Are only high IQ right wing people going to survive China virus?

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Honestly thought that was a child

>high IQ right wing people


Yes, clown world response to the Chinese virus will be very hilarious and bad for people who are invested in clown world

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Bro I wish that would happen. But it only kills boomers. Africa isn't even going to notice it.

You have a point. It’s only going to be us high threat detection autist smolbrains, rednecks and a few clever (but perhaps not intelligent enough to run a civilisation as anything other than a giant Amazon) billionaires. Lol.

'High IQ people' usually left the childish ways of the political left or right behind them once they grew up and realized what the world really is about.

Boomers are overwhelmingly left wing
So good riddance I guess?
What about all the other disasters? Food shortages? Rioting? Economic shocks? It will be glorious. Can’t wait for the clown world response!!!!

You’ve just identified the band of us who would have done something more substantial now, like go for the country life, but haven’t got a dime and are too sick with other problems to make the shift until whatever comes next. It’s been a pleasure, Hans. Please, someone feed my dog.

I remember people spiking their hair in middle school. That stopped in high school. Even high school kids realize its cringe and are mature enough at that age to stop. How can a grown ass adult walk around looking like a super sayain expect to be taken seriously?

Yorarien, hein?

Are they though? They’re left wing in a ‘cut your dick off but don’t affect muh prices’ kind of way.

they're the only ones not overreacting so possibly. Remember when the dust clears who didn't buy in.

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The dyke is in super saiyan 9k. No cunt is safe.

Only in the UK, with those bobby helmets, could such a hairdo be possible lol

Imagine the fucking static coming off the carpets in the building that poor woman has to work in. Terrible.

We have all the money. You have all the AIDS and festering gashes where your cock and balls used to be.

Haha Eurovision Bantz contest (no homo)

Food shortages and rioting has happened yet, even in Italy. If it hasn't happened in Italy yet, with all of its niggers, why do you think it'll happen anywhere else?

They are also left wing in the “inflation for thee but not for me.” As well as, “I need gibs”

fuck is that really the deputy chief constable?

i mean have whatever hairstyle you want but for a senior role like that it seems a bit much.

>civilization collapses immediately like in disaster movies
It’s a process. Rome didn’t collapse in a day either, but with the way the modern world moves, fast, we won’t have to wait 100 years. Maybe 3-5 years. Maybe earlier.

At this point a tent is looking comfy. Houses in Australia are going to be 2 million a pop in five years.

I detune two oscillators - then what?

>the west not collapsing in 2 seconds

Most likely, lefties are usually schooled in subjects such as women's studies, feminist cat massage and other useless shit etc, right wing conservatives are more practical, engineers, builders, designers, butchers, bakers, hunters etc plus are more likely to be armed and trained. I imagine lefties would be taken out on sight if the SHTF, or at least rounded up, they are generally useless to society.

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>Africa isn't even going to notice it.
It's not fair.

I wish, but now I have to protect my wifes unprepared democrat family. Awesome.

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>Honestly thought that was a child
it is, she's pretending to be a grown up

Your country is not in a financial and economic crisis?

If you don’t have a dime to your name, then you are not high IQ. You will be purified.

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If boomers die, immigration is cut off, and white birthrates continue on plateau, house prices should decrease. Otherwise banks are just paying to sit on property.

thank you user


I’m sure that thing loves big Pakistan cock

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>Clown world Clown world Clown world Clown world Clown world
Stfu retard, reading Yas Forums is embarassing because of redditors like you

>high IQ
>right wing
so about 12 people

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does Pakistan manufacture a lot of dildos?

This is a meme. Democrats are now more worried about the virus than Republicans, although we had a slight edge. This is because it was the urban Democratic strongholds (CA, WA, NY) that got hit first:
>Feb. 3-16, 2020 Mar. 2-13, 2020 Change
>Republicans 30 42 +12
>Independents 44 64 +20
>Democrats 26 73 +47

Keep laughing at her. You never learn, don't you? You bigot will get what you deserve when she bashes your head in and sends you to the hospital with her psionic abilities.

lay on the spikes, faggot

wrong. UK police are too cucked to carry guns

true but people that understand the left vs right nonsense are usually called right winger or nazis

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Yes, the 6'4 blonde haired, blue eyed, jacked, nazi doctors of physics will be the only survivors

thanks for the source backing up my suspicions, Independents are obviously the highest IQ group.

>one Jew may have survived

Ok Shtetl

Limey cops don’t carry.

you draw that up just now user? nice work, i had a chuckle.

>Are only high IQ right wing people going to survive China virus?
No. Most of Yas Forums will survive, too.

Fucking looks like SONIC THE HEDGEHOG

From the looting and raping niggers ya dunce not the fucking virus

if only

Get ten more and we can make Progressive Trance popular again

>Johnny test will never be your deputy.
Why live?

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