Which one is based?

Which one is cringe?

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No such thing as Based Poland.

Germany Based

pool*nd cringe

Left: Cringe race with a BASED culture
Right: based race with an ultra cringe culture right now


Poland is bretty based, but Poland as a country shouldn't exist, whereas Germany hasn't been based for a rough 80 years.


germany based pre 1945
poland cringe pre 1945
germany cringe post 1945
poland based post 1945

Give you one guess Bong.

Modern German flag cringe
Poland flag based
But most based of all is the old German flag which I am using

We're what Germany should have been.

Together they make the most based country to ever exist on planet earth

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>Which one is cringe?
this one

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Biggest golem of all time competition? Probably g*rmany.


Both has its bad points.

culture is reflection of race.
germans, like niggers have none.

Britain, which put all its effort to completely ruin the relations between the two before WW2 when both governments were considering alliance. Britain and its Jews are responsible for WW2, the British murdered their racial brethren and bombed their cities, the British sold Poland to the communists afterwards in Yalta, only to be overran by Pakis, niggers and Poles who escape from the post-communist economy.
And even today, the Brits make posts like this, trying to cause conflicts between Germans and Poles even here.
Your culture is disgusting; your people are more subhuman and fulfill the stereotype of a mentally disabled slav more than any slav I've ever met.


Now I'm smelling like Indonesia
Bus stop full of fly bitches and skeezers

>Which one is cringe
>Which one is based

>Jewnited Kingdom defeats the one country trying to save the west
>"Oh no! Why are shitskins and niggers invading our country?!

>shitler was trying to save the west
>by bombing white countries and carving them up with the commies
big think.jpg


Kek, shut up you utter irrelevance

what happened to USA?

He was, the only reason a war started is because the British started meddling shit in the Polish government, putting Beck in place of Pilsudski and effectively smashing the National Democracy movement led by Dmowski, who is known for having praised Hitler and National Socialists all the time, and wrote about jewry's influence on the Western Civilization during the first world war, before Hitler.

Just like England it has shaped the world as it is today, whether you like it or not.

56% white hands types this

Don't worry. See what happens after our country is locked down for 2 weeks.

Spain shat onto the world dumps like Venezuela and Argentina. Do not compare Germanics to Spaniards ever again.

nice try Pizzaboy

>muh germanics
The war that you caused led to both Germany and your shithole losing its best people. Your grandparents murdered the germanic brethren you praise so much. Your best blood is dead; what's left is grime-listening, niggerculture-obsessed, alcoholic subhumans in football t-shirts, chanting seven nation army and vomiting in corners of the streets, women cheating on their men with niggers for cocaine on holidays, putting 5cm layers of makeup on their faces. All of this while your country is being replaced.

I'm not saying it was positive but it did have an impact.

here we have an example of german 'education'
once a kraut, always a nigger

Spaniards are literally non white Moors

I shouldn’t even lower myself to speak with you

>Carving them up to share with the commies

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boris plan to build up herd immunity, will not at the same time build up your limited intelligence.


Daily reminder that Poland is artificial construct invented by the French to hurt the Habsburg, Prussia and Russia.

Poles are Sarmatian Aryans meanwhile Germans look like swarthy Arabs with Nigger eyes and Nigger hair.
We even made fun out of Kraut at our workplace, because he literally looked like a Turk fucking kek.

Germ(many) should be nuked from the face of this Earth, right after they pay us back for razing our capital to the ground, mass murdering Poles and stealing work of arts.

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>a-and you're non-white!
The only thing you can defend yourself with is the color of skin. Your people have lost everything white about them except for the complexion; which they're working on, seeing how many of your women and men are racemixing, your blood becoming minority in major cities, while youth is partying on drugs and getting STDs. Your people are the manifestation of all the degenerative qualities, under a white mask - the Brits went from being the white Jews of Europe in the last century, to being the white niggers of Europe in this one. I'd happily exchange all the Brits in Spain for Germans or Poles.


Germany based af

Prussia wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the Polish king who requested the help of the Teutonic order. Back then Prussians had a language similar to the Lithuanians, with a middle ground between both being Yotvingian tribes on the Baltic coast.
Also friendly reminder that before the partitioning of Poland in 1795 Prussian Jews worked very hard bribing officials on the Western side of the Commonwealth.
Show your flag as well.


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Germany is cringe because it fails despite its good qualities

>t. Seething Benidorm bartender who's lost his job since all the easyJet flights got cancelled

so the january and november uprisings didn't happen hm?

Based Spanishbro

Don't forget that Prussians slaughtered their own German brethren just to be part of our glorious Polish Commonwealth
>Prussian Confederation offered to incorporate Prussia into the Kingdom of Poland, 1454

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obviously Poland is based and germoney should be extinct

Fortunately I'm not employed in the touristic sector and I'm on paid leave, nothing to seethe about. But the people who are seething are the Brits stuck here, drinking their asses off, routinely being fined for walking in the streets, many elderly ones being infected. Don't you think they deserve it? Maybe it's their punishment for slaughtering their Germanic brethren, selling eastern europe to communists and ruining their children's and country's future?

Spain is a 3rd world country and has been a punching bag since we sank your Armada.

Bitter spic still seething that we conquered Spain and you failed to conquer us

I really hope you don't think that Prussia is some combination of Poland and Germany

germany sure is based
they at least replace their population cuz chuite ppl bad

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united for the common good of europeans : based
taken individually : holly cringe

Kek okay borislav the black now bring me another pierogi

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How could you forget your Commonwealth ancestry

Prussia can be considered germanized baltics.

Jesus Christ shut up, nobody cares what a Moorish rapebaby thinks letalone his meandering rants on nations which are his superiors. Muslim crime? Jew corruption? Black laziness and stupidity? In Spain you don't even need to import anyone to get those qualities - they're already there. There are parts of your nation so utterly lazy it's amazing they even learnt to read and write. You belong to a nation of literal manchilds and everything great about you was built by Germanic, Northern European Goths. Oh and you're also manlets. Med cunt.

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>lool pierogi xd
famous prison education

he's right though. Hitler liked you. He saw you as his best possible ally, read mein kampf. This is all your fault

You're descended from the worst of the British; even before the Brits degenerated and took upon the qualities of Jews or niggers, even before they committed the unforgivable sin of slaughtering those of their own race, they sent criminals and slaves to Australia, to root out the worst blood of their land. You're much like Ukraine, which was the land where the criminals, Jews and other subhumans lived, away from the authorities of the Commonwealth.

Germs are cucks and Poles are niggers.

Just like the Poles liked Hitler; yet the Brit had to cause a conflict between both, reject peace offers from Hitler, murder their racial brethren, sell the East to communist jewry, and autocolonize itself with subhumans just for the sake of eating something other than fish and chips.

Unchartered levels of seethe here from easily the most evil empire

>muh evil empire
Just like Hitler was evil, right?