@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

VISIT Coronavirus.gov
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/20/20
>DefSec Esper on F&F 3/20/20
>ActDHSSec Wolf outside WH 3/20/20
>ActDHSSec Wolf on FBN 3/20/20
>VASec Wilkie on FoxNews 3/20/20
>EnSec Brouillette on FBN 3/20/20
>FEMAAdm Gaynor on CBSThisMorning 3/20/20
>ActDepDHSSec Cuccinelli on Tucker 3/20/20
>ActCBPCommr Morgan on Ingraham 3/20/20
>NECDir Kudlow on Hannity 3/20/20
>SG Adams on FoxNews 3/20/20
>SG Adams on Spicer&Co 3/20/20
>RNCChair McDaniel on America 1st w/Gorka 3/20/20
>USDAVideo: To the heroes in the US food supply chain, we salute you 3/20/20
>USSSVideo: Stay safe, stay healthy, and take care of each other 3/20/20

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:


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Jews are just 1.4% of the US population and 0.0025% of the world population

>Bernie Sanders on jew loyalty:
>Chuck Schumer on jew loyalty:
>Joe Biden encouraging white genocide:

Senate (9% jewish, 650% US over-representation)

Michael Bennet (D-CO)
Richard Blumenthal (D-CT)
Benjamin Cardin (D-MD)
Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)
Jacky Rosen (D-NV)
Brian Schatz (D-HI)
Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
Chuck Schumer (D-NY)
Ron Wyden (D-OR)

House (8% jewish, 600% US over-representation)

David Cicilline (D-RI)
Stephen Cohen (D-TN)
Susan Davis (D-CA)
Ted Deutch (D-FL)
Eliot Engel (D-NY)
Lois Frankel (D-FL)
Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ)
David Kutsoff (R-TN)
Andy Levin (D-MI)
Mike Levin (D-CA)
Alan Lowenthal (D-CA)
Nita Lowey (D-NY)
Elaine Luria (D-VA)
Jerry Nadler (D-NY)
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)
Dean Phillips (D-MN)
Jamie Raskin (D-MD)
Max Rose (D-NY)
Jan Schakowsky (D-IL)
Adam Schiff (D-CA)
Kim Schrier (D-WA)
Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL)
Brad Sherman (D-CA)
Brad Schneider (D-IL)
Elissa Slotkin (D-MI)
Susan Wild (D-PA)
John Yarmuth (D-KY)
Lee Zeldin (R-NY)

Supreme Court (33.3% jewish, 2,400% US over-representation):

Ruth Bader Ginsburg (D)
Stephen Breyer (D)
Elena Kagan (D)




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What people aren't seeming to understand is that the economy didn't collapse due to a structural internal monetary issue but an external attack. It in itself is intact. Once the external attack is removed it will boom again. Jackasses keep calling this 2007 again for some reason when that was almost 15 years of bad structural policy collapsing. They aren't similar at all.

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Anyone in /ptg/ actually being quarantined?

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new york pizza is just as good as italian, as it turns out

They wanted a culture war, they got one.

I love Kellyanne.

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>Once the external attack is removed it will boom again.
So, nuke China?



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Hot hyperinflation tip:
You dumb fucking
cretin, you absolute fucking fool
absolute fucking baffoon you bumbling
idiot. Fuck you.

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Keep the abortion clínics open in detroit and chicongo

Everyone in /ptg/ is being quarantined, but that has nothing to do with the Chinese Virus.

Just the general order here in Commiefornia that we are supposed to "shelter in place." Which is a fancy way of saying no parties, no unnecessary travel.

That's not Joe. Where is Joe?






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It's serfdom if you don't shoot back

Oh wait these faggots hate guns.
My bad, continue on !

There are quarantine orders in Amerika not only for those ill but those who are considered too critical to get ill. Some people can get in trouble for getting ill and are ordered to not leave their home unless absolutely necessary.

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>'lets make up shit and hope it's sticks' article #6000000

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technically pol is a quarantine board, and ptg is a quarantine thread inside of that

Are laugh tracks social conditioning?

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commiefornia here. all non-essential businesses are closed and we're "told" to stay home, except to get groceries and medicine

>Hey congress! Stop paying yourselves!
grow up

>closed the border to China in January
>did nothing
Choose one

every single day that goes by a few more businesses experience burndown
no more assets or liquidity to re open even when the order is lifted
the economy took a HUGE shit, and the only thing that will fix it is anyone with money becoming ten times the consoomer they ever were
im going to eat out more for sure as restaurants are first to go. some could not survive even three days closed and its been more than that!

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Trump is a retarded ape who should be banned from the Whitehouse

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How will that significantly help? That'd be a drop in the bucket.

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where's my 6gorillion deaths?

no source for this story and was debunked several days ago.

What do you guys think the long term effects of this will be? You think more people will order out from now on for food? More people doing school and work from home? Anything else?

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> stop paying members of congress
As if the congressional salary were a congressman's main source of revenue.

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>tfw everything around me is going on like normal with people working just keeping more distance
>media screeching about memevirus and I hear people playin music and bbqing down the road
there is a complete disconnect going on it's crazy to see

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it begins

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Those statues remind me of communism.

B-b-but surely you take anything printed in Business Insider as gospel. Surely you do!

>What do you guys think the long term effects of this will be?
The death of China. If it ever comes out this was a bioweapon, wiping out every single chink everywhere in the world is a logical and proportional response.

notice how all the shills are back?
democrats must be pretty butthurt about Trump recoloring their social agenda into quick-fixes for the new concerns springing up from this pandemic.

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>source of revenue

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all content on television are "programs" by definition

We NEETs deserve and demand Trumpbux as well. We will ratify a new amendment to the NEET Constitution that all NEETs will stand opposed to Trump until we get the Trumpbux we rightfully deserve.

thanks kemp

The shills are paid by China and their sycophant NGOs.

I went to the store a little while ago, and they had huge cases of TP. People were not particularly interested in it though. It was store-brand.

It's all falling apart for them.
No Mueller. No Stormy. No impeachment.
They never learn.

I like my information to come from people who weren't fired.

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Commiefornian reporting in. Sheltering in place, work is closed.

Only a few people wearing masks at the grocery stores, oddly. Fucking normies.

You'll see. Just wait two weeks. Millions dead in the streets. two weeks....

>He later recounted an incident in which a male lover took him to a waxworks museum

it's always faggots, they are all mentally ill and should be removed from society

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you don't realize how big awoo's head is until you see it skullified

TP is already back in stock all around me. Luckily we have the strongest supply chain in the world. It's places like Australia that got over 85% of its TP from China that are fucked right now.



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The Happening Bunker

Here in San Diego, I've found that even though Downtown is out of everything, the fucking Whole Foods in faggotville Hillcrest still has lots of TP.
I'm not sure what that means.

I'm not a normie. I just don't give a fuck.

here is a list of the best performing dividends, by percent return
if i had 3 grand i would buy 100 shares of exxon and get 30 dollars a month to pay for some retarded subscription im sure i have

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You guys have some Democrats to go after too, right?

Yeah grocery store and bank were still open today, not much of a change. Everything smelled like sanitizer but all in all no change.

At least I have a leader who doesn't run from the press like a little bitch

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>85% of its TP from China
can you imagine. how subpar. that must be.
wow. just. wow.

Nah, we make 95% and get the other 5% from you cunts

It means their target market isn't panicking.

They want us to pretend they are no Demonrats involved. Certainly not Feinstein. Nonononono!

no wonder they're so angry on the Internet


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I'd love to see a comparison of before/after for general hygiene by country after this is over. I bet general hygiene improves after this in a lot of places

explains the chronic shitposting

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I just heard the daughter of the Governor of Sinaloa has contracted the Chinese Virus.

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>My leader may have fake eyebrows and his wive may have gotten Chink-AIDS from the nigger Idris Elba who fucked her, but he's better than yours because he does what ever the Kikes who run the press want.
I see.

lel rekt

they're installing 5G in skools under disguise of sanitizing the ka-ra-no

Drug cartels are also getting fucked by cerveza corona, now we can arrest el chapo son soon

In the past, each party has policed its own. That's necessary for maintaining credibility.

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>thinking Trudeau isn’t a bitch

>media tries to use Corona-Chan to destroy Trump
>make it out to be the next Black Death
>goes away with minimal issue
>Trump only grows stronger because he can now claim to have defeated Chinese Flu and was right to warn about being dependent on CHYNA
can't stop winning

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the crooks in washington are all rethuglicans, sweetie

African countries are starting to ban international flights from arriving there. these's people's racism is breath taking. i'm literally shaking right now.

>It means their target market isn't panicking.
Makes no sense. The media pushing the panic was all demonrat. And I understand that: They were hoping to crash the market in hopes of defeating Trump.
But faggots are leftists. Plus they all have AIDS which puts them at GENUINE RISK from this disease, unlike the rest of us.
Why aren't they more scared?

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He does what he tells others to do. He's not a hypocrite like theoron you fucks voted in.

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look at how much of a faggot little bitch trudeau is

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Donde oíste esas noticias?

And now they just point fingers at the other side for things they are doing themselves.

>Don't look at the Democrats!. They'll take care of their own problems!
You guys are really bad at trying to force concensus to remove only Republicans from the Senate.

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>The balloon didn't work, none of the 23425236543242423 hashtags worked
>Comics and movies didn't work
>Making Trump the only politically correct target of modern comedy didn't work.
>No Russia, No Kav character assassination
>No one cared about Sadiq Khan's opinion
>Trying to get him banned from the UK didn't work
>Nazi Hunters didn't work
>Antifa didn't work
>Firebombing ICE didn't work
>Driving a van into republican registration tent didn't work
>Shooting up congressmen at a baseball game didn't work

Even if only retroactively.

>Makes no sense. The media pushing the panic was all demonrat.
And that should tell you that the Democrat media is losing the trust of their upper and upper-middle class viewers.

So you're saying he didn't close his borders after telling Trump over and over that it's bad and wrong? Seems like you might want to check again.

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look at canada's "leader"

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>Donde oíste esas noticias?
Me esposa me dijo, esta' en todas nuestras publicaciones.

The proper term is "skeletonized".

>tp from China
They dont' even have trees there. How do you suppose they are making it?

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That's definitely going to be sticking around after all this, and thought people were germaphobe before.

>Postpone mortgage payments

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doesn't everyone presume rightly all democrats are unethical if not criminal?

I want to lick Melania from her v to her a.

That is an idea I had not considered.

there will absolutely be an increase in domestic violence and suicide and it will have nothing to do with guns

NEW retweet

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They make it out of chinks who were ran over by Truck-Kun.

If whites don't have a culture, why is it so embarrassing when you see them dressed in a culture clearly not belonging to them?

This implies that another style of culture belongs to them.

>How will that significantly help?
Because the closures are unnecessary retards.

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It is real OMG, all the swamp rats are getting destroyed

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But why? You’ll still owe eventually so might as well just carry on.

Really makes you think?

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her vic card to her apricot?

Its baad to stop trade. We are eachothers biggest trading partner. Where do you think your tp comes from that you stupid fat fucks hoard

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But I think you're right. Hillcrest isn't entirely fag. It's near the park. Lots of rich fucks around there. Maybe they've had enough of the liberal media.


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>McDonalds and Wendys doing free delivery in my area through Doordash now

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COngress controls the purse you retarded newfag. How the fuck is congress gonna vote to cut their own paycheck? You are a stupid person, do you know that?

Pathetic retort. Let me know when you are going to spam accusations against yourselves, ok?



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get the fuck out

TombStone hands down

oh my

The closure specifically does not stop trade.

>get the fuck out

Jej, they are afraid.

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I hope Sinaloa gets better, and all the cartel niggers get killed, el chapo has given you a bad reputation

Good news. Everyone's test results are in. We're all clear of the beer virus. Though there were some irregularities. Someone here is a dirty nigger according to the results.

Actually mine says it was made in USA.
But I see that you diabolical Canuck fucks plan to bring American to its knees by stopping our ass-wipe! I'm on to you now!!!

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My BFF's gf offered to buy one of my handguns a few days ago. Funny how when people get worried all that jew brainwashing gets tossed by the wayside.

>We NEETs deserve


This is essentially turning into a wartime economy. You even have auto manufacturers retooling to build ventilators instead of tanks.

After wartime, everything inefficient has been removed from the system and you have economic boom. People cannot suspend a panic state and will celebrate which will be reflected in the economy.

What is that, an insult for ants?

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Some never learn.

Remember anons: Contraception is treason even when you're in quarantine together!

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I'm worried now that the carteles can't get the precursors to make drugs from China, they'll start fucking with us normal guys again.


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>Funny how when people get worried all that jew brainwashing gets tossed by the wayside.
That is interesting, isn't it.

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the ass wipes flow. our war


>spam accusations against yourselves

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>el gobernador
this instantly reminded me of el goblina and i raughed

yes. Shows like Big Bang Theory in particular, are objectively unfunny. The laugh track makes viewers empathize with the "group" - even though the "group" may not exist - humans are innately social and group identity is ingrained in our subconscious. People 'breaking the conditioning' is really the moment they realize the group identity is separate from themselves, in my opinion desu

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>Hitler kills 20 million Jews in the Holocaust
>Trump: Let me finish off who you missed.

Due to Trump’s ignorance, he’s spread his misinformation worldwide and is endangering our most precious humans: our holocaust survivors.
By downplaying this pandemic, many have already died.

His antisemitism is astounding.

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