no going back outside of a radical cultural shakeup.

exactly! true marxists don't work for pay!

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College should only be for gifted people to study STEM fields. Not brainwashing indoctrination centers where people take Mickey Mouse courses and cause trouble with protests.

1. College should be free for top students, and only if they’re taking STEM. If you’re not a top student and/or you want a non STEM field, than pay for it yourself or your parents can pay.

2. Ban protests and political activism on campuses. Colleges are places of study, not political forums to create good for nothing “activists”.

3. Get rid of tenure, and start driving the old marxists and boomer hippies out of there. Start placing an emphasis on military service in teaching. Hire veterans.

4. Unless you’re a top student and taking STEM, providing 2 or 3 years of hard federal service should be a requirement before you go to college, to make sure that you’re mature and ready to study, and that you’re not wasting money and everyone’s time.

college is for doctors. if you're not a doctor, you don't need to get formal instruction, you can pick up a book. if you can't learn from a book then you're too retarded to learn.

That's basically how it is here. You can get max of 40pts based on your marks in high school and then max 60 potential points when you do the enrollment test at the college you want to enroll (we have various departments scattered around and test for enrollment are mostly math, physics, chemistry or biology). Every college department (building) has different standards, like I needed 71pts min to be able to enroll into college with the state financing my studies and that was for faculty of Mining and Geology. Limited number of spots tho.

aside from cutting people open, can you justify a single degree major that you can't simply learn on your own? i mean, we have fucking youtube and ebooks for fuck's sake. how fucking retarded are you that you can't use a computer?

A free education is worthless, bc that's its market price

>>ok, remove the entry exam because ·#inclusion
No such thing as affirmative action in germany

(i messed up an earlier post)
Hey! What about a compromise?

You don't want to make the first year of college free, because so many people would go that it would crash the system, much like hospitals getting swamped with the first wave of coronavirus.

But what if you made the second year free? Do NOT tie it in with a high maintained grade point average because you know certain people will make a big fucking fuss over adjusted scores for students of certain groups, or people complaining of privilege, etc. Just avoid all that. But if you can pass the first year, get passing grades and not flunk out, then you get a second year free.

Unironically true. Can a nation not invest in its young? What better way to pass the torch?

Having to pay for information and understanding is fucking criminal.

pencil and paper
the back yard
the kitchen
the bedroom
you don't need fucking college

Since you're american, I really can't tell if you're trolling or just being a regular american.

>If only people actually wanted to pursue academic, intellectual or scientific careers went to university and the rest of us could just get straight into work like people used to
Siemens would really love to have have an 18 yo constructing their robots while BASF really has this wet dream of 17 yo making chwmicals
And let’s not forget SAP: straight from da skool into da lab programming AI nigggaaaaaaaa

If you want to earn more money than me, you should work to earn the money to study.

Going to my back yard to prove string theory brb

maybe you're just a fucking retard

or maybe you should check on your potato plants

Babysitting should stop well before grade 12.

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Yeah I said scientific careers you smoothbrain.

>because degree inflation devalued high school diplomas.
Seriously, why bother studying 5 years engineering and do another 2 years your phd or study 7,5 years law if you can just pop in as a 18 yo who just got his school degree to do some serious robot sheeeeeeeit?

college is a meme
if you really want to learn, do it on your own
internet is cheap

why do you need some teacher's time?
most information you are going to get is already in books and you already have public libraries
you also have a lot of classes recoded and available in youtube. it's the same as attending and not ask questions and you can pay professors online a small fee if you have trouble understanding some topic

it looks like you only want to have that stupid collage-life and you don't have enough self-determination and discipline to study by your own

Who pays for the bailouts?

This is objectively wrong, they don't call it "Tuition" they just call it fees.
Canadian Universities average out to 7K per year. The average in state tuition for a 4 year college in America is about 9K (as long as you aren't going to Yale or something).

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>pay for information and understanding
It blows my mind that retards like this actually exist. You think that's what you're paying for?

> Ireland potatoes lmao

You must be some kind of comedic genius to have thought of that one

Guess what? When you take Physics in college, they give you a fucking book to read. There's no such thing as a magic room that you go sit in to absorb "string theory" out of the fucking air.

Some businesses do this.
Why do you compare limited time, emergency spending to an ongoing social program.
Yes, but you are a small country and college is not generally available to those who did not go from HS to college. Only some people can go.
This. Many low cost colleges only attract garbage people. I loved community college, but 99% of the faculty were low key burned out of the drug addicts. Also a lot of nigs.