Ill start: Jared Kushner
ITT we indentify the antichrist
Bill Gates.
OP is a faggot.
He's kinda right though, Kushner's a scumbag.
he isn't popular enough. You'll know its the antichrist because everyone, literally everyone will fall in love with him.
He's also expected to have a meteoric rise to power, so it would make sense that he isn't popular now.
>Jared Kushner
>implying it could be anyone else but pic related
sure, so maybe in 10 years. I don't see it happening though, the antichrist wont look like an evil rat.
Satan is a little nervous about this guy
He has a bow without an arrow. I think this means he has no nuclear weapons, but the will to use them, and someone else is going to give them to him.
>literally everyone will fall in love with him
The pope, clear as day.
i hate the pope and think he's an enormous faggot
And were all Judas
No homo, but Kushner is a good looking guy. He's almost exactly what I would expect someone in the mainstream view of antichrist to look like. I don't necessarily buy into Tim Lahaye's view of end times events, but if you're going to pick someone alive and well known to put your money on, Kushner makes as much sense as anyone.
So presumably the AntiChrist will be someone who manages to capture the zeitgeist of all 3: populist left, populist right, and tech singularity futurism leading to worldwide superstardom and universal adulation
Mother the antiChrist.
people hate the pope. Im talking about left and right will love him, Jared doesn't have that potential. The Rock has more potential, the antichrist is litty and we'll all piss ourselves in hell I guess.
he isn't golden boy enough imo
that would be my guess as well
Not now, but if he engineers middle east peace that will change in a hurry. I don't subscribe to him myself, but he is interesting given his age and proximity to power.
If there is one then it's obviously Elon Musk who is loved by normies and most of the spergs here. Look up Neuralink.
The antichrist isn't supposed to be an obvious scumbag.
Fuck off goblino. Kushner is a good guy.
No bro, he’s part of the false prophet/2nd beast Thats about to take over.
This one of closer to the ando Christ/1st beast that has ruled us for a while now.
Think, groups of people, not a person. First beast comes then the second one follows.
he absolutely is not attractive in any way. never understood what Ivanka sees in his pasty, sickly-effeminate looking ass.
>t. not showing them, not leaving.
Elon Musk
tom hanks
Nailed it.
If he lands on Mars, very possible. He doesn't seem evil though.
>Im talking about left and right will love him
>tfw the antichrist will be some ngo-shilled kid, a literal child
I think musk is an ayyyy
Nobody really likes Bill Gates though outside of establishment and some nerd worship. At most he is a meh
>Tim Lahaye
Isn't that the whole point? He's loved by everyone and seen as the good guy until the end times come?
Kushner's Folly
Nah, he's a fucking joke, he just got lucky with Trump. You're giving him too much credit. Also the Jews as a whole are the Anti-Christ.
I don't think the Anti Christ is here yet. It's said that he's going to be very charismatic and that everyone is gonna love and follow him. No one really adores Kushner, Gates or really anyone in such a way. I think what we're seeing now is satanists like Kushner and Gates who are try hards with as much hubris as money. They could be making dry runs for future events, but I think that they are just trying to self prophesy, kind of like how the state of Israel tried to destroy Syria and how it tries to create a third temple.
These are all failures in my opinion. And we likely won't be seeing end times as soon as some people think. But maybe I'm wrong.
That doesn't mean he has to be the pope from the start. The antichrist can become the pope halfway through it.
He looks cold to the touch, like he doesn't have a soul.
I'd agree he is a big mover and shaker and we'll have to deal with him for a long time. Maybe an agent of the Antichrist, but I'd bet its someone else.
a decent proposal
yeah exactly, a literally golden child praised and loved by everyone. Then he can summon fire and heal people and everyone jumps on board to hell.
No he's not, he's ugly, it's just that he's not fat. I guess nowadays a guy who isn't fat is automatically good looking lol.
1 Thessalonians 5:3
> For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
He is creepy as fuck.
>mutt's law #3
Envy is a sin.
look at this handsome charismatic man and tell me theres no chance its him
The Devil told me it was gonna be me no matter how hard I tried to avoid it
I dont think that's likely because I'm a loser
implying he's not the antichrist because AC is super popular
i have a feeling barron will be a major character in 10-20 years or so
trump obviously. digits
I don't know, so far he's given Trump some of the poorest advice, some of which are his advice concerning the Russiagate and his current advice concerning the chink virus.
Daddy, Jared has lots of good ideas. Why don't you put him in charge of the Corona-virus?
is it me or does kushner look like an older version of jared holt?
*cough cough* Greta *cough cough* was *cough cough* a test.
Digits + Usa ID
Comeon no one else gonna call that
I thought he was the red heffer.
Except the elect.
He’s just the puppet of the true antichrist. He’s still lurking in the shadows.
He is well hidden and wont show himself until his plan and followers start to crumble, by that time the muslims would have reconquered Constantinople and their army is preparing while their weapons are hanging on olive trees (southern European outskirts?), in which will enrage him and forces him to take matters by his own hand.
On other words relax, he is still functioning from behind the curtains , and wont show up until theres too many disasters and distress that people completely forget about him and win wars and skirmishes but dont find any joy from the newly acquired wealth.
So, BHO?
also he's supposed to join the nations and be loved by everyone there is no one in the world like that right now
she's a witch but not the antichrist
Jared expects to take billions in real estate from sick boomers soon using his probate judges
Nukes are fake
Could be that kid, Desmond. Isn't Satan supposed to be a sort of slave/god? Someone they venerate and also subjugate.
I think he was close, but people really hated his ass and he got called the antichrist quite enough. the poster above that pointed out barron trump might be on to something.
why is the big think emoji so goddamn funny
Been thinking about this, there's a possibility it's Bernie Sanders, he has legions of Atheists liberals behind him, everything that we are for he is against. Abortions, degeneracy etc and his disguise is that of goodness and peace or at least that's how he presents himself to the masses.
Once the virus is over there's gonna be a big push for liberals and communist really, if something were to happen to Biden from now til then itll be interesting.
The Anti Christ is communist because it takes away human Choice.
Without choice most of humanity can be pushed away from good.
Communism is always Anti God because in order to brainwash you, it needs the human to get rid of a higher power.
They need you to not believe in God to be controlled.
fuck off tranny shill. Kushner is based and pisses off the libs