Why aren't we shutting down global society and saving half a million people every year who die from the regular flu?

Why aren't we shutting down global society and saving half a million people every year who die from the regular flu?

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Because corona panic is a ploy to implement martial law, the real happening will be an asteroid or Yellowstone, some cosmic or earth shit later this year.

"muhhh it's more contagious"

Coronavirus is a chinese disinfo campaign to create chaos and disrupt the economy of the west. The (((media))) is complicit

Look at the laws being passed right now and you will understand why this is playing out the way it is.

Don't test anyone unless it's absolutely needed

This thread is shill since the thing they say he should of been doing most is now supposed to be slowed down (so the mortality rate does not drop to laughable levels like south Korea and any country with high testing)

The fact we cant prevent illegals crossing the border at a even 70 percent rate a lockdown without a vaccine will be meaningless

Because the flu doesnt overload the healthcare system you proud illiterates

Reposted this comment op is not a shill

coronavirus could kill 20 million people in a year easily, without lockdown and quarantine measures

It has been overloaded in Italy for over a week now and zero deaths due to overcrowding in the worst infected country in the world so that narrative is dead and not materializing

Die to the virus having such a low death for anyone over 45 and Such a high one for old old people triage will guarantee we will always be able to save the young and healthy essential citizens despite losing alot of old and sick

Now you will probably move to the lung damage angle and be unable to find a single source besides anecdotes from doctor's with ZERO data or figures on how common much less average that would be

We do have thousands of people who went to the hospital are between and have no issue an even more young pwote who stayed home and got better an are fine

Anything else shill

The only reason coronavirus "overloads the healthcare system" is because the panic the left has caused you stupid tranny.

98 percent of them would be 60+with multiple prior complications

Only 12 healthy people died in the most infected country that has been over capacity for over a week

Making stuff up doesn't help your cause, moron.


30% herd immunity threshold
2% death rate
7.7 billion population
0.02 × 0.3 × 7700 = 46.2 (million people)

So yeah cut the mortality rate in half if you want.

This but triage means its meaningless

Interesting point tho look at all the celebs with no symptoms some how decided to waste time and resources by getting tested and posing their results

2% death rate only qualifies for people who got tested. How hard are you going to try to shill on this thread and still look stupid?

Yep now post the demographic threat break down

Anyone globally under the age of 45 even with a more than one complication has a less than zero chance of death

This with the fact it effects old so much and triage means young essential people will always have care and survivability is ridiculous for anyone who is not a sick junkie or your grandmother

>6000 recovered in italy
>4800 dead
>2% death rate

What the fuck are you talking about you dumb nigger? Italian doctors have reported themselves that every ward in their hospitals have been converted into CV wards and they’re STILL having to triage the most promising cases because they lack supplies. What don’t you fucking get about that? That means people who need thing like emergency surgery, transplants, chemo, etc. CAN’T GET THEM.

The doom fags are running out of steam every talking point they have left has been btfo

You all got played

>60,000,000 people in Italy.
>4800 dead
>2% death rate
Come on lefty shills try harder.

You repeated everything I said they are at 110 CAPACITY and reported zero deaths due to it for over a week you know how many accidents and vistis they get regularly a day?

This is due to triage so no essential person is left to die instead who's dying are thousands of old and non essential people

Sad but not actually a threat to the overall health of the public especially with TRIAGE

Not a single young healthy person has died due to OVERCROWDING anywhere due to this

It they need live saving anything as in without that they would die of they are a lower risk group they will get it over a virus patient

Your repeating what I said only old low survivability groups will suffer and are non essential people

This and I don’t believe it’s just old niggas

I don't claim to have the answers but this whole thing seems so suspicious, I guess we'll see soon

just stay in your house citizen

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You believe their numbers but not the one that shows only twelve healthy people died so far and 99 percent are 60+ with 2.7 prior complications

This is the real data today from italys government

No I mean even the recovered are likely fucked up for life

So many embarrassed shills not a single one can stay in a thread with me lol

that’s not how it works retard

Because despite corona being less deadly, the seasonal flu does not have an R0 or like fucking 6 base.

Show me some figures

K bet you can't find a single source with data or figure for who is fucked just anecdotes go ahead try you only have a doctor's anecdotes and zero data or suggestion is common much less the average experience

What we do have is thousands of people who had it got care and are better and have no lasting issues and EVEN MORE young people who stayed home had it got better and are fine

I challenge you to find figures on how common or average permanent damage is after this

The seasonal flu also effects more social groups from young to old and this virus does not and specifically is almost less than a percent of mortality for anyone over 45 globally

Under 45*

when you don't understand why something is happening, do you ever stop to consider that perhaps the reason you don't understand is because it is you are too stupid? some things are above the average consumer's paygrade. if you're stupid, perhaps just go on with your life.

its just a flu

Attached: just-a-flu.png (1200x1779, 1.16M)

The regular flu is nowhere near as deadly or contagious.

This is the mind state of the cuck everyone look at laugh

You will be the first to get on the good boy bus lmfao

because the regular flu has a vaccine and the deaths can be limited to half a million. if it didn't, we'd react differently.

Leftists create a global panic, then point to the global panic they've created as a sign that the coronavirus is actually terrible. Go back to sucking dicks tranny.

Docs and hospitals kill over 100K ppl a year when they fug up, where's the outrage about that? Oh that's right, that's not a prelude to martial law.

Zoomers need to zoom!

Attached: zoom zoom.gif (931x682, 425.67K)

Yep that's why we no longer need to test everyone according to cnn today since you know we just have enough data from all the countries that did and it killed their mortality rate lol can't have that

A day ago trump was a idiot for not having more tests done earlier lol

Because half a million is two orders of magnitude less than 50 million, which is the projected death toll of corona this year if we did nothing.

Well depends on how you look at it it is more deadly for now groups than this is deadly for so with he regular flue you have young and healthy with a high moratlity rate compare to this virus

Essentially this is alot more deadly FOR OLD AND SICK PEOPLE in specific high risk groups and objectively not as healthy for young or healthy

China. Iran. Soon Italy. Soon Spain. Soon UK. VERY soon you.

Now fuck off.

Yeah most almost 99 are non essential old people wich is horrible but might be a better trade than the magnitude of damage we did to the economy by not just rounding them up instead

The lock down won't work anyways read my first comment

South Korea's rates were not laughable. South Korea's death rates would be the ones causing 50 million deaths this year.

If we went by Italy's death rates it would be close to half a billion.

Because the hospitals can already deal with that capacity. They can't deal with this corona virus capacity to affect so many at once. Not enough beds. So we have to do this to slow it down.

Because Democrats and the Chinese can use Carona as a political weapon

Because them 500,000 dont die in one city and within 2 weeks. Fucking faggot.

Yep and they tested everyone and now have the same mortality rates as Italy so the best case most tested country and the worst case tested and share similar low and fuck mortality for anyone under 45

The virus is shit but deadly as fuck for specific high risk groups it's sad but this is a humanitarian panic to save a small group that even with 100% infection rate for anyone under 45 is almost 99 percent likley to surive

When u put context to any of your stats the virus is shit

>he still thinks it only kills boomers

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-21 34-Year-Old CA Man Dead of Coronavirus, Recently Visited Disney World.png (526x634, 570.59K)

>The fact we cant prevent illegals crossing the border at a even 70 percent rate a lockdown without a vaccine will be meaningless

just because you don't prevent illegal immigrants doesn't mean that you can't

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No bud triage means no onw who is healthy or has a better chance to survive will be denied help over a old person

The fact this virus effects so many old and so little young means this is the best scenario as the minority of young essential healthy citizens who need hositpal carewill always be smaller than the old and sick

Italy has been doing this for over a week and have zero overcrowding deaths

According to every non right wing source for the last ten years it's impossible so no that is not reality


20 million ain't enough

>have zero overcrowding deaths
Yeah cause they're taking the same quarantine and shut down steps. That's the point.

>Obese dude with asthma and chemo for testicular cancer in 2016 that is objectively still a outlier is the shills new cope


>killing off all the fatties

unimaginably based.


The hospitals retard the hospitals are overcrowded so anyone who needs a HOSPITAL is getting it due to triage and only old and unhealthy high risk groups will be left to die

Triage bud you shills keep forgetting what that means

No. If we did nothing to mitigate the virus, for example, we could expect 500k+ deaths from patients age 20-60 in the US alone. (And 1.7 million deaths above 60). It would kill 10x more 20-60 year olds than the entire population that is killed by the flu each year combined.

#ID2020. We're going to be chipped like animals.

Yeah but that is happening solely on your continent. Are the laws being passed here in Europe that are equally sinister?

No bud again your not breaking down or showing a source the mortality rate for the globe under 45 is less then a percent your not getting that many young people dying anywhere

Lol 99 percent of all deaths globally are 50+ with multiplw health complications this is just the reality even including data from countries with almost zero restrictions or ability to enforce them

The lockdown itself is redundent since the virus will not be able to be 100 wiped out wit confidence due to a symptomatic people and illegal aliens

I don't think you understand the point. The precautions of shut downs and quarentines are necessary for coronavirus because if they weren't being done, ICU bed capacity would be blown immediately. It's already a problem, and without taking these steps, it would be an even bigger one. As opposed to the seasonal flu where bed capacity isn't a problem. How is this hard to understand?

and the people will be delighted about it for our saftey

No. You don't understand that for a virus like this, with how infectious it is, a death rate of close to 1% equals millions of deaths a year.

It's 1% for the entire population. It's .2% if you're over 20. (Actually more, as you get closer to 60 - .2% is the minimum.) That is still 10x deadlier than the flu is for the ENTIRE population and would equate to hundreds of thousands of

800 dead in Italy in the last 24 hours

just the flu, bro
