One or two weeks from now we'll see if the retarded burgers that keep praising their shitty healthcare system will still be laughing.
I'm tired of those retards mocking us, shitposting "how is that socialized system working out for you europoors?"
Two weeks ago they were making fun of Italy, today they're sweating, two weeks from now they'll hopefully be dead from obesity+coronavirus.
One or two weeks from now we'll see if the retarded burgers that keep praising their shitty healthcare system will...
The economics applied to health care are hardly the issue any more and you'd be retarded for thinking it has any sort of importance right now.
I've never even had health care and you sound like a pussy
Apart from the insurance Kike-magic, burgers actually have good health care system at least as far as critical care beds per capita is concerned.
I'm not saying otherwise, but you should tell that to your fellow burgers mocking Europeans' healthcare systems.
Healthcare for emergencies like Corona virus is free. The US is also one of the most prepared for this kind of outbreak. They have tons of hospital beds.
I already called it weeks ago. Mutts will be hit the hardest
>1/3 with no health insurance
>1/5 with no paid sick leave
>Everyone is obese or overweight
>No exercise and shitty diets
>Lots too poor for health care
>Bible thumpers, anti-vaxxers, rugged individualists, conspiracy theorists influence tens/hundreds of millions of the population with anti-science and anti-government sentiment
>Retard orange president that believe China and ignored his own intelligence agencies telling him it will be a real pandemic
>Cities filled guns and niggers
Burgerica is going to be a mess.
I can’t wait until spoiled cunts who have never been told “no” in their entire lives start chimping out when they get triaged.
>we have the highest number of ICU beds/person on the planet
>we literally invent every useful drug
Sorry, but my doctors are all white guys. How’s your paki doctor doing these days.
If it was business as usual then your health care system is retarded.
>I'm not saying otherwise, but you should tell that to your fellow burgers mocking Europeans' healthcare systems.
European healthcare system sucks.
My dad works at super Nintendo I can confirm this
>I already called it weeks ago. Mutts will be hit the hardest
You've called it, but it's yet to happen. Joke's still on you.
Right-on user but that being said I've gotta ask what the fuck did you guys do in the UK? It looks like Boris' plan to face the virus was a fucking shitshow. Our government reaction was and still is pretty lame but I look at the UK and the US to tell myself it could be worse.
>today they're sweating
reminds me of when France was sweating back in 2003
14802 dead because of a heatwave
What are hospitals going to get overrun by people with seasonal allergies? This is a liberal media hoax to make Trump look bad. All the really sick people were already really sick to begin with.
I don't know user, never saw anyone here having to make gofundme pages to pay for their loved ones basic medical bills.
Go look at a sigmoidal function
lol seething yuropoor
you have forgotten that we amerifats are rich as fuck and can afford our unaffordable healthcare
UK will be worse than Italy and a bit behind Murica
I work at Nintendo and my son keeps giving away proprietary company information
OP is pic related
>FREE* healtcare
>get what you pay for
>not dipping your block of cheese in a jar of mayonnaise
>make gofundme pages to pay for their loved ones basic medical bills.
Spoiler alert: That money those niggers collect isn't going to pay for medical bills.
Fuck me, Muhammed you are one dumb motherfucker.
Italy has socialized medicine and they're just letting people die. What did you expect to happen? It's just accepting reality.
Actually wish I was
yes it is when you have millions of uninsured who can get the virus and become super spreaders
Burger checking in. Been sweating for a week. This virus is gay
You're too dumb to understand that this has absolutely nothing to do with the type of healthcare system they have. Some countries using socialized medicine are doing fine and better than the US, some are not.
At least I’m not forced into giving a the government 30% of my shit income my entire life only for them to say I don’t deserve healthcare when I’m 50 years of age or older or because I did something they disagree with.
It’s not like Americans have debtors prison. You can literally just straight up ignore debt collectors your whole life, or keep just string them along, waste their time, and then they’ll settle for 10% of what you owe anyways.
You do know they treat you before charging you right?
Hows that socialized medicine working pierre? We're fat and disgusting but superior first world medicine will keep us all alive, even the hordes of niggers and spics. Pic unrelated
You could walk into any American hospital, get the best treatment in the world, and never pay the bills they send you. You are under no obligation to pay these debts in the US.
only the rich in america praise the healthcare system in america because they have unlimited and immediate access to the absolute best of it
the rest of us know its fucked and going to collapse
Imagine making American hate threads everyday and still insinuate that we are the angry and jealous ones. Lol
Cool perspective Sudanese man. Have you peeped our death rate lately? Now divide that by 2.5 to account for the 250% of cases not tested.
Sorry but I will never respect someone from another country.
Just don’t pay your bills. It really is as simple as that. Doctors in the US are forced to treat patients regardless of their billing history.
Let some rich assholes insurance company pay $80 per over the counter pain killer so that you can keep getting treatment 100% free like a chad.
This is exactly why bums keep living. They have to take treat them and they never expect a dime because they aren't paying that shit. It's like these retards think the Hippocratic Oath doesn't exist.
fuckin lol
So all the americans going bankrupt over medical expenses are just retards that don't know your genius trick consisting of just not paying the bills?
Quite literally, yes.
Americans go bankrupt because they let this debt get to their heads. They think they MUST pay the debt accumulated but they don’t. Americans are under no obligation to pay for the healthcare they receive. It’s frankly not my problem if some pay because they think it’s the “moral” thing to do. They’re suckers
this. if you think a country full of violent crime doesn't have the ability to triage better than europoors then you're full of shit
>French IQ
Where the funding of healthcare comes from is irrelevant.
Not only is health service for this free in the U.S. but..
The issue of a pandemic is health systems being overwhelmed due to a lack of equipment or personnel.
What about the credit report/score?
>Where the funding of healthcare comes from is irrelevant.
Never said otherwise, that's my whole point retard
You mean they could be potentially locked out of getting a mortgage or auto loan? Something a majority of people in your country can’t have anyways?
I find it strange how desperate Europeans are to introduce socialized healthcare to the US. Seems to be a real concerted effort to turn the US into Europe - not sure why they wouldn't want an alternative to exist in case their system was proven the failure (which in most cases it is.) Considering this is coming from vainglorious national states that are all gradually fading in relevance since they strapped themselves to the ticking time bomb we call the E.U.
>Well yes, it's actually gonna affect you but
Yeah, there you go.
That’s not the point. People who have a bad credit score in the US are literally like the average Frenchman who will never have any hope at home ownership or having a nice car. They will just pay less taxes and get medical treatment that they have no obligation to pay for.
You were the one who brought up credit score, and yes it certainly can lock individuals out of getting a mortgage or auto loan, but socialized medicine isn’t helping your people in that regard either.
There are tons of European countries using socialized healthcare systems that are doing just fine regarding mortgages, loans and all that crap, with middle class actually living really well compared to French and American ones. Our socialized healthcare isn't the reason the french middle class is struggling (and you're right, it is), it's because the whole country is socialized + immigration and all that crap.
And btw
Be quiet African.
listen faggot, the only problem with americas healthcare is the cost, now why is it so high? i say its insurance is why and banning insurance would cure it. a bottle of aspirin is like 2 dollars for 100 tablets, but two tablets in a hospital costs like 10 dollars, army gets gauzz bandages for like 25 cents a yard but at a hospital you will pay 3 bucks a yard for it...
you could, as recently as ww2, have a doc come to your farm and deliver a baby for a bushel of apples two jars of moonshine and a little cash....but not now. there is some parasitism somewhere that needs cut out.
I'm looking forward to the boomer fear and psychological cracking under less than a week of isolation. Some people are pathetic.
It’s the kikes and their lolbert enablers
>but not now. there is some parasitism somewhere that needs cut out.
I don't disagree with you but the parasitism isn't just from the insurance companies, it's also from the pharmaceutical companies and hospitals that are making profit.
You just need to do like every European countries and put a price limit to treatments costs. I don't see what's crazy about doing this, Switzerland does it and they probably have the least socialized healthcare system in Europe, they're doing just fine.
They live in apartments, it means nothing to go bankrupt if you have no assets
How are those ICU bed prices working out for you, Yank?