Why does the 3B Scientific (Wuhan) Corp make synthetic Adrenochrome?

All threads about this get deleted instantly.

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you cannot manufacture adrenochrome, meaning that at that lab...

watch the thread REALLY get deleted

“Follow the white rabbit”

Can you explain the organic chemistry behind that claim please? I think that's important to prove because it seems very doable to me, we can synthesize many natural chemicals and we often make them stronger.

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saved, thank you user
pic related I assume?

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they don't want this info out there

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they use it in toilet paper

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so you mean they get it from kiddies?
there's lots of children being snatched in china right now
more than any country in the world

maybe that's why

Do u have links to the three documents top left corner? Cant read them in this infographic

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Good info in this thread thank you for spreading this information
VERY good info

Thanks again

Threads about this def being shoahed

It gets deleted because the only political implications of this require schizophrenia to observe

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wow. population centers have bad shit happening. amazing.

Here the discord trannies come.

>wow. population centers have bad shit happening. amazing.
Standard discord tranny response

real adrenochrome is expensive.
you need a constant supply of 10 yr olds to extract the epinephrine and oxidize it.

For the wealthy pedovores.

Yeah everyone but you has schizophrenia
Perhaps everyone around the world is talking about this for a reason
It's real

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good work user

>megadosing vitamin c blocks the brain from producing adrenochrome.
uhh guys dident a lot of faggots advokate that megadosing vitamin c cures corona?
the fuck does that imply?

what's archived and downloaded can't be deleted.

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>Proven that we can synthesize any organic compounds
No, that has never ever been true. We can make some of them but usually humans extract the organic compounds from modified, living cultures or they extract directly from the host donor.

You're confusing organic and inorganic chemistry. Protein folding is an Np-hard problem.

That translator is misleading. First, if you type in covid yourself, you will get קוביד, not קובי. Whoever screenshot the first picture on the right, must have deleted one letter.

קוביד = covid, or cobid
קובי = covi, or cobid.

To add, I looked up corona virus in Hebrew and got נגיף הקורונה

I may not transliterate it right, but that would be pronounced negif hakorona

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Good money in kid brain fear juice.

Kobe is to Covid what Tommy is to Thomas Mr. Merchant. Nice try.

Good thread

Interesting. Export your mass murder to a place that encourages it and will not be affected culturally by news of atrocities or have their (our) "scientists" extradited for even the most heinous allegations/charges.
I'd also assume that war is a great way to hide organ harvesting and human trafficking.

Can you guys give me a basic gestalt? What the fuck is Adrenochrome and why do the elites use it???

>you cannot manufacture adrenochrome

Yes you can, retard. Can you tell me what you get out of posting easily disproven lies?

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I'm gonna Qoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom

>a McGuffin from a fiction novel that IRL has no psychoactive effect and is easily synthesized
And you wonder why conspiracy theorists get called retarded.

Quick rundown?

Q is a disproven larp, take your meds

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its the chemical that makes you dream, and the elite use it mixed with adrenalin from a victim that is being tortured right before harvesting.
this stuff is liquid fear and the degenerates get off on.

Thanks user. Based get. Saw these yesterday and the thread archived before I could ask. Anymore you can share from inside those infographics?

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Yes , fear and loathing is based on facts I would recommend starting there. The pdf will be online

I made all of those infographics i posted, which would you like?

big if true