"You're a terrible reporter." The mad man does it again. MSM on suicide watch

"You're a terrible reporter." The mad man does it again. MSM on suicide watch.

Reporter has PMS, tries to pull a fast one on him:

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Would have been better if he mentioned that for the last 200 years, illnesses have been named after the region where they’re first discovered.
Ebola, west Nile, Spanish flu etc.
This isn’t new.

Trump shouldn’t of listened to the radical zionist kushner for pandemic advice.



fucking go back to school retard

use this quarantine time to fucking learn basic shit before you turn the US into brawndo worshiping retards

That perhaps would have been better, for you. For me having a public execution of that journalist then and there would have been better for me.

>Orange man bad.

This was so effective that all the media outlets are demanding that the press stop covering the president's press conferences live.

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Are burgers really that retarded? Did you even read his post? Can you even read?

he's a terrible reporter with nasty questions who puts out a bad signal.

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I'm not watching the video again, what was the problem?

based i bet that slimebag journalkike went home and hung himself with an extension cord

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thre was a terrible reporter with nasty questions who puts out a bad signal.

Well they fucked up. Still the best presidential choice, implying there were any other choices besides Rand.

You have a whole meme folder with out of context quotes?

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trump doesn't understand that the media isn't part of his team. their job is to question and be critical of everything

No they're supposed to be unbiased, even when they ask tough questions.

The media's job is to sell ad revenue and subscriptions

you're a terrible poster with nasty questions who puts out a bad signal.

trump piled on when the media did it to obama.
obama should do the same and we could watch trump lose it

the word you are looking for is informative and unbiased.

So we have a partisan media instead of unbiased, there we go.

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>you making me look bad reeee
this is the response of a man who's scared shitless about his chances of reelection.

No man, you're miss-reading him quite badly. I don't think I've seen Trump actually scared, more like frustrated or angry.

If you watch the whole press conference at least 5 other questions were from other reporters asking why trump isn’t being nice to them. They are narcissistic and wasting the public’s time. This has been happening for nearly 4 years and you can see the eyes rolling by the SOD every time they try and gotcha the president through them when Trump won’t give them what they want.

Americans want answers to real questions. We don’t need happy feelings from attention grabbing journalists. They are wasting the presidents time and they are trying to represent Americans as weak children.

Good on President Trump for mocking these disgraceful faggots.

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This like this doesn't lower his approval, it either increases or it remains the same. Somehow you forgot that he got elected while being mouthy and crass. His base loves it to a certain point.

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yeah among the trumptards. wait until things start getting tough. lets see if people will believe it's all the media's fault

I was watching these task team updates every morning for the past week. That NBC asshole was trying to rattle Trump's cage every fucking day. He was never asking informative questions, he was just trying to stir the pot. Dr Fauci called him out on the same bullshit on Wednesay.

Based. I can't stand their tactic of making it seem like Americans are super sensitive.

He is doing things and you want him to fail, that's the bottom line. Nothing short of a utopia with flying cars would change your mind about him.

it's gonna get worse. trump made a lot of enemies. he humiliated a lot of people

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no. he's been wrong. and he blames everyone else

>gets asked basic question

its getting old desu

>Character assassination.
>Oh he made a mistake! REMOVE!

Good, because then people will watch the live White House feed and cut out the spin from journalists reports.

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NPC detected

and it's not just the media.
if you're going to spend so much time antagonizing everyone around you don't be surprised when they come for you

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I'm more interested in what you leaf sheep do with the homo PM you got.
Trump's getting reelected in a landslide.

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China owns US media, CCP is the puppetmaster calling for censorship so they can edit the pressconferences better.

we all know this, that's why calling out the shitty "journalism" is a better choice

most people think trudeau is doing a pretty good job so far.

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btw I voted ndp

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Trump was a massive faggot here. The question was sound and the virus is no joke. Wtf?

B-but It's got what plants crave

i fucking love this guy


During Obama's 8 years, Democrats shut down their thinking process and criticism completely because of the progressive mind virus. They simply didn't care because he was a progressive, and had a (D) in his name.

funny part is republicans got the rules that allowed it. republicans can't seem to learn that the laws apply to everyone

>be Trump
>try to reassure the nation by mentioning that some treatments for the virus look promising and are in trials
>dickhead reporter chimes in asking if we should be giving americans false hope
>more bullshit, then he has the balls to ask what I would say to a worried nation
>what the fuck, I already did that mentioning the drugs
>call this douchebag a terrible reporter
>douche goes back on his network and insists he was throwing me a softball
>gradually, I began to hate them

dark money is fine and money is free speech

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Character assassination tactic doesn't work shill.

you should have told trump that years ago