Why does he keep saying Chinese virus and not Coronavirus or COVID-19? Is there some verbal jujitsu by his handlers at work here?
Trump's viral rebranding
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Because China has been trying to blame the American military for secretly spreading the virus to China. Also they know they've shat the bed hard so they're sending supplies to everyone to cover up that fact, but this is the equivalent of a rapist throwing you a cleanup towel after he tears open your anus. Calling it the China Virus helps remind people where this shit came from and who's responsible for this fuck up.
Well the US military and others were in Wuhan two weeks prior to the first identified case and the US contingent resided in the area of the wet market. Should this be ignored ny the Chinese government?
Because the WHO deliberately chose the name COVID to appease the Chinese -why would Trump use the Chinese friendly term?
China started it by repeatedly blaming the US for releasing the virus. He’s just hitting back
Ching Chong wing Wang chinra guud mewica baaawd
The chink insects and their paid corporate US media are scrambling for cover and propaganda.
Notice US politicians are loathe to agree with the propagandists. They know the people vote this November, and they don't want to get caught on the wrong side of Trump on this, meaning Trump has it right.
military game..september
1st chinese case...november
at least 5 weeks.
maybe china spread it at the military games
Thank Chang for demonstrating why we must be clear that this is a Chinese virus. No amount of Chinkposting from CCP headquarters is going to change this. You're better off spending your time buying reporters from western media outlets.
Should the rest of the world ignore that in the same city there was a laboratory for research of deadly diseases as coronavirus types?
It comes from china tho,
Im spanish and i dont give a fuck about "Spanish flu" even tho it started in the US.
If this virus was not made by America, why are they trying to shift the blame this hard by emphasising it was Chinese virus?
Who covers up a crime? The criminals.
Who changes the story and witness accounts this often? The criminals.
If it was not a crime committed by the US, why is the US covering it up? Why are they doing this desperate damage control?
political move. if another country fucks with your sovereignty with false accusations you either:
1. take it like a cuck
2. hit back
China attempted to falsely blame the US so Trump is punching back. Good Trump.
Kushner in the background is trying to use the crisis to massively expand entrepreneur visas so that tens of thousands more chinks and pajeets can flood into the US and bring their fmailies "to help muh economy". By all accounts Trump is going to fall for the (((tricks))). Bad Trump.
people tell president of US to change his language, he keeps his language the same because he represents america, which represents free speech
It is an American made bioweapon engineered against the Chinese with Han genetics.
Now when a lot of people find it strange that it didn't really spread from China for months despite being super highly infectious, America starts a desperate media theatre to pretend it is bot just China and Chinese who get it.
This is a very serious crime, a genocide.
He’s branding China as the culprit because they kept it secret from the world, then they tried to blame the US. He right, China’s irresponsible actions cost millions of jobs and countless lives across the globe.
cover up the fact the "vapping" deaths we heard about a few months ago were the covid19 virus released in the US in Maryland
>Believing the Chinese government
Nothing happened on Tiananmen Square either, right?
Wrong... Try again.
So how much money has Kushner made since he started working at the White House?
He is using his position to make money.
This is against US law. It's corruption and treason.
The exact thing Trump claimed to fight against.
Not an argument.
>Because China has been trying to blame the American military for secretly spreading the virus to China.
No they haven't. He's a troll. To get behind that that guy is to have become so cynical about politics that you've given up and lowered your standards to the degree that you accept a bankrupt casino operator and reality tv shill. He's not uniting your nation and galvanizing shit into a productive impetus. Keep on blaming everyone else though.
Pinning responsibility for his own poor response on China.
Granted, China needs to pay
The guy is a literal man-child. That's why. When media tells him that calling it Chinese virus kinda links it to Chinese people and not the country or China or Wuhan which impacts Chinese Americans he then bursts out and continues to do it because he doesn't want to let the Media win. It's not a racist thing it's unironically toxic masculinity that feminist chant about.
Deep state trying to escalate tensions between U.S. and China.
Pathetic attempt to deflect from Trump's and Republican party's maliciousness and criminal negligence. That why everyone in Conservative Inc from Ben Shapiro to Charlie Kirk are spreading the "China virus" meme.
>Why does he keep saying Chinese virus
because fuck chinks
Look up the Qanon posts about "corona" two years ago and a year ago.
It is related to the virus.
Yeah and note the REEEEEE CHING CHANG CHING CHANG COMMIE replies lol
"Coronavirus" is a misleading term, as it is non-specific to this particular crisis. "Coronavirus" is catchier than COVID-19. Though trump was probably close with COVfefe.
>Wuhan Virus starts
January 19
>virus starts spreading rapidly in Wuhan (~100 cases)
January 25
>Chinese New Year (Year of the Rat)
># of infected is now around 2,000 (20 times initial reports in a 6 day period)
>China allows upwards of 5 million people free travel outside its borders during a quickly spreading epidemic
No matter what the cause of the chinese virus is, the government of china allowed it to spread
Whether this was intentional or not, the spread to other countries is on china's hands
Should start calling it the CCP Virus
he is causing outrage actually to detract from the fact that it's a JEWISH VIRUS
Slow your roll there Fabio. The Chinks may be behind that one as well.
Just the way (((they))) are. E Michael Joens is right, we should restore Sicut Judaeis Non - nobody can ahrm the jew but the jew doesn't have the right to undermine society. Not even memeing I don't want to restore death camps, i think jews should be allowed to live and worship but limited to a few occupations, kept well away from the media, money, politics, law etc and probably we need to institute some way to stop the shekel grabbing, perhaps a UBJI where every jew gets 2 thousand dollars a month but they aren't allowed to earn any money, invest money etc - they cna have a job but the earnings have to go to charity, they can rent houses like everyone else has to etc. In return they get to live in peace but not have the temptation to shekel grab.
Kushner is the one who has kept pushing for tax cuts for investors and more immigration to keep wages down.
You could at least take 20 seconds to google before you come off as a retarded faggot, leaf.
Trump's political adviser.
he's trying to pound it into your head that china did this to him
it's just a distraction
He’s getting advice from kushner. Kushner is the one who initially gave trump bad info regarding the seriousness of the virus
>who's responsible for this fuck up.
That would be Trump, the guy who was telling everyone that it's just a flu and that it will go away on its own two weeks ago. The guy who actually had the authority to shut down all travel, and the actionable intelligence to back doing so, but chose to do nothing instead. The guy who chose to sacrifice American lives to try and keep his stock market bubble inflated, but ended up fucking both.
Yeah, trying to distract from his failure of a response by blaming China for everything.
Spanish flue
Asian flu
Russian flu
Plague of Justinian
Did the chinks get their internet back? Or are we roleplaying as dipshits?
He's been humiliated and neocons are in the mood for a new war.
its just cope to feed the same retards shilling on this board with a fake "controversy"
CIA niggers defs want to make sure we know this is "China's virus" and not their own operation in China via Soros.
>easily accessible information that disproves your claim available on search engines without even reading articles
The WHO didn't even declare the virus a pandemic until last week, while thousands in Italy were already dying
>against the Chinese with Han genetics.
Including Italians. Chinese and Italians have very similar genetics after all. They both enjoy noodles.
The Chinese are also trying to blame Italy.
God you morons can't keep shit straight.
Wasn't that the guy saying the virus is fake and businesses should ignore legal orders to close?
>E Michael Joens is right, we should restore Sicut Judaeis Non - nobody can ahrm the jew but the jew doesn't have the right to undermine society.
No, EMJ is a fucking retard and needs to be sent to a concentration camp. Sicut judaeis, the Catholic policy of privileging Jews at the expense of Europeans, didn't work. It just ended with Jews controlling everything. The solution to the Jewish problem is biological elimination of the Jewish genotype through a program of forced sterilization.
fuckers were modding coronavirus spike proteins for over a decade
Here's the reality:
Trump's initial reaction to the virus was abysmal denialism. SINCE then, since beginning to take it seriously, he has done a lot better (if he didn't he'd be absolutely fucked for reelection right now.) Although he is losing the battle for getting money into the hands of Americans who need it; he should just declare it by executive fiat, he has the authority to bypass congress in a crisis.
But there's still a lot to criticize about his early performance and his early performance was CRITICAL; if he had done better early on, a month-long quarantine would have been adequate, instead we're potentially looking at one lasting until a vaccine arrives, if it ever does. To distract from this he's calling it a Chinese Virus, to distract from the fact that China had a much better response than us. It's not really racist - it did originate in China - but it triggers the libs, so his mouthbreathing, uncritical supporters are going to cheer it for XD TRIGGERING THE LIBS while the libs freak out over it and critical discussion of his early performance gets glossed over.
>The Chink cries out in pain as he infects you
It's called the "China Virus" because some Chinaman made a soup so shitty it destroyed the world's economies and now I'm out of a job. Yes, it's the fucking China Virus.
spell the whole word God~
Go chew some bat testicles, Chink.
Trump's been had a hate boner for China even before he was elected. I think they're teasing the next excuse for massive ongoing military spending.
Go back to your containment thread and jerk off Zion Don some more
Jews gonna Jew.
lung pow sicken
T. Dog eating insect
No one buys your lies you filthy communist rat. If we were going to spread a virus, we would have kept chinks out as soon as it became public that there was a virus going around china.
This is China's virus, and most likely it came from a biolab in wuhan which "coincidentally" is in the same area the virus came from.
>Chinese and Italians are similar genetically
>They both enjoy noodles.
Because of Marco Polo idiot.
Good location for a false flag, plausable deniability.
Even if China is responsible for the virus trump, despite his refusals to accept any responsibility, is responsible for the US response.
Whining about China isn't going to make the virus disappear, the tests become widely available, or undo the weeks of trump lying that it would all just stop and go away.
Is there any truth to the rumor that President Trump had a strand of coronavirus on his penis but it fell off into his underwear and now it's migrating towards his butt?
Which country’s response should be modeled after?
Joe Biden and the Democratic Party are heavily intertwined with China and Chinese money, it's pre-election branding to get the public angrier with China than they already are.
France isn't innocent, either
He is still not doing nearly enough
If you're that stupid as to fall for the bat soup memes spammed all over Yas Forums then blow your brains out so as not to contaminate the rest of the gene pool.
Because the CIA released the virus to destroy the Chinese economy and get the CCP to literally suck Trump's dick accept whatever deal he had for them.
He's assblasted because the chinks recovered and returned the virus to it's rightfull owner.
Trump is the best snake oil salesman the world has ever seen.
the Democrats were in the process of attempting to remove him from office
the impeachment ruled the airwaves for months, meanwhile there was a deadly virus spreading in china
in order to stay in office to fight this, Trump had to divide his attention to his legal defense
stop parroting everything you see on chinese owned television outlets
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
The fuck kind of bullshit website is that saying “there are no photos of the US military team” and shit. Just look on dvidshub there are tons. dvidshub.net
The way Kung Flu (rebranded common cold) has been marketed has been an incredibly successful and deliberate attack on the rest of the world by China.
The 20th century and the first two decades of the 21st belonged to America, it's looking like the rest of the century belongs to China. If Trump puts a stop to that, he'll be the greatest president of all time.
Probably China's later response where they shut down everything and/or south Korea's in terms of rapid testing.
But hey, why settle? Why not try to do better than anywhere else?
Or how about just not waste time lying to try to cover his own ass over saving lives.
Remember when he said their were only 15 cases when there were actually 60 and they would soon reduce to zero instead of growing? That kinda shit.
Some of his supporters are even still stuck on his old lies and think there is no virus and it's just a Democrat plot against trump.
when will zion don finally admit that jews are always poisoning the well. this childish behaviour and namecalling is only damaging american reputation all over the world. it might be funny for the low iq own da libz crowd but intelligent people all over the world are just shaking their heads in disbelief that in a time of crisis where people are being told to not leave the house and impending economic collapse americans are trying really hard to blame china. really makes you think what kind of lowlifes live in america in a time when the world needs to be united in finding a cure and helping each other
This is like simple psychology on a global scale.
Trump actually acted far earlier than anyone else in the west, he closed borders from china back in january, despite being attacked as racist by Biden, the (((media))) and WHO.
Yes he then said his usual, scam artist "it's going to be great" bit. He is after all just a spiv property developer and con man nothing more.
But on this he was right in his actions. Had the Democrats or Romney been in charge it would mean weeks and weeks of more chinamen flooding into the USA and it would be far worse right now.
Is this Lijian Zhao on the left here?
Kek. The chinks had to cheat at their own games and got caught.
you literal faggot chink monkey.. US military was all over the world, but the virus started in uhan you fucking faggot
we will kill all chinks.. so fucking sick of all that chink locust invading our lands
Eat a dick. People like you are the problem. You can't protect people from reality or you end up with worthless pussies. Like yourself.
it's one of those things you can explain in ten seconds but people still won't get it.
he'll shut up about it when china apologizes. letting it go is against the national interest because ignoring it has implications in international law. journalists prefer to bait trump than explain this simple fact.
Because the virus is from china
Any question ?
I think this is honestly the first pic I've ever seen of Kushner where he isn't face-punchingly smug. We must really be fucked.