It really is a fucking flu

The Diamond Princess cruise is like a natural data lab. Closed off environment to see exactly how many of the infected would die. Literally best evidence of mortality so far.

>697 tested positive
>Out of this 8 died
>All 8 deaths were over 70 years of age
>Average age on board was 58
>33% of passengers were over 70

>14 people remain in critical condition
>Another 30 were once in critical condition, but have now improved

Basically, in a ship where 33% of the passengers were above 70, eight people died. All deaths were over 70. Most of the infected didn't even have symptoms.

We are literally gassing our economy for this flu. The optimal strategy would be to do mandatory testing, and quarantine the infected. Instead we are implementing a far more harmful, comprehensive shut down which is going to affect millions for years to come.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Only if healthcare is not surged beyond capacity.

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Really makes you think

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it's more contagious but it's far from the end of the world
it's gotten ridiculous now

this the truth nigga, thats why there's got to be more to this

Italy is still at capacity. They have been pushed to the brink, and have expanded. But they're not being overrun. I'm not saying it isn't bad. But the more optimal strategy would be to do mandatory testing and then quarantine the positive cases instead of doing a massive shut down.

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>bro only 8 died and 44 almost died, it's no big deal!

It really is as simple as avoiding the political fallout from people's grandmas dying in hospital lobbies

30 people had to go to the ICU.... do the math on a fucking city. it does feel like a coup is happening but it's pretty easy to understand that normies will be upset

>The optimal strategy would be to do mandatory testing, and quarantine the infected
You mean the testing that we're still struggling to ramp up on? By the time we have enough for everyone, half the population will be infected.


>t. hapooning faggot

Stfu this is real shtf. Denying wont do any good

Inoculate that ship with this season's flu and you're looking at similar numbers. Fat boomers can't take shit

1.1% died, 6.3% almost died :(
I'll take those odds

>IT'S HAPPENING, 59 cases in critical condition. SHUT IT DOWN!

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yeah bro, sars and he flu, pretty much the same thing

Maybe gassing the economy but I’ve almost made a million dollars since February 21

Its like you retards are autistic but not in a smart rainman sorta way.

I know you think you are smart but consider this:

The economy was dead regardless, normies, when they come across their loved ones and coworkers randomly dying, tend to panic.

Panicking normies stop going to work and start breaking things.

Telling the normies "only some of you will die, lul" is, contrary to popular wisdom, not that effective.

So the options were:

1. Send normies home, keep normie deaths to a minimum and avoiding the normies breaking things


2. Business as usual, normies notice 1-2 out of every 10 people are dying and start breaking everything.

The economy was fucked either way, oil is Russia and the Saudi's penis measuring contest, and dying normies don't go out and buy random shit.

Get it in your head that normies don't go "based and flupilled" or whatever the fuck when other normies collapse like you mongoloid.


If there is a mortality rate of 1% doesn't that mean 4 million Americans would die?

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lol dude SARS was like 2003, and that was about when people thought Chinese don't travel. There was no screening back then, there was no testing, pretty much the only people that got it went to the hospital, especially when most medical data was still on paper.

Social Media is a mistake, more access to Network News is a mistake, Cloud Data Storage arrived too late.

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how certain are you that there are no longterm effects?
even young people seem to suffer from short breath even after they "recovered"

Read the fucking stats. 33% of the ship was above 70 years of age. Average age was 58. In this old ass demographic, 8 people died. Actual mortality would be much, much lower when you include infected of all ages.

No, like 8 to 12 at the least, because, you see, while the ER's are full of "just a flu bro", otherwise salvageable people are dying.

Furthermore, the virus might mutate (it has already) and reinfect people (it has also done that). It might be a yearly thing where a few million get culled.

You smooth brained dullard. The point is to implement a strategy that works to effectively contain this AND lessen the economic impact. Your average normie doesn't give a shit whether the economy was already dying. By the end of this month, these fuckers are going to shrug and go back to work anyway because they have bills to pay.

>Read the fucking stats. 33% of the ship was above 70 years of age. Average age was 58. In this old ass demographic, 8 people died. Actual mortality would be much, much lower when you include infected of all ages.
Thanks but that info is fucking useless, how about some real data

Post proof or bug off

Fucking brainlet, that is real data.

1/10 = 10%

the mort rate is nowhere near that.

if you include undiagnosed cases, the mort rate should be lower than 4%.

when this passes the MSM is going to be backpedaling hard. ZH has completely lost credibility to me eg.

>Fucking brainlet

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why did you need a picture of a female for your thread op? You didnt and you're a bitch made faggot for doing that. You knew your thread wasnt that good so to lure in virginal simps you posted that girl otherwise it'd have 7 replies right now. What a sad sad pathetic boy you are doing that.

The "cloud" is just someone else's computer.
Optical media is still the king of data storage in terms of longevity despite what the video game, music, and digital distribution industries want you to think.
What is a conspiracy is that the owners of DVD and Blu-Ray are not pushing their discs at all, in fact they are advocating against them.

The infection rate is what makes it dangerous and more deadly. Sure, most will recover just fine. But all of the Medicaid patients that already go to the ER for a stubbed toe are going to show up and put people in the back of the line who actually need help. We all know it’s basically a flu, you have literally made a revelation that was exposed two months ago. It’s all about hospitalization rate. That’s what makes it dangerous.

>The optimal strategy would be to do mandatory testing, and quarantine the infected.
and how would you enforce a quarantine in a (((free country))) when over 80 million people (just a number I pulled out of my ass) get infected?

A 4% mortality rate would decimate our way of life for years to come. Let’s hope not. We would see tent cities full of dead people outside of hospitals at that mortality rate.

How many were actually infected tho?

She looks like she fucks black guys. Oh wait she does!

This. It's a flu that spreads faster than what our infrastructure is normally used to each year. We're quarantined to soften the blow, like a speed bump, not because it's the black plague.

Bro, you do realize that people don't die in fractions, right?

And furthermore, that if everyone is sick and all the hospitals are full of this, people are dying of this + other stuff, right?

Have you seen, perchance, Italy?

The average normie doesn't give a shit about the economy but he does mind randomly dying. Did you miss the part about normies seeing other normies die breaking things? I liked that part.

Is it brainlet hour? Read the op, 697.

Pls elaborate

It is just a flu. But they are hyping it to cover up the inevitable debt bubble collapse and pretend it was due to the virus. And normies are sucking it up like the good little sheepies that they are, just look at the brainlets and sojak posters itt.

You don't need to enforce it, if people realize how serious this is, they would self quarantine. Those who don't do so would simply get sick and maybe die out. Survival of the fittest. The dumb asses get picked out.

do you know what inoculate means

except the double nigger in my reply implied 10%-20%. where in the fuck are people pulling these numbers from. it just increases the panic.

4% which will mostly be old people. people die all the time. a fucking earthquake impacts your life for years to come. lots of things impact your life for years. like the donuts people stuff down their pieholes every day.

if you get sick, stay home. the end.

like i said, include undiagnosed uninfected and it's lower than 4% for sure.

>our economy
what economy? The economy where we produce nothing but war, import everything and export debt? let it burn, lives are worth protecting.

Did you not understand my question dumbass? Read it again. I didn't ask how many tested positive.

bro you said "1-2 out of every 10 people are dying and start breaking everything."

get the fuck out of here. old people are dying at that rate. it's not the total mortality rate.

you can't rely on "people realizing how serious this is", what kind of plan is this? It only takes one retard to ruin everything. And no, people that break quarantine won't just die -- they'll have mild flu symptoms and go on to infect other people

If people are quarantining... well, isn't that where we are at at the current time?

You just argued against yourself, if people quarantine, the economy collapses.


The rate of people that need hospitalization is 20%. A lot of those die without it. With hospitalization and peak treatment, about 4% die.

There's your numbers.

Yes, an earthquake impacts your life, and is done. This shit infects people exponentially, ending with dead people everywhere at some point (see Italy).

People stop working when there's dead people everywhere.

The hospitalization rate is 20%. Guess what happens to those 20% if they aren't hospitalized/hooked to breathers?

The 4% is *with perfect care*.

>transitive verb - To communicate a disease to (a living organism) by transferring its causative agent into the organism.
If you inoculated that ship with this season's influenza instead of coronavirus, you would see similar numbers.
Also fuck off, illiterate dumbfuck.

From the data it is a lot more deadly than the flu tho. flu is 0.1% death, this is anywhere from 1.2%-3.5%

>> verb
treat (a person or animal) with a vaccine to produce immunity against a disease.
"he inoculated his tenants against smallpox"

It means to vaccinate you stupid street shitting bsv subhuman loser. You fucking dumbass

>20%. A lot of those die without it.
"a lot" of 20% is not a number. 15% aged 70 and up is a fucking number.

-----its lower than 4% total including undiagnosed cases.-----

the seasonal flu affects you every year too. next year we can all talk about covid 21. and after a few years nobody will fucking care any more.

You are legitimately a fucking retard.

Hospitalization doesn't mean shit you cock slurping nigger. It includes women with the sniffles going to the ER. Look at the DATA from SOUTH KOREA, which has had the most EXPANSIVE testing. You dumb fucking nigger brained gorilla.

99% are MILD. Literally 59 critical cases in the ENTIRE COUNTRY. Stupid fucking shit for brains niggers goddamn. look at it faggot -

Says the person who can't understand that a word can have multiple definitions

Pasta bro here, in Italy 99% of the people dying are old men with already pre-existing conditions.
Meanwhile the FED, as you know, is printing money and the EU allowed the states to literally "pump the money in the economy system" (read what von der Leyen said).
CoronaChan is an inside job, Buy BTC.

You can’t even understand the context of the definitions. Literally means to vaccinate. The definition you even gave is in the context of vaccination, introducing the virus so antibodies can be produced. You stupid fucking piece of shit. If you inoculated the ship with Influenza they would be vaccinated dumbass.
It’s ok I know english isn’t your native language bsv street shitter

You need help bro, I think your brain got bogged.

you know what else was literally a flu?
spanish flu

You rarely see someone go so far out of their way to misunderstand what was meant using standard english. However, I'll accommodate your autism and tell you to replace 'inoculate' with 'infect.'

1) "With the flu, a vaccine is manufactured each year to keep up with the constantly mutating genes of the flu strains. Those who catch the flu have some immunity against catching the same strain again — something that is not yet possible with the coronavirus."

2) Recovered Covid19 patients have damaged lungs forever. Don't know about you but having lungs of someones whose smoked for 10 years after you recover from Corona doesn't sound nice.

you absolute abhorrent subhuman bsv street shitter
you all should be banned

I can promise you it will be. Already hearing from nurses and doctors that they're at capacity, people are being rotated into triage like crazy, then they need peoplease to replace those people but the skill level isn't there nor is the knowledge level. It's going to look like Italy in another week maybe week and a half max

That must mean, "I have no argument" in Illiterate Sperg English.


Rumor is they stopped reporting numbers and are over capacity. And I heard talk of funeral pyrs be a use not enough room for all the coffins

Italy is hauling people in military trucks to the creamery. Are you fucking out of touch?

>52 of 697

what country are you from?

only rich people can go on such cruses, and rich people are generally healthier...

>op posts female
>call him fag

Okay homo maybe next time some juicy pee pee would catch your eye better?

why are they making cream from people? did they run out of cows?

>only rich people can go on such cruses,
lol they're literally cheaper than staying at home for most murricans

dont worry user, we're going to make it

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you already ceded defeat and proved you are a retard. I did not have to inoculate another argument to the discussion.

>refuses to look at the actual data, instead talks about trucks and crematoriums.


Yes, they've had to turn to big-titted Italian brap hogs to sustain their gelato industry.

he's from retards united. i saw that post too before he deleted it.

you know how i know you're a poorfag?

it's all so tiresome fren.

yeah "out of 697 people only 8 people died"
is 1.14 per 100 deaths
ie) 1.14 percent

even that would mean:
3,270,000 deaths in usa

44 people in critical condition
6.875 people in critical condition for every 100

47,592,727 americans in critical condition for more than 4 weeks

924,107 hospital beds in all of america

47,592,727 critical + 3,270,000 dying
50,862,727 americans that need hospital beds and ventilators

50,862,727 need beds /924,107 staffed beds
55 patients that need beds each hospital bed in all of america

and that's if the whole world is as lucks as the diamond princess

im using the numbers youve given and ive shown the math. now do you see the gravity of the situation

if 50,862,727 is patients that need beds
and only one in 55 will get their treatment (this is if we stop treating all patients that dont have COVID-19 and need medical help (we aren't accounting for those negative externalities because i dont know how many hospital beds are currently used out of that 990 thousand)

50,862,727/55 = 924,776 people that can be treated

if out of 50,862,727; 3,270,000 will die
that gives us a critical/death ratio of 15.55:1 death

924,776 treatable people 1 in 15.55 dies (no way that number could be kept up when that overwhelmed)
59,471 of the TREATED die

924,776 - 59,471

865,305 of the 924,776 treated live

that means 50,862,727 - 865,305 that can be treated and pull through if all other medical beds are devoted to only COVID patients

49,998,422 usa deaths

>mfw boomers get the coof

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>even that would mean:
>3,270,000 deaths in usa

>49,998,422 usa deaths

virus mutated?????

he's assuming 100% infection rate which is probably high

but he's also ignoring the very small number of ventilators we have vs. beds, making the number perhaps low.

>he's assuming 100% infection rate
exposure rate, sorry

That must be why you've sidetracked the argument twice.

imagine being a bsv street shitting retard

Step 1: Tax cuts, pump market:$$$$$$$
Step 2: Create panic, crash market with short position, leave 401k holders and retail investors with the bags
Step 3: Demand bailout, grab more tax money:$$$$$$$$$$

They've perfected the scheme

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jesus fucking christ you niggers are intolerable and plain fucking stupid.


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except the us pop is 300 million give or take.

which implies a total mort rate of 15%.

which is completely unobserved. so yeah, the virus must have mutated in his calc.

No it isnt retard. Those passengers were diagnosed before they were even symptomatic and received state of the art care in Japan immediately. That's a horrible sample group. Kys shill.

>Mathematical models predict cases to flatline and bottom out by end of April if people remain at home

>Everyone stays home for 6 weeks because 0.8% of seniors would get breathing complications from the hong kong flu

Being paid to stay home, jerk off and buy cheap stocks? Sounds good to me.

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another hapooning faggot who wants to completely ignore south korea too -

>which is completely unobserved

Italy and Iran are supposedly seeing close to that, but it's probably and artifact of insufficient testing.

I think the WHO is currently expecting it to drop to about 1.5% total after extensive testing is completed, but the user is correct that the death rate goes up severely when hospital beds are full and ventilators aren't available.

meaning we should expect the percentage to go up as the infection rate increases.

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A million boomers dying would be an awesome happening.

Quarantine, recession, and 100K boomers dying is a terrible happening.

Pretty disappointed.

most of the boomers you talk to are actually worried about their kids. Plenty of kids out there with asthma or other problems that might kill them.

I guess that's a good way to avoid the discussion about covid. Imagine to your heart's content user.

>meaning we should expect the percentage to go up as the infection rate increases.

we can also expect the mort rate to go down as more people are diagnosed. bigger pie, smaller slice.

This is an absolute win.

I will spit on the graves of boomers and pre-existing condition fags.

My mom is 48, no health problems. Just tested today. Woke up hard to breath, can't full breath, dizzy, called ambulance, go hospital, take blood, swab nose, send you home to isolate

>we can also expect the mort rate to go down as more people are diagnosed. bigger pie, smaller slice.

most models I'm seeing for the US put the death toll between 1 and 5 million. Either extreme is unacceptable to Americans, which is why the "it's just a flu" crowd is being ignored now.

Imagine the nations of earth destroying their own economies to try and undermine mother nature and protect you

this is true, but the feds shorting the stocks are getting exposed

you seriously don't understand that this panic is being pushed by the elites through the mainstream media to cover up the financial collapse which has been brewing for decades and started happening around June last year?

Do some research you fucking twat.

not an argument

they'd rather be alive than rich

poor fools

i look at those numbers and go that's it?

when hannibal obliterated the romans at cannae he killed 1/5 able aged males in rome. in a single day. that's horrific.

the old and the weak perish. such is nature.

yep, that's a thing too.

and who knows? this may come in several waves so you might get your Darwinian utopia anyways.

it's not a dream. it's an observation. who mourns for the old lion with no teeth left?

i'm expecting it to come back every year. covid 21, 22, 23. and then people will shut the fuck up. stop smoking cigs and take better care of themselves to increase their chances of survival.

I agree. We're still seeing Spanish Flu 102 years later and it's still killing people. Covid will just be another thing doubling the number. Probably going to be even worse things come out of China as time goes on.

in the long run this sort of action we're taking right now probably strengthens society though, we'll come out of it more cohesive. Even if it's an over-reaction or a futile effort, we're working together on something for once.

I made it very clear that 3,270,000 deaths in usa is the expected death rate if everyone recieves the same quality treatment as DS

49,998,422 usa deaths is accounting for bed and supply shortages

if you dont believe me i dont have time to try to convince you.

World population if we are as lucky as diamond princess:
7,700,000,000 * .0114 = 87,780,000 deaths if same rate as diamond princess not accounting for hospital bed shortages because i don't want to aggregate the 40 countries that list their hospital beds ill use an easier method

7,700,000,000 * .06875
529,375,000 world critical (absolutely need beds)

per 1000 people
1 country with 13 beds
1 with 12 beds
2 with 8 beds
5 with 7 beds
4 with 6 beds
5 with 5 beds
4 with 4 beds
14 with 3 beds
3 with 2 beds
1 with 1 bed

13 + 12 + 8 × 2 + 7 × 5 + 6 × 4 + 5 × 5 + 4 × 4 + 14 × 3 + 3 × 2 + 1
= 190

4.75 beds for 1000 people average global (using top 40 countries rounded to whole numbers; a happier than reality stat)

7,700,000,000/1000 = 7,700,000
7,700,000 / 4.75 = 1,621,053 hospital beds rounded up to next whole number

529,375,000 world critical + 87,780,000 world deaths

617,155,000 need beds
1 out of 381 people get beds

1,621,053 people treatable if no other conditions are being treated except covid

1 in 15.55 treated dies
104,248 of the treated die

1,516,805 of the treated live
617,155,000 - 1,516,805

615,638,195 global deaths not including negative externalities

no i literally accounted for the lack of beds and ventilators. its the whole second half of the paragraph.

youre right thats assuming 100 percent infection

since there was about 50% infection rate reduce my numbers by half. except the hospital bed number

it would still be about 24 million usa deaths.

i very clearly accounted for the hospital beds

Countries don't have enough tests to test everyone. Not even close.
Imo there are two good strategies:
> 1: Ignore Corona completely, let almost everyone get infected and a couple million literal boomers die (who were going to die soon anyway)
> 2: Completely shut down everything world wide for 3 weeks (force everyone to stock up on food and stay at home)
Option 2 would eliminate the virus and the economy would almost be guaranteed to completely recover. But it obviously won't happen. And it's probably too late anyway.

Your just throwing numbers out of your ass. When your wrong and we don't even break 500,000 deaths world wide will you actually re-evaluate your autism or will your just move on to the next happening?

>its the whole second half of the paragraph.
I think you estimated a 100% death rate for critical cases that aren't treated. This isn't supported by data.

I may be reading you wrong there, your explanations are a bit of a mess.

Next time have healthier kids.

There were nurses crying on camera because they weren't allowed to count the bodies anymore.

the last numbers I saw on untreated critical cases were in the range of 10-15% death rates, so based off your calculations we'd expect something like 3,000,000 Americans dead if infection rates are around 50% and critical cases untreated result in 10% mortality.

this number is right up the middle on current models I've seen. Right in the expected range of 1-5 million US deaths. So I think your math is dead on, and this is the reason for the current reaction in the US.


>We are literally gassing our economy for this flu.
Good point, I didn’t think of it like that, we really should be gassing more than just the economy, shouldn’t we?


>the most accurate testing environment is a bunch of enclosed, quarantined rich people who get mass media attention and perfect healthcare

Really gets the noggin joggin

We are all gonna die anyway.Doesnt matter in the long run.Cold dark abyss awaits us

Are you retarded? Are your parents blood relatives? Do you not see what is happening in Italy right now? They are literally telling people who show up at hospitals "go home so you can die in comfort" because they've run out of space for all the victims.

I'm not trying to be edgy here but I think it's not that bad that all the over 65 year Olds are dying like flies from this.
I think this disease is some kind of a mechanism from nature to combat overpopulation. We are not supposed to live that long.

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>it’s 70 so he can just die
how about when you are 70?
my grandpa is 100+, that’s fucking 30 years difference

virus hoax starter pack

Retarded people should be tested for IQ and killed at 30 instead

It's ok man I get you. 85% NPC population exist.
I'm not a robot

how did Italy get an 8% death rate then?

they should be put down before they're born.

>Italy is still at capacity

what you think Italy is like

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I can't wait to be dead. Lucky bastards.

what Italy is actually like

Italy is literally Africa with white ppl. Corrupt government, lazy workforce, retarded amounts of socialism, no respect for their national monuments, garbage everywhere, devil may care attitude, serial law breakers and tax dodgers

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I actually kind of love this image because it shows that Normies literally can't think back to any time before the 1960s; The last great pandemic was only 100 years ago but it doesn't exist to Normies.

it's usually the hyperfeminine looking ones that do.

the more dominant looking ones are more racist

u wont die. 95% sure I had it as I had all the symptoms and was at a major conference where many were infected. one of my buddies got it.

it feels like smoking too many cigs, moderate fever around 99.7, little foggy, and at the end of it your muscles hurt a lot. that's it. just cant go see granma any time soon.

why are they so racist? Even Greeks are so nice and non-racist lol

You are so retarded I'm not even going to waste my time explaining shit to you.
Smooth brain go to school

The real redpill is that the Diamond Princess doesn’t exist

Because they only test very sick patients

not sure

all I know is every time I visit the footpaths which Octavian and Claudius tread, pass the building they frequented, and see it all littered with garbage and spray-painted commie/anarchist symbols, it makes me sick.

You don't see the academe militaire or Whitehall covered in graffiti and phone number posters for cheap Romanian whores, even the smallest UK parish monument are pristine.

Italians just don't give a shit in general and are paying the price. Hopefully the moderate casualties they suffer here will make them realize how much work is needed to be done on far more deadly issues regarding health.

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>"it's just a flu"
>14+30 people in CRITICAL condition
how delusional are you? when was the last time "just a flu" wiped out retirement homes and put young people with tubes shoved down their throats?

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I can't wait for you to catch COVID and come back crying about how it was not "just a flu" after all.

Zika was a hoax.

Holy kek op

in australia last year. heaps of nursing homes went into lockdown. hundreds of old cunts died. a 30 year old bitch with no complications died in the town i live. and guess what it was? just a fucking flu

>appeal to emotion like a female without addressing the numbers

you also lose for posting that ugly man chinned beaner whore.

Yas Forums / joe public keyboard warrior analysis of Corona virus pandemic situation "Bro, it's a conspiracy. Corona is just like a bad flu. Only grannies and grandpas die."

Medical research doctors who have studied for decades in this field: "LOCK EVERYTHING DOWN".

Gee, dunno who I would take advice from....

All these F*K#$ saying this is a conspiracy to short the market. No doubt there's people making serious money from this, but at the same time, you really think thousands of medical doctors around the world collude to tell their governments to shutdown? You think CHINA would collude to crash their society??

Everything that's happened up to this point has never happened before. There is no way a group of elites have planned this because there would be too many chain reactions needed to pull it off. Super weathly already have BILLIONS of $$$. There is no way in hell they would execute a plan that might risk taking down the entire system, including themselves.

Can't go back to work if your business shuts down.
Can't keep business open if people are afraid or even banned from using it.

The Spanish flu was harmless too, until it mutated into a new strand after every one was infected

If the virus can re-infect like many reports say option 1 is suicide.
Option 2 is not possible to implement in shithole nations and also won't work if animals can spread it. It would start right back again as soon as restrictions are lifted.

I cant believe that the rest of the thread hasn't explained to your dumb ass that people who go on a cruise ship are likely to be healthier than the general population

pathogenic viruses are all hoaxes, including this one
virus hoax starter pack

I want to think this, but I have a friend who caught it and hes in the ICU right now.

He already has preexisting health issues and I can only hope that he pulls through.

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No retard, your numbers aren’t right
From the diamond princess, no one is fully counting the data. Deaths from the diamond princess are counted in other countries data. So it’s not the correct numbers

Stupid nigger, all diamond princess deaths are counted as such even if they happen in another country. A canadian who died yesterday, aged 70+, was the eighth fatality. They’re literally updating both infections and fatalities for the ship.

.It isn't a natural experiment. In the wild, not every single person is put under forced quarantine for 14 days with food delivered to their door at daily intervals. The passengers of the Diamond Princess were cordoned off into their rooms which stopped not only further spread of the disease, but also further accumulation of viral load that would have made the cases more severe. At that time, the Diamond Princess passengers were docked in Japan which had a very little number of cases. As there was no strain on the Japanese healthcare system, infected were all able to receive proper medical treatment. This isn't going to be the case in the US, the result being... higher death rates. A better data set to use would be South Korea, as they have done massive amounts of tests and found that their fatality rate was around one percent. Keep in mind South Korea did everything right.

Given a random population was infected on this ship, it is theoretically possible that the mean age of infected was 35 or some other low number that would skew the death rates down. Guessing the ages of infected based on likelihood isn't going to cut it. Unless you know the average age of infected patients for a fact, all you have is speculation. Also worth pointing out that not all cases have resolved, 25% of patients are yet to recover. It is theoretically possible that they all die. So we don't know what the conclusion is just yet.

Not only that, but there are different strains of the virus, some being more lethal than others. It seems that the strain on the Diamond Princess could be a less lethal strain, the S strain. Other countries like Italy have a more lethal strain. As corona is an RNA virus, it has a high rate of mutation. It has already evolved a more lethal variant than the original that is common. It is possible that this process happens again. I think that this is a big worry of the people in charge are concerned about and staying hush hush about.

like the chinks said, it's a US bioweapon
intended to crash the economy so that they have an excuse to blame it on.
spread from the center of China b/c all the wiggers hate China, and it'll rally trump's base

also explains why the globohomo west did nothing for 3 months while the gooks were shutting down borders and flights--they wanted it to get out of hand so they have something to blame it on.

Attached: 2375-Raw_Chicken-1296x728-header.jpg (1155x648, 69.52K)

which patients do they test in the USA?

any link to any of that ships data?

um, hello? based department? you're gonna want to see this one

Correct. Iceland is great at testing and they said corona is not a big deal.

>muh stocks

Seethe more, leeches

so from now on whenever a new virus pops up, no matter how low-risk it is, we'll go into complete shutdown cause
>the mortality is 10% amongst very old people with existing conditions!

The strain on board the Diamond Princess was the old strain.

It's now mutated to the 15% mortality rate detailed by the insider user.

Attached: coffee.png (800x840, 109.07K)

>bullies the world
>runs out of agricultural economies to bully
>bullies china
>gets the fucked knocked out
>now cries m-m-muh china did it

Fucking white kike bitches.

Attached: 7D1678E5-418D-4221-B9B4-BBB77176202B.jpg (1290x860, 232.12K)

That cruise ship was cranking 5g, just like Wuhan was one of the first 5g test cities in November. 5g is gonna kill the bees

>1) "With the flu, a vaccine is manufactured each year
Do you get vaccinated each year?

Half of the cases are still active, so expect that number to double.

But there's no question that in general people are underestimating the rate of spread and overestimating the mortality/severity.

>But the more optimal strategy would be to do mandatory testing and then quarantine the positive cases instead of doing a massive shut down.
you are all fucking chinese shills

>Italy is at capacity
600+ dead yesterday. More than the 400 it was before that. Not only is the death toll rising, the rate at which it is rising is going up.