Possible real number of coronavirus deaths in China calculated

Due to the nature of Chinese telecoms, your national ID is bound to your mobile number account, which is in turn bound to your Alipay account, the one-stop mobile app that manages all monetary transactions, including banking.

If you lose it you lose access to Alipay, which is basically how the Chinese pay for everything from chewing gum to haircuts to groceries.

People don't just cancel their phone numbers because of that. Even if you change your mobile phone number it's a hassle in Mainland China because of that.

When phone number accounts are not paid for a certain period, or if some other actor (relatives? gov?) shut down your personal account related to the country's database, the mobile phone accounts are automatically cancelled.

Here we see a drastic drop in mobile accounts in all major Chinese telecoms. China Mobile alone reports a disappearance of 7 million and 254 thousand. The actual number of coronavirus deaths may be up to 14,472,000 if we take the three major telecoms in China.

Anons from the previous thread raised the issue of multiple SIMs owned by a single person. Whilst that may be the case for business or other reasons, it still doesn't explain the anomaly here.

All sources, including all previous years' data for comparison (2020 is the only time we see this massive drop):

Attached: 1584728487995.png (1195x543, 45.12K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Here's China Unicom, reporting a disappearance of 1,186,000 accounts in January 2020.

Attached: 1584728511128.png (1401x851, 70.46K)

And here's China Telecom, reporting a disappearance of 5,600,000 in Feb 2020.

Attached: 1584728548590.png (1352x685, 69.82K)

Here's 2019 for China Mobile. As you can see, no dips at all.

All previous data can be found here:



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This isn't conclusive, but it's certainly an anomaly. Could other data support this population drop hypothesis? (Electricity usage? Water? Etc.?)

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Have a (You) for your efforts user, seems you’ve done more work looking into this than anyone in the media. These slanty eyed bat eating insectoids ate definitely bullshitting the world with their numbers.

You don't need phone 4g if you're stuck at home with wifi and this will last from 6 months to a year. Why not cut the cost and drop the phone service. I already cancel my phone plans, netflix, amazon prime, etc to cut back costs. China numbers are definitely fake but no way 15 million died.

Can you focus your autism on determining if I should sell my Link or not?

Supposedly everything is back to normal in China though.

Maybe in certain regions but no way it's back to normal in regions that got hit hard. They have to worry about wave 2 of the virus if there's any.

Wouldn't make sense if all your banking is tied to your phone number like op claims. We need a gook to confirm.

Trying to determine "factual data" about China is next to impossible. It's mostly a waste of time.

People's phones could have been turned off to stop the spread of info, there could just be an issue with their data, etc etc etc

>kick out all western journos, including globalhomos like nyt
we're totally fine dudes

although, couldn't cancelled cell phone account just be brokeass chinks downsizing?

So I didn't feel like it was worth making my own thread for, but I've tried to do some snooping online & can't get a shred of info out of China. I don't want to pretend like I'm some 1337 hacker, but I do know how to find extremly privledged info via irc & tor. Obviously the validity of any info that I get from those sources is suspect, but what really concerns me is that I can't find anything. Not even disinfo. Nothing is leaking out of China, even pro China propaganda.

I went further & went on Chinese only onion based forums, some invite only. I'd scour the entire site with Google translate & there is not a peep. I then asked someone I know who is Chinese to help me set up a fake tinder profile to hopefully trick some simps into spilling the beans. Absolutely nothing.

I don't know what to conclude from this other than it is really bad there--really bad, and people are scared.


communist shut down everyones phone in most infected areas to stop spreading western panic

and we on the other hand have 24/7 news pumped out by every news vultures all around the world to get clicks with clickbaity titles

>meanwhile some chink is sewing my Nike ID's , got confirmation this week

in late feb some user posted a link that showed real-time traffic analysis from Garmin for Wuhan.
Can someone find this?
While not really related to 'deaths' it would show how shutdown is society still? When the user posted it, there was like a 98% reduction in traffic according to Garmin.

Can you look at December 2018 and January 2019 to see if they do an annual purge of numbers? Great work here

Bump, good research user

Based consoomer with the manufacturing data

Racist frog/anime website doing better investigative journalism than the mainstream media

bump, I hear some anons talk last month about massive # of bodies being burned in wuhan from weather/sat data

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as it should be user, as it should be

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guys this thread is spooking me, what about the cure they've been talking about using the drug that kills malaria?

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Wouldn't surprise me at all if they just killed all the infected. 14 million dead Chinese is like a drop in the ocean. Nobody would ever find out.

that's a last resort drug, it might cure it but it also might kill you in the process because the shit is so toxic

>thinking the deaths are from some virus
>not knowing they were cleansed like every other fucking dictatorship does

why do people not know anything about simple history

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It's a meme, Trump just let it slip that it's a complete Hail Mary.

Without doubt the dumbest fucking thread on Yas Forums right now and that's saying something

Ah yes, China must have thousands of times more deaths than all other affected countries and this is adequately evidenced by mobile phone contracts.

Just fuck off you stupid fucking retard, it obviously doesn't make any fucking sense but because you think you have a shred of evidence to support a completely illogical argument, you thought "hey, better not let this go to waste as I can get some attention from other idiots on the internet".

It's like wandering into some backstreet and witnessing some retarded bum pissing into the mouths of a dozen other retarded bums.

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Most cases of covid are mild. The side effects of these anti malaria drugs include shit like blindness, deafness, & seizures. Mild cases have a low death rate, so 95% of covid cases would be better off not taking it even if it does cure it 100% which is still only tentative based on studies with small samples.

One thing I dont understand is if they are still in a bad situation, why are they sending supplies to Europe?

You have to go back

You are doing absolutely based truthful journalism user, keep it up

The original number of people who fled Wuhan was 9 million. They were then labelled as enemies of the state, with bounties, numberplate tracking and phone tracking used to reel them in.

That's the only thing I can think of at the moment.

>Total customers 1 million

What? Our top mobile carrier has 5 million or so.

Millions have died in China, but that doesn't mean their government is in a bad situation.

oh hi China!

Attached: Winnie the Flu.jpg (1200x630, 57.65K)

Is fake news trying to hype the stupids so they stop crashing the markets

>China must have thousands of times more deaths than all other affected countries
It's probably fake but why can't it be real? It's the biggest country, it started there, they had been covering it up for weeks and eventually there was an unexplained decline in cases

>why are they sending supplies to Europe?
they don't need them if they just let their own people die. its part of their propaganda to show europe how great china is compared to the us as an ally

It's not very far fetched at all considering it's China we're talking about. You know the same China that slaughters thousands of student protesters and then pretends it didn't happen at all and you'll go to prison if you talk about it. Is it not even slightly suspicious that the reported cases in China just came to nearly a complete halt as soon as it started exploding in other countries so people weren't paying as close attention to them anymore?

It works, but it has a good chance to make you blind, deaf and cause a heart attack. It's a drug you take when you know you will die anyway.

Oh i get it, it's in thousands lol, i'm too drunk for this.

You're a fucking nutcase. No country would be able to hide 100k dead bodies let alone 14.5m, especially when the entire world was watching it.

Here's a far simpler explanation - phone bills are one of the first expenses people would cut in these types of crises when their workplaces shut down and they lose almost all their income.

Verizon stocks are down right now because Americans are doing the same. This will only intensify as millions of Americans file for unemployment next week.

fucking retarded. if 15 million died, someone would have noticed. there are hundreds of thousands of expats living there. thousands of foreign journalists.

Except the Chinese use their phones for everything. You can't just not use your phone over there

fucking hapooning disinfo agent. chloroquine is so benign its used as a prophylactic by tourists against malaria.

That and the most obvious explanation - chink government started shutting of services to individuals who were leaking out info, messages etc that shouldn't be.

Feeling nervous moonboi?

The CCP is pretty good at keeping shit under wraps. 15 million dead chinks is a drop in the ocean.

>bullshit numbers
What about the Diamond Princess?

>muh diamond pwincess
Most of those cases are still ongoing


15 million is only 1 in 100 chinks, and even if it's 1.5 million or a few hundred thousand that's way way higher than what they're reporting

American settlers gave smallpox infected blankets to Native Americans. Who has the means to screen literally millions of paper products from China right now?

don't know about garmin but here's tomtom

Wait until this whole thing passes and see what % of those numbers goes back up.

Attached: Screenshot_20200320_211033.png (1407x884, 156.89K)

>poor workers sent home for a month
>have money to pay all the bills

necc, first thing they drop are cell phones for children stuck at the house and later their wives phones as they have to move to a family phone.

Fear mongering faggots can't think through anything like a human because they are sub-human.

>900m line to the mass graves

>muh inhuman bugpeople
There's no reason to blame the poor sods living in a totalitarian hellhole for their weird antisocial behavior. Human beings aren't designed to develop into functional adults when they know that they're being surveyed, judged, measured at all times by an entity they aren't allowed to question and that has absolute power over their lives.

Screencapping a ton of this thread, I want to see you do the same and reposting it so we can see if it's true in a month or so

Chinks are insects though, death numbers are meaningless compared to one white person

Sure, if China wanted to get a purge going this would be the time to do it.

Absolutely the best thread on Yas Forums right now, peak internet detective.

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lmao. it always cracks me up when I see moronic anons post shit from jennifer zeng or china uncensored and think its some underground fringe info. both outfits are glowie as fuck; not saying that the chinese can always be believed either but if you take what people like jennifer zeng say without a grain of salt then youre just unwittingly whoring yourself out to glowie psyops

Good bread, makes me wonder why on /pol you can't find a thread like this.

It's Pol

Attached: ok queer.jpg (720x736, 26.6K)

It's posted on Yas Forums first
At the very least this didn't come from that twitter whore specifically, pretty sure it started on some HK forum first. Besides that, you can check the info yourself for this one. No trusting anyone necessary, just that the reasoning/interpretation behind the data may be different

Sharing extra information some HK user posted

"From what I read in HK forum, the chink mobile subscription work like this:
Every subscriber has a stored-value card which they need to transfer money in it, the telecom company will deduct the subscription fee every month, if you didn't have enough money they'll cut your subscription and chinks usually wouldn't store a lot of money in their cards, but rather transfer money on a monthly basis.
It is possible for a single to have multiple subscriptions, but since your number is bound your real identity it is not common for your average guy to have multiple numbers, also it is important to have a subscription since china has pushed the electronic wallet (alipay) very hard, you basically must have an number in order to use alipay"

>no country would be able to hide 14.5m dead bodies
Most chines have multiple accounts and other reasons may exist for cancellations. Still china has 1.4b so 1-2m dead would be easy to hide, especially with the military, big construction for hospitals, and so on. Current activity in china could easily disguise the deaths.

>14 million deaths in two months
And I thought 6 million was crazy!

before 5G
>pic related
with 5G

Attached: Screenshot_20200320_211904.png (1394x573, 66.37K)

>aaa corona aaa so scary only boomers are dying nooo

Attached: corona_soyjack.png (600x800, 31.08K)

I don't think you understand how China works lol


Could just as easily be livestock.

Holy shit user. This is incredible.


Isn't that still just a 1% death rate?

causes blindness.

causes fetal deformities and can be TRANSFERRED THROUGH SEMEN


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It is bullshit, malaria is not a virus it is a parasite

More like 4%

A 1% death rate with all the authoritarian bullshit they pulled that wouldn't get any traction in any sane country

you're actually retarded if you think 15M died in China.
I could see it being much larger than they let on, maybe up to 100,000 dead.

15M means they're lying by a factor of 5,000x. You can't cover that up. That's not a drop in the bucket either. Stop being a wigger.

I wonder if PREP would be a better medication to take since it's actually meant for a virus.
Too bad all the degens buy out all the stock to fight off HIV

>16, 849 dead in the US
>Times a 1000
>16, 849, 000

Those numbers are actually credible in chinese scale

>you can’t cover that up
Mao covered up 100 million dead chinks and those numbers were only learned after his death.

It's almost 10% in Italy right now.

so chinese?

Lying by a factor of 5000x is literally a matter of course for the CCP

What about professional accounts? Lots of them would have been deleted.

>No country would be able to hide 100k dead bodies let alone 14.5m

Banqiao Dam incident. 250,000 bodies hid for decades.

More recently, they hid over 1 Million Uighyrs in concentration camps for several years.

But you're right. They wouldn't be able to hide them. That's why we've caught them doing it.

I wouldn't be so sure about that

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>They can't cover that up
all they have to due is test 1 out of every 5000 people who have Coronavirus, and all the others that die would be listed as a seperate statistic. They don't report people as coronavirus deaths if they were never tested for coronavirus.

Just to take that 3.4% mortality rate estimate from the WHO as an example, if 1 billion Chinese contracted the disease, then we would expect 34 million dead. The Chinese population according to their 2019 census is over 1.4 billion (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_China). If the entire 1.4 billion population were infected, even at a 1% mortality rate, that would be 15 million. Depending on what the actual mortality rate is and how wide the actual spread is, 15 million doesn't sound too far off of what's possible.

The international community wouldn't call them out on it because the resulting panic would further tank markets.

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I wouldn't say it's nothing, but honestly?
I feel like a likelier explanation is genocide/removal of dissidents. Either actual removal or societal deletion.

In other words, there's more than one way for China to be shady.

Just ask china bro

>official number of confirmed deaths in Italy is currently 4,032 out of 47,021 confirmed cases
>the ""official"" number of deaths in China is 3,253 out of 81,250
Yeah, I'm sure the Chinese are just completely truthful about the actual number of cases and actual number of deaths.

did you even read the post you quoted, nigga?

or maybe they know how to cure it because they created it in their labs

>don't have to report them as corona victims if you shoot them for dissent

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This...China is def lying. However I seriously doubt millions have died or it would be way worse everywhere by now. I think the user who suggested that they shut down phone services to keep information from leaking is probably right. well done chingchongs....

if the chicoms scrub these websites tomorrow, then it basically confirms it
really interesting stuff, and the death numbers would match the fatality rate for Italy

they could just disconnect them from towers or block sims, not delete the accounts.

uma delicia

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Ok but the earliest losses were for Unicom.
Which isn't the top provider in Wuhan.
So how does that make sense?

This is the other most plausible hypothesis for the sudden drop-off in cases. China allowed Corona-chan to spread through its population until it started taking off internationally, then dumped the cure into the drinking water. Their rivaling countries are weakened economically, China gets to buy up valuable strategic assets at a bargain and look good on the world stage for its efficient containment measures.

This is honestly worse than nuclear war.

I agree with that, it certainly isn't as severe in adjacent countries like SK and Japan. You'd figure that those countries would be screaming for help if that was the actual death toll given the time frame, their methods of containment aren't nearly as severe as China's welding people into their apartments.

You have to remember, China has a much larger population than the US and Europe.
1,433,783,686 was the number in 2019

and now they also send relief aid and experts to help governments contain the spread, undermining the American influence worldwide while it's busy fighting the epidemic in its own territory

if you cant go to work, how do you pay for your cell service?

They’re just the ones we caught tho...

Then they’re lying about things being back to normal

This is insane.

>I will win a fight by punching myself repeatedly in the head.

Seriously, the world doesn't work like that.

lol. You either don't know China or are a CCP. Shill. There is 0 chance that less than 4000 people died when they allowed this virus to spread throughout the whole country completely unchecked for a month without anyone even knowing there was an outbreak. In a country of nearly 1.4 billion people, where the hygiene conditions are atrocious and places like Shangai have over 10 million people use the metro in 1 day. No chance in hell that they have less deaths than Italy that only has 60 million people.

Hi Chang

Plausible deniability is the key to economic warfare, especially in a globalized world. You have to find a way to weaken your opponents without giving them regress to punish you for it, keep public opinion on your side and so on. That aside, taking calculated losses that you expect to be compensated for isn't anything so new.

You thought those were temporary hospitals those bulldozers were digging eh?

This is a good post, I'll keep this in mind whenever I criticise the Chinese. Thanks for the kind insight user.

>calculated losses

China's economy will take at least 18 years to recover to 2019 levels. That's not calculated losses, that's suicide.


Socier Cwedit

if their enemy takes longer to recover that's a net gain for them and they have experience in doing that

If western countries are unable to get this crisis under control, they'll be hit way harder than China has been. Sure, China is taking some losses as well, but Xi Jing Peng isn't interested in increasing Chinas absolute wealth, he wants his country to have cultural, political, economic influence over other countries, and that war over influence is a zero-sum game. In that context it doesn't matter how much your economy suffers so long as you beat out your competition and become the new hegemon.

Not my claim.

Big brain plays.

It wasn't created in the Chinese lab, it was snuck over from a lab in Winnipeg by one of Chinese working there.

>your national ID is bound to your mobile number account,
>it's a hassle in Mainland China because of that.
>the country's database, the mobile phone accounts are automatically cancelled.

roundeyed and fearspreadpilled

They were burning bodies.
We already know all the crematoriums in Wuhan were working 24/7 and couldn't handle the case load (remember the leaked call from the funeral home lady).

Later CCP sent 40 mobile furnaces to Wuhan (and presumably other cities):



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insects are not livestock

t. Wong Wei

You have
to eat
the bugs!

I believe what they smuggled was an original SARS virus that they didn't have in China because they lacked proper facilities at that time. I doubt that fucking Canadians would modify an already lethal coronavirus to be even more dangerous.

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the NY times should fire themselves and hire people like you in their place

Lmao dude bait aф бpo

That's called religion.

Underrated post.

Could it be that they removed the numbers of those minority groups that were being persecuted? (they were Muslims if I remember correctly)

China has 11 million Uyghurs

Somebody archive the sites while you can

ive believed in this since day 1 and where i hold most of my money. take a stab to oneself, reheal, and watch if the others can take the stab

>*Has zero evidence*
>China is lying
Yas Forumsyps have to go back

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Imagine if it was true though, jesus

>causes blindness.
The study says that the main reason behind the blindness is because it's taken over the counter by Nigerians for literally years at a time. It also says in the article that overusing it is extremely common and it's often taken without seeking a medical professional first. Blindness is literally a non-issue unless you for some reason take it for years on end even after the sickness has gone away or you take 100x the recommended dose all at once.

holy fuck that's huge
congrats user, keep doing the great job

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Or maybe with the quarantine people aren't working which means no income. No duh people would try to cancel as much expense as possible.

there gotta be a lot of natural deaths every month with over a billion people

Then the Chinese are lying out of their asses about things being back to normal

Chinese shills are going into damage control mode

This might be the dumbest comment in the entire thread congrats cletus

>China would never lie to make themselves look better though they lied at the start until they couldn't anymore


Just jack off bro. Kill your shitty sperms and make new ones retard.

I just talked to my American friend who lived in Beijing for 4 years and married a Chinese girl and asked him what is going on over there



Oh shit the Chinks got to him

all the shills bring up the diamond princess all the time
fuck off with your diamond princess shit

Hasn't even been two months yet, so those accounts can't have been deleted yet. I even remember reading an article where the Chinese businesses affected by the quarantine were taking out loans so that they can pay their employees while the lockdown was in effect.

But it says in the OP that they use their mobile accounts to pay for everything in China.

via telephone. this corona shit is getting serious.

good thread

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Am I missing something here?

The first link the base units are in thousands so its only -7254 less customers for February.

Second link is also in thousands so the difference again is only -1200.

The third link is the only one where the units are in millions and yes theres a -5.6m. However comparing December 19 to January 20 there was only a 430,000 increase and numbers were on a steady decline from September 2019. Is it not possible a new provider that offered better money for value came on the blocks during this time? Or some other valid reason for the decline of this companies numbers.

If I'm missing something can somebody please point out my mistakes.

>the gweilo know

It’s very different in China. OP is correct with regards to the mobile payment system there.

I'm not good at numbers, but if people were disconnecting their old accounts and replacing it with better accounts, then the numbers should not have declined, numbers should have remained the same or even climbed higher since more people would have chosen the better value offer.

is it possible those accounts where held by entities outside of china?

The government uses mobile numbers to track people, surveil people, issue social credit scores, etc. so that seems unlikely.

That is becuz the US Gov kicked their Jounalists out and restricted them under 'Foreign diplomatic mission'

Let the Americunts stew in their stupidity

upper bound on possible chinese deaths is 50 million @ 3.5%
due to long incubation period, it is unlikely that the entire population was infected, i estimate upper bound of 2% infected as of today.

at 2% infected that's 1 million dead. 100,000 if cases aren't being reported because they're usually mild.
but 1 thing is certain and that is china's official numbers are bullshit

True if big

>You're a fucking nutcase. No country would be able to hide 100k dead bodies let alone 14.5m, especially when the entire world was watching it.
Cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks.

But in the OP, it's said that they use their mobile accounts for everything in China. I even read on some article back when this was all starting that the businesses affected by the quarantine were taking out loans to pay their employees so that they have some money for the next couple of months. It hasn't even been two months since the beginning of the lockdown, so those accounts should not have been deleted.

Also this: . China has even had gulags for decades and have been sending political detractors and anyone opposing the Communist regime to the gulags.

bold of you to post that picture of yourself while calling other people retards

Actual french frog expat living in china here.

Yes, CCP is definitely lying about the number of death, but I suspect most of these phone sub going out is because of the absolute massive hecatombe of chinese businesses. I would say that half the small businesses renting a shop space in China went bankrupt. Current projection of GDP is -33% for Q1 2020.
Actual hunger is a serious concern, and even if the lockdown is basically lifted, the army/CCP is still mobilized and anyone spreading "disinformation" politely silenced. (like for example that what a coincidence that the most advanced chinese doing research on weaponized bat-borne coronavirus viral lab is a mere 20km away from the primary cluster of a bat borne coronavirus turned pandemic while several scandal of lab reseracher selling animal corpses to food market hapenned only a few years before).

I would say that half the population believe that trump did it, the other half doesnt care and only think about scamming the others in order to pay for food next week.

maybe china made the corona virus to gain maximum power from the west. now chinese can buy cheap stocks, even cheaper oil and dollar, strategic sites etc...

Just the flu bro, the Chinese have it all under control, they would never attempt to cover up the true numbers!

let's compare to the hacked numbers

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>so its only -7254 less customers for February.
It’s in thousands. 1 unit = 1000 so 7,254,000

I’m inclined to think it was a genetically modified research sample that somehow got loose. The Chinese are not exactly known for quality workmanship.

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>vatican city numbers

They are preparing themselves for the collapse of western hegemony

This. I mean, I always look at the Taiwanese and the people of HK as examples of what China can potentially be like. They're basically the same people, but without the retarded-ass communism.


Again, China is fucked because of the coronavirus fucking it's own economy, and then because no one is gonna want to deal with china with the anti-globalization movement that is gonna sprew as a consequence of the current crisis (Just look at 1929... Reaction in every fucking coutry was national protectionism)

The west is also fucked, because all the growth since 2009 was based on companies buying their own stocks thanks to easy money from the central banks, and now the market is correcting.

The Fed is gonna print 30 trillions of extra dollars over the next month, and is never gonna offload the assets.

That's more than two time the amount of repo of the last ten years... over a month.

The funniest in all of this ? It's not gonna inflate the dollar. Everyone is hard as fuck for the USD, because of it's utility value. When everything is going to shit, you want to sell sell sell so that you can buy the dip/TP/Food.

Corona-chan was not the trigger in the west. It's the oil price war. OPEC is fucked, Shale in canada/Us is fucked.
FFS, candian baril went to fucking $5 today, and WTI hit below $20.

A bunch of boomers dying will also not impact the economy much (if anything, less leech and rent seekers).
However, because everyone is looking at corona, it will have long lasting effect on politics and will push people to ask for stronger border, immigration control, currency sovereignity.
I believe it could be the end of the EU in it's current form.


someone post the chink b& pasta spam

Please stop posting you mongoloids.

Attached: 1545357249738.jpg (969x1107, 109.72K)

chinksects is the proper term

What's the story behind this table?
Is it just bullshit fakery or is there some elaborate mysterious story behind it?

based microwave death ray and corona catalyst

Agreeing with everything except
>and will push people to ask for stronger border, immigration control, currency sovereignity
Like people have a say in this...

iirc it was a hack and it was fixed within an hour. I guess the official statement was haha silly hacker nothing to see here.

Did all the dudes on Chinese tinder look the same?

Ahh, so most likely accurate if true.

The only Wuhan has 11 millions of people, if just 10% of the poulation got sick, this is makes at least 1.1 millions of infected, if we calculate a 1% mortality rate there are at least 11.000 deads, but i doubt they managed to close the area before the virus spreaded in all china (since people infected spreaded all over china too).

If you all really wanna get info try finding an Army dude in S2 (someone has to have an army friend) and see if they have any info on China? Of course their intel is probably Chinese manpower... come on bro’s think outside the box here

>ever considering selling link
>never gonna make it

Except Yas Forums. Yas Forums will find out.

Someone never stepped foot outside of Capitalism

>sources, including all previous years' data for comparison (2020 is the only time we see this massive drop):
Are there archive versions before they get taken down?

I like to get my ass pounded by bbc

Bud you might wanna really dig into that theory

15 million dead is a way more reasonable number when you consider they were mass deploying mobile cremation centers, and locked down a population greater than that of the entire USA.

This good find. China is probably about to execute every CEO of this company for not hiding this info. Such is the way of communism.

They were destroyong everyones phones in wuhan when it started getting bad and they started locking people up, there was a video and all of this happening.

The 3.4% CCDR as given by the WHO is derived from observations that include Chinese numbers, and has been consistently revised upwards as this has gone on; it was originally about 1% at the outset of WHO estimates
Countries testing the population at large, and not just critical cases, seem to average out at closer to 5%
If 1/4 of China's population got it, that's 350 million people
With a 5% death rate, that's about 17.5 million
That really doesn't make the 15 million number seem so far-fetched, especially when you consider that countries are outright stating that anywhere from 50%-70% of people could get infected

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Where can I find a dame like this?

Pic related I guess

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Ruh roh

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Has anyone heard of a Russian city having an outbreak?

Maybe it's a Russian plot with north Korea to fuck China

Kim got mad at china for trying to replace him with uncle, gave a "Christmas" present to the world courtesy of Putin

Putin seizes the opportunity to expand his influence while major rivals (China, us, eu) are off balance


I thought the French dudes study said it was more effective than chloroquine and much more mild side effects

This is proof all you need to do is buy Chinese projects like Suterusu and wait. The bounce-back is going to be amazing.

This. The chinks will use this as an opportunity to push their colonial agenda, in a depopulated African continent.


So true

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LMAO BRO FUNNY AF if I get China virus I’m partying harder and thinking of this post

And???? Come one asshole we’re all waiting

100k dead seems like a good ballpark, extrapolating from Italy's figures

literary Yas Forums the thread


for 15 million people to die at a 3.4% death date, over one third od their entire country would have to be infected. We got a shitton of footage of Wuhan government activity. Wouldn't we literally see even more of that if China was trying to contain a nation wide epidemic?

m8 they quarantined 700M people and with how easy the virus spreads, it's perfectly reasonable

Estimates in Europe and the US are projecting 60-80% of the population could get it

that's a lot of bats

>slanty eyed bat eating insectoids
Wow such originality, I hope your mommy's proud of you for coming up with that.

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wait so they cant prank phone call or order pizzas to someones house because your national ID is tied to your phone?

people caught spreading info can be put to death or sent to labor camps

This, there's a reason why Hong Kong is one of the world's best economies

That didnt happen

I lived in China. You can buy sims in a street store easily. It's not tied to your Chinese ssn. WeChat is even free....

Why'd you live in China?

you are right

you idiots are both right and wrong becuase you are arguing about two different things. chloroquinine has a range of side effects on many people and can be dangerous for some people depending on underlying condiitons and genetics. hydroxychloroquinine is much more benign and well tolerated but slightly less "powerful" against malaria yet it is universally preferred these days due to lower risk of side effects. almost nobody makes or prescribes chloroquinine anymore. hydroxychloroquinine has been the standard for a few decades now

of course every drug even the most common oones have risks and there will always be some people who have bad reactions and cant tolerate it but for most people hydroxychloroquinine is safe and well tolerated.

holy shit is this the product of millennial college indoctrination i mean education? google tiananmen square and mao tse dong idiot

I WENT TO THAT EXHIBIT, they display real human bodies preserved with plastification. That image is the perfectly intact cardiovascular system of a real human head, capillaries and all

the bodies are purchased from china, who gets them by executing Uyghurs and people caught practicing Falun Gong

this so much. its biowarfare. and the italian retards are falling for the propaganda campaign

So in china lives 1,4 bill people? If one in average live 70 years 1,4 bill / 70 = 20 million die naturally
every year, 1 million 6 hundred die every month
55 thousand people die every day in China and that is naturally normal for 1,4 bill population.
Can you see how many unsubscribes suppose to be by naturally cause with out virus swindle?
So your numbers you stupid baboons show that market is not saturated yet. when you see 4 - 5 thousand unsubscribes because of natural death, only then you can declare that everyone in China have smart phone soon.
It does not mean anything truth in this whole tread just agents misleading people , spreading fear... . do you know what gov fear ? we get together in to rule of the people (direct democracy) and first we will hang all representatives. Fear no one but God (if you dumb) or fear only to lie to the other people because we need hang fiew deceivers in public place and start hunting psychopath 1% medically incapable for compassion people, 'Fish heads' we use to club for everyone's safety.
Just get together and look in to it who give orders find that dude and club it out! Any one who with out sincerity about own needs suggest to imagine for many people, We need identify clowns and club them immediately if we want to survive. oh you closed your business? Lead us to a person who delivered that order to you , if no wack dude out if Yes take next to responsibility for own actions. We need to purge gang of free masons and other gangs secret hand shakers . Everyone who does harm disturbances for peoples life just shoot in a head there is no time to wait . Other ways they will come with bamboozled youth in uniforms and will kill you. Kill every single leader delivering orders and telling to people what to do.
Highest authority is we all gathered in a millions of meetings called Popular Peoples Congress where all our decisions will be made in the future. Point your guns to leaders, hang on the trees owners

NO china has 1/5 worlds population 1.4 billion people .
1 400 000 000 (billion) milion is 1 000 000
Free masons jew servants steal from humanity only with imaginary space swindle $19.4 billion every year from tax payers pockets

Some Twitter fag said it causes retinal damage. Not a good idea for us 4 eyed neets

Well said, hang the supreme leader and tear down those 5G towers

do you know that in china 55 000 people die evry day of natural cause because they have got population 1 400 000 000 (bilion people) one fifth of the worlds population.
THEY LIE, STOP BELIEVE , CHECK EVERY SINGLE STATEMENT and it is time to hunt down deceivers it is a very small amount of lying agents that manipulate public, just find and club them and all thins swindle will be over.
Lead me to the man that deliver orders to you or die by yourself

>believing in CCP telecom/unicom reports

rjuhnr3urhu2rhu2ru2hruhu2hru2 ru2hr2 uhr urhuru3 h2uhru2 ru2h 2uih rui urhui9hruhrur hui2rhui2rh wurh wuiorh uifnwnfe uifhuiwfh uifhuofhwfbfjbfefnn frfnkfnjefwefnefwnkefwefwefwjkefwnj efnkefnkefefnjkferkfwfwefwfwfw fwfwf

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>when you forgot to switch languages



Hahaha mao killed 45 to 60 million people. The reason we don't know exactly is because it's very hard to track such large numbers of corpses.

Communists always lie because their system is based on denying reality

>China lied about their numbers
Who would have thought?

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Ok mr Ming Chang

Having lived there, not only is every Chinese person glued to their phone constantly as well as phones being absolutely essential to life there now with mobile payments, but it's cheap as hell to have mobile service. Good quality phone service is like $8 a month. Even the dirt poor can afford that.

based useful OP. more threads like this less link dog shit