If shit really hits the fan out here. How many of you boys would be willing to form survival groups. Living out in the wilderness for however long this virus lasts. And if it comes down to it start raiding houses in Minecraft and whatnot.
Survival Groups
I just need a gun, ammo and fatigues
Id be down
I would do it just for the chance to go camping. I love camping.
If you don't have vegetable seeds, a firearm and foothold traps.. you're not gonna make it
>if we're in the woods, the virus can't get us
lmao. good thing you won't have to eat wild animals to survive. wait...
Brad is that you, bud?
You're already useless and unwanted.
>he didn't get 60,000 non gmo seeds in vacuum packed seals to use as a bartering tool
The problem in my area is that most of the population is made up of nigger-tier White trash and they ALL think they are going to be in charge of such groups.
No thanks. Not going to get fragged by Cletus because he wants to be in charge.
If people are gonna start groups, the more that are willing to join, the better the chance for our survival