/mcgt/ Michigan Coronavirus General Thread

/mcgt/ Michigan Coronavirus General Thread

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just wash your hands bro

how many infected

timeline for detroit/pontiac/sagniaw/flint chimpout?

I’d bang it. What’s with the leather vest, tough?

150 Detroit cops are in quarantine so you know it's going to end well

Omfg. She is PERFECT!!!!!!!!!

Battle Creek pizza delivery reporting in. Business is booming.

Whitmer is a retarded cunt. Mishandling the entire situation

Michigan got a hot governoress this time. Far better than Engler.

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dead eyed stepford wife

Midland here. Laid off from my contract in Dow. I think the plant will go to essential personnel only before the end of next week. I’ve heard they have already brought in beds and supplies in case they need to keep essential personnel inside indefinitely.

Why would they chimp out

Northern Mich checking in. Cozy out in the middle of nowhere. Just going to wait this shit out

TC here, Meijer has everything. Nobody on streets though.

GR checking in. How bad is it gonna get?

>pic from Marquette

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Grand Rapids reporting in

All schools closed, pretty much every restaurant closed, Meijer has a 1 hour "oldies only" every morning

Things aren't terrible yet

They're some of the craziest niggers in the US

>Michigan got a hot governoress
She looks like a dude with big tits.

You're just bitter that you lost in 2018. Seethe and dilate trumpflake.

Gibs have to run out first, and that's not likely to happen. They're all going to drink, smoke and fuck the same as always, even worse now because dey keeds be out da school.

Rise in low to mid scale crime for a couple weeks,and then a massive die-off of detroit niggers that can't keep dick in pants or mouth closed.

haha yeah I know that. I go to uni with a bunch of them thanks to affirmative action.

Flying back tonight senpai. I hope returning was the right decision.
Can't wait to get state side and rack the slide of my beautiful 599

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Also, 517 checking in.

Wife work for a big 3 company, one of their big, SUPER secure testing areas. They just closed down all non-essential personnel, nobody even expected back until late april or may. She's firefighter/emt, so she's staying on for now, but she said it's very spooky seeing everything so dead, it's not even this empty on night shifts.

Locally things seem fine. Zero cases, rural area, local grocery stores were low for a bit, but seem to have largely bounced back. Worried about the local mexican population, as they generally have immune systems like a damp sponge, but everything seems rather chill. Folks are nervous, but nobody's freaking out.

Rather nervous to hear our governer is "working closely with new york and california". They either want our stuff because stupid flyover retards don't deserve it, or they want to somehow,finally shoehorn access to the great lakes. Hopefully everything works out ok.

>Meijer has a 1 hour "oldies only" every morning
Is that a rule now, or are you just describing every morning at Meijerses?
Besides the joke there... I'm curious how shit is. I uh... don't leave my house but to go to the VA every few months, and have therefore not seen any evidence of effects with my own eyes.

No she's fucking stupid, I work for the feds to protect her 24/7.

She lies to your fucking face and you cum over it like an idiot.

She is shutting down the state, she is just upset she legally is having an issue to get it done. Its all she talks about.

I would love for her to be my slam pig.

She think it makes her look tough.

Shitmer on trail ' no new taxes to fix the roads'

2 days after she gets in office ' 45 cent gas tax to fix roads'

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Lol, America cities are going to be an absolute fucking mess when the coofing starts.

>She is shutting down the state, she is just upset she legally is having an issue to get it done. Its all she talks about.
They fucking all are, that's all right though.
The people are going to get hungry, then they're going to get violent and then we're going to have something kino to watch

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You think its all right she lies to your face on tv?

Your a fucking idiot

517 here
Gun stores closing soon. NJG in Mason sent out a notice that they’re closing today. Seemingly less crazed than last week. Huwhitmer said she’s not planning for lockdown, but i doubt it. Most likely going into effect tomorrow or sometime early next week.

Bay cityfag. Went to meijer yesterday, wierd feeling in the air, different from last weeks. Was able to get the last of the tp there, 5 12 packs. Some thot tried to flirt with me to get me to give her some of my tp, my autism prevailed. Kroger was basically out of everything. Another week of this and i think the social contract may burn, shit just feels weird. Also fuck everyone for buying all the frozen pizzas.

certainly not a high priestess

I say fuck Marquette. I say fuck Whitmer. I say fuck the DNR. I say fuck Illinois niggers vacationing in the U.P. I say fuck the terrorists from the mitten ruining our small communities. Rise up Van Meer mafia. Rise up Gladstone. Rise up Calumet, Rise up Paradise. The 51st state of Superior now! Lansing can suck our cocks!

Post. I’m bored

Berkley reporting in. No tp, hand sanitizer, or clorox wipes in detroit metro. Buckshot sold out. Less traffic. hopefully some nigs die.

>fuck the DNR
Do you hate the environment? Are you a faggot poacher? The green men of the woods are the only cops worth a shit and chill dudes.

It makes her look retarded

I used to play LoL with some dow workers in Midland. Good times

Did they ever tell you about the underground city?

>gun stores closing
I just want to go to the range today and zero my new eotech

Oh please, like fucking Dick Synder or Granholm were any better anyway, we havent had a good governor in fucking forever

DNR have literally fucked up trout streams for generations because of their incompetent nature. Faggot niggers can't even count wolves right or manage to get the moose population healthy. Fuck them.

313 day 11 inside. No handy neighbors here

>clorox wipes
Both meijers and walmart here never sold out out these, always have plenty.

status: comfy

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Snyder was much better for bringing business to the state than the rest.

Granmole was useless

Engler was a cock but did get shit done

Synder was a massive faggot. Granholm was cancer.

I am gonna start writing in the Lagina brothers for Govenor.

Too many people and too many farms and roads for a moose or elk population of any merit. People here are retards and think "predator bad, kill it".


New way to not agree with someone 'based' ... must be a raging liberal faggot

Snyder was better, but he was still shit and fucked up retirement for a lot of poor saps

Most of the issues your talking about have little to do with the DNR as a whole. The problems stem from the people on the NRC and the politicians that stick their noses in shit they know nothing about.

Bro... it's sheer incompetence. Locals could get the herds back if given control.
And the DNR jew is covering up the massive influx of puma/mountain lion/cougars from the west. Again fuck the DNR.

>will actually be able to drive to work without 18 different roads in my area being under construction in a very inefficient manner
Thanks corona!

Don't remember, explain

I was not @ing you faggot, go suck on a cactus

He was a disappointment. For every 1 good thing he did he did like 5 questionable things.

You mean made you pay your fucking taxes like you should ?

No he did the right thing, the pension no tax bullshit needs to go forever.

Save you own money poor fucks.

>OMG, cougars! Big cat bad, kill it
Kill yourself, we need more large predators.

Under dow they have built a yuge underground city.

Can confirm, was in Meijer in acme yesterday. everything was chill and they had almost everything in stock except toilet paper. the only people in the store were old people though 55+.

I'm living my life 100% normally except working from home. Remember to continue expressing your first amendment by going outside and treating this like any other flu.