France Général

Ils sont en train de libérer tous les clandos en plus de ceux qui déambulent déjà…

>« On va s’apercevoir qu’on peut vivre sans politique de lutte contre l’immigration irrégulière. » Dans la bouche d’un cadre du ministère de l’intérieur, la remarque a de quoi faire sourire. Depuis plusieurs jours, les centres de rétention administrative (CRA) se vident un à un. D’après les données de plusieurs associations, jeudi 19 mars au soir, environ 360 personnes en situation irrégulière se trouvaient encore enfermées, soit trois fois moins que la veille, alors que la capacité de rétention avoisine les 1 500 places sur le territoire, réparties sur une vingtaine d’établissements.
>Le plus grand de France, au Mesnil-Amelot (Seine-et-Marne), était par exemple à moitié vide avec moins de 120 personnes retenues jeudi soir, tandis qu’elles étaient au nombre de neuf dans le CRA de Coquelles (Pas-de-Calais), sept à Bordeaux et deux à Metz. Certains établissements ont même fermé cette semaine, parmi lesquels ceux d’Hendaye (Pyrénées-Atlantiques), de Geispolsheim (Bas-Rhin) ou de Guadeloupe. « Dans un mois ou deux, ils seront tous vides », prédit le cadre de la police.

Sans parler de l'autisme qui consiste à essayer de confiner des afro-bougnoules…

Je pense que le meilleur est à venir.

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_France.svg.png (1200x800, 1.32K)

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Take back your country, frenchmen.

Look at French policemen trying to enforce the quarantine in the African districts:

There are many areas to effectively take back and the police isn't equipped enough to do it alone

Based. All my white friends were calling it 'just a flu' a week ago, until Macron The Supreme Authority announced the confinement; now they're all acting like scared little bitches haha. Pathetic.

At least the muzzies don't listen like lap dogs. This entire situation just proves how domesticated the west is. all it takes is for the president to tell everyone to stay in their concrete box and the country is shut down.

Ouais, mais si les nègres et les autres restent dehors ils vont sûrement le choper et le transmettre dans leurs cités pourrave. Avec la saleté et le nombres de clodos qu'il y a ils vont pas faire long feu.

The funniest thing to watch is all those unprepared urbanites faggots who thought they could forever rely on their imported and super expensive "bio" food from their local supermarket. They will have to learn or die. And now they're also stuck with those excited shitskins around

Explain this froggies

Attached: French Age Pyramid Ethnicity.png (619x503, 23.68K)

Moi j'habite dans un petit village près de la mer donc je suis safe, j'ai un petit stock de bouffe et je peux aller en chercher plus juste à côté de chez moi.
Je suis 100% safe je pense.

Well that just means we're still at least 80% white. Which is of course not perfect but still better than burgers.

Ouais je pense pas que ça pose de problème, en plus le virus en soi n'est pas vraiment très mortel.
Le problème ce sont nos hôpitaux qui étaient déjà surchargés avant même l'épidémie.

basé et rougepilulé

Attached: leclerc.jpg (625x931, 85.54K)

Ouais, mais même si t'as tous les symptômes même un peu grave prend du paracétamol et surtout ne VA PAS à l’hôpital. C'est le pire endroit où être dans un contexte comme celui-ci, déjà que normalement ça crains. Avec tous les nègres et autres qui se baladent là-dedans tu risque plus la mort là-bas que chez toi lmao.

>At least the muzzies don't listen like lap dogs. This entire situation just proves how domesticated the west is. all it takes is for the president to tell everyone to stay in their concrete box and the country is shut down.
people are so fucking retarded its unbelivable, they are so sheltered they think its impossible a pandemic could ever happen even though economy has fucking tanked and there are collapsed countries already

Source? We don't have official ethnic statistics here. We used the sickle cell disease map which was quite reliable because only non-Whites were tested but they stopped publishing it since 2016 or 2017, probably because the evil far-right used it for propaganda purposes…

Here you have the percentages of non-White births, it's honestly realistic.

Attached: 1510623825708.jpg (1024x1177, 299.09K)

Redescend sur terre, cette grippe ne tue pas. Toutes les infos sont contradictoires, toutes les semaines les versions changent, dans chaque pays les explications sont différentes. L'hystérie est fabriqué, j'avais des doutes mais compte tenu de l'annonce de Bill Gates, des "tatouages digitaux", du projet ID2020 tout est clairement détourné pour leurs plans de domination mondiale. A un moment faut réfléchir. Les "natios" qui se plient en quatre à l'annonce d'un confinement feront jamais rien de leurs vies, ils sont terrés comme des chiens galeux dans leurs trous. C'est ridicule, la semaine dernière un pote plutot "engagé" m'a dit "au final c'est pas plus mal le virus va faire le ménage", aujourd'hui il sort pas sans attestation, ne me sert plus la main etc... Tous des hypocrites, des faibles, d'éternels esclaves, des flippés, des demi-fiottes.

based. urbanites are domesticated.

It's a known fact France has a lot of darkies and euromutts, but what's the source of this graph ?

>Ils sont en train de libérer tous les clandos en plus de ceux qui déambulent déjà…

Google translated:


They are in the process of freeing all the clandos in addition to those who are already strolling ...

> "We will see that we can live without a policy to fight illegal immigration. In the mouth of an interior ministry official, the remark has something to smile about. For several days, the administrative detention centers (CRA) have been emptying one by one. According to the data of several associations, Thursday March 19 in the evening, about 360 people in an irregular situation were still locked up, three times less than the day before, while the retention capacity is around 1,500 places in the territory, distributed in around twenty establishments.

> The largest in France, at Mesnil-Amelot (Seine-et-Marne), was for example half empty with less than 120 people detained Thursday evening, while there were nine in the CRA of Coquelles (No -de-Calais), seven in Bordeaux and two in Metz. Some establishments have even closed this week, including those in Hendaye (Pyrénées-Atlantiques), Geispolsheim (Bas-Rhin) or Guadeloupe. "In a month or two, they will all be empty," predicts the police executive...

Dunno what a "clando" is.

Pandemic must happen in an industrial society, in any type of agricultural civilization. In fact it is a constant of civilization, you want to live under civilization? Then accept the fact that pandemies are a constant.

Guess what? I'm not a domesticated fag who needs institutions to survive.

Based on countless hours of calculation and looking at different studies and data

Putain toi t'es vraiment le pire des retards bordel.
Le virus a déjà muté, même avec toute leur conneries de tatouage et autres ils arriveront pas à le soigner. Et faut vraiment être débile mental pour aller se faire tatouer de grès, je préfère crever.

I made it, here is a sample of my autism

Attached: POORCENT3.png (1008x609, 53.71K)

De manière général il faut vraiment éviter de se blesser de quelque manière que ce soit car les hôpitaux sont effectivement surchargés et on risque plus en y allant qu'en restant chez soi oui.

Clando = illegals. They are releasing illegals on the streets because they shut down their detention centers.

Some actual data

Attached: Fertility immigrants vs nativeborn France.png (376x601, 121.1K)

Attached: Fertility immigrants France 2014.png (494x448, 109.38K)

deux relais bien connus de fake news, la crédibilité est totale

Exact. Sortez pas, attendez que ça se passe, faite pas de bruits.

Attached: Population of Foreign origin over 3 generations in France (2011).png (498x265, 13.59K)

What could go wrong?

Attached: 1581273427832.jpg (577x435, 30.14K)

Ok urbanite, oublie pas ton attestation sur l'honneur et ton masque lidl avant de sortir avec tes amis te bourrer la gueule pour "vivre dans le moment".

DP relaie des médiats mainstream, de quoi tu parles ?

L'article vertexté vient du Monde par exemple

Attached: Fertility immigrants year of birth of mother France.png (394x488, 124.49K)

I know that INSEE published studies of French given names which thus allowed Fdesouche to study the amount of Islamic names given and estimate a percentage.

Attached: nat2017.png (607x312, 11.86K)

Super, alors amuse toi, fait toi plaisir, va lécher des poignées de porte autant que tu en veux.
Quant tu auras terminé, tu pourras envisager de peu être prendre tes médicaments pour gérer ta schizophrénie.
Où bien crève, tout le monde s'en branle.

The Republic has become too weak and complacent to do anything about anything. Which is kind of funny when you realize that the Republic was born by cutting France's throat and bathing in its blood. It set its past of fire and danced on its ashes.

Attached: ninety-three-22.jpg (1200x1915, 272.25K)

Already have this

Even got Belgium

Attached: 1538826091165.png (600x379, 15.63K)

Attached: 1538825956830.png (546x397, 99.22K)

>only non-Whites were tested
wrong, anybody who ever spent time in Africa was tested. They stopped publishing it because the right was deliberately ignoring that fact or they're too dumb to understand.

Attached: Earliest date of a 10% decrease in fertility in Europe.png (1900x1852, 1.61M)

"Grâce" au coronavirus, fin des 35 heures, congés payés réduits, les acquis sociaux bafoués...
Et les français contents de Macron...
On n'a pas de masques, de gants, mais on a des idées pour sauver l'économie !

... and your fucking meds !


Yes it's obvious that they had to hide the datas if they in fact discredited our narrative…

I wonder why won't the authorities just publish ethnic statistics at last? Probably because nobody even denies the racial replacement anymore.

Attached: women and children.jpg (3000x1800, 1.25M)


et les tourne pour leur faire dire ce qu'ils ne disent pas, à la fdesouche mais en plus visible

I slightly altered the data of this graph as it had inacurracies and I also wanted Metropolitan France

Belgium is a disaster

Attached: Fertility native born 2014 Adjusted Metropolitan France.jpg (450x724, 84.29K)

Attached: Dream Team.png (1209x671, 322.52K)

lol ok boomer

Attached: who.png (619x503, 20.78K)

This flu will help our side.

Coronavirus is showing to the world and France that Open Borders are falling. Every person I mate are saying "But why didn't we close the border before?"
Everybody see that Macron is doing shit to counter this epidemic. Most of people want more restrictions and more police on the street but he do shit. He don't bring the Army to pacify the banlieue.
People are seeing the banlieues riots....
People saying that Coronavirus is helping Macron are retards. This flu is actually killing his political life. After the crisis, everyone will bring the "BuzynGate" on the table and it will be glorious. They knowed that this sickness will be bad but done shit.

Believe me folks, I'm White pill as fuck

Attached: 1583152386802.jpg (500x368, 43.42K)


Attached: 1584568764177.png (1313x1193, 300.06K)

cause it's the law dumbass, we had a big war about this open a fucking book

Note this account second gen fertility as "Native Born" .I do know also that France has a different definition of Foreign born, excluding French citizens by acquisition who were born foreign on French soil

Including them as foreign born brings the immigrant fertility rate of 2.75 children per woman down to what I estimated to be 2.6

This is an English messageboard, delete this thread nobody speaks your shitty gay language you white flag faggots

En avant les nègres !

Au contraire, ils soulignent les aspects importants, par exemple préciser la race des coupables des forfaits quotidiens trop souvent dissimulée ou étouffée par la presse d'Etat. C'est tout à fait bienvenu

Attached: pantheon_migrants.jpg (1600x1200, 1.38M)

>we had a big war about this open a fucking book

We had a big war about statistics? Which book can tell me more?

might as well stop learning french, geez.

Bonjour, je m'incruste vu qu'il n'y a jamais de fil belge

Comment se passe le confinement

>"no no no you misunderstand, we test everybody who has been to Africa it has nothing to do with skin color."
>"so you're saying... it means all these people are non-whites right?"
>"What? No I'm telling if you're white and you've been to Af-"
>"NO. This is NOT what y-"
>"haaa fuck it we won't publish anymore"

Right-wing disinfo, a brief timeline.

Mdr les keufs se crament tout seul, qui utilise encore «clando» en 2020 à part vous? Retourne sucer la bite à Castaner sale chien.

Yeah honestly this is only positive for us in every possible aspect.

Ici ça va vu que je vis parmi des Blancs. Et chez vous ?

>muh law
Anglo-Saxon countries have racial statistics, why couldn't we? Which war are you talking about kek?

Attached: cbed0a21ad17fe5d635374e77909111f.jpg (850x400, 47.62K)

J ai la forme bénigne bande de tarés. Je suis JAMAIS malade. Vous faites les malins mais restez chez vous! C est une saloperie inimaginable. 5 jours que je suis à + de 38.5. Incapable de bouffer. Restez chez vous!

Is this the place where all french revolution heroes are buried? if yes KEK


Nice strawman, nigger

Tu préfères le terme "migrant" qui n'a absolument aucun sens, abruti ? Et qui utilise le terme "keufs" à part les bougnoules ? Si tu penses que DP est pro-Castaner c'est que t'as pas la lumière à tous les étages

en les inventant, ou en tout cas en ne fournissant aucune source

100% lavage de cerveau

Bonjour c pour quand les 1000 boules Macron , la ps5 va sortir