Reminder that Garlic helps the immune system. Also the smell keeps away coofers...

Reminder that Garlic helps the immune system. Also the smell keeps away coofers. Name me one food better for this toilet paper backed economy.

Attached: garlic pepe.jpg (500x491, 32.39K)

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Take your meds

You forgot the most important quality of garlic.

It tastes absolutely wonderful RAW between a ham, cheese and cucumber sandwich. The bread MUST be rye.

team garlic checking in.

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Homemade dried sausage.

Based garlic. Also, make sure you light candles (preferably beeswax) to clear out the miasma. If your walls aren't whitewashed (or limewashed) you aren't going to make it desu

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I combine garlic with vitamin C for nitric oxide production and cardiovascular health.
Turn out it's also good for the immune system.
Which is cool

you cannot make your immune system work any more than 100%

it just doesn't work like that, you can however make sure that it doesn't work at less than 100%

Did someone say garlic?

Attached: IMG_20200321_204359.jpg (86x99, 4.33K)

Oh, honey garlic?