Is Felix legit /ourguy/?
I'm noticing he is referencing many Yas Forums talking points in his recent vids.
It would be HUGE if we had an insider at the top of (((their))) platform capable of fighting censorship.
Is Felix legit /ourguy/?
I'm noticing he is referencing many Yas Forums talking points in his recent vids.
It would be HUGE if we had an insider at the top of (((their))) platform capable of fighting censorship.
Other urls found in this thread:
Black cock and interracial sex
> Felix said "fucking nigger"
He's our guy
Consider that dropping YouTube streaming service for DLive means he too despises how YT prohibits redpill content
He donated 100 000 Dollars to the ADL.
Pewdiepie is a beacon of the mainstream
the leftist media will deny and hide it but his points are common knowledge by now
He actually didn't
he was about to
but then it started raining red pills in his comment sections
and he gave up
No he didn’t, he actually was about to and then said nevermind lol he knows what he’s doing
he doesn't want children tho so he's not /ourguy/.
he's a manchild.
as soon as marzia is pregnant i will rescind this.
Latest video at 1:45. He's all too aware
But Marzia is a nigress? Isn't it right to not contaminate his pure Swedish genes with spaghetti niggro dna?
he regularly mentions the chimp out meme, a clear reference to niggers inability to behave in a civilized way
Pewdiepie and Yas Forums are turning our kids into nazis!
Why can't Americans use their own language? They all speak like retards.
Stop talking about ecelebs there all garbage, and you're a brainlet fag for giveing a shit what they say.
Angela Rossberg... Rossberg...
He actively encourages his massive audience to get educated and he's constantly doing stunts like pic related
Okay Vaush, give it a rest.
not bad for a swedish cuck
This was his 60 Million subscriber shirt. You tell me.
I don’t know but I like him
he looks like the type of guy how watches his wife get BLAcKED.......
No hes not, hes a hack
He used to be more edgy. He openly browsed boards on Yas Forums in his videos back in 2017-18. So he knows some stuff for sure.
Using "there" instead of "their", then uses brainlet?
They're not their.
Based and crimsonpilled
yes, you memeflag reddit spacing newfag - this was established years ago
Exactly. Plus he's calling out simps and feminists left and right. I'm convinced he's trying to contact us
No, but I think you're just someone planting information to fuel your talking points later.
Pewds is cool, but not "our guy"... He plays Minecraft with James Charles for Christ's sake.
>Small pp.
He's less open about it now but there's no way he's really changed his views
>He actively encourages his massive audience to get educated
How exactly? Because 1 out of every 2,500 vids he posts is a "discussion about Socrates"?
>he's constantly doing stunts like pic related
Again, if by "constantly" you mean 1% of the time, you're correct.
What am I looking at?
Yes it has been known for a while.
He hates niggers and Jews.
>he dosn't know
He has a book club series. In this same video he told the audience to do something productive during the quarantine by reading books. He’s also put them against MSM and SJW.
I don't know what? Looks like the weapons have something written on them, is this another ISIS execution video?
He literally called out swedens immigration problems and told people to take their money out of banks in the last video
>Pewdiepie appreciation t
Appreciate WHAT?
He's an effeminate piece of shit.
that is the best gif i've ever seen, its got everything...even a Danny DeVito army
>It can't spell negro correctly
It's part of the livestream of based tarrents shooting
Spoonfeed me please. When, where, what and how? Haven't been up to date since cancer treatment.
Can I find this online?
He always references Yas Forums and Yas Forums memes
Look up Christchurch shooting. Dude shot up a mosque and live streamed it. And he said "Subscribe to Pewdiepie" before he did it
Is he talking about black people chimping out when he mentions "the random chimp event"? He's been talking about it a lot in his videos lately.
Am I doing Reddit right?
>"Ooga Booga Land"
>"Makes me feel like a disgusting mudman"
>Talks about how refugees don't assimilate to swedish culture
>Comments talking about how they got /redpilled/ from his book series
Mate, he still is edgy.
Yes. he's talking about the looting and riots.
he also said he feels like a savage from ooga booga land when using toilet paper.
He's a gamer. Nuff said.
based. this thread deserves no other replies
Based pewds
>Felix Kjell(((berg)))
Wish I could put my BBC in your cute little white ass on stream. I appreciate all the love and support from you little whities.
Btw PewDiePie is based. Obviously he's not going to say "fuck niggers" and ruin his entire career, but generally the ideas and thought process is something that is logical and makes sense. Not all of his ideas I agree with, but it's a breath of fresh air knowing there's someone 'on top' that's not absolutely brain damaged..
Yeah but he's actually not racist and I think most people here aren't either. It's just edgy internet jokes. You think most people who say "nigger" are serious? They just say it because it's verboten and makes people mad, and so they find it funny, but they don't actually hate niggers. PewDiePie accidentally said "what a fucking nigger" so he probably sees that word commonly somewhere like on Yas Forums, but we all know he's not a racist person.
You don't know what berg means?
Jews appropriated that name from nords just like they did stein from germans.
Literally a kike parroting Yas Forums ideas for profit. Anons don't need to monetize redpills, it's the redpill that's important here.
I wish he would leave that bitch Marthia and marry me instead.