2nd American Civil War

2nd 2nd American Civil War thread
Previous Thread The debate in the last thread centered around whether or not the right wing even could win a civil war.
If a civil war existed between the current "right wing" and the current "left wing" as they exist today, then all else being equal, the right would defeat the left easily.
However, this assumes that *everyone* on the right and left participates and it also assumes an unrealistic absence of loyalism to the US government among conservatives.
If we will continue this debate, let's try to not just call each other boomers (coof coof *Nazbol user* coof coof) because that is not an argument. Also, saying "cope boomer" to an argument against your own argument is not an argument. If they're wrong, then debunk them.

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Isn't it obvious to right would win?

Top right

bump for real thread on pol
pol is like 80% slide threads these days its insane

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>The debate in the last thread centered around whether or not the right wing even could win a civil war.
They won't win. Period.
>then all else being equal, the right would defeat the left easily.
Not really.
>an unrealistic absence of loyalism to the US government among conservatives.
Conservatives are loyal only to themselves. Not to the U.S. government. They feign loyalty only to ensure they don't get their butts kicked.

Oh really? What guns would the left use to fight?

Nice arguments, faggot. How the fuck would the no-funz, globohomo trannies possibly win a civil war against thousands of angry white men who've had enough of their culture degrading bullshit?

Can you fucks even access weapons with your stronghold currently under Federal occupation?

I didn't think so.

See en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_civil_wars for more information if this concept confuses you.

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See, here's the problem with your LARPing retards. You believe war is going to be clean cut. You fuckers will go to war with the left, and the left will take it in the ass. That bravado is what gets you in the end. War is not just about guns and ammo, it's also about logistics and supply. Who starts the war, which side has more farmers, and lastly who is perceived as the villain and who has the moral high ground.

What you faggots fail to realize is that a civil war in the U.S. will have multiple foreign entities interested in supporting either side. But moral superiority is paramount in foreign support. No one's going to support a bunch of redneck racist faggots who FEIGN LOYALTY TO THE FLAG - AND CLAIM THEY'RE FIGHTING TO PROTECT THE CONSTITUTION. No, YOU FAGGOTS ARE JUST AS SHALLOW AS THE LEFT YOU LOOK DOWN UPON. You're whining now because you're losing power - NOT BECAUSE YOU'RE LOYAL TO THE FLAG. Everyone can see that except you.

But coming back to the war, it's not as clear cut as you think. Even if the left doesn't have as many weapons as you, they can get from outside. They can engage you guirella warfare till reinforcements from other countries come. Then FUCKING WHAT? Are you ready to take on the rest of the world? You better be - because they want YOU OUT.

We respect our rights to call you a faggot, faggot.

You have to get over this argument if you're not trolling. Wars are won with very small numbers of men compared to the total population. If you don't know pro 2A left people you either aren't trying or never leave the house. It is easy for me to go to a shooting range and recognize that an overwhelming majority or these guys are right leaning. It's a bit harder to recognize that the guys at the gun range are a sliver of the population, and that at some point pure numbers prevail. Things will most likely keep sliding left, they have been for sometime now. Some of the things Trump says would be considered progressive in the early 2000's even, but many of you are still too young to recognize that and don't read books a lot. At this rate, even with out corona nigger, young people will continue to be more left leaning as they become poorer and whites lose their hold in many major cities of the United States. Good luck to all, maybe this virus will help culturally enrich some folks in major cities.

Who in the flying fuck is going to support the left? The UN? The moment foreign interests stick their heads into our affairs, they lose them.


I'm well aware of what Asymetric warfare is you absolute trogladyte. If anyone here is Larping, it's you. Only 10% of the modern left or less has access to any type of firearm, let alone any survival training. They all live in Urban environments, which are fucking simple to lay siege to. What the fuck was the battle of moscow? Russia would involve itself to help further destabilize the region, probably land an invasion through Alaska and occupy it to maintain 'order'. I'm not fucking worried about Europe, China or the Norks.

>We respect our rights to call you a faggot, faggot.
Oh trust me. I respect your right to call me a faggot too. I'm not a lefty as you think. I'm not a citizen, but I believe in conservative values. But even I know that you guys cannot win. You know why? Because you've already been painted as the villains across the world. In a civil war, you will have absolutely NO OUTSIDE support. You will be isolated like the Confederacy was in the American Civil War.

Like fuck some central American farmers are going to bend over backwards to feed these dumb fucking millenials and zoomers, and this is coming from a millennial. I don't know if you recognize the fact that quite a large portion of millennials are hard right leaning, just enough to make any form of leftist superiority crumble when the molotovs start flying.

Methinks you have no fucking clue how real wars are fought, because you think a zurgrush of a bunch of furries, faggots and selfmutilating cucks mean shit in the face of organized rwds

>Who in the flying fuck is going to support the left?
>The moment foreign interests stick their heads into our affairs, they lose them.
What the fuck does this even mean?
>Only 10% of the modern left or less has access to any type of firearm
It's only about firearms firearms and more firearms for you retards. You fuckers think like GRUNTS - not like tacticians.
>They all live in Urban environments, which are fucking simple to lay siege to.
>I'm not fucking worried about Europe, China or the Norks.
And that's why you will lose.

>No one's going to support a bunch of redneck racist faggots who FEIGN LOYALTY TO THE FLAG - AND CLAIM THEY'RE FIGHTING TO PROTECT THE CONSTITUTION
I disagree with a caveat.
Firstly the caveat; If the war was between leftist insurgents and cuckservatives supporting the Trump Administration, then obviously China or Iran would much rather support the insurgents. But let's be realistic here. Shitlibs have absolutely no reason to do that. All shitlibs need to do to "win" is wait until Texas goes blue and then they get to impose whatever tranny laws they want. It is the conservatives who have the most to lose while also having no power since GOP politicians are traitors who caucus with the Democrats.

This is why I disagree with you. The people who are most oppressed in the USA are those with no representation in Congress; White people who aren't freaks. (also Mexicans)
It is this group (plus Mexicans) who have the most to gain from resisting the corrupt Zionist regime.
And China, Russia, and Iran would be all too happy to support such rebels.

As for this mythical foreign invasion of the UN or China, that's just not going to happen. China doesn't have the capabilities or the desire to go on a doomed foreign escapade in a region of the world where it has no interests. It has interests RIGHT THERE in Asia that need taking care of first.

Sounds to me like we don't have to hold back on war crimes considering we have absolutely nothing to lose, then.

Jesus you aren't even a citizen here, you have no fucking clue how the average American operates or thinks. Shut the fuck up about shit you literally have no clue about.

CW II won’t begin until the epidemic is over. You really can’t fight a war during an epidemic.

>probably land an invasion through Alaska and occupy it to maintain 'order'
This is a pipe dream.
Just think about the logistics of sending millions of soldiers across Siberia, then into Alaska, then down through Canada along some of the worst roads on both continents.

1) The US government would be wholly opposed to a right v. leftwing civil war, and the left wing would be willing to work/listen to the government's orders. The right wing would not. The war would therefore be the US right wing v. the government. The government would win.

2) While not leftwing by nature, the majority of US police and military are comprised of men and women who are opposed to the ideals of the US right. Most police and military would fight the right wing, and those who might not want to still would to secure their jobs.

3) The US military and police are experts are fighting irregular guerilla groups and have actual combat experience doing so. The vast majority of the right wing who would fight are civies with no combat experience period.

4) The right wings only strategy is attacking essential services to create chaos and misery in cities to turn people against the government. French Communists also had a similar strategy called Politique du Bucher: politics of the pyre, where they hoped widespread misery would turn people against the government. Well in reality most people recognized it was the revolutionaries making things worse and the support for the government actually increased. Right wingers blowing up power transformers and bridges would create thousands of enemies.

5) The vast majority of men do not fight. Even during WW2, with dozens of countries sending in commandos to train and supplies to arm them, the actual number of French Resistance members who did ANYTHING - from letting air out of tires to killing Germans - never exceeded 20,000 for the whole of France. Isis has similar numbers, as did the Vietcong, as did the Liberian RUF, as does any irregular force of men. Even if there were millions of avid right wing supporters in the USA (there aren't), at best - at absolute best - such a group could maybe field 50-60k members who would actually go out and engage in anti-government activities, whether blowing power lines or shooting cops.

>Blow out all roads in and out using explosives.
>Lay mines all around where any foot traffic might occur

Man you aren't wrong on a lot of things but you aren't quite right either. There is an ammo shortage right now in the US. I spent most of my day yesterday bartering with guys who had 10k plus rounds for different common calibers, just for themselves. Not for militias, not for the happening, for themselves to fucking plink with. And this wasn't even people I knew, I just contacted guys selling guns who lived close and we arranged a deal. Most of the people I know also hunt, and are used to not going to the store but once a month because they actually own land. Almost everyone's preps here literally look like a normal trip to the store for them. It is honestly funny. You have these larping kids who act like they are ready, but the truth is America is made of men like I am describing. We produce all of your food, and we have kept our families traditions a live. Long term we may lose to sheer numbers but we will put up one hell of a fight and won't go down without others taking substantial losses as well. Where I live in the US, there is an average of 13 guns per household throughout the state. Registered hunters a lone outnumber all of the worlds military. If it went on long enough, I believe it would become a proxy war. Short term, we would fucking own them and you know it.

>What is Damascus

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>the US military and police are experts...
No, no-one is. Their expertise is “get pinned by relatively indirect fire and call air support to ID and dust the dudes”
Works great on foreign soil
Not so much your own

>If the war was between leftist insurgents and cuckservatives supporting the Trump Administration
Wrong. Civil War 2.0 will be between conservative insurgents and the patriotic left.

See, that's the thing you fuckers don't understand. We all know what the Nazis did was right according to their principles. They wanted Lebensraum - which is everyone's right as long as they have the ability to fight for it and protect it. Then why the fuck did everyone go to war with Germany? Why? Why couldn't they just leave the Nazis be? BECAUSE IT WAS IN EVERYONE'S INTEREST TO STOMP ON A RACIALLY HOMOGENEOUS POPULATION THAT POSED A THREAT TO THE WORLD ORDER AT THE TIME. What you fuckers don't realize that in a global economy, conservatives who hold on to the old school of thought are the threat - not the fucking leftists.
>The people who are most oppressed in the USA are those with no representation in Congress
Once again, you're FUCKING WRONG. The U.S. is viewed as a global hegemon. Not a fucking national government as you retards see it. NO ONE FUCKING CARES IF YOU HAVE REPRESENTATION - ALL THEY CARE IS WHETHER THEY WILL HAVE REPRESENTATION IF YOU COME TO POWER - and the answer to that is NO since you fuckers are an exclusive club.
> China doesn't have the capabilities or the desire to go on a doomed foreign escapade in a region
Why are you sooooo fucking retarded. If there is a civil war, no one needs to send their troops to the U.S., they only need to supply your enemies till you fucking LOSE.

>Sounds to me like we don't have to hold back on war crimes considering we have absolutely nothing to lose, then.
Sure. Go ahead. That'll only hasten your demise.
>you have no fucking clue how the average American operates or thinks.
Unfortunately, you're wrong there.



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>The US military and police are experts are fighting irregular guerilla groups and have actual combat experience doing so.
I believe that you greatly overestimate our cops.
Also, I have heard from many sources that most White cops would rather not engage in the kind of brutal work that counter-insurgency against White people would require. So I disagree with this and would like some rational for why you think that the police forces would remain loyal to the regime.

>such a group could maybe field 50-60k members who would actually go out and engage in anti-government activities, whether blowing power lines or shooting cops.
I would speculate that this would be enough to cause absolute chaos.

You nailed it. The left is more an enemy to the left than it realizes. Here is my estimation of what the war would look like.

Stage 1
-Intercity violence escalates. The right starts to fight back against endless assault, vandalism, and murders.

-Islamic Extremists assist the left in training for terrorist attacks.

-Rioting on both sides. Black supremacists urge the mobs to take out their manufactured rage on the white community.

-National guard called in.

-Skirmishing Police/National Guard v. Lefties and their extremist allies: Black Supremacists and Islamists

Stage 2
-Skirmishing intensifies in the major centers in America. State of Emergency and Marshal law is declared.

-Military and allied forces among the police and militias cut power and supply to the cities.

-The siege begins.

Stage 3.

-The left eats itself. After enduring months of siege the black supremacist forces start to rape and plunder their own allies. The Muslims rape and murder their own allies. Antifa crumbles as they realize their allies hate them and want them dead or violently converted. Most go over to the enemy after seeing their loved ones raped to madness or butchered. Internal fighting erupts.

-Meanwhile along the siege front spirits are high.
Plans are drawn up for mass Islamic Expulsion and policies to send disgruntled Black Americans to a place where they can fit in better are drawn up.

-The surrender. Black supremacists are sent as refugees to africa where they are accepted with brutality and violence and most are slaughtered by the local established Islamic war lords (their women are raped to pieces). The Islamists are sent to North Africa, from there to disperse to regions of their choice.

-Peace in America. A return to national identity, culture flourishes. The black community is reduced to 8%. There is a subsequent reduction in violent crime. Islam is band. Mosques are removed. Feminism is no longer taught.

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>If a civil war existed between the current "right wing" and the current "left wing" as they exist today
No need. Coronachan has done all that's needed.
> 2nd amendment now super duper to liberals who line up around the corner to buy guns
> Globalism in serious question
> Open borders in serious question
They'll join us in time now. Their little retardation period is now over. Watch.

I know a guy who called in an airstrike and fucked up and had his own men killed. He's a real piece of shit as a person in general.

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>Blow out all roads in and out using explosives.
Excellent. Destroy the infrastructure that YOU FUCKING CAN'T BUILD - BUT YOUR ENEMIES WITH OUTSIDE SUPPORT CAN. Tactical genius right here.
>Lay mines all around where any foot traffic might occur

I'm on your side you fucking retard, the point is guys like you don't actually recognize the threat that sheer numbers and outside support poses. And then we have people like the guy I just replied to, who have no idea the role that your common redneck plays in keeping this fucking show running. Jesus christ everyone on this forum has autism.

A fuckin leaf! As always a horrendous post.

>why the fuck did everyone go to war with Germany?
Maybe it had something to do with the fact that Germany kept invading country after country. Britain and France declared war at the last minute due to an attack on an ally. And Germany declared war ON the USSR and America.

>The U.S. is viewed as a global hegemon.
This is why you are wrong. Almost every government on earth wants to fund rebels in the USA to destabilize it and restore balance.

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It’s not about left vs right. It’s about Extremes vs normies. This will be a 3 faction fight (like every good story)

>it also assumes an unrealistic absence of loyalism to the US government among conservatives.
This is the clincher for the right, and why the right will lose. Virtually anyone who is or was in the military in any capacity is completely brainwashed. These zogbots will simply do as they are ordered to, and not ask questions.

When they are ordered to fire on American civilians, they will be told they are fighting for freedom and killing terrorists, and like the useless, mindless zogbots they are, they will comply. By this time, antifa and the likes will already be hiding in their homes too afraid to fight anymore. So, these patriotarded faggots will be killing conservatives.

People like to talk about oath keepers and the like, and there might be a few. But 99% of them will just do as they're ordered to do. Because that's what military training conditions you to do.

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>Marshal law

Leaf education

This is a horrible ending. Zionists are STILL in power and just open the borders again and kill off White people through immigration AGAIN.
If you don't take care of the parasite, then we will keep losing. The government is THE REASON for feminism and multiculturalism. It's not your friend you retard.

Based af.
Yas Forums BTFO

>We produce all of your food
Yes, and you're the easiest to compromise.
>and we have kept our families traditions a live
Believe me. I respect your ways and want it to continue. But I know if you go the route of a civil war, your way of life will end.
>Long term we may lose to sheer numbers but we will put up one hell of a fight and won't go down without others taking substantial losses as well.
This is exactly how losers think. You don't win a war by becoming suicidal. You win a war by outlasting your enemies - which you obviously don't seem to grasp right now.
> Short term, we would fucking own them and you know it.

>There is an ammo shortage right now in the US.
I'm tired of this ammo shit of an argument. Even if you fucking have all the ammo in the U.S., it is war. You can't fucking store ammo in houses without risking them being attacked by your enemies. Your enemies won't fucking drag you out in a war, they will go for the jugular.

WHAT YOU FUCKERS FAIL TO ACCOUNT FOR IS THAT YOU WILL BE FIGHTING OTHER HUMANS - WHO LIVE AND LEARN - NOT WHO BECOME RETARDED WITH EACH FIGHT. All this experience you tout will be useless if your people die faster than your enemies.
Who cares?

I am using a samsung phone. Go easy on me. It fucked me up on 'banned' too.

Schizo post

6) The technological disparity between the US government and its citizens is too much for right wingers to over come. The lessons of any insurgency before 2002 are outdated and inapplicable to modern anti-guerilla warfare, and the resistances in Afghanistan and Iraq succeeded only through intense outside support in the form of arms from Saudi Arabia and fighters from Chechnya and other Islamic places going to fight very small numbers of US troops who were trying to patrol entire countries on the opposite side of the world full of foreigners. A domestic war would see very little to no outside interference due to the USA's geographical location. Only a few dozen Canadian and Mexicans would go to join the right wing rebels. Meanwhile the USA government has millions of police, agents, soldiers, and - in worse case scenario - PMCs to call upon, all with access to hundreds of thousands of light vehicles and drones, thousands of tanks and planes and ships, all of which can be repaired and resupplied from a vast logistical network. What would right wing rebels have? Maybe a few thousand semi automatic assault rifles, a few machine guns, a couple captured heavier weapon systems like a missile launcher or artillery cannon, which they lack the resources and knowledge to use. RW rebels have no system or even plan to create an essential logistical base. Even if they have enough foresight to bury some ammunition caches, these will over yield thousands of rounds and will rapidly be depleted in the course of a few weeks fighting. And what about food? Gun parts? Clothes? Batteries? Walkie talkies? All sorts of things will be needed beyond a rifle to fight a successful guerilla war, and RW rebels will have very little or none of it when the war starts, and no way to replenish it afterward. By month two of the war the RW will be holed up in forests and badlands starving and dying of thirst in rags with just enough ammo to kill themselves.

Maybe 50K actively ‘fighting’... but you also get millions who subtly don’t comply or cause problems for the government in various ways big and small.

There are different levels of active involvement, but almost everyone will ‘take a side’ and support it... in small or big ways.

Then I guess there can be no truce.
Don't back a Lion up against a wall.
There will be no surrender to an enemy that seeks to disarm and exterminate us.

Once Corona-chan finishes doing her business, nationalism will raise...& that's a good thing

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Based leaf.

>Maybe it had something to do with the fact that Germany kept invading country after country.
It had FUCKING NOTHING TO DO WITH GERMANY INVADING ONE BACKWATER AFTER ANOTHER IN EASTERN EUROPE. It had everything to do with Germany becoming too powerful to control.
>And Germany declared war ON the USSR and America.
USSR? Only because Germany needed oil in Georgia. America? Only because moronic Japs attacked Pearl Harbor.
>Almost every government on earth wants to fund rebels in the USA to destabilize it and restore balance.
SINCE YOU FUCKERS ARE NOT THE REBELS, you're out of luck here.

Well at least the Zionists are okay with the separation of church and state. They also tend to be a small number that is more interested in Israel and they are not all that expansionist. They know that they can only manipulate so far before Europeans chimp out and they tend to stop before they have to endure another Expulsion.

Fucking this. The conservative right overestimates its support - JUST LIKE THE FUCKING CONFEDERACY BEFORE IT.

Define Schizo.

>thousands of light vehicles and drones, thousands of tanks and planes and ships
How will those vehicles come into play if the rebels refuse to attack them? What if the insurgents instead attack soft targets?

>of which can be repaired and resupplied from a vast logistical network.
What if the rebels sabotage the supply networks?

>go easy on me

You shall receive the blower and live in exile rather than the rake

>If you don't take care of the parasite, then we will keep losing.
HOW THE FUCK WILL YOU EVEN DISCOVER THESE PARASITES? You can't take them out unless you fucking know who they are - and I assure you, no matter how much you time you spend on Yas Forums, the truth is you DON'T FUCKING KNOW WHO THE REAL ELITES ARE.

You do realize that you are not gonna be fighting the trannies but the hordes of illegals that the tranny supports. These weak beta fags are nothing more than propaganda people. They have and still are playing their part. They will be the newspaper people as the war rages on. If they are in the fight they will not last long.

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Especially the niggers. Those savages Will not hesitate to open fire on any whitey. Or other niggers for that matter.

>There will be no surrender to an enemy that seeks to disarm and exterminate us.
Then there's only death for you, YOU FUCKING RETARD. NO VICTORY. ONLY FUCKING DEATH. Why are you so desperate to fucking lose?

t. patriotarded zogbot

How are you this naïve? It is the fucking kikes who created trannyism and forced multiculturalism in the first place. Jews always seek to undermine and destroy their host nation.

t. kike shill
We know who they are no matter how much you scream and cry that it's not the fucking kikes.

Is this a political compass?


That bright red hood would sure make an easy and obvious target

It already is on the rise and has been since at least 2013, but corona is gonna accelerate the fuck out of it.

What are you even trying to do right now? We practically agree on a ton of things but you're really just here to tear people down. I never said or implied anything about being suicidal. The point of mentioning that we can sustain ourselves and mentioning how much everyone else in this country relies on us was to reaffirm that we will last longer, given they went without outside aid. If it came down to guerilla warfare, we would fucking own the left regardless of aid. Recognizing real threats and the certainty of losing at a certain point isn't demoralizing if you're willing to die for your beliefs and way of life. Your trying to argue with me, about not recognizing the threats of other humans, but that is what almost all of my posts in this thread have been about? I've literally sat here trying to tell people who are full of themselves and acting like the other side isnt capable of winning because of muh no guns that it's more complicated than that. Gtfo man, you're fucking ridiculous

A modern US civil war will resemble Syria. Everyone proclaims similar ideologies, betrayals rampant, and unending wars over petty swathes of territory with permanent air strikes by foreign powers. Russia, China, the EU would be retarded not to keep the USA down and out forever.

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>Guerrilla warfare is the bane of U.S. military.
See, here's the thing you don't understand leaf. WE DIDN'T FUCKING LOSE TO VIETCONGS OR THE MUJAHIDEEN BECAUSE WE COULDN'T WIPE THEM OUT - WE DRAGGED THE WAR SO THAT THE MI COMPLEX COULD MAKE MONEY. So take this shit explanation and go elsewhere.

I'm just amused to see the ANTIFA cucks. Yeah, those guys will be like Rambo when there's no one fighting back. When they get put to the ground they start going "I DIDNDO NUFFING".

This is the most retarded post out of all of them

>We know who they are no matter how much you scream and cry that it's not the fucking kikes
Relax. I'm not a kike. But I'm smart enough to see that you're being set up like retards.

antifa have really cool masks

8) The war would not take place in a vacuum. The government would not be the only ones fighting the RW. Left wingers would ally themselves to the government and would field as many fighters as the RW could. The government has inroads to domestic gangs and Mexican cartels who wouls try to surge during any kind of chaos. It would not be hard to turn these forces against strongholds of RW resistance. If a little Texas town gets overrun by RW forces, they would be beset by vicious cartel fighters moving into the vacuum. If Appalachian towns were taken over, suddenly Aryan lowriders and meth dealers would be firing against the RW. In the south any town or city lost to the RW would immediately have thousands of blacks and/or Mexican gangsters emerging to kill the depleted RW and take the city for themselves. The right wing resistance would be facing wars on 4 fronts while the left wing/government could pull back and simply retake places at their leisure.

9) Right wingers are out of shape and inexperienced, especially compared to the police and military. After two weeks of urban fighting RW fighters will be exhausted and spent. Even regular military units with well supplied and young in shape men need to rotate their forces in ans out of combat every week or few weeks because modern combat rapidly depletes men's physical and mental strength. The RW will have neither the system nor men in place to help rotate exhausted members out, and with their lower standard of well being RW fighters will exhaust much faster than their opponents. The energy of a RW movement that isn't utterly crushed in the first two weeks of fighting would be completely spent after 5-6 weeks.

I could write more but I said the important things. The US right wing has a 0% chance to beat the US government, and I'd say there's a close to 0% chance of them rising up in the first place, especially given that we've seen how they bow down to the police already when challenged. Right wingers are LARPers imo.

You talk like a fed and your posts have been both demonstrably wrong or naïve as well as only negative. You are trying to drag down and demoralize people. And you misrepresented the truth to do so.

yes the war dragged on because the US Army did not have the moral resolve to commit genocide to win the war like the Romans. Guess what option is not availiable in a civil war? Exterminating/Glassing your own populace LOL. If the Government does that they already lost as they would be damaging their own supply lines...

Top right definitely looks like an airsoft team

>Moral superiority is oppressing people to go along with policies that are against their best interest
I find it hilarious. You're going to be surprised how many guns get shoved in your face one day and since you've left the opposition no room to debate or discuss, they're probably just going to pull the trigger on your malevolent self.

It depends on what kind of war it is. If it is a conventional war then what matters is resources, organization, and alliances. Tough people are not effective if they're dogpiled by a bunch of other factions or a bunch of well connected and organized soibois; the globohomo will side against you and you have to be prepared for that.
Also, this ignores long-term grinding conflicts. Instead of a big shootout, you might just have sporadic attacks on keep people and structures, combined with ideological struggles which involve propaganda, promoting your symbols, and trashing the enemies symbols. In that sense, it would be more like a religious conflict, such as what happened in France in the 1500s. In that case, it seems better to be prepared by organizing, making friends, gaining institutional power and other forms of soft power. If violence were to happen in that situation then it would probably be distributed. Imagine if what replaced direct and assertive mobilization was a bunch of "unconnected" attacks done by lone wolfs, and directed by the suggestions and rabblerousing of the ideas and entertainment wing of your movement.
One last thing: non-combatants. Some people might agree with you, but are unwilling or unable to fight in the physical sense. They still provide assistance however, through the law, social pressure, economics, and generally being the crowd that you can blend into. Having a sea of sympathetic people can work wonders for you movement, so it shouldn't be forgotten. Not everyone is willing to make the permanent tradeoff while fighting, but they can slowly erode the opposition through non-compliance.

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>We practically agree on a ton of things but you're really just here to tear people down.
No. I'm just here to discourage conservatives from thinking that a civil war is in their interest.

YOUR ENEMY FIGHTS ON A MENTAL PLANE - NOT THE PHYSICAL. All you need to win against the kikes and the NWO is to keep what you have - and not engage them in a fight.

>If it came down to guerilla warfare, we would fucking own the left regardless of aid.
NO, YOU FUCKING WON'T. Because once you engage in war, you have defined the scope of all your future actions - it's you Vs. the NWO. That's it. They can drag it out as long as they want - and they have economics on THEIR SIDE. You don't even have the same oil supply they do. You don't have the technology they do. You don't have the talent they do.
>Gtfo man, you're fucking ridiculous
Sorry user. I'm not trying to be a pain in your ass. Forgive me if I come off as so.

8 is wrong
9 is ridiculous.
Apparently this leaf thinks that American urban areas are where the right wingers are. That's just retarded.

Trump won because the exact opposite. He won because the left weren't aware of how disgruntled mentally sound democrat voters were. Which is why he had the support of an alarming minority of blacks, latinos, and women.

Those numbers have only grown. Most sane people are not in support of the leftists and will fight side by side with the right. There will be blacks glad to fight along side Neo Nazis in a militia if it means getting rid of the people that want to create left wing authoritarian regimes.

I am one of those black men. Though I am a Leaf, I would fight against the radical left with people that hate me because of my skin colour. Why? Because I love European/White culture as much as I love South East Asian and South Asian Indian Culture. I don't want to see a world with out any of it. I DO want to see a world without cultures that seek to violently dominate other cultures... so I am opposed to Islam, Feminism, and Communists.

There are way more of me than you think. I am a lefty that will never vote left again so long as the left panders to authoritarians.

Your diatribe is written like a left-wing fanfic with a delusional understanding of the realities of modern conflict
Your analysis is dogshit and demonstrably false when compared to real information

Kek. Very kind of you good sir. Spare me the day of the rake.