Then how come no actual scientists support it?
If race realism is scientific
Other urls found in this thread:
Slide thread
James Watson is a scientist.
>Lewontin's fallacy
>IQ by country + google/google scholar
>Heritability of IQ + google/google scholar
The races are the same thats why a white woman should use black people hair products. I look forward to the burned scalps. And destroyed hair. Dermatologist approved.
pol is official plebbit 2.0
Not a real quote.
Nice edit, faggot. How about you post the original.
-Source: Buzzfeed
fuck off
Becaue they'll all end up like James Watson, who was once among the most prestigious and respected scientists in his field after a long career, only to be an untouchable social pariah over a throwaway comment about distributions in IQ most likely being tied racial-genetic factors.
I like that phrenology is making a comeback as we better understand the underlying genetic causes.
There ya go... they arent allowed to support it.
>their skulls are shaped slightly different, therefore blacks aren't humans
This is the cognitive dissonance the left faces. On the one hand they hate capitalism but it's capitalism that has created the ideology of multiracism and equality to feed itself.
No play no feed
I'm a scientist and every single scientist that denies race realism is paid off. You can't be a scientist and be a stupid liberal, they all fake it and manipulate research for mad bucks. Unfortunately most of smart people are extremely selfish
I think I went to high school with a couple of those guys in suburban Toronto
said no one ever. strawman. why don't you go eat a watermelon?
>why do people who know they'll lose their jobs if they talk about race never talk about race?
I know this is just a desperate cry for (you)s, but I'll throw this out there. If any of you anons wants an easy million dollars and a Nobel Prize, all you need to do is invent some test to measure intelligence where black Africans come out equal to or ahead of other breeds of hominid. Get to work, Chiam, those shekels are as good as yours if your "just like us but with a different paintjob" theory is true.
Not what he meant.
>who is James Watson
Ge, .why don't scientists reveal unpopular truths that would guarantee the end of their career? Hmmm... I wonder...
>that pic
is the left ever going to come up with something original? this constant stealing of right wing memes is just sad at this point. i guess it makes sense though for a movement lead by niggers and kikes
fake quote
They do, but they are usually extremely disincentivized from making bold claims about it at least in the West. Outside of the west everybody considers it a fact lol.
Watch some alternative hypothesis/people’s Veto videos and come back.
>if they support it they are attacked and ostracized
I debated heavily on whether to respond to this obvious slide thread, made by a memeflag no less - but it's a simple redpill that every scientist who is honest about race has been outed from the scientific community, not for being inaccurate but for being "racist".
>missing the point entirely
I’m a scientist and I support it
do you not get what "long march through the institutions" means?
>I am silly
These comics are worse than the none existent arguments the left has.
>can't understand subspeciation until it comes to kike v. goyim
What did he mean then genius?
Ironically some of these kikes have more goy blood than jewish blood ans yet they still consider the goyim to be inferior.
I’m an actual scientist and I support it.
t. Work for science
Scientists are literally chased out of the field if they question globohomo orthodoxy. Same thing with climate skeptics
Wow you actually convinced me. You are doing a good job. Applause. Congratulations
A lot of those kike historically come from khazar converts who converted to rabbinical judaism around the 7th century.
Neither denying or aproving with your statement. However I would point out that if there was science that proved white people had some superior features, or some other race had inferior features, how long would you say that scientist might keep his job?
End of the thread.
This is obvious and known. OP you are deliberately sliding because you are a parasitic liberal racist traitor and justice will come for you soon.
this lol
Actual science does support race realism, scientists just don't talk about it because they want to keep their jobs.
They do but academia has deemed it a forbidden topic.
Very important people have supported it only to be silenced by the academic community in the name of diversity.
>No scientists support it
So are you some kind of white supremacist that only thinks Western European scientists are legitimate?
The khazar conspiracy has been long debunked by genetic studies. I have no idea why some Yas Forumstards still peddle it. What is the point exactly?
>why don't no science support
Fisher -- invented statistic and pop gen
Galton -- discovered heritability
Darwin -- discovered evolution
Came up with eugenics and race realism...
The three most famous scientist ever came up with and supported race realism...
They are neurologically different from us.
They do not experience reality in the same way.
There are very few studies on Ashkenazim and their relation to Turkic people. The three or four studies on this don't deny this hypothesis. One of the papers actually supports this.
I think you don't know what that word means. Otherwise you wouldn't have used it there.
>What is the point exactly?
>some of these kikes have more goy blood than jewish blood
>yet they still consider the goyim to be inferior.