Why are Italians so weak? They seem to be dying a hell of a lot more than any other country...

why are Italians so weak? They seem to be dying a hell of a lot more than any other country. Is it due to a high carb pasta and pizza diet?

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They're old, retard.

Have you ever seen a masculine Italian? They are a nation of effeminate men.

coronachan just loves us more than anyone

this is the average looking italian, faggots

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Pure incompetence.
Their handling of this epidemic vs Germany's handling perfectly matches their performances in WW2.


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Its literally just overreporting.they attribute corona death ti any kind of death if the patient was infected. Realistically the coronabdeaths in italy are about 5 times lower.

Germany is the only euro country right now measuring the deaths correctly.

>average age of the people who die from (or rather, with) Coronavirus: 80
Take a guess, retard. Unlike other countries like Germany, where they just count deaths caused ONLY by the virus (which here are less than 1%), we count anyone who dies while positive.

Yeah italy "semi-won" while Germany was split


shut the fuck up wallanigger

This is for you too, you bag of kangaroo shit

Thats the french, no offense but its an old ass stereotype and those exist for a reason.

Why Do Single German Women Love Italian Men That Much?


Are you coping boys?

That's the best you could find? Looks like a retard wog!


They’re also fat. 99% of the deaths are because of fat-related health problems. That’s not hyperbole; literally 99%.



"The Italian government, a free French newspaper tartly observed, never finished a war on the same side it started on – unless the war lasted long enough to change sides twice"

I don't understand it either. They eat plenty of Vitamin C, have plenty of Vitamin D / sunshine. Italy could be paradise-like, but I guess it isn't... There is no Paradise on Earth, only hell.

You always switch sides. Soon you will switch to Corona side

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calm down

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Yep that happened too

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just shut up bitch Italians won Mr Olympia two times while Australia never did

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Coal-burners. You are not White, this is why you have so much corona

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looks mexican

it feels good to be Veneto

They took noodles from China and called it pasta. Took round flat bread from Turkey and called it Pizza.

Stop denying the gas chambers, Goyim.

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nah he has blue eyes


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In fact we are mexican, this is why we have the same flag.

Not really sure why all the italian hate. Maybe people are pissed about the whole mob thing but that seems like something you could easily forgive and forget. I wish it was spain instead of you guys as punishment for mexico.

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Shitalians are mulattoid raperoaches trying to blame white countries instead of China. I genuinely hope every single one of these subhumans dies the most painful death humanely possible

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You should not troll them on this, germans did the same at Leipzig

based hulk

made my day


>trying to blame white countries instead of China
Because you indeed are the ones to blame, since we got infected by a German
Kill yourself white larper

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Old people

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We basically are unruly of the quarantine and people of young and middle age going around almost carelessly, especially LombardiTards that absolutely HAVE to do sport because duh, they're looking at this thing as a mandatory off work holiday.
Then, we carry death to our elders. We suspect that a lot of people are healthy carriers without symptoms, and so we don't give a fuck.
That's why police checks are becoming more aggressive by the day.

>meme flag
checks out



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Is Europe over after this?

Is white supremacy over?

Is 14/88 impossible?

Nice selfie

>What is World War I?


>no u

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>Is Europe over after this?
We can only hope user
>Is white supremacy over?
It was never a thing. Whites had to copy their civilization from Romans and Greeks, which copied it from middle easterners. Whites have been counterfeiting chinks all along

But romans and greeks were blanco....

>2 shekels have been credited to your account
Keep up the good work, user

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Go back to the shithole you crawled out from, white subhuman

Wot, you are not white?

Mate it's a joke.
A joke which is generally true enough to be funny without being specifically true.

I have many with these people in online games and many of them are retarded

btw even our females are more muscular and physically stronger than you

She weighs 68 kg, you probably weighs 50 kg with heavy clothes on

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Your life must be hell

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They weren't, but even if they were, whites would still have had to base any semblance of civilization on middle eastern teaching. When universities were being built in Baghdad, whites were building mudhuts.
Study some history instead of playing with your Nintendo switch all the time, zoomie

Italy is the victim of Globalization.
Why isn't that point being driven home right not.

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>Study some history instead of playing with your Nintendo switch all the time, zoomie
Imagine projecting this hard
Quarantine really drives normies insane

he's an idiot. Of course italians have white skin.

Probably he just hates Germans and thins german=white

No, he's white, not me. Check IDs. He's definitely an immigrant

>They're old, retard.
Meaning they take care of their elderly and don't replace their population as quickly with sandniggers

I love when you can feel real anger and autistic screeching behind posters, priceless


>Imagine projecting this hard
Imagine thinking western civilization does not have middle eastern roots. Care to explain to me where the name of our continent itself comes from?

Median age in Italy is... Was 45
In Niger it's 15

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Probably from the infected north.

>Be Italian
>Kiss every other Italian on both cheeks and then stick your tongue down their throat to say “hello”
>*COOF* *COOOOF* Mama mia!
>Be Japanese
>Bow to wife and child, go beet red if you see a married couple holding hands (l-lewd)

Yet the infected north even with 90% of industry shut down still is more productive than the south
>makes you think

lmfao, obviously it's a plaincuck