When is this going to turn into a somethingburger?
288 dead in the U.S
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r u retarded?
When the economy collapses in a week or so.
2 more weeks
Exponential growth, nigger. It seems like nothing , and then suddently it hits like a brick. Look at the numbers in two weeks.
I heard "2 more weeks" 2 weeks ago.
I farted earlier. Does that count?
>2 more weeks
Two weeks later...
>2 more weeks!
and so on. How much longer can they keep it up?
Trust the plan user
>muh 2 weeks
Capping you niggers and posting in 2 weeks.
Looking forward to it.
ours cases double every two days
3/21 22000
3/23 44000
3/25 88000
3/27 176000
3/29 352000
3/31 704000
4/2 1408000
not long
125 thousand abortions every day. That’s deaths. Coronavirus is still a bottom feeder.
It will have peaked and declined already by then. Screenshot this
Petition your government to count them as deaths then, incel.
You said that 2 weeks ago too.
2 weeks ago you had a few hundred cases. Today you have tens of thousands. "Nothingburger" my ass.
For the first time I started developing anxiety about the virus. I have a keen sense of intuition when it comes to cataclysmic events. Today was the turning point. I have crunched the numbers; cases within YOUR country are going to EXPLODE exponentially. You may not feel the tenseness in your chest now, but rest assured you will. In fact, as your world comes crumbling down around you and reality sets in for what life is to become for you from now on you will look back into your fogged memory and recall these words I have spoken to you. THINGS WILL NEVER BE THE SAME. Your cunning snark and intellectual prowess will not save you. In fact it will betray you as you struggle to come to terms with the fledgling vestiges of a life that once seemed banal. Goodbye.
Blah blah blah. Keep coping idiot. It’s not happening. Italy has already peaked and the cases there didn’t get that out of control. This stupid little virus isn’t going to kill for than a few thousands people in developed countries.
hitting 1/4 million by the end of sunday
Oh wow, more testing = more cases, what a shocker.
Am I glad we're taking proactive steps as to compared to retarded Europoors who would rather sell out their own people just so they're not called "racist" or "Xenophobic" you bet. Do I think the US is handling this better than any other country, absolutely. Is some faggot paid shill to keep sewing malcontent or Europoor going to say I'm
With 100% certainty.
Italy is still in the process of exploding, and they've taken harsh meaures much more early than the US. You're in for a rough ride.
>Italy has already peaked
user why would you come here and tell such obvious lies?
Anyone saying something will happen is a shill or a low iq happeningfag.
This is a real life hoax being used to enact more control and have an excuse for the coming collapse
Check worldometer, we’re already past 300k
People were talking about there being tens of thousands of deaths by now.
When op stops being a faggot.
This is the reason why our lord will be returning soon. Repent of your sins and have faith.
Nothing is happening, unfortunately. I can’t imagine they keep me out of work much longer, I was hoping this would be an easy route to death.
one month.
I thought it was 2 weeks?
not gunna happen
nothing will save you from the new world being formed around you
these things must come to pass, but in the end, we win
pic completly unrelated
That graph looks like a vagina.
Mainland China is my favorite
>Totally normal nothing to see here cases have completely stopped
Tomorrow according to hysterical retard user in pic related
This'll happen when rents due and people realize their "benevolent landlords" were actually larping
>First death in Bosnia
It's some old fuck
In 15 days there should be 2681216 cases. If that doesn't happen, we'll knew it was nothing.
Based black ben carson will protect us from kike landlords
5 weeks and 6 days from now.
we're at 13,000 right now
the order of magnitude is pretty much right
This is the only happening and happeningfags will get btfo'd
Cases =/= deaths
We are at 13k deaths globally, pretty sure that's what user meant
We are fine. And it's going to stay that way. Keep seething europoors
We're talking about the US here
you know its only starting right?
Words: heeded
When about 10 million Americans die over the next couple of months, which is the BEST case scenario. If 50 million die (worst case scenario) then maybe it will be a something burger. Hopefully we can count you among the dead.
Six months from now...
“You know it’s only starting right?”
Someone has been CNN’d.
Tiny virus. Big hype panic meme
Bullshit you fucking wimp
Come on user, but some stonks, get in on the action.
Its just a flu bro. Regular flu kills more people than this hoax.
By April we’ll be beating the annual gun homicide number. And by the end of the year (if nothing is done) it will kill more Americans than all the American wars in the 20th Century.
it was 100 2 days ago retard
happening really pops off April 1st
you fucking retard, the total number of cases in Italy are increasing everyday by a factor of 1.15. That means they will have over a million cases in less than 2 weeks. You don't understand how fucked you are, just a hint, it's increasing by a factor of 1.4 in Ameriburgerland
Are you? There should be thousands of deaths a day by now if the R0 and mortality rate from the WHO was to be believed
Have you not seen what's happened in the last 2 weeks? The number of cases has increased exponentially. It's just going to get worse.
about 1-3% of those infected will die. They will either die soon, or they will die after 2-3 weeks on a ventilator. It's only a matter of time