>Social distancing enforced globally
>Tesco, Asda, Aldi and Lidl go on hiring spree
>Toilet roll alternatives blocking sewers
>Social distancing enforced globally
>Tesco, Asda, Aldi and Lidl go on hiring spree
>Toilet roll alternatives blocking sewers
first for eddie is a fat nonce
if there was a shortage of toilet roll wouldn't ye just wash ye arse in the shower...just like a bidet
>Toilet roll alternatives blocking sewers
I didn't realise the Guardian still had a print edition.
Would of Big Dave done with the corona crisis
baked beans
is for faggots
So pretty much a lost cause, cheers
found a 9 pack of bog roll in tescos today well chuffed
London anons report in, have noogs started the chimpening yet, or is it still some way off (and how long)?
Also when do women become property again?
course it is, ISAFs official “plan” was to train the afghans to look after themselves, but they hired dari ethnics from the north to police pashtun ethnics in the south. they don’t even speak the same language so they just see it as a group of foreigners. they don’t really understand the concept of “afghanistan”, just their tribal village.
think it was less about “fixing” afghan and more about the yanks needing to keep their military industrial complex going
tried using one sheet per wipe this morning and i ended up with shit on my fingers
Hey you limey fuck, you and your jew friends tricked my grandfather into a meat grinder of a war so blacks could fuck your women while jews rob you. You owe me, but I know you can't pay because you're cucked into giving your money all away to arabs and niggers while the chinks give you the coof. So I'll just demand you quit being a faggot and let the men talk about how we can make up for helping the bongs beat our brother German. We should have left you to be killed by Jerry...you dirty dirty filthy kiked mudslime. London is mostly brown now, let that sink in
Have to self isolate for 2 weeks lads.
I'm down to my last few ciggies and I have no booze.
fuck off, instant noodle breath chang
nobody cares what you think - and you have to go back
hate that
Shit presentation. Needs more sausage.
who cares
My great grandad died at gallipoli , it wasnt just anzacs there.
Coming to a county near you.
> limey fuck
> australians are all english removed a few generations max.
> except for the pencil dick chinese
hi chang
you envy them because they have sex
>brother German
Um, no.
>lay off the majority of the country
>give the financial support only for the British citizens of the British origin
>all the foreigners can do nothing except fuck off back to Poland / India / Pakistan
>Only the native British, the Jews and wealthy Russians can afford to stay
>problem solved
Just go and get some you div. The isolation police gonna come and get you?
>sensible chuckle
perhaps the country should of been split up to a degree to allow for cultural differences, but as you said it sounds like it was just to provide jobs for the industrial complex
I would go to town on that
they arrested someone from the isle of man yesterday
>Jews and wealthy Russians can afford to stay
>Problem solved
Chose only one
Going out breaks the point of isolation you selfish sausage
There was an excellent twitter thread of a guy going through some of the choice bits of leaked afghan war memoes, emails etc
They effectively had no plan or coordination with a weird focus on burning through money, building too many schools and getting specifically girls to attend them.
it’d never work, should just leave the spastics to fight it out between themselves.
Pubs shut, pot noodles sold out, end uv the world it is
even pakis hate pakis now
he hasn't been charged, but still: bbc.co.uk
>A homeless man arrested for allegedly failing to self-isolate after arriving on the Isle of Man amid the coronavirus pandemic will not face prosecution, police have said.
>The 26-year-old handed himself in at police headquarters in Douglas on Thursday evening. He had been unable to find a place to self-isolate after arriving that morning, a police spokesman said. Not prosecuting was "in the best interests of everyone", he added.
>Emergency legislation requiring new arrivals to quarantine themselves for 14 days means those who refuse could face a fine of up to £10,000 or three months in prison.
>Police said the man had been "detained for his safety and the safety of the public" and accommodation where he could self-isolate had now been found. He was not presenting any symptoms of the virus.
>The island's emergency legal powers came into effect at 23:59 GMT on Tuesday. A police spokesman urged people to follow the government guidance on self-isolation and "think about the safety of the community".
Big society will fix it
just make sure you don't fart when you're out
british paki civil war when
I don't envy them at all. You are aware that one of the reasons they went out last night was to spite everyone over the age of 40 and to stick it to Boris Johnson right?
No real people go out on a Friday, real people are too shattered from work.
Last night would have been absolutely full of student, early 20s repugnant "socialist" divas.
Ironic really seeing as what they were doing put society in even greater jeopardy.
That's why they're morons.
You wait til all the other homeless catch wind of this.
"Gaz mate, just say you've got the corona and they'll put you in a fucking hotel mate!"
welcome to brit/pol
>No real people go out on a Friday, real people are too shattered from work.
What work?
you dont know the difference between indians and arabs
you know when I meant
Well this is fucking boring
Where are my happenings???
fuck off paki
>Silver bracelet
He's a Sikh m8.
the instant start temp supermarket jobs
Fuck OP and his lazy BBC links, we all know this thread has descended to the depths of a tripfag circle jerk disinfo cesspit but ffs at least put some fucking effort into it.
i suppose you're going to tell me he's based too?
They won't be able to visit the pub for the next several months, of course they won't give a shit it's "friday".
some kinda new pasta?
needs work 2/10
i'm bored too
wat do
Yas Forums is losing it, can’t go out, panic buying because of flu. You couldn’t handle this and you want something else?
you wish fart breath
Go to Waitrose if the other stores don't have everything you want.
North london
Its not happening
Normies love the media panic so much they're sending around 2011 riot videos from peckham on local whatsapp groups to rile each other up into thinking its cos of corona
Is that you Mel? How ya goin' cunt?
ironically i just like happenings when it dont affect me in the slightest.
>fart breath
you have to be 18 to post here m80
Sikhs are quite based in my experience
nothing here let, roads are quiet. shops are empty though, so maybe food riots later when people get fed up
Why do people continue to tripfag? It's never once ended well for them.
luv me singhs
luv me patels
simple as
happening pol is worst pol, it’s like the special needs class when they get over excited and start howling and throwing shit at each other
How can you envy the morally cancerous, braindead scum that go out on a Friday to paint portraits in piss. I'd rather wank into a sock than go near any of them.
lol true
ye i'm not gonna go over the top with the insults like an autismo arsehole
Lads all joking aside, just got back from Teaco and Lidl and im raging. Shelves stripped bare, elderly having to buy ramen and younger lot with trolleys full of shite. I fucking hope this virus wipes out the younger generation. When this is over, they can fuck off asking for respect for their pronouns. My town is over run with pakis hoarding shit for their vermin families. Why the fuck are they even in this country? Send every single one back and fucking nuke mecca. There wont be any backlash from a bunch of sand niggers if they arent in the UK.
Fuck the younger generation and fuck pakis
Based in undercutting your wages and pushing up house prices
Waitrose didn't have pasta.
what do you sound like when you coof?
Couldnt hav put it better meself
sounds like you’re just bitter that other people can enjoy themselves