Imagine living in a fucking boring dystopia just because Muttmerica decided to fight Hitler 80 years ago.
Imagine living in a fucking boring dystopia just because Muttmerica decided to fight Hitler 80 years ago
I would but I don't live in spain--tell us how it feels?
Every day I think about what the world would have looked like if Germany had won the war. Such wasted potential.... but you have to make the best out of it I guess
Unfortunately the US fought on the wrong side. Everyone's enemy should be the kike bankers.
Uh the leaders on the Eastern Bloc side later on betrayed their countries by joining the globalists in the late 20th century.
There were people including nationalists against them doing that but they were still helpless, and lost the secure jobs/housing they all had. While globalism came in destroying their livelihoods.
They switched over and hence they're still in power.
Even then what would happen if Hitler's successors decided to do the same thing and join them in the late 20th century? Makes no difference wouldn't it.
As in joined the globalists and became instead globalist elites.
>muh Joos
All Americans behave like Jews. They are -spiritually- Jewish.
you didn't even need to win. the US just should've kept profiteering and not got involved.. we would have colonies on mars now.
this is true
murricans are capitalist pigs, aka JEWS
arab rape baby cope
If Hitler won things would suck in a different way. For instance most of the neets and autists here would be euthanized
Back to watch BBC porn, mutt.
Even if jews didn't lure the US into WW2 for no reason, the entire war was rigged so the Nosebergs would eventually get their post-WW2 NWO.
Why? The only thing that would have likely happened was BENELUX and Swiss being united with Germany, borders in Europe restored and probably a bunch of German military bases in the US, UK and USSR. If you really think that would have caused people to be euthanized or some shit you need to wake up and stop viewing everything from a pathethic meme perspective
that picture reminds me anglojewish puppet president of my so-called country
If fascism was so great then why did Francoist Spain turn into a shithole
Franco's successor was a literal coomer.
He let them turn Spain into a ((( liberal democracy ))), as long as they let him steal public money for whores.
This phrase could be applied to any Western Country tbhwyf
I kind of see how masks became popular in japan matching that color and material to her suit looks fucking fire
True story bro, the Jewish conditioning has ruined a majority of the West.
Let's be real, the alternative wouldn't have been much better.
Because if Hitler won everything would be different now
wtf this shit looks like a movie scene
If the axis would have won, I can assure you that the borders would have been closed faster than you can say "coronavirus".
And everyone in the West would be in quarantine; a REAL quarantine, not the shit these ZOGpuppets are doing. Our entire economic production would be halted, people would be closed in their homes under the penalty of jail if they didn't comply, and the army would be giving everyone food in their doors daily, and giving every citizen materials with which he would build face masks, suits and everything else doctors need.
But they lost, and we have to be ruled by mediocre, stupid retards, that are letting people go to the super market, take their dogs outside or run for hours in the streets for "sport", or even doing nothing at all because of MUH HERD IMMUNITY while our elders are dropping like flies. So shut your whore mouth.
Revolution era America is the peak of western civilization. Everything after that is them being corrupted by kikes. America used to be about liberty above all else, and that got them to be the best country in the world. Now they are slaves, nigger infested, with half it's population indoctrinated by literal socialism, and the other half thinking they are right wing when Trump is nowhere near being right wing.
There wouldn’t be coronavirus because the Japanese would have exterminated the chinks for good. You can see now why japan wanted to do that
>Revolution era America is the peak of Western Civilization
Franco’s Spain was better than Spain now there was extremely low unemployment and everyone who wasn’t a lazy fuck was able to create a decent living and have a decent family. Franco’s successor just ended up being a cuck trying to switch to liberal democracy to appease the west
Japan would have wiped out the filthy chinks and there wouldn’t even be a plague
A vast majority of serious plagues in history have come from China because they live in filthy conditions and eat weird shit
I would assume there wouldnt be any problems regarding cremating the bodies.
imagine still not realizing in 2020 that hitler was controlled opposition
Why did Hitler declare war on the US? It's almost as if he wanted to lose the war. No wait, HE DID WANT TO LOSE THE WAR
Based retard.
Those liberty ideals of the "enlightment" you talk about are as kike as it gets
Don't remind me...
Hitler was the only real opposition since Philip IV of France
Who is this masked woman
She is so beautiful
you fucking retard, judaism was banned in many parts of europe since like forever
tell me why did muh based hitlerino declare war on USA?
doesn't change my statement
Because Japs attacked america and hitler was allied with japan and acting as an ally also declared war on america which was ALREADY violating neutrality by giving britain weapons and using CIVILIAN ships to do so
Dont you euros get taught history?
Zuzana Čaputová
that'd be mommy president
opposition to jewry was mainstream before hitler made it uncool
You're a fucking retard. You're telling me that the Great Defender of the German People, allowed himself to get dragged into Japans war of aggression against America. The same Japan THAT REFUSED TO HELP GERMANY WHEN GERMANY WAS ATTACKED BY SOVIET RUSSIA? THE SAME JAPAN THAT REFUSED TO ATTACK RUSSIAS EASTERN BORDER AND INSTEAD WENT ON SOME POINTLESS WARS IN CHINA? That Japan? Are you telling me that the Great Defender of the German People decided to risk it all for that (((ally)))?
Yes thats how it happened. thats history. it doesnt negate the fact that america, under fdr, wanted wair and baited japan into it by positioning his navy in hawaii when he had no need to do so as a "neutral" state, nor did he have a need to send britain weapons and ammo using civilians as a shield when he agaoin pretended to be neutral.
FDR wanted war and he got it.
Hitler wanted war you fucking retard. Otherwise he wouldn't have declare war against the USA. I just told you why you fucking moron, Japan wasn't an actual ally or they would have helped with the soviets. Your whole post is just big cope. You nazi larpers are exactly like fucking qtards MUUUHHH GREAT SAVIOUR NOOOO TRUMP I MEAN HITLER WAS A GOOD GUY I SWEAR TRUST THE PLAN
Because the US were supplying his enemies (UK and Soviet union) with war material, and because the American navy had instituted a "shoot on sight" policy against German vessels. Hitler declaring war was just a matter of making the unofficial war the US had started official.
ok jew
I already used that argument, apparently to this jew its not an argument. go figure.
I thought the soviets destroyed germany.
I thought that they could do it without us.
Pretty sure Hawaii was ours do whatever we wanted with japan could fuck off we didn't owe them scrap metal or oil but we all know Hitler and tojo were good boys they dindu nuffin just needed mo money for dem programs
you're the one supporting jewish movments
subhuman retard
Hitler decided to fight America.
America was already at war in everything but name before Germany even invaded the soviet union.
Idiots like you are a blight on the name of americans everywhere. Grow a fucking brain, holy shit.
You know I used to think like you in that America, no. The entire “allied” side fucked up. I believed it for a long time.
But then I got older and I got some money, then I started my own business, failed started a second one and I’m not rich by any means but I am comfortable.
Well at least I was before this corona virus thing but it’s ok I and my business has some wiggle room.
What I am trying to get across is that right now in America, when you have power you are free to have an ideal world. All my workers are white, except for 2 who are in my opinion honorary whites. I pay them well. We used to provide excellent client services and the majority of my business is repeat customers. We take money from anyone money is money, however we really take care of our clients who even remotely hint at our ideals.
Used to have a Jewish employee but I had to let him go ;) because he became redundant
I take care of my family, community and workers who are white. Everyone else is either slave labor or a customer.
Be the change you want to see in your community, don’t rely on government they would kill you if they felt like it.