What if this virus kills less than 100,000 people...

What if this virus kills less than 100,000 people? How will history judge going into an economic depression over a fucking flu?

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give me 10-20 years and I'll be able to tell you.

whers her penis

The real depression is the honk-pilling of the economy.

The money printing keeps on brrring and interest rates keep on falling

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they'll tell themselves that it was the preventative action that kept the death toll low
and maybe they'll be right

They'll see it is as chinese 4D chess ruining US economy.

that's actually what we're hoping for

history will be written by people that understand 100k deaths was victory, not failure.

The virus has very little to do with it.

It was simply the slight breeze that blew over a house of cards.

It will be seen as either the final blow to the just-in-time globalization project

or as another warning that everybody ignored until the next supply crisis crashes the market

everyone will agree it was needed to prevent a lot more deaths

If it spread it could have killed over a hundred million in the first year so they would see it as a success, if we manage to contain and destroy it

It will be you dumbass
Unless we don't and instead let the death toll reach the millions like the Spanish flu
Read the fucking imperial college report on the coronavirus

If everyone got it it wouldn't kill more than 10 million

Fun fact, the test for the Coronavirus was rushed out for the epidemic. It wasn't fully vetted.

Every year 10-15% of all viral infections are from viruses in the Coronavirus family. If the test has false positives for other related Coronaviruses, there could be insane numbers of false positives.

We could legitimately end up in a timeline where the stock market selloff is driven by case number panic pumped up by false positives.

damm i wasted my faps today holy shit

dude wtf she's nakked

If you are having this kind of thought you need to seriously sort yourself out

Wallst wins again
Just like the user yesterday explained
Same as it ever was

10 million would put as the number one cause of death so it's still a big deal. Also not sure where you get that number from.

People are noticing. Cut the bullshit and let's get back to work


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Show bobs and vegene baby gir I luv you

The flu is just what normie look at.

The spark was the oil price trade war.

The powder keg is 12 years of QE and faking the growth trough more depht despite a slowdown in consumption.

you're right, there's always tomorrow.


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Has flu ever done that?

This. How is a month of no economic activity going to make anything great again?

corona will easily kill 100k people in the us alone. you guys have no fucking clue what's coming

Doesn't mean the response is justified

damn that water is clear

Overspeculated wealth and an unsustainable market is the cause of an unavoidable recession in basically all global 1st world countries. This virus is just a the pin that pops the bubble, albeit a fucking big pin.


These measures aren't about stopping people from dying or keeping anyone safe. It's about getting more government control. If politicians gave one flying f$ck about saving lives all the government spending would go into:
a) drastically increasing the number of beds / infrastructure
b) buy way more ventilators
c) r&d for cheap testing and handing those out or making them available

Imagine 1 trillion dollars going into just those measures. Problem basically solved. People who are at risk self isolate for a while. There is no hiding from this virus forever, anyway. But no, politicians are shutting down all businesses for 8 weeks, meanwhile sitting on their thumbs, and this is literally accomplishing very little. Because most likely this virus will just come back later and all the time you bought will mean close to nothing. But with current measures, gov can just watch businesses go bankrupt, then buy them up for pennies on the dollar and that way become part owners (socialism, owning means of production).
Also green party politicians are currently cooming in their pants off fewer driving allowed, carbon emissions tanking and old people dying. Meanwhile they go about life as usual. This is as close to their dream scenario as possible, so why would they do anything beyond the absolute minimum of actual effective measures.
I'm still bullish, even on the mid-term, but the fact that people aren't recognizing this playbook is just retarded.

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>How will history judge going into an economic depression over a fucking flu?
History will be whatever the kikes ruling the cattle say it is. Kind of like now but with a chip on every goy's hand

Repo markets have been on life support since September.

The virus is a fortunate excuse for the banking tribe. Especially now that a drug reducing deaths to near-zero has been found.

no you fuck. influenza killed 80000 Americans winter 2018 alone. a worldwide flu should be much higher. are you really this gullible?

>he doesn't realise this is planned

Yes Goyim, you must all sacrifice for the greater good

I'm going to comment on this simply because you didn't post another fat woman like every other thotposter on biz.
you've got taste.

It will be 100 million. Every single one of us are getting infected.

The response worldwide has without a doubt been conservative. You are a retard if you think there was an overreaction anywhere in the world

It killed more than that already in China alone and in Italy there will soon be thousands of dead every day. All the cremation ovens in Italy literally can't keep up with the hundreds of dead people right now. Morgues are small. There's going to be bodies everywhere. We're going to need some of those Nazi ovens to deal with this or we're all fucked.

This, literally any one with half a fucking brain can see that at the very least it's a wedge being used to squeeze out a bit more power through "temporary" emergency measures

>What if this virus kills less than 100,000 people?
that's wishful thinking but the recession was coming anyhow. the virus is a convenient excuse for some. but this is gonna be so bad because in 2008 none of the underlying problems were fixed and shit just festered all these years.

>this roastie is literally not allowed to do this anymore
>probably stuck at home, lonely and scared shitless

based corona

I can't leave my house. How is that a conservative response?

It's not the flu that kills... It's the pneumonia retard.

You sound like someone who doesn't handle adversity well. I'd beat off in between firefights in the stan.

> in b4 good goy

That led to the banning of Chinese manufactured products in 2023

If you can't easily deal with this and bounce back stronger you don't have a real economy. You're just pretending. There's no threat to any healthy economy, only boomer economies with preexisting conditions are at risk.

wow actual 50 IQ

ok now divide that by .01% and then ask the question fucking retard



That's a alot of people

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t. math brainlet

>Corona virus will kill 1/6 of the world population
>It has not killed 1/6 of the people it is known to have infected

How does somebody this stupid know how to read and write?

I fucking wish

Charge your phone, nigger

You can get infected more than once

From now on most people will die from Corona. We only had around a century of life expectancy above 40. The average life will spent coughing and serving in the Neoroman legions until you finally die from Corona at age 40-45.

don't just tell people to do things then not post a link
Is this it? there's like 9 different reports tell me which is the good one.


I don't think you need to wish, user

Fake news, please stfu faggot.

I reckon 100,000 is a reasonable number based on scaling up the virus' progress in china.
The issue isn't that it's "just the fucking flu", it's that it's international and highlights the massive holes in all society that open it up to systematic, periodic disruption.
Economic policy will be irrevocably intertwined by public health policy going forward. That kind of disruption and restructure is a totally reasonable cause of a recession. Think about the economic changes following WWII or the great depression. These weren't the result of the number of deaths, it was related to restructuring.
potential outcomes could be a move away from the dominance of urban centres, scaling back of financial and stock markets, reduced fluidity at borders, all in the name of public health and economic stability. Any one of these could trigger major changes, but now they all have the potential to strike at once.
That isn't a nothingburger, that is huge. The shockwaves of this will be with us for decades, long after the last covid victim dies. Politicians and economists who don't have their eye on the horizon for the next disease X will be ridiculed.

Israeli here, we are crashing our own economy in order to stop the disease. We literally had to use to the Mossad to bring in covid-19 test kits from the gulf states.

>a worldwide flu should be much higher.
yes, it would be if we let it run loose like the flu
>are you really this gullible?
that's the problem with morons like you. You don't believe it's dangerous unless we let it kill you. So you get this weird situation where you save retard's lives and they hate you for it. I'm with you buddy, we should let a few million die so people will demand protection rather than preventing the problem and listening to you bitch about it never being a problem at all.

As we speak the Chinese are buying up Italian companies left and right. For all we know this was their plan all along.

You retard. If it only kills 100,000 people, that would mean the measures that were taken worked. If you got into a car crash, and because you had your seatbelt on you didn't go flying through the windshield, would you say the seatbelt was useless because you didn't go through the windshield?

absolutely BUILT

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so many brainlets in this thread

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Sauce and how many PNK for this broad / where to swim later?

Italy's up over 3500 deaths, and only 0.8 of their population so far has been confirmed positive. If hospitals, including permanent and temporary facilities are saturated at half a percent of the the population carrying confirmed cases, letting it rip through and aiming for heard immunity doesn't really seem feasible... does it user? That's the thing with exponential growth, by definition it's easy to underestimate in the beginning. Unfortunately from what I can see America has done too little, too late. We'll just have to see how we fare.
Granted I accept Italy's population on average is a little older than USA, but is that really going to make a substantial difference to what we've seen from them so far?

If it kills less than 100k then it fucking worked

If your business can’t survive a few weeks without operation it was on the ropes anyways you fucking clowns.


The math on this is easy to do. It’ll likely kill 100,000+ unless we stall it out until a vaccine. It will hospitalize ten times that.

Muh shekels.
Get bent (((Schachtel)))

why did you post a female for your thread when it wasnt needed op? are you a virginal faggot that thinks your thread is so pathetic so boring so vapid it needs a girl to lure other virginal simps in to get replies? sad sad pathetic boy

This wouldn't be a problem if all industry were in the US where it belongs. The US can survive without any other country, we can make everything ourselves, fuck free trade for saying it is alright to export industry to other countries, not only does it export wealth but it helps build that other country's military. People bitch about the military budget but it has to be big since we built China's military by giving them industry. Mercantilism was right. Friedrich List completely BTFO Adam Smith but no one listened


Italy just passed 4k deaths , for a population 6 times smaller than the US
tit for tat , that would represent 24k deaths in the US, and given how late and little the US is reacting compared to Italy, a 3 to 4 time increase in deaths is far from un-imagineable

We are going into an economic depression because Trump is a faggot

>Please stop making this out to be a big deal, I'm losing tons on these stock deals guys!

Italy had more flu deaths last year than the USA with a population 6 times smaller. It's an unhealthy country with terrible healthcare.

We do not have the resources to live modern lives entirely isolated, straight up

Real talk.
Beginning of fall, there was huge push to mobilize emergency service, and have comminty action plans, and some classes put on by fema.

Then coronavirus starts.

One other thing i get in email is the state dept of health. Tht send out a weekly/monthly email regaurding how many sick days were used becuase of flu.

Ironic how this pandemic isn't even pulling flu number in terms of fatalities,
but they are closing everything down amyways.

maybe the sandy hook boston marathon false flags have been studied, and this is now new false flag for economic and sociological anecdotes for government bureaucrats to pour over.

This feels moreprobing, in actually how much american public is prepared and how It will handle nationwide panic. Defenitly feels like some muscle behind it.

You absolute fucking clown do you think we should wait until it hits flu numbers to try and slow it? Use your fucking brain.

>Ironic how this pandemic isn't even pulling flu number in terms of fatalities
Yet... exponential growth my fren, it's easy to underestimate early on

>slow it?

It's not fucking worth it you fucking idiot. All it does is delay it. Quarantine the vulnerable until a vaccine is ready. Not the entire country

unironically kys

Italy is basically Africa. They have an insanely inept and corrupt government to administer to an insanely lazy populace. Internet speeds are garbage an no one takes their job seriously.

I once explained this to my GF threatening not to ride al italia because I didn't trust lazy Italian engineers to do their job, she didn't want to take the train, and the plane ended up nearly crashing when hydrolics failed and we had to land into a runway net.

Everything from internet speeds, to their financials, to their sanitation is Africa tier.

Lets be clear retard, 80% of these people aren't actually dying from coriona, but from the underlying pre-existing conditions. When someone dies walking up 3 flights of stairs, it was heart disease that killed them, not the stairs.

When the number of 18-45 year olds dead passes merely 5k globally, then I will listen. As of now this response is totally retarded. It would have been perfectly acceptable to harshly quarantine the elderly and HIV positive day one and let everyone else carry on.

That would be pretty based desu
I try to avoid chink manufactured products as much as I can but it's impossible to avoid them completely

>It's not fucking worth it you fucking idiot. All it does is delay it
So long as it means health systems don't become saturated, which in turn increases the death rate dramatically (including unrelated illness/injury), then yeah. I reckon it's worth it.


Window open
House of cards
Stacked to the top
Beautiful day
Stand still
Next day, very cloudy
Forgot to shut the window
My cards
They tumble
I can't breathe

They’re literally doing everything you mentioned, you leftypol kike.

>propagandizing people who get angry when they are fed obvious propaganda is saving them

It’s all scripted. The world you talking about doesn’t exist. No coincidences or random events, not at this level at least.

Man I want some honk pills!

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Based and redpilled

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This will be considered an embarrassment for all eternity.

The good thing about this comment is knowing you'd be one of the first ones to go during the plague. You should be thankful every single day of your life you wake up and get to experience base reality, you're like a panda it's soooo cuuuuteeeee.

Negro it’ll kill 200k In California alone.


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oh fuck i've never been on Yas Forums what do i do

Where was this moved from?

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Grab a bat and start swinging wildly.

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