Did America act too late? Could America have stopped the virus?

Estimates are that America has easily surpassed 100k infected of not 250k. At the current rate of spread, 1 million will be infected within 5 days.

Could it all have been avoided if Trump closed the borders during the China outbreak to all countries and restricted social life like Japan did?

A study published this week by Imperial College London predicted that unless aggressive action is taken, the coronavirus could kill 2.2 million Americans in the coming months. A day after that study was published, its lead researcher developed a dry cough and fever. He had COVID-19.

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Why contain it?


s’ cool.

the news is trying to make shit worse, theh should be shut down

I was ready early December when everyone was calling it a larp

If there isn't at least 3 million dead within a month or two, journalists should be culled to make up the difference.

>no cure
Who cares

I blame identity politics.

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>. A day after that study was published, its lead researcher developed a dry cough and fever. He had COVID-19.


This shit is literally a nothingburger. More people have already died of the fucking flu this year. Nothing about it warrants the level of panic we're seeing.

This is a coordinated, Judeo-Bolshevik effort to crash the economy with no survivors.

Should close country to China forever

Our slave masters want us to work.

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It's almost as if the Trump administration was preoccupied with some other bullshit brought up by the democrats and the deep state.
Makes you think.

>An American Catastrophe
Yes, specifically American, sure.

>Did America act too late? Could America have stopped the virus?

Yes and yes, we have a privatized healthcare system that wants to treat people and not cure them so the can keep leeching money from us.

>Why contain it?
jew noose

American politics and mainstream media and half the cuckservative nation spent months screeching that China is covering up everything and oppressing doctors with non-disclosure-agreements and "orwellian" censorship of shills trying to collapse China with panic outbreaks and justified the China travel ban months ago with China covering up everything.

Months later they have clogged beaches and spring break parties but act like the massive outbreak in the USA is entirely to blame on the Chinese travel they had banned, their reaction was delayed 4 months because of conspiracies that "China covered it up" for two or three weeks, and started justifying Trump playing it down to a nothingburger because he wouldnt want to cause a panic.

You'd imagine everyone would have learned months ago when Japanese parties where quarreling for days wether to spend budget and material to contain the virus or not only to have it spread among doctors cut off from access to appropiate ressources in those very few days.

They deserve it.

Forgot the whole 3k bucks for a test thing until a while ago

yes we should have adopted chinese and signaporanian policies. Asian countries are turely superior to western shit holes with their free market bullshit.

Paid for

>American politics and mainstream media and half the cuckservative nation spent months screeching that China is covering up everything and oppressing doctors with non-disclosure-agreements and "orwellian" censorship of shills trying to collapse China with panic outbreaks and justified the China travel ban months ago with China covering up everything.
>Months later they have clogged beaches and spring break parties but act like the massive outbreak in the USA is entirely to blame on the Chinese travel they had banned

Your disinformation didn't work, Chang.

Sorry for your death, but another bug will replace you.

Paid for/the thread
Thanks for showing us the disinformation campaign

It is specific to America. Look at the top 30 countries affected by corona... ALL have take national quarantine steps days or weeks ago. America? 4 states are on lockdown since tonight, most of the country is still doing “business as usual”. America has tested fewer people for corona than Bavaria... a state with 12 million people.


>if only I would have known the sports player was actually severely injured and not believed the teams spokesman I would not have lost money!
China fucking lied. We lost most our intelligence assets in China during the Obama administration (intentional or not). We could not confirm it was really as fucked as it was. Sure Yas Forums figured it between wind readings, videos of clean ups, random twitter videos etc.
but believing anything hear can lead to creating a chemical weapon to clean you tub (furry convention clears out because of chemical weapon).
When faced with unknown situation where one choice is completely fucking up the economy on a rumor what do you do? Don’t forget the impeachment crap was going on while this was just a small problem.

It’s having a resurgence in Singapore.

Each US state should be considered their own country in this instance.

Japan just isn't testing, and they've basically admitted they've given up. Also a lot of Japanese people just don't go to the doctor, and the Japanese medical system sucks.

I guarantee you with all the Chinese people in Tokyo the virus is easily spreading. Also, there's a mask shortage so less than 50% of the people outside and on trains are actually wearing them. Plus, Japanese people don't use actual medical masks, they use shitty cheap masks that wouldn't block anything and aren't rated.

I didn't feel like posting, but I guess I'll give you guys some actual information, but I probably won't post again. Yas Forums's been dead since the 2016 election.

>Each US state should be considered their own country in this instance.

before corona
>uh uh we are one nation, look EU, you are just a trade union, we have one president, one people

during corona
>we’ll block all of the EU, this evil nationalist country
>oh, but we can’t really take any nationwide actions, after all we are a lose federal trade union, all the states have authority over their citizens

Literally what? Trump can use national emergency authorities to send out the military and shut the country down and test millions of people per day with military help. He doesn’t, because he still thinks in terms of “the November elections” rather than in terms of saving 10 million boomer lives.

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This. Euros don't understand American state governments. Several states have taken drastic measures depending on the severity, including testing. We don't depend on the federal government the same way they do in Euroland.

This is also why the American left bitch about the fed government response and ignore local responses. They want the fed to do everything like in their fantasy commie land.

What has been the overall feeling of the people towards the government during this?

This really is a better comparison to Europe. State to nation. Our population dense states have started lockdowns like Europe. Meanwhile the states with spread out populations have less restrictions in place.

Yeah trump took the advice of kushner who blocked other specialists from informing trump of the real danger. Almost all decisions are kushner at this point

And now it's free. How many dead old fags does your country have?

unlike europoors, we're *accelerating* into this
thx obama

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The test was always free. The 3k was for a guy who had a hospital stay and had no insurance.

A lot of Japanese people know the govt is full of shit. Plus, the govt has already officially came out and said they've fucked up. The news talks about wide-spread in Japan being inevitable. It's just Japan has a culture of accepting reality, so no one is making as big of a deal about it as other countries. A lot of Japanese people are okay with death.

In short, there's been some cases of companies having people work from home, and companies firing people (mostly just as an excuse to downsize, not really virus related, but they claim it is), but it's mostly life as normal.

Oh, and I guess there's a bunch of high schoolers and middle schoolers running around cause they canceled school early on.

1 million out of 330 is %.03 why exactly am I supposed to be concerned again?

>Blaming USA
>Not Blaming the source of the virus

Are all journalists this fucking retarded, they should be chewing the fuck out of the Chinese Government for not acting on this sooner and curtailing the damned thing.

Sorry, 0.3%


Testing would not have prevented the reaction since it would still spread, regardless.

That being said, remember the Zika scare? People went hog-wild with estimates and guesses.

It's easy to look at a situation with hindsight and say, "Well, should've done X instead." It's stupid to do so, however. Use the situation for future reference.

The PRC is waging information warfare against the GOP and USA in support of DNC given that none of their candidates proved popular. All of this is an effort to restore the treason that was happening at the behest of China under the Obama-Biden administration.

Europeans depend heavily on Russian oil / gas. They do not like Russia having a lot of leverage over them in this way. Poland / Ukraine are the eastern border of Europe as far as Western Europeans are concerned, so they want NATO running a defensive corridor there.

The Middle East primarily sells oil / gas to China. They do not have pipeline access to Europe, and the United States blocks pipeline access to China via Afghanistan (which we occupy, for this exact reason).

In the middle of the Obama regime, they toppled Egypt / Libya, specifically by supporting rebels in eastern Libya. You probably don't know this, but eastern Libya is the highest per capita recruiting grounds for al-Qaeda anywhere in the world. They are the ones who were largely responsible for building IEDs that killed most of our troops in Iraq. Lots and lots of American blood on their hands. These are the people Obama supported against Gaddafi however.

Why? Libyan weapons stockpiles were shipped to Syria. The plan was to overthrow Syria and then Turkey. The intention here was to open a pipeline path from Saudi Arabia to Europe. The easiest way to do this is Jordan / western Iraq > Syria > Turkey > Europe

The fallout of such a pipeline opening up goes like this: Saudi energy becomes cheaper than Russian (easier to extract than Russian, but comparable delivery prices once a pipeline is available from Saudi Arabia to Europe). Europe switches to ME energy. Russia then has to switch to selling to China. Afghanistan is no longer valuable real estate in controlling Chinese energy sovereignty. The West has no controllable territory between Russia and China to cut supplies > China obtains effective energy independence, superpower status

Because of exponential growth, the health system will get buried all at once, like an avalanche. This will inflate that death rate. We have more tech per capita than europoors, but not enough to deal with an event like this.

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Floridian here. Businesses don't give a fuck about this shit and literally all of them are attempting to argue that they're essential. The beaches are only closed if your local mayor closed them because the governer refuses to be the governer who closed the beaches during spring break.

The biggest change is that restaurants are takeout or delivery only, but the minimum-wage workers delivering and making the food are 100% coming in to work sick because utility and rent payments aren't suspended and they're paycheck-to-paycheck with no sick leave.

Testing is still only for those with direct contact or those who have traveled in the last two weeks despite community spread being confirmed. Symptomatic cases are going to balloon in the next two weeks and a huge chunk of the state's elderly and middle-aged population are going to die.

They informed other countries before they even informed their own people you dumb fuck... westards just ignored it and did nothing the past few months... typical mindset of "wont happen to me, I am superior race"

Jeez we should just have kept doing what we were doing in January when the numbers were at zero!

>tick tock
>any day now
>trust the exponential growth plan
Take your malaria pill, schizo

>two more weeks
>said that two weeks ago

This. I came back to Yas Forums recently for the happening and I never would have imagined it could possibly get any dumber, but it has. It's full of basic bitch conservatards and magats desperately clinging onto their boomer talking points.


Show me the fuckin test. These people get off on being proven right & getting more shekels for research studies.

Yes, let's spread deadly virus.
Google "flatten the curve". The health system in this country would be overwhelmed with cases.

>you said that two weeks ago
Who the fuck are you talking about?

Two weeks ago was the first case in florida in port everglades, that was the very very beginning of the infection. We're at the end of the incubation period for the VERY FIRST infected in Florida.

millions of grocery hoarder fucktards infected each other in lines for two weeks, obsessed with wiping their butts
the carnage will be glorious

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Only in cities like NY. Outside huge cities America is really spread out and it makes transfer less likely.

This, start with Lemon

yes it is, you faggots are on a trajectory no other country was before right now and from the reports i keep seeing there's still entire states that have open schools, restaurants or even fucking music venues.
by monday there will be a complete panic and public demand for complete shutdown of everything but it's far too late even now, anything you do now won't see results until 2-3 weeks down the line.
this combined with your completely private hospital system that's optimized to be 90% full at all times to maximize shareholder returns means you just got completely and utterly fucked say bye bye to your global dominance fucked.

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You have actual sources of data out there and this is your back-up. Worry about yourself.

Fuck no you Kraut, ask Merkel if she could have stopped it with the amazing socialized healthcare

>Wuhan flu originated in China
>blame America
Deep State Operation Mockingbird article checks out

No you Kraut, we closed borders and enforced travel restrictions while you called us racist lol

The Atlantic is literal Chinese owned propaganda.

Imagine thinking this when our actual stats and death % is different than any other subset.

>Asian countries are turely superior to western shit holes with their free market bullshit.

Considering China started the disease by either making it in a lab or via their peasants eating bats, I have a hard time believing this.

Also, China's economy is fucked. They're 100% lying about having a downward trend in cases, just like they lie about everything else. Wait another month or two for the hunger to kick in.

Wronq, it could have been avoided by not testing anybody, people would live their lives and keep on going with a few deaths.

cope. you voted in an absolute moron and he fucked you. hope ebin twitter slams were worth cutting down your quality of life by half burger faggot.

No shit. What makes them essential. Are Jewish lies really that essential.

japan closed down schools, but people still go to club meetings, and colleges weren't shut down, there is no curfew or mandatory quarantine and people go to restaurants everyday

I'm sure the virus is deadly to a certain degree (it's obviously worse than the flu), but it's not causing the type of problems that everyone seems to be blowing out of proportion, given that Japan has let it run basically unchecked and we were rather quickly infected.

i expect a lot of people to die, but...

This is literally the best chart showing why the West is fucked. People don’t wear masks. People have no strong social norms. Countries don’t do huge testing programs and strict isolations or contract tracing.

You can also see that the US is the most fucked one in the crowd.


You bow when meeting, you don’t shake hands or kiss each other.

You all wear masks outside.

Sorry, but Europe is fucked because most people kiss each other on the cheeks (still) and shake hands (still).

Federalism Chang.

Trump needs to seize power right now. Make America a one party state of Trump. Arrest the entire media. Dew it.

>using china as a barometer

O i am laffin. If you believe their numbers, you are dumber than the average slav.

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Slovenskbros voted in a woman Pres and a pasta nigger PM.

Naw, there's a mask shortage. Most people can't buy masks if they wanted to because they're all sold out. Also, as I mentioned before, the masks Japanese people wear aren't rated.

I do agree that having a culture of bowing instead does help, but Japanese people typically don't use soap, and only uses water to wash their hands. Also a lot of people use water only after using the restroom.

I find it funny how little people know about Japan and just make shit up, but I mean that's fine. I don't know anything about Germany.

I think Japan's fucked too, but I just think that there's not much anyone can do to stop the spread of this thing. It's like an extremely slow motion train crash.