She died of complications from birth 3 days after giving birth, but is counted as a corona death.
Out of 5000 corona deaths in Italy, the youngest to die is 27yrs old... and died of other complications.
Tell me how I, a 22yr old healthy man, is supposed to worry about this virus? I am ok with not infecting anyone else, but honestly, shouldn’t the burden of social distancing be on old people and people with prior illnesses / other health complications instead on the young and healthy?
Stop being afraid OP, it's okay, we're not going to live forever anyway.
You dont need to make cope threads like this out of fear, I know you're scared, but you don't have to be.
Just remember once this is all over, you could get hit by a bus a day after everything is back to normal. You can't escape death mate, other than using common sense, there's really nothing you can do.
If you get it, and die, it was going to happen anyway, let the fear dissipate, it is pointless to have it.
Oliver Lopez
A 27 year old died fr corona after giving birth in Poland yesterday
Glaub ruhig Mutti, die mehrfach meinte, dass de offen bleibt und von heute auf morgen plötzlich doch Grenzen schließt. Geh raus. Mach Party. Viel Spaß. Ach ja. Arbeiten nicht vergessen
he drops so many redpills I don't think Yas Forums would be able to swallow them all. also watch if you want to know how to never get sick again.
Christian Parker
Women die from giving birth. She didn’t die from Corona.
Are you retarded?
Luke Cooper
Yeah, Hans. Now answer the question. Why not isolate the old and sick, rather than the young and healthy?
Jonathan Thomas
You have nothing to worry about. Just go about your daily life as usual. Trust me. This is nothing.
You sounds fit, young and very strong. You will only get the sniffles.
Christopher Campbell
>22yr old healthy man He have parents and great parents he met, so he should not be an individualist piece of shit and avoid every possible infection.
Eli Powell
They do shit like this when counting alcohol related deaths when it comes to car crashes. If some idiot plows into you and you die and they were sober, but you had a beer at lunch they consider it an alcohol related death to pad the stats.
Benjamin Murphy
They look so retarded with a crown
Gavin Hall
The young live with the old, it would be worthless. And young dont die because they have the priority on reanimators, without them they would die too. Its makes it look like only the old dies.
Owen Gomez
she was infected dumbass and that is wy she died
Lincoln Watson
Kennst wohl keine jungen Leute. Hast bestimmt nichtmal Freunde. Die nehmen die Sache nicht ernst. Gehen raus treffen sich mit Leuten und essen abends bei Oma und Opa oder beim Freund, dessen Eltern Probleme haben, von denen man nichts weiß. Es gibt auch junge altenpfleger, die dann die alten alle infizieren. Du lebst in einer phantasiewelt oder in einer kleinen freundelosen.
>She died of complications from birth 3 days after giving birth, but is counted as a corona death. literally saying that it's a fucking lie >is supposed to worry about this virus? you have critical autism?
Jack Brooks
a 33 year old free mason died at the shiners hospital because he didn't get his baby blood corona doesn't discriminate
Kayden Bennett
Is the child infected though?
David Wood
Italy lied?? IM STUNNED!!!
Dominic Davis
That's because corona viruses are inhabiting the human body your whole life.
David Rivera
That’s what I first wondered
Landon Perry
>and died of other complications which one ?
Andrew Carter
Was she a single mother? And are they going to steal the baby to ritually torture it and drink its blood because the Vatican is running low on adreno?
Hunter Parker
She already gave birth and she's already 27. There was no use for her anymore.
Dominic Brooks
I don’t meet physically with older family members and will avoid them until this crisis is over. I am not stupid, I just don’t get why they tell me to not go to work, clubs, bars etc. Average age in clubs is 20... if they stay away from older people, it’s fine if they all get corona.
Bentley Moore
>She died of complications from birth 3 days after giving birth, but is counted as a corona death.
pregnant and post-pregnant women (up to like 3 months) have like super human immune systems. It's pretty crazy if she died from Corona
Oliver Foster
Death to breeders!
Christian Watson
Seriously, go to the nearest store and look at the majority of who is shopping - old and probably sick. Yet the rest of us have to isolate ourselves and lose our jobs for boomer fucks who won't stay home and get infected.
Jonathan Morris
They should grind it up and use its antibodies to cure everybody.
I read somewhere that people who have been infected have been left with lung damage but I couldn’t tell you the sample patients age ect
Adrian Murphy
I went to Rewe today, 95% in there are young millenials and parents. Old people and sick people have to ask family, friends or neighbors to go shopping for them.
Zachary Peterson
>if they stay away from older people Think like a normie >Lol I'm like going to *coof* borrow a fifty from Gran and get wasted with my other *coof* young friends who were be fine lolololol >Thanks granny have hug >Gran dies >Poor grandma how could this happen?!!?!
Jayden Campbell
>am not stupid May be you are not, most people are, laws have to adapt to the stupidest.
Jason Cruz
Sebastian Ortiz
I only see old people in the streets.
Benjamin Perez
>She died of complications from birth 3 days after giving birth, but is counted as a corona death. Why?
Jordan Russell
Jaxon Miller
it's all young people shopping here all the boomers have somehow vanished
Elijah Nelson
not in NRW. only boomers out
Jace Gray
Let the Boomer Remover happen already. Even if her death was due to corona, are we really collapsing the economy to save 0.001% of young people?
Christopher Garcia
>Tell me how I, a 22yr old healthy man, is supposed to worry about this virus? 20% hospitalization rate. Assuming projected 60% infected, that's 12% of the population who need medical care - no medical system has that kind of capacity on top of their current load. If shit hits the fan like that then the virus will go from '1% chance die in a hospital bed' to 'nearly 20% chance die in a waiting room'
Robert Gutierrez
Race of the woman? Native Italian or Chink Invader?
Henry Sanchez
92% of infected in Germany stay at home.. of the 8% hospitalized, the vast majority are old people.
Mason Davis
I know someone who is pregnant and about to give birth soon and she got the Virus.
Nicholas Peterson
>instead on the young and healthy?
No, everyone must work together or more people will die than needed.
Ian Adams
This pretty much sums up what is happening. Millennials and Gen X are being fucked over yet again for boomer fucks who already needed to die but were mostly preserved and half-dead thanks to the medical establishment.
Jose Torres
A 36 year old healthy Australian male died. But in Iceland. And Iceland is saying some weird shit, so no one here is sure about it.
Also I'm more worried I could have a bad case, but die because no ICU and no drugs left. I just know it will be filled with literal unemployed abo niggers who caught it despite having no jobs and no reason to ever leave the house.
Plus my immune system is probably weak right now because I caught some weird fucking flu off the Chinese Indonesians at work that I can't shake.
Nicholas Davis
>coronavirus kills elderly people and vulnerable people including pregnant people. >its okay to have pregnant women or newly mothers die from a preventable disease because I want to go back to my wagey cagey. get fucked kikes.
Matthew Jones
This. It's not like you're going to give a fuck after you're dead.
Chase Cox
Literally no one dies of corona. It fucks your immosystem and you die of common bacteria having a field day in your lungs.
saying that corona was not the cause of death is retarded as fuck.
Liam Anderson
They just send the young home here to make sure the oldies get the beds.
Thomas Cooper
>Why not isolate the old and sick, rather than the young and healthy? Because the old and sick interact with the young and healthy. Who do you think takes care of the elderly?
People are infectious before they even notice symptoms. The only way to limit the spread is through isolation: and whether that actually works is something we don't actually know, it's just our best bet because if we don't we're really fucked. And not just in Germany, other countries face the exact same problems.
Oliver Richardson
Because anybody can still end up with bad pneumonia and it will leave you with permanent lung scarring.
Tyler Butler
And that's why biggest corona numbers are among 20-40 year olds
John Garcia
There are too many sluts popping out babies already, I'm glad they're dying.
Jonathan Jenkins
They still don't know about that. It's assumed there will be some lung damage. I had pneumonia a few years back. I had an aggressive cough from the damage that last 8 months
Owen Sanders
That hospitalization rate is only because they don't test everybody at home, but they do test everybody at hospitals. The stats on the full population are much lower than that, most people don't ever realize they had the flu or just get some sniffles.
But they'll realize when they lose their job.
Hunter Garcia
Italy is admitting LOADS of 20-30 yr olds now the plague is mutating.
This will be China’s gift to the world.
Grayson Myers
>if only you knew how bad things really are
Eli Moore
Italians are mutants and degenerates, no wonder they're all getting sick and dying.
Jason Taylor
Do you have parents? Do you care about them?
Easton Ortiz
It's a shame, what happened to the world in a few days, a young woman dies and the news are regarded as good because they prove a narrative. In ten years people will not speak of a deadly epidemic in 2020 but se will Always remember the collective fear and mass histeria, the first one global, caused by social networks and fake news
Ethan Myers
It never mutated though, there arent only 3000 80 year olds in a country like china that has a population of over a billion Current study of chinks own data reports shows that there are 133million dead so far, or people just simply forgot to pay for their phone in 2 months. You know the phone that is also tied to their bank accounts, pay and such
Jaxon Wilson
Robert Perez
They are now refusing to release stats of suburbs here that were affected. Because you have suburbs like mine filled with Asian migrants and students and temporary workers where everyone had the flu for the last month and I think they just want to let it "disappear" since it's uncontrolled.
They lost track of 150 cases not long ago. Those people obviously weren't sick enough to need to be hospitalized or even stay at home (one guy who had been tracked down was arrested. Another girl got on a plane and went to a holiday resort).