She died of complications from birth 3 days after giving birth, but is counted as a corona death.
Out of 5000 corona deaths in Italy, the youngest to die is 27yrs old... and died of other complications.
Tell me how I, a 22yr old healthy man, is supposed to worry about this virus? I am ok with not infecting anyone else, but honestly, shouldn’t the burden of social distancing be on old people and people with prior illnesses / other health complications instead on the young and healthy?
Stop being afraid OP, it's okay, we're not going to live forever anyway.
You dont need to make cope threads like this out of fear, I know you're scared, but you don't have to be.
Just remember once this is all over, you could get hit by a bus a day after everything is back to normal. You can't escape death mate, other than using common sense, there's really nothing you can do.
If you get it, and die, it was going to happen anyway, let the fear dissipate, it is pointless to have it.
Oliver Lopez
A 27 year old died fr corona after giving birth in Poland yesterday
Glaub ruhig Mutti, die mehrfach meinte, dass de offen bleibt und von heute auf morgen plötzlich doch Grenzen schließt. Geh raus. Mach Party. Viel Spaß. Ach ja. Arbeiten nicht vergessen