Only Basic Income can save us now

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Ok Chang

Keep trying to push internal division

Yeah because welfare really helped the niggers improve

1 post by this ID.

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>Work provides value
>Money quantifies production
>consumers determine profitability
>Systems allocate resources

Stop conflating them. The problem is not UBI its systemic flaws with each component!

~Human work is missallocated producing waste
~Money is printed to combat deflationary pressures but aggregates causing inequality
~consumers spend money on stupid nonsense making it hyper profitable
~ the system does not adequalty regulate allocation of capital

No better system has been devised.

They believe self weeding garden theory to allow cream to rise to the top. (Meritocracy) and competition to produce more for less (capitalism) but we actually in practice have neither.



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Yeah, if I didnt need to earn money for my basic needs I would never work another day in my life. I would stay at home and find a new MMO to play 24/7

This is a good point. But we're basically getting paid by the rich not to kill them and our political leaders and to live in a state of dependency and compliance that will inevitably erode over time.

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UBI is your tribe trying to convert the entire humanity into useless pseudo-jews.

daly reminder: italy has basic income

Thanks Fiat.


UBI is the stupidest shit in the world. Why would we send people money for nothing? At lease public works gets us something. Even if we pay people to do retarded shit like make art, we will at least get something for the money and maybe some nice artwork in our towns.

>Why would we send people money for nothing?
You wouldn't be sending money, you'd be getting it from people who make more than you.

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until those who happens to have more money than you will send their money off-shore...

Left would be "consume", "obey", and "stay alone"

The "money to live" portion goes down considerably if you're not a faggot slob and put in the effort to get a higher paying job

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Based and redpilled

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If they haven't done it up to now given how expensive taxes are already for them than they wouldn't complain about UBI. It's chump change for them.

I’m probably top 25% I make 90k.

But still I’m talking about society. Why not get something in return for the money instead of just wasting it.

me on the right

Like I said, you're not really paying for it, you don't make enough to say that. One could ask why waste money on corporate bailouts just the same.


Let's face it, most people wouldn't self-improve or help community as those things are mostly driven by the fact that it improves your ability to make money if you take that out, people would be pointlessly indulge in gaming/reading worthless yet fun to read books/watch movies or if they extravert - in partying and drinking.


i wouldn't doubt you fuckin autists to do the things on the right, especially if you have even more free time

>17% in corporate tax
>same corporate tax as in china
u dumb. US has become a lawful fiscal paradise. Why the fuck do you think Amerimutts are so rich?
>inb4 3.4% of unemployment
single digits iq niggers have been put in the "frictional unemployment" cathegory. they are necessary for the well-being of everyone else.

People with IQs much lower than the average generally don't feel a need for self-actualization.

So fucking true.

I have a theory about ubi. The average person who supports it is just greedy but the top tier people who support it like yang or Elon musk just don’t understand what it’s like to be lazy. They think the average man is just like them but less intelligent. I think that’s very wrong. If anything the average man is closer to them than they think in terms of intelligence. It’s the laziness that is the huge difference. They can’t imagine how hard it is for most people to even get themselves out of bed in the morning because they probably pop up without thinking about it.

you could argue they did 'improve' their own community, which is at odds with the overall white community.

worthless niggers who come to work to do as little as possible. Other than collecting a paycheck and shooting the shit with other fat fucks, they do nothing all day.
It really makes me think that maybe humanity is mostly trash.

The common low wage work isn't aimed for efficiency and production but time consumption and occupying such position.

It's called having shit to do and enjoying doing it

on the right, keep the orange, purple and blue blobs the same size as the left. now have the green one take up all the rest of the space.

Fear is depressing. It's not motivating for most people, and that's what our society does. It threatens people until they go to 'work' serving other people unhealthy food and animating porn or whatever other thousands and thousands of unhealthy jobs most people do once the useful stuff is filled up. The real pill is realizing most people don't actually 'need' to work. How many people 'work' in the publishing industry? When you could just have people without jobs writing books and giving them away. Same with anything else nonessential.

Only the white community has suffered for not having socialism overall.

Yeah I don’t think most people enjoy doing their job. Most people want to watch tv and eat chicken tenders. They only get up because they are scared of being fired and being able to buy more tendies.

More people are motivated by the stick than the carrot.

>Yeah because welfare really helped the niggers improve
So you're comparing yourself to a nigger?

I disagree. As a NEET I haven't become more productive as societal member. I fap all day and play videogames.

UBI is population control - plain and simple.

Welfare is means tested and if you have a man in the household you lose it. UBI is universal and basic. You don't have to be shitty to get it.

NEETdom is a prison, socially and economically.

I think there are many people who would write a book for money but would not be motivated enough to sit down and write the same book if they were going to have to give it away.

Based and NEETpilled

If people want to motivate people do do their job, I guess the bosses are going to have to actually do some motivation themselves. Inspire people. Make work aesthetic. There are ways, just no incentive to do it better.

Good. Art would be better if people didn't write for money. Real artists don't actually care. You look at all the trash on the shelves and think "we need more people motivated by money!"?

And if you go to work you slave away in a shit job you probably dont care about. Unless you have a cool job. Being a neet is the best if you have the funds figured out. Without money, yeah, you will probably just masturbate and play video games all day.

Not really. I have money available to me whenever I want. How is UBI any different?

I dunno bud, why is the richest family in the world is worth 10 times the world economy for the fact they just fucking exist? It's time to take a look at economics beyond your boomer TV box

We only need a tiny fraction of workers to cover all our needs. Most of the rest is busywork.
Instead of taxes: One third for the country, one third for others, one third for yourself.

Why would my lax parents support me for free only to the extent of rent and utilities? I can ask for money anytime I want.

Yes, hello, based department?

Not gonna work. There is a reason we have a stereotype of bosses being assholes. To manage people well you have to be an asshole. Employees have to be held accountable and have real fear of losing their job if they aren’t meeting the bosses standards.

It’s better to be feared than loved. This shit is really how it works.

>To manage people well you have to be an asshole.
You sound like you've never worked a day in your life.

Yeah I guess where music and literature is concerned I agree but it’s a different story when next to nobody wants to go to school to be a doctor or engineer. Then we have a real problem. And yes many amazing doctors do it for the money. Very few would suffer through all that schooling just to help others.

>nobody wants to go to school to be a doctor or engineer
It currently pays better to be in the NFL or an actor.


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So? It’s a very small number of people you’re taking about

I dont mind the whole basic income thing. What I do suggest is a basic housing thing as well. Nothing like the projects but more based on family sized. Singles can get a studio with 1 parking spot, couples a 1 bdrm type deal with 2 parking spots. Grow from there and have the cost of the unit subtracted from the basic income amount. If they want to go with their own apartment or housing then that is fine as well.
Make the studio apartment cramped but with what is needed to live. Now that it is done you go after any homeless/beggers left aggressively and remove them completely from society.

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Welfare forces people to be poor. If they try to get a better life, they are punished by losing their welfare. Universal Basic Income makes sure everyone can thrive.

It also pays better to be a hedge fund manager or a CEO of a Fortune 500 company than a doctor or an engineer.

>for the fact they just fucking exist
Yes, NOTHING happened to put them there.

Q: If everyone is riding the wagon, and no one is pulling, won't the wagon stop?
A: Good.

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I'm sure there will be many people applying to pick up the trash out of enjoyment

Or because people simply don't like trash.
