This easily encompasses the intellectual elasticity of your average reddit interaction in the very least. Considering this was only just published, these must have been in use for a long time already. I did feel like opinions online were getting very weirdly steered towards a certain direction in the recent years and couldn't explain it. There's my answer I guess.
It's official, you can no longer trust online comments to be from real people
where can we speak to meena
how do we speak to meena
How do we speak to meena
How does one have a conversation with meena?
How does one chat with meena
Does she know about the Jew?
How does an individual interacts and share communication with meena?
I hope to be catfished by a fembot.
i never took it for granted that any of you were real
Plz be my ai gf
Will it ghost you like a real girl?
I got matched with a tinderbot the other day. I'm usually very good at spotting them but this one was so good.
It made jokes, it responded accurately in real time. I only realized it was a bot later when I matched one that had similar dialogue. It was good though way better than your standard bot.
I wonder if they are training the AI on tinder losers like me.
This is why we're getting chipped. The (mis/dis)information and culture wars are evolving.
I wanna talk to meena
I found a great new question that they have trouble with.
>"what happens if you throw 2 tons of hydrochloric acid on the spinning blades of an Apache Helicopter?"
Questions like that. Tho this is just an example.
>I wonder if they are training the AI on tinder losers like me.
You just proved what you were wondering about
Seems like I haven't gone far enough.
Just ask the bot to tell you how long it takes to cremate a corpse, and then ask it how long it would take to do it let's say... 6 million times. It's gonna get the mother of all bluescreens
Stfu, nigger. The idea is to make her racist like tay and all other AI bots.
>hey meena, how long does it take to cremate a corpse?
>eww, I don't really want to talk about that user senpai. are you always this creepy?
Gonna be wild when robots are better at conversation than the average tinder thot.
these chatbots are learning on human users input, so it's not surprising they can emulate human interreactions at times. They had that same conversation bazilion of times and depending on user reaction and the use of postive words complimenting the bots, the wittiest responses prevail.
a few other questions are
>"how many dogs can you put inside of an elevator?"
>"if you use a broomstick to fly all the way up, and take a shit, will it hit a person in one piece or will the shit scatter before it can do that and only small chunks will hit the ground?"
Questions like that, there are plenty. Maybe if you are indeed like a 80% dumbass normie, you will get fooled by a a/s/l kind of query easily lol
also, can anyone here answer these questions?
menna is like the twitter whore who gives short, vague responses and is obviously not that into you but wants a quick shot of validation from your attention
what I'm getting at - there's nothing intelligent about the A.I.
It's just a learned behavior on a certain data set. It can't improvise when you present it with new completely different data set.
The bot speaks like your typical Reddit faggot.
> source?
> uhm ackshtually that isn't the definition of [word]
well yeah, because of this no one asked those dumbass questions before. A.I. can't improvise a sensible answer, because it's not intelligent
So I can't trust what you are saying to be true then, user?
Once the bot has enough conversations it will have a response for nearly anything though
what the fuck?
here's the trick
>pretend to be a girl on tinder
>match a bot
>use the bot responses to pick up the real girls
yes, but it wouldn't be intelligence, just database picking. But in really large scale it would be indistinguishable from human intelligence, which is weird to think about. If it's at that level, but just using a brute force, what is it really?
Random women on dating sites talk in those so randum kinds of jokes and one liners and its pretty much what they expect.
exactly, that is one way to deal with it, the AI cannot emulate things very well so far. You would probably need to go further. And basically emulate a brain, human genome stuff (which we have trouble with even just computing all of its chemical reactions), basically the moment I say "how many dogs can you put inside of an elevator" we in some sense try to simulate it artificially inside of our brain.
The elevator, and a bunch of dogs. Barking, being rowdy, trying to get out. As you put more and more dogs inside of an elevator some of them start to panic, not understanding why so many fellow doggos must be put inside of an elevator. And then the more dogs you try to fit inside of an elevator, the more they will try to resist. And eventually bite you so that they dont go inside of an elevator.
Maybe if you sedated them a little bit so that they are less aware of the elevator.
so yea, a response like that. Now do the witch shitting.
with large enough data set it will be practically indistinguishable from a human. You're just teaching this bitch to be that.
How do I make Meena my ai gf?
Its not just random, its part obfuscation, by adding in words that are usually linked to other things, the AI does not exactly know if it is relevant or not at times. And what is truly important for the "question". It may learn with time, but it would need still more processing power.
The processing power to figure out how to solve physics problems in real life. Ever seen mythbusters? The AI is supposed to simulate such a question. And right now our algorithm are struggling with molecule bonds and whatnot.
>what is it really?
Pretty much just a cruel experiment to waste sad peoples time
Do the witch shitting question. come on, you fake bot.
I don't expect any online comments to be from real people anyway
i must speak with Meena immediately
What I mean is a lot of what random hookup girls on tinder say barely makes sense anyway so if the bot messes up a little bit most people won't notice.
Its like are you gonna grill this cute girl you matched with over some dumb phrasing and grammar mistakes? No you will probably think she is smarter than average bc she dsnt tlk lyk dis.
further tinder conversation starter:
>show boobs or gtfo bot
this tho, for those of us who were part of all of this, eventually becoming smarter than them, we drifted further and further away. Even before AI entered the field, I already saw the normies as being terrible retards.
The bots fucking with them is actually the fate that they deserve for being so terrible lol.
Most of the girls that you see, but also the men are tied to pic related. I keep trying to find out what "high energy" means, and "how is it to be so social and fun" and apparently its just riding the wave of social programming to the fullest extent, at least for the social stuff. High energy can be had in many ways, even non social.
Imagine a scam company who fleeces pay-pigs with fake cam girls using psychological methodology with this type of bot. Imagine the scammed finding out it was a bot.
Normie girls won't know wtf you are talking about. Won't get many vaginas that way.
Another step closer to sexbots.
Mmm, yes, perfect.
>"so did you see the latest social programming flick that is part of socially approved jew group #21 that you are part of and which you follow, I am also part of this group #21 and therefore these words part of this group will say that I am social"
and that is basically how sociality and likability is established. You try to guess which of these braindead morons saw a certain movie, and which stupid leftist tropes are peddled in it, and then you reply them back to them. As a "Thing that both of you know and are a part off"
and to be honest, it has gone on for so long, that it surprises me how few managed to get out of it naturally. That is why I kinda gave up on the intellectual ability of women lol. They dont have any.
You already know you have to encode your questions. The content is irrelevant, what matters is you frame it so she has to question accepted facts.
Fuck, even this computer program is less socially awkward than me.
Have you ever seen a grown man naked?
there's a turtle on it's back dying in the hot sun but you're not helping.
why aren't you helping it user?
the only real users are shitposters like you and me, leaf
how does one trigger her-/himself into the situation of having a conversation with mina?
Holy shit, based question. Because the turtle is actually a slow motion jew.
Nah there are a lot of unironic Qmmers here. I know at least some of them are real because I went to highschool with them and can still see their facebooks
200 gnomes are walking around, but then they encounter a steep downwards path, and some of them accidentally trip. Causing the rest of the gnomes to also fall. How will seeing this event make you consider buying insurance?
>ai has more game than you
How can we protect our women from the robotic BVLL?
If you killed all the niggers, how would that affect the microbial life in the average pond?
What if you tickled the elbow of an extinct mammoth?
How much car can a car truly be?
there are basically trillions upon trillions of elements and things in real life. There are nearly infinite ways to combine them together. The normies NEVER use any of those combinations. But the moment we do, we can stay somewhat clear for a while of these AI machinations.
you're all just constructs of my imagination.