/cvg/ - Chinese Virus General #2359 - PANDEMIC EDITIONS

► Detected: 287,176 (+11,629) ► Died: 11,891 (+511)

[YouTube] youtu.be/qgylp3Td1Bw (embed)

Nurse in Italy: "We no longer count the dead"

UK closes bars, restaurants, public places

Illinois to enter "shelter in place" lockdown, 12 million people

California enacts state-wide lockdown, 39 million people

Mayor in Italy says death toll 4 times higher than detected

nCoV manifests as lung abnormalities

Coronavirus is airborne, WHO officials confirm

Survivors will be exhausted for six months

Young cases end up hospitalized too, it just takes longer

Patients remain on intensive care for 20 days on artificial ventilation

MRC: 10% or less cases detected in China, 25% outside China

2 million to die in the US despite lockdowns, scientists estimate

Denmark under lockdown, 5 million people

Ireland to be put on lockdown, 4 million people

China province outbreak 52 times worse than admitted

10:24: 558 new cases and 30 new deaths in Belgium.
10:17: 966 new cases and 123 new deaths in Iran.
10:14: 178 new cases in Israel.
09:01: 77 new cases in the Philippines.
08:20: 278 new cases in Austria.
08:10: 153 new cases and 1 new death in Malaysia.
07:44: 9 new deaths in New York state, United States.

pastebin.com/raw/S29XMKEr (embed)

pastebin.com/raw/qy5RFpVX (embed)

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Cool it with the racism, goy.

today I will go to the supermarket
will report back

remember to wash your penis

>Nurse in Italy: "We no longer count the dead"
Second to China lol


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Stop making these threads.
Nobody outside you 200 retards care.

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Last time I checked China wasn’t a race shekleberg

More than a flu

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No. Italy is now #1 in terms of death.


I don't know how old this news is but Canada surpassed 1000 cases

why aren't national guard wearing masks and gloves


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Where is Garry?

>CORONA Virus General
Chinese is not racist but it is ignorant

How far along the timeline are we now?

Now that it's against the law to go to church are we going to have Sunday mass on Yas Forums?

When are we nuking China?

t. zhang

AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH 12,0000 Dead! Its the end of the world, you'll see bro. I still have electricity, water, food and internet but I swear in 2 weeks will all be dead! AHHHHHHHHHH

ni hao ma?


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This is why I can't take Dr Campbell seriously to be honest, he sucks china's dick every day

Also he's not an actual doctor, he just holds a PhD

Are you retarded? its a fucking fact. Italy now has over 4k fatailties, China has 3k.

bugs are not people

That's it, Corona-chan is in my region now. Goodbye, frens.

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There’s no earthly way of knowing
Which direction we are going
There’s no knowing where we’re rowing
Or which way the river’s flowing

Is it raining, is it snowing
Is a hurricane a-blowing

Not a speck of light is showing
So the danger must be growing
Are the fires of Hell a-glowing
Is the grisly reaper mowing

Yes, the danger must be growing
For the rowers keep on rowing
And they’re certainly not showing

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Infected trucker here. I've been on I-95 since yesterday, and northbound is full of snowbird boomers in RVs and crossovers. Expect a massive spike in deaths in NY and surrounding states in a few weeks.

Bros....NJ goes on mandatory lockdown in 30 mins.

Am i gonna make it?
Expected to last 3 weeks.

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Canada had the same weak-assed "don't test don't tell" policy that the US had in place since January. There were literally Canadians begging to be tested because they believed they had caught it through community transmission. Guess what? They weren't tested.

I thought Canadians belonged to the first world. I am so disappointed.

not really...

No italy is stupid because we include anyone dying with the virus in the number of death caused by coronaChan

Why would you nuke yourself?

>less than TB
When was the last time anyone worried about that shit? 19th century?




Found the chink

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colombia on lockdown from March 24th.

Neither are apes

That's gonna be a milestone here haha

Can’t have new fatalities if you don’t report them

Yes brother Gary

> China has 3k

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NYC is imploding as we speak. They're already reaching ventilator capacity.

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I understand, but hey now we're at the point where Earth is just a plaything for an unstoppable goddess, no?

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Who is behind zero hedge and what are their goals?
No one knows.

we are closer atleast

Yes, really. China does not lie

I’m bored and hate chinese people, they need to pay for their crimes

I'm sure those chinks still collapsing in the street are just suffering from classic pneumonia

>Eight countries accounted for two thirds of the new TB cases: India, China, Indonesia, Philippines, Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh and South Africa.
India and China are first world countries!

>in a memefag shill thread

id be willing to get infected just to see those huge corona milkers

Not bad for a leaf


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Ching Chong Bing Bong

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>44 till 20k.
Wish all those private labs would just give the CDC their numbers already

Alright whose the absolute shithead that bought up all the dog food
I swear to god if I run out I’m showing up at their door with my hungry dog, and a shotgun

I can't see any deenz user? WHERE ARE THE DEENZ?!?

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No one's talking about the virus being used to make people shelter in place before the meteors hit

Part of the appeal is progress, from city to country to continent and beyond. She spiked up too quick

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some cities in the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina are putting barricades to block access

I'd rather have the meteor, that'd be a neat way to die

TB is pretty lethal and very infectious if it goes unchecked. Devastating in third world countries basically.

wumao who wonder into Yas Forums are so easy to bait and I don't know why they try here

posting selfies chink?

UK's numbers for today please lads??
>inb4 worldometers
Seems to have been wrong for the UK several times over the last few days

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Losers in the 1st world with TB who don't finish their antibiotics are ruining it for all of us.

Italy numbers when?

The worst part of this virus isn't the disease itself, but the aftermath.
Sure things look bad, but it's far from being the civilization-ending infection many hope it to be.
What this means is that once it's contained the new focus will be on creating new institutions, legislation and system to prevent another outbreak like it or worse. While the common man might think this means more self-sufficient economies, controlled immigration with closed borders, quick responses on national level and so on, what will happen is the opposite: China will try to pin this virus on someone else and offer to continue being the world's supplier of manufactured goods; international organization will push forward to curb national sovereignty; and each country will create laws that curb personal freedoms while strengthening international corporations; and, finally, they will take further actions to stop the "spread of fake news and misinformation".

If you survive the chinese virus, remember:
>China caused this, they lied and are actively trying to spin this whole thing to gain economical and political power. CHINA MUST BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE.
>If your country had controlled immigration and was able to close their borders efficiently, you wouldn't have an outbreak in the first place. FIGHT FOR STRONGER IMMIGRATION LAWS.
>If your country had a more self-sufficient economy, not only you would be able to cut China off quickly, but your economy would be much less impacted. VOTE FOR POLICIES THAT ENSURE A MORE SELF-SUFFICIENT NATIONAL ECONOMY.
>Vaccines couldn't prevent Covid-19. This isn't to say they don't work, just to keep in mind that any law taking your freedoms isn't for your own good. KEEP YOUR FREEDOM.
>By having a stronger national economy and immigration control, your country can quickly respond to the next chinese viral outbreak. But, that's only if your politicians don't believe that it is racist to protect their own population. FIGHT TO REGAIN CONTROL OF POLITICAL DISCOURSE.

The UK always reports very late at night following France.

I put them in my fridge

Is that dumb?

that is a stupid thing to do, especially seeing how help will probably come from outside the citie inc ase things really go to shit

Okay, en Xi is totally a Nice Guy.

I can understand, but as someone who likes seeing my girls get REALLY big, it's nice to see the exponential growth the anons memed really working for our new Goddess of Earth

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They have shortages in most hospitals and had to tell people not to buy them. There's not enough.

If you hate China watch this video and dislike it

what's the reasoning behind including pneumonia? i mean then you'd have to include cirrhosis, dementia, heart infarct etc.

Either way I appreciate em

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bros, I've just died from corona

what do now

My sister 100% got it, but telehealth (the agency who gives out tests) wouldn't pick up their fucking help line. This whole thing is a disaster in Canada.

it peaked. flat curve from now on