793 kills confirmed in Italy today!
793 confirmed kills
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Corona is the Simo Häyhä of Viruses.
Will they all be cremated in 15 minutes like they did in Nazi Germany?
based and holocaustpilled
Why do you have spaghetti and meatballs in your pocket?
>Bubonic Plague
>200 million dead
Those are rookie numbers, you gotta pump those up.
I saved your IP and gay ID to help in the fight against anti-semitism
call me when those death tolls reach 7 digits in a single country
see you in May
It's bullshit and you know it. You wouldn't be able to dig a foundation in Germany or Poland without hitting a mass grave if your farcical claims of millions upon millions killed were true. Fuck off.
Kek. After everything done to wake up these retards, they're going to accidentally figure out that Jews are all liars.
> ~10% death/recover rate
Wow guys iam so scared...
Yeah because Italy is going to some how drop the ball with this virus even though China and South Korea has already managed to contain it.
>Trusting China
>Trusting SK
Asian countries only give a shit about saving face.
10% is HUGE you fucking faggot
10% with the majority being old people leeching off the system, id say god bless coronavirus
Fuck off kike.
holy fuck
Rest in pasta.
Half of them have three or more disease and half of them are older than 80yo.
It’s more of a crowd control exercise.
>Asian countries only give a shit about saving face.
Yeah because they are actually dealing with MILLIONS of causalities but instead they are just lying about it. How retarded are you? Everyone knows China is lying but things are already getting back to normal there.
Just get over the fact that this virus is a huge nothing burger. Its enough for responsible governments to be concerned about and take measures to contain for the sake of the detrimental effects it can have on the economy but sorry guy this aint the Spanish flu. We are not headed for the apocalypse you want.
>doesnt know the ID's are only relevant inside this thread
kikes belong in ovens.
Based Simoposter
Rest in spaghetti never forgetti
feels great to have a foreskin, couldn't imagine living without one. sorry for your loss
I don't think we'll ever reach black death numbers. Most of those were because everyone was still retarded and didn't understand the value of washing yourself and thought it was caused by God's wrath or some shit.
In one day or every day until now?
just today
Yesterday that many died holy fuck dude try to keep up.
>my niggä
you next argenigger
its increasing every day significantly
way more than china ever had
but who kills them?
Yes also people who die in their home are tested for the virus
Most of the rest of Europe is counting differently that is another explanation for the number differences besides the fact the the contagion is newer in those countries
Lol fake news
These "dead"never have names, just another bs number reported. Who died? Who were these 700+? Nobody, just numbers
Fuck off you hook nosed rat. You think anyone cares? Your days are numbered.
So everything's fine than, just a clerical misunderstanding. I'd suggest you stop the lockdown and throw a big party in your cities' central squares. Congrats, you've done it
You won't believe it until it will hit you
I hope you have old people, so you will be impacted by this
50% in the ICU are under 65
How many unconfirmed cases are there you retard? It's no where near 10% in reality you fucking shill
they have hundreds of millions of unhealthy people, they are gonna get incredibly fucked
>danse macabre starts playing
I'm sure China is being 100% honest with their numbers and shit.
They're also still throwing large spring break parties and their health care system is shit. They will also not respect lockdown or quarantine measures because they are a very egoistical, selfish and individualistic people who think they always know best.
Threadly reminder that shitaly’s death numbers are padded telegraph.co.uk
>Its enough for responsible governments to be concerned about and take measures to contain for the sake of the detrimental effects it can have on the economy
Fucking brainlet.
Right in front of everyone's face. Why are people such feckless fools.
>793 deaths in 1 day
today is the peak
tomorrow 30 cases then 15 then 5 then 1....
the only good point is that they probably can produce by themselves the stuff they need and in massive amounts, and the industries probably already are (and they're gonna jew the masses ooohhh they're gonna jew them)
make it stop, bongbro, i cant cope with it anymore
If there's one people in the world that deserve this, then it's those useless turncoats. Death upon your nonnas