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Enjoy slavery. Say thank you to your parents that did nothing but keep the sheeple ball rolling.
At least the muricans have guns.
>people out in Baneasa park
No one cares.
The worst part is that people are fucking begging for this dark days are coming
You dumb fag. The "law" is not meant to be used. Except against those that talk too much.
Was on Romanian tv just now.
Everything's closed, except grocery shops, vet shops and pharmacies.
They recommend you don't leave your house only for specific reasons between 6 AM - 22 PM.
nothing ever happens. Slavery? Oh, you're already a slave to the German state.
Starting to believe the hungarians now...this is a nation of gypsy sheep.
Long Live The Legion And The Captain!
child bride market shut down, no more gypsy cuties to cook and clean for you
We are scheduled on monday but it is basically in effect now.
"World. The Movie"
And that's all it was.
Godspeed, Chadfag.
Romania annuls all human rights for it's citizens.
Is this a real lockdown or bullshit lockdown where everybody can willy nilly wander outside and lick each other's balls for a greeting like they did in Italy and Spain?
What about mechanics? People with essential jobs have to get to work and cars break down. Just wondering if this is coming to the US and what dumb the dumb fucks in government will decide which jobs are essential.
And here the bars are open and have partying youngsters in them. Why can't they just close bars and restaurants? Instead of that a curfew is a matter of weeks.
This is what happens when you don't have guns.
>flag of tchad
>hehe xd
You mean sex slaves?
That's not how greentext works.
>knows the flag of some useless god forgotten african country
>doesnt know all european countries
why are you westerners so fucking stupid?
There are guns. The state owns them and they should use them against the fucking idiots who can't stay home. Why? The Italians should sever as a perfect example of what can happen. Why are people so stupid?
Winnie go coof.
Your boomer ass go die.
actually user, i lived in bebedjia for one year. nice place between moundou and doba.
Already too late. They allowed every diaspora nigger to enter the country and the virus is already everywhere.Expect more deaths than Italy. But this was their plan all along.
This lockdown won't mean jack shit if our army doesn't go nuclear on making sure gypos are staying put.
We're talking about the RO state here. The idiots who can't stay home are the least of our problems.
Yeah, that will happen. For sure.
>Armata e cu noi!
>Oare cine-a tras in noi dupa 22?
RIP Chad
Imagine the imminent chimpout when gypos have no one to pickpocket.
Gyppos are beaten into submission by the cops.
Not many niggers. Not many savage refugees. No people with guns and no brains.
What fucking problems do you have nigger?
am ajuns la mana jandarmilor analfabeti si a lui garcea ..."baa du-te acasa ai inteles ! ai declaratia la tine ca-ti fut o amenda de si un pulan de nu te vezi...ia arat-o hai s-o vedem...hars hars ...gata...mars in mortii matii !"
Here's an idea: don't go out at night.
I get it that you've the mentality of an edgy teenager that feels the need to lash out against any figure of authority, but given the virulence of this virus, it's obvious that lockdowns, curfews and quarantines are absolutely necessary to slow down its spread.
Cam drastica masura pt 300 de cazuri
Yeah? And? NIGGERS STINK....
>Ro cops
>beating gyppos
You don't know how România has been working for many years now do you?
Or maybe you're under 18.
Also drop the memflag faggot.
Din contra, e prea relaxata. Daca nu stau toti prostii acasa, vor fi din ce in ce mai multe cazuri.
Si spre deosebire de Italia sau Anglia, nu ne permitem o epidemie.
>300 de cazuri
>cand s-au intors gunoaiele din diaspora cu miile inapoi in tara
E destul de evident ca avem mii de infectati in tara momentan. In cateva saptamani vom fi Italia Europei de Est.
>literally who country
Nothing of value
It’s not Chad
Here's an idea: don't lap up another "temporary" law.
Here's another one: licking your master's boot won't make him love you more.
And this is a bad thing because?
And what, pray tell, do you propose? That we go on about our lives as if there's nothing happening? People are too fucking retarded to be trusted to act in their own interests. Without drastic measures this country will burn down to the ground.
Pull your head out of your ass and get real, will you?
Most people don't go out at night anyway, moron.
ok moor mutt
Stai ca ajungem si noi la 1000. Nu te speria.
Ce kkt frate? Mulți p-aici parcă v-ați născut ieri. Parcă n-ați ști cum merge treaba la Românistan și cum tot ce spun "autoritățili" e doar smecleu peste ochii proștilor.
Ce încredere ați prins în iubiții conducători. Nici n-au trebuit să vă dea mult...doar niște poze cu cocalari.
What do you mean by lock down are you forbidden to go outside or advised not to?
Because in here only quarantined have to sit inn home the rest is advised to sit in homes but not locked
Well, what do you propose be done instead?
Welding people's doors and windows? I mean, that's the best way to deal with the amount of retards here.
So let's give even more powers to the local cops that were already ignoring the law and acting hand in hand with the gyppos and the diaspora fags?
How about that fucking nigger cop that came back from Isreal with his fucking wife and infected maybe >100 people, lied about it and still got no punishment.
The law is for puppies like you&I not for hounds like them.
Am avut asta de vreo doua saptamani. Toata lumea poarta masti pe strada, seara nu mai e nimeni pe strazi.
>cut my life into pieces
What you should do?
Do what Germany is doing.
They still have human rights out there.
And how does it work?
Stay the fuck home faggots, unless you need to go out.
>human rights
it's a real lockdown in the sense you have to prove you're going to the store or work.
Better than your shithole.
Your pres annulled ALL human rights for your compatriots and no international court can touch the authority.
Your country is know for corruption, human and organ trafficking.
Keep laughing though.
Germany has smart people that know when and how to act. All our smart people fled to the western world.. Beating our population into submission is the only way to make them obey the lockdown.
>he thinks there are enough police and army to keep people in a lock down
Dont make me laugh, the army is so poorly equipped and the police stil have rusted out logan with pee shooters Carpati.
>Beating our population into submission is the only way
What a way to accept hell.
Enjoy being cattle.