Millennial Dies of Corona Dies Before Test Results

Simp tells the story:

The time for joking about Covid-19 is over. Now is the time to keep yourself, your loved ones, and everyone else safe. And I'm devastated to say that now is also the time to mourn.

Natasha S. Ott passed on today. She was a profoundly kind, passionate, funny and loving 39-year-old woman in good health. She was a Peace Corps alumni who liked to curse... and she loved those who were fortunate enough to be close to her with every ounce of her heart.

The absolute least-interesting thing about her was the way that she died, but I'd like to talk about that here now because I'd like everyone to wake-up to the reality of what we are facing.

On Tuesday, March 10th she wrote me to tell me she was feeling a bit sick: "Like a respiratory cold. Tiny fever."

She worked for Crescent Care as a social worker for clients who are HIV positive. They sent her home, but didn't test her - she was told she was low-risk.

She wrote me the following on March 11th: "I tried to go to Ochsner today to get a flu test and they told me it would be a week before I could see my PCP. I ended up getting it at work. We only have 5 coronavirus tests at my clinic. I declined to take one so someone else could." Natasha worked for Crescent Care - an organization dedicated to providing treatment to people who are HIV positive. This organization that provides healthcare to the highest of high-risk populations had 5! coronavirus tests available on March 11th, and she elected not to use one. The flu test she did take ended up coming back negative.


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On Friday March 13th she wrote: "Hey, they don't think I need to get tested unless I develop a fever. All looks well."

On Sunday March 15th she wrote: "Hey, I'm not feeling so hot still. I may be testing at work tomorrow. I'm probably fine. I just tried to drink some medicinal whiskey and feel unwell. I'm ok. I love you."

On Monday March 16th I asked her if I could bring her some Pho, and she wrote: "Nothing, thank you. I'm ok. I don't have an appetite."

She did get tested for Coronavirus that day, and was told it would take up to 5 days to see results.

On Tuesday March 17th I asked "How you feelin?" and she replied: "Ok :)"

On Wednesday March 18th she wrote: "I walked Zola and am worn out." She also wrote: "I just want to drink whiskey" and sent me an article about a 25-year old man that claimed whiskey cured his Coronavirus.

She also sent me the picture attached to this post.

She also wrote: "I don't want to be sick anymore" and "I just don't understand why I don't feel much better yet."

On Thursday March 18th she said: "Also, if you're offering dog walking services today, I'd like to place a request."

She also wrote "This moms soup from WFs is the tits" and "I feel like if I had to go into battle, I'd rather have an ax than a sword" and "I think Zola is worried about me" (Zola's her dog).

I went by that evening to walk Zola. Natasha was feeling a bit better. She had more energy than she'd had in days, and she ended up walking Zola with me. She did complain that she felt like 'something' was in her lungs. She also mentioned that her Coronavirus test results were delayed, and likely wouldn't come back until Monday.

I'd heard about Netflix party, and we made plans to watch a movie together Friday evening round 8.

On Friday March 19th she wrote: "Good morning! I love you."
To my lasting shame, I replied: "Morning, sunshine. How you feeling?" I very much wish I'd said "I love you" back.


She sent her last message to me at 8:36am in response: "A little better and hopeful. The herbs seems to be helping."

At 6 6:54pm I texted, with no-reply.
I called twice, with no-reply.
I wrote: "I'm getting nervous. Just called twice. Text or call me soon. If I don't hear from you within the hour I'm coming over there to check on you."

I got to her house around 8. No one answered the door. I walked to the back of the house and noticed the rear door that opened into her fenced yard was open (she left it open sometimes so Zola could go in and out).

I went in the back, and found her dead in her kitchen. For those of you not fortunate enough to have known her - know this: it's an immeasurable loss. And seeing a woman I knew to be so full of life lying on the floor lifeless was devastating. I was afraid to touch her. I held her anyway.

Her Coronavirus test results have still not come back.

Know these things, friends:
- Our government is ill-prepared for this pandemic in a way that has and will cost lives.
- Cherish your loved ones like you could lose them, and let them know you cherish them.

This is unironically Trump’s fault. If he didn’t initially react to coronavirus like it was a joke she would probably still be alive.

go back to plebbit you fucking worthless shit-eating faggot

39 isn't a millennial. Why are you so stupid?




She went to some music festival and though wisky and herbs would save her, what do you call that?

Someone has been CNN’d.

Her immune system was probably fucked up from malaria and all the other shit she picked up in the Peace Corps

>going to a music festival
>thinking whiskey is a cure
>have HPV
user, I...

>starts getting sick
>drinks whiskey


It’s really attacking the J2 haplogroup, Jews and Italians.

Attached: 6C2E83DC-CF78-451B-8657-19055484E1E8.jpg (180x180, 6.38K)


That's gen x, fuckwit.

They're current between 55-75 years old (76 million in U.S.) Gen X: Gen X was born between 1965 - 1979 and are currently between 40-54 years old (82 million people in U.S.) Gen Y: Gen Y, or Millennials, were born between 1980 and 1994. They are currently between 25-39 years old.Jul 29, 2019

Am I getting wasted or is that article written by a spastic? Unreadable.

I'm Balt/Irish will my subhuman genes keep me alive?

Not a millennial if she was 39.

lol she looks so worn out

Was she also a pothead? druggie? Expect them to drop like flies, they're prime candidates to be killed off by coronachan.

That is one ugly bitch.
I am glad she is dead.

He was called racist for restricting travel to China

kek and checked

Some Glow Nigger shit. A pandemic means 1000's dead, body bags, stadium with the dead lined up for the relatives to identify. Lets see some pics of that please?

Damn those are some fat titties

how did Boomers get 20 years
and everyone else 14?

That is not a millennial, that bitch is 40

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which haplogroups are immune/have less symptoms?

Retards who don't know what a millennial is and also don't deserve (you)s

I'm surprised that there's this many white people in America

When people take pics, there's only a couple of niggers in the crowds.
I see much worse in France

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This is the fakest and gayest story, ever written.
Congrats on that, I guess.

No test results, fake news. She probably died from cancer or something.

This. Or if he didn't fire the pandemic team in 2018, this could've been contained like Ebola or Zika.

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So whiskey doesn’t cure CoronaVirus then? And, did her results ever come back?

>I held her anyway.
not gonna make it

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She looks like she has a pacemaker

They literally said that the test results have not come back. How can they be sure it's COVID-19?

>did her results ever come back?

In a way they did.

Slightly stoopid

dumb nigger I copied and pasted the text

>attends music festivals
10/10 had several pre-existing conditions in the form of STDs.

> no children
> no eggs left at 39
She had already removed herself from the gene pool, who gives a shit

The same team that let 1000 people die from H1N1 before declaring a state of emergency, resulting in another 80,000 dying that year?

That team? Please, shill your shareblue garbage somewhere else. The US response to this has been unprecedented.

wtf is a simp

>he was called racist
And that matters why? You are supposed to do the right thing even if some leftists call you racist

>be George Washington
>decide to submit to England because some people called him a rabble-rouser
Only retards use the words of others to excuse inaction

>person with AIDS dies from corona
Its almost as if her immune system wasnot working....

Even big ole tiddies are nothing but shadows and dust.

She could have had something else.

Single individuals die all the time though, also at young age. Who knows if Corona is responsible. As long as only very rare single young deaths are reported, I can‘t see any pattern

So why did he leave out the actual cause of death?

"millenial" 39 yr old addicted to alcohol, had HPV and spent multiple years abroad acquiring diseases


The were reconstituted into different formations. Function was still filled.

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The article doesn’t even confirm that she had it or what even killed her.

That's because all hippies are white. It's surprising to me that Yas Forums doesn't fucking praise them for being white, anti-establishment, and self-sustaining.

You don't feel Ill, and then just die on your floor. This is the most retarded bullshit ever posted here

>all hippies are white
Are you retarded?

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39 isn't really a millennial, she's a young gen x. I dunt care what official pew or whatever says, someone born in 79 or 80 is a fucking gen xer.


Them titties is definitely worn out. Does coronavirus attack the breasts?

Sounds like she had it.

She was in the peace corps, uses herbs and home remedies, and the article highlights her affinity for cursing. Of course she is a druggie.

100% druggie


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Yeah, but that's not the point. I grew up around those folks, almost every single hippie in the scene is white, with a couple Indians or Arabs here and there. Real hippies, not wooks.

How are Jews and Italians similar?

Why do you think her boyfriend held her once last time.
Probably sucked on those big dead breasts.

what's wrong with her nipple?


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Probably the first time she let him touch her.

Wants kids: Someday

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>Uninsured Millennial Dies of Corona Dies Before Test Results

Fuck off roastie

Anne Frank 2020 for sure it's boring

The simp orbiter is almost certain to get it too.

>I held her anyway.
At least he got to fondle her after all those years of simping.

Yes it is, you idiot. Millenials are 23-39 now.


gen x coined in 1990 applied to young adults
she was fucking 9 years old when Reality Bites came out. Not a Gen-X.
She is a millennial
t. born in 1968
Oh and Nirvana sucks.

kek. Literally the only way he'd get to touch her - "over my dead body".

it never says she had HIV or HPV she worked at a care facility that helped people who were HIV positive. you people can't read for shit




>unironically Trump’s fault
pic related is OP...cucked and tucked, ready for service as a low iq sheep.

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The plot twist is she isn’t dead, she just ghosted you because you’re a raging homosexual.

>no husband
>no kids
>peace corp
>social worker
>thought herbs could cure
>thought Whiskey could cure
Thank god. This Chinese Virus is actually helpful and a good thing.



chill bro


y so serious?

Why wouldn't you reply "i love you" to someone who wakes up and greets you that way? Even if they do have hpv and flapjack tits and hang out with human petri dishes and waste precious resources on people who don't give a shit about themselves? It's still love.