Ok I’m starting to think this is a mass arrest event

FEMA Camps set up. Everyone forced to lock down. Military moving into cities

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Where are the bodies ?


Who are the hidden enemies?

>Everyone forced to lock down
>Into the most armed society in the whole galaxy

Wasted digits.



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yeah, Im worried as well. This doesnt feel right. Could be the whole 'great awakening' scenario -makes sense that they would want to get civies out of the way. But it makes more sense that this is the black hat endgame -get people scared, poor and jobless, hungry and ready for a global gov/currency.

Biggest piece of evidence is that none of those who are supposedly on the chopping block are acting afraid -they are still enacting legislation, writing books, giving speeches, etc...

Im legitimately scared bros

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When USA lock down happens, it's to keep the niggers from rioting.

The Democrats are protecting us from a major power grab by trump..

Yet everyone here is twisting the narrative to make it sound like hes doing it to get the bad guys
Trump supporters truly are spineless pussies.

>those digits
R.I.P. anons

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ill believe it when i'm sleeping under a FEMA supplied wool blanket

Yay counter-trips


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Kill yourself shill

Ninjas with the flu

They wouldnt riot if the USA wasnt locked down...there is zero need to put the military in the streets.

We're about to see how inept our military actually is.

7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.
8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
9 If any man have an ear, let him hear.
10 He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.

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Are you kidding? Chet Hanks is literally fucking coping to the max. Inb4 (He is mocking you!) Read between the lines, look at his fucking eyes. Also remember DrPizza? He did the same shit as Chet is doing and look what happened to him. He got arrested. Use your brain big guy, come on.


i was just kiddin about the sandy hook stuff

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Wew and checked and praised

If that's the plan than it's doing a horrible job of it - this crisis has been dropping globalism redpills left and right

banking system is collapsing retard

I thought we'd get 8 years under Trump
but ending things after 4 is fitting as well

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what evidence have seen that suggests that isreal is about to get btfo'd?

This is the penal colony. The wall is to keep us in. Now they harvest our adrenochrome and kidneys.

>FEMA Camps set up. Everyone forced to lock down. Military moving into cities

I take it you were agreeable?

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I completely disagree.

>Crisis happens
>Tons of stores and properties are essentially abandoned
>Emergency services are overwhelmed

Like, did you forget all the random hair trigger rioting we've had for 15 years?

anons posting here. if you speak out against zionism you're a terrorist. believe in conspiracy theories? terrorist. don't want whites to go extinct? terrorist

>be retarded boomer
>get told to stay fucking home for a couple of weeks
>"lol no :)"
>get arrested for breaking quarantine
>get arrested for public safety rather than his own (desu just fucking shoot the idiots)

Kill all boomers

Fema Camp: Your son and husband died of Coronavirus. You can't see their corpses we cremated them already.

Philadelphia rioted when THEY WON the super bowl... You expect people to chill when they are starving?

Well then , noticed

Not this

You'll be believing it next week.


I have no idea what you are talking about

All part of the distraction from whats really going down, while simultaneously providing the enemy with a list of people to be removed

I made it clear that I was aware of that in my first post...retard

>be retarded millenial
>get told to stay fucking home for a couple of weeks
>"lol no :)"
>go to spring break

There's fucking cops EVERYWHERE. Driving around constantly.

It's free speech and if they want to infringe on my first amendment, they'll feel the wrath of the second.

Imagine being such a worthless faggot that the government can't point a gun to your head and make money. If you exist in this state, you're not worthy of life. The only people who die are those who yield at a loss. No sane person kills a good slave. You don't kill the milk cows, and you don't kill functional slaves. Even if you need your tongue cut out, or you need to be isolated from communications, there's still plenty of ways for you to make money for the feds. The problem is you faggots always give society AIDS with your human rights and civil rights. America needs to fucking gun-down every fucking UN human rights commission member, just to remind the world that the USA has the right to kill whoever the fuck they want, and your human rights are nothing but bullshit. This frilly imaginary bullshit is disgusting. Human rights and civil rights are no different than the fucking 6 Gorilllion fucking genders that exist. Fucking subhumans.

Wool is too expensive, now they use those horrible “disaster” blankets that are made from shredded rags and plastic bags.

Either the kikes are rounding up the bad goys

or trump is rounding up the kikes
we need more info

I'm a wagie at pahrmacy chain and I have a letter giving me permission to travel since I am "essential".
suck it cubicle monkeys

>Either the kikes are rounding up the bad goys

Probably to round up the last 500 whites in America and kill them so they can finally have their shitskin utopia.

the kikes

or their Schizophrenia to be exact

it's what keeps them going

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Takes you 30 seconds to google what I am talking about, I am tired of spoonfeeding. Use your brain big guy.

Joke's on you. I don't even have a job.

imagine thinking some supporters don't want a power grab

Not gonna happen. A pandemic is a terrible time to start a war. Now in two weeks will probably will have CWII here.

Holy fuck, Q wasn’t a larp... Q WASN’T A LARP

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I think you misunderstand my point -this virus is not enough of a concern to justify shutting everything down; nothing to loot if there arent any forcibly empty stores...

Why would they be starving? Because the government forced a shutdown over a flu with a death rate approximately 1/6th of the US' daily vehicular fatality rate...no reason for the nigs to riot if, life were just going on as normal...

>Not this



>which one will you take?


idgaf bcuz im just a pleb who has no power whatsover. got plenty of popcorn tho

ruh roh poop bang

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This. Any anons who think we haven't been marked for death for spreading the truth are in for a rude awakening. Death is inevitable though, a coward dies a thousand deaths, a hero only one.

bad gOys


and I take pride in that

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>Has he been infectecd?
>Oh yes most certainly

>30 seconds

to google, 30 minutes to sort through the endless info to find what little tidbit youre trying to get across...

>Use your brain big guy.
>big guy.

...Shut up jared -how is cantwell?

>if you speak out against zionism you're a terrorist. believe in conspiracy theories? terrorist. don't want whites to go extinct? terrorist

well good thing i want w*ites to go extint so the black israelite can rise again to reclaim egypt

vehicle accidents aren’t contagious or deterministic

>Q wasnt a larp

Nope. But we dont know as of yet, whether or not he is a white hat and (our) guy


Shitting down air travel is certainly convenient. The reason you can never catch the boss tier bad guys is their international mobility. As soon as the get wind of the Feds moving on them, they can zip off to whatever bumfuck nation they want to avoid our laws.

>contagious sicknesses require nationwide shutdown and marshall law.

sort? google the names, the top results are now good results. Are you inept and are unaware of google apologizing to Trump and them dropping their filters? You aren't worth spoonfeeding forget it.

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Took me 5 minutes total to gain information on what he was talking about. Not his fault you have brain damage and want everything spoonfed to you.

Same here and the Las Vegas shooter.