Fuck China

China should be glassed for this and a lot more, but at the very least the U.S. really ought declare all debt to China absolved. Any property, companies, and assets on American soil owned by Chinese interests should be seized and either nationalized or sold on the open market to Americans. Fuck China.

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USA or China

It's like Trump or Hilary all over again.

Which of the 2 evils are better?

Fuck it lets have some excitment

Fuck burgers :)

>look mum I posted it again

CIA shill detected.

based fuck China
all you little yellow bastards need to be wiped out

We see you, glownigger.

Notice how Korea and Japan were able to deal with this without pointing a finger at China?

Stfu angry american. China is 100% more efficient than your nigger country

Notice how China tried to blame America instead of Japan or Korea and then cried like a bitch when Trump correctly labeled the virus as the China virus?

Thought so.

That's why China loves the NIGGER NBA and loses to them in basketball

Notice how China has been manipulating its currency for years to get rich off Americans for decades?

China is based

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Korea and Japan both fucking hate China as it is so I’m sure they’ve been doing plenty of finger pointing.

G*rmany will be cleansed 2nd after China

How does hating people who live like literal insects with little value for life of any kind make you a fed?

The Stock Market Smasher, The Darwinism Death Drop, High Stakes Lung Aches, Flu by 4, Boomer Entomber,
Hubei Herpes, Gourmet Gone Astray, Close Quarter Destroyer, Global Gacha, Toilet Paper Caper, The China Commando,
Respiratory Reaper, The Flu With a Flair, Chinese Lung Seize, Like Tetanus from Wetness, Yellow Face Mace, Red Flag's New Fad,
The Chang Bang, QuaranTeenage Dream, The Wetworker, Rick Shaw Slasher, Over Age Killing Phage, Bat Meat Beat, Exotic Ender,
The Six Feet Sneak, Killing Them Coughly, Coffin Cougher, The Wuhan Herse Verse, Biohazard Babe, Lung Pao Sicken, Covid Bryant,
Wuu flu, Sweet and sour sicken, Hong kong fluey, Ching chong cough, General Tso's Sicken, Ping Ling Pipebomb, The Chink Dink,
Gansu Got You, Rind-A-Ding From Chongqing, Zhuang Do Wrong, Hunan Flu for Nan, Chop Fluey, Jiangxi Cage Skeet, Kung flu fighters,
Qinghai, Faces Low, Taiwan Throat ThunderThroat Fuck from Gook Cuck, Not so Mellow Yellow, Anhui Are Sorry, Fujian Foodie Fuck Up,
Haikou Street Sushi, The Rice Field Ripper, Rice Ragnarok, Asian Avioli Abuser, Beijing's Bronchial Beatdown, Silk Swolla, Wuhan Lung,
Wu tang flu, Winnie the Flu, Ding Pow Wow, Yellow Reaper, Chop Sickey, Xi Jinpandemic

Kung flu, Ching chong cough, Meat Market Malady, Beijing bug, The Chink Cold, Wu Ping Cough, 2% Solution, Shaolin Bat Technique,
Chop sick, Achuawei, Small pecks, Mao's Malaise, Yellow Fever. Chinese Super AIDS, Dr Chu’s New Wu Flu, Dao syndrome,
Cctv disorder, Shanghai shivers, Eastern Epidemic, The Peking Plague, Bush meat Monday, Chink stink, Factory flu, Yellow death,
Roll the dice rice, Tianamen square sickness, Slant Sickness, Asiatic Ache, Batman's Asian Revenge Bat-Chin-Drink, Wuhan virus,
Communist Philanthropist, Nightwing from Beijing, Wet Farm Frog in Your Throat, Batman and Lung Throbin, Batgirl Bash,
Wuhan Gone Wrong, Winnie's Whopping Good Time, SARS 2: Electric Boogaloo, The China Unwindah, Dim Sum-Ting Wong,
Shaq Attack from Beside Iraq, Lung Kicker from the Rice Flicker, Respirator from the Tank Debator, Zedong gone wrong,
Beijing boogie, Szechuan sickness, Mulan's disease, Dragon fever, Pangolin pow chow, Weird food flu, Pangolins revenge,
Panda express, Gongrene, Tsingtao virus, Bat sweet and sour, Wonton flu, Nguyen's Nut Destroyer, Bat Wings n Tings,
Italy Isolator, The Pangolin Punisher, The Wild Wet Wuhan, Bahrain start again, Ebola but Swolla, The Soup Droop

Chinese textile worker detected

We can meme china to lose like hillary

give it a rest cianigger, you're embarassing everyone at this point

Op is correct
The chinese communist party has got to go

i got the glow
your partner is try harding
instead of glowing so hard
perhaps share the truth with us?
why sell your soul?
they cant be trusted you know this
you have more chance to survive with us than with them unless you want to be chipped cattle
IF you survive

angry Americans lashing out like flailing spastics.

If they pay Chinese 50cents for each post they make how much are they paying mutts like you? Does the pentagon tip you for it?

Look what whiteknighting and making business with insectoids brought you, Shitaly.

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Haha you're in Canada because it's better than China

>Man on the internet yells at China

Kind of like the time the angry Americans fucked up England....remember that?

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China will be nuked when the situation is unsalvageable. Better wipe out humanity and do a proper reset.

Your companies will soon be begging for Chinese money again as soon as this is over because they'll all be bankrupting and in dire need of loans. Kind of like 2008.

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Step 1: Declare US debt to the Chinese paid in full.
Step 2: Declare 400% tariffs on all Chinese goods.
Step 3: Declare tax holiday for offshore cash held by corporations and rich individuals to encourage repatriation.

Maybe NATO enforced economic sanctions to force allies (Germany) to play along.

Nice try Chang

>China should be glassed
This will actually solve a lot of global problems.
Not out of racism or bigotry hate, but just objectively, less chinese helps the world.


kys glow nigger , no one wants your fake ww3

Reminder that the """Nanjing Massacre""" never happened, but it should've

has anyone notice th guy yesterday who claims cina-telco ha -8k custumers because of no loading (cash) and get canceled from service

more data, proofs
...is these perhaps a relation to real death numbers?

Thank you, China!

80% of the shit you use is made in China you fucking retard. You are their slave just like rest of the world.

Blame all the retards in power who shifted all production there.

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thanks for continuous input glownigger

lol Germany is the greatest offender to the United States behind China. Your BMW and Mercedes plants will need to turn intopanzer factories right quick if you know what is in your interests. But you wont, lol. It's like your countrymen enjoy being occupied territory of the United States. Absolutely cucked beyond redemption

Is OP wrong though?

Keep this coming and I might start to like Koreans.

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no, let them fall from within.

>>asset seizure?
why not? based argies do this every so often.

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Trump made deals with China to sell Alaska LNG , fish and timber.
Trump wont do anything against China now, he only wants his own oil/LNG empire.

The Chinese have always been dumb fucks printing counterfeit money and fucking with the global economy.

But they built factories instead of making wars or corruption.

If it's full off chinks, it really stinks.

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Show your flag

"We are going to mass rape your women and cut off your caucroach hillbilly childrens' heads and genitals before your fucking eyes before raping what's left of their tiny skulls through their fucking eye sockets. Death to the Jewnited Shits of Ameriturd and the Five Eyes."
- EurasianTiger, r/hapas

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yeah, that's why their market has been flat or falling while ours was rising. such geniuses

nope, just the communist chinese leadership. I actually feel bad for the ignorant population that have had their individuality beat out of them. They are literally NPCs to the core. Also, eat a dick, faggot

I truly believe half the American and Euro posters are chinks. They've infiltrated Universities and businesses across the board. If half these posters weren't anime lovers/chinks they would agree with us on banning all non-Chinese American nationals from the country and fuck China out of the water. There's a lot of rich folks too with lots of money that share business assets and other things with China. Bloomberg for example. Much of America's industries rely on China for production which only recently government has been considering creating it's own factories here in the states. Kind of a shame we as Americans rely so much on China. I hate it.

I don't want another forever war. Fuck you. This will be turned into another sink for White men to die in and for contractors to make trillions on.

QT Chinese college students at American universities should be forced into sexual servitude

Shills are cancer. China will be wiped off the map.

t. 商人

I'm guessing this is Boris posting this shit? I don't see a Burger going out of their way to continue to make these posts and I don't see Chang doing it either.

Chink spotted.